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A Box of Tricks


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Zoe giggled nervously as she wondered what Alesha would come up with. "True, it is," she replied, "so what do you want me to do?"


Alesha's first demand was that the girls head back to their dorm room to drop off their stuff, and once that was done she immediately led Zoe back outside and steered her towards the university's leisure centre.

It was a boiling hot day and after all of the running around Alesha had done she'd worked up quite a sweat, so in order to cool down she suggested a dip in the swimming pool. Zoe, who was now indebted to her friend, had no choice but to agree, and so after leaving the Forgotten Cage in Zoe's locker the friends changed into a couple of two-piece swimming suits, headed out to the main pool, and then spent half an hour or so messing around in the refreshingly cool water.

The leisure centre was quite busy that afternoon as a lot of students headed indoors to try and escape the heat, and so Zoe was getting increasingly nervous as she floated around and waited for Alesha to reveal what her dare would be. Eventually she was put out of her misery when Alesha pulled her over to the deep end, where the two rested up against the side of the pool and looked up at the diving boards.

"So your first dare," Alesha grinned, "is to fake a wardrobe malfunction."

"What does that mean?" Zoe asked, unsure as to whether or not she wanted to find out.

"Well," her friend continued, "in a minute I dare you to go up to the highest board and dive off it. Then, before you resurface, I want you to take off your bottoms and get out of the pool, acting as if you didn't notice that they slid down when you hit the water. Oh, and then you can only cover up if someone comes over to tell you that you're half-naked, but until then you have to pretend that nothing's wrong."

Zoe stared at her friend in total disbelief. "What? You want me to flash my pussy and butt to everyone in here?" she gasped.

"Hey, you started this," Alesha smirked, "I had to flash my boobs to all those cricketers, so now it's your turn to show some skin."

"But you got to cover yourself up with your hands," Zoe objected, as she only half-jokingly splashed some water in her friend's face, "so they barely saw anything!"

"Yeah, but mine was clearly an embarrassing and humiliating dare," Alesha argued, splashing Zoe back, "while yours will just be a harmless accident! You'll have nothing to be ashamed of."

"Nothing to be ashamed of?" Zoe hissed, even though she knew that her protests were in vain. The game was the game, and as Alesha correctly pointed out Zoe had started this whole dare thing off in the first place. "I still think this is massively unfair, but fine," Zoe grumbled, shaking her head disapprovingly at Alesha before pushing off from the side and swimming down towards the end of the pool.

Alesha watched on with glee as her friend pulled herself out of the water and began the long, long climb up the stairs to the highest diving board. Zoe had to wait there for a moment as a couple of other swimmers jumped off first, but then all too soon the board was clear and it was her turn to take the plunge.

"Woo, go Zoe!" Alesha whooped as she unhelpfully cheered her friend on from bellow, and in return Zoe gave her the finger, took a deep breath, and then jumped off the board, performing a half-turn in the air before landing in the water with a considerable splash. After taking a moment to reappear Zoe's head broke back up above the surface, and with a resigned look on her face she began to slowly swim back over to Alesha.

"Did you do it?" Alesha asked as Zoe drew near, but then before her friend could answer she ducked under the water to take a quick peek for herself. "Ah you did!" she squealed as she resurfaced, and Zoe, who had indeed secretly stripped as she'd been instructed, grimaced a little as she self-consciously palmed her swimming bottoms over to Alesha.

"Can you keep hold of these please, I don't want to lose them," she muttered as she doggy-paddled her way past Alesha, heading straight towards one of the ladders in the corner which led up out of the pool.

If any of the other swimmers had paid close attention to Zoe as she swam past then they may have realised that there was a noticeable lack of material covering her butt, but luckily for her the distortion through the water was just enough to keep her naked lower half unnoticed. Unnoticed that was until she reached the side of pool and began to climb out.

Alesha couldn't stop herself from grinning as she watched her friend's bare butt emerge from the pool, her eyes widening as streams and rivulets of water ran down off Zoe's legs as she reached the top of the ladder, turned to her left, and then began what felt like a very long walk back towards the changing rooms.

To be fair to Zoe she managed to hold her nerve remarkably well and convincingly act as if she had no idea that she'd left her bottoms in the pool, walking slowly and calmly with her hands swinging freely by her sides. A few shocked whispers and giggles emerged from the swimmers around Alesha as they noticed Zoe's shocking 'wardrobe malfunction', but no one called out to her until a life guard jumped down from his elevated chair and ran over to intercept her.

"Err miss?" he stammered, nervously glancing between Zoe's eyes and her bare pussy.

"Yes?" Zoe replied, cringing internally as she forced herself not to cover up despite the acute embarrassment of standing there bottomless in front of this good looking lifeguard. In an attempt at nonchalance she shifted her weight onto one hip and tried not to clench her butt, as she forced what she hoped looked like a laidback kind of smile.

"You, umm..." The lifeguard seemed genuinely lost for words as he awkwardly gestured down at Zoe's crotch. "I think you've forgotten your..."

Zoe looked down and pretended to notice her nudity for the first time. With a genuine scream she clamped both hands down over her pussy, then changed her mind and used one to futilely try and cover up her butt too as she adopted a comically embarrassed pose.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry!" she squealed, barging past the lifeguard and running along the edge of the pool as everyone around her burst out into laughter.

Alesha pulled herself out of the water and hurried after her friend, and when she reached the changing rooms she found Zoe sitting in front of her locker with a towel wrapped around her waist and the Forgotten Cage sitting on her lap. The other women around the bench were watching Zoe warily, which was unsurprising as she'd just burst through the door half naked.

When she saw Alesha appear Zoe smiled ruefully and pressed the Jewel, then with her dignity restored she shook her head, slumped back on the bench, and laughed. "Fuck you, that was so much worse than my dare!" she joked as Alesha took a seat next to her. The other women had now gone back to changing in or out of their swimwear, and so the girls were free to chuckle to themselves as they reflected on Zoe's embarrassing challenge.

"You handled it like a pro though," Alesha laughed, giving her friend a hug. "Everyone definitely thought that it was a genuine accident."

"Yeah well, you just be careful my friend," Zoe said as she got to her feet, making sure to keep her towel held in place. "It's your turn next, and I'm coming for revenge!"


After getting changed the two girls strolled back out into the sun and began the walk back to their dorm. Although it was now late afternoon it was still warm out, and as the girls strolled down the road, idly chatting away, an ice cream van parked on the other side of the street caught Zoe's attention.

"Hey," she said, nudging Alesha as she had an idea, "can I give you two dares in a row?"

"What? No!" Alesha instinctively replied. One dare on its own was already bad enough, and she definitely didn't fancy dealing with a pair of them at once.

"Oh come on, please," Zoe pleaded. "If you do it then I'll let you give me two in a row afterwards as well, how about that?"

Alesha thought for a moment and then groaned. "Urgh... fine. Deal," she relented, wondering why she put herself in these kind of situations, and the girls shook hands again.

"Ok great - so your first dare is to go over there and get us two ice creams," Zoe instructed, pointing at the van. "But... you can't use any money to buy them."

Alesha frowned. "So how am I meant to get them for free?"

"By using your other attributes!" Zoe replied, glancing meaningfully down at her friend's chest.

After a second or two Alesha realised what she meant and began to laugh. "Oh my God Zoe!" she blushed. "You mean I have to flash the guy in return for an ice cream?"

"In return for two ice creams," Zoe specified, "and if you only get one out of him then you fail the dare. Now come on, get over there and put your girls to work!"

Alesha dramatically rolled her eyes but then dutifully set off across the road and walked up to the van. Inside it a young, skinny guy was hunched over, tinkering with something at the back of the soft-serve machine, and when he noticed Alesha approaching he stepped to the window and leant down to take her order.

"Hi there," Alesha said, "could I have two magnums please?"

"Sure," the skinny guy replied, reaching into a freezer by his side and pulling out the ice creams. "That will be three-fifty please."

"Erm... two secs..." Alesha made an exaggerated show of searching through her pockets as she pretended to look for any cash, patting at the shorts she'd changed into after the swimming pool and shaking her head as if she were confused. "I'm so sorry but I seem to have forgotten my money," she eventually explained apologetically, and the ice cream guy shrugged.

"No worries, I'll be here for a while if you want to come back later," he said noncommittally.

"But my dorm is so far," Alesha moaned, turning to look forlornly down the road. "And it's so hot out today... are you sure there isn't any other way I could pay you?"

"What do you mean?" the guy asked.

"Well, I don't have any cash," Alesha said, pointedly readjusting her top to better emphasise her cleavage, "but maybe I could trade you something else instead?"

"Such as?"

"Such as," Alesha giggled excitedly, "a quick flash of my boobs?"

The ice cream guy grinned and leant back slightly, crossing his arms over his chest as he considered this unusual offer. "Oh, ok... well let's see them first, and then I'll decide if that's a fair deal," he smirked.

"Oh trust me," Alesha scoffed, "they're worth it."

She hadn't bothered putting on a bra after the pool and so, after quickly glancing left and right to check that no one would see, when Alesha pulled her t-shirt up to her neck her tits were fully exposed, to the obvious delight of the ice cream guy.

"Very nice," he nodded appreciatively, and Alesha playfully shook her chest at him before pulling her top back down.

"So, is that a fair enough deal for you?" she asked, proud of the reaction her boobs had elicited.

The guy smiled cheekily. "Sure. Here you go, one magnum as we agreed." He smugly placed one of the ice creams on the ledge of the van's window, causing Alesha to scowl.

"One? I thought we said two?"

"Nah," the guy replied, "don't get me wrong, you do have amazing tits, but they're still only worth one ice cream I'm afraid. For the second one I'm going to need to see something else."

Alesha shook her head. "You're unbelievable!"

Despite melodramatically pouting at the guy's mischievous demands, in reality Alesha wasn't actually mad. Flashing this grateful stranger was actually proving to be quite a thrill, and seeing as he'd be forced to forget about the entire thing in a minute did it really matter if she showed him a little more skin than she'd originally intended?

"Hey," the guy reasoned, "you were the one who suggested this trade in the first place. I'm still letting you off without paying, remember?"

"Fine... you win," Alesha tutted, turning her back on the van and quickly unbuttoning her shorts.

Although there were plenty of pedestrians walking past no one seemed to be paying any particular attention to Alesha, so she quickly bent at the waist, slipped her shorts and panties down, and flashed her butt at the ice cream guy. Alesha stayed frozen in that position for a few seconds, with her legs locked straight and her bottoms hanging half way down her thighs, and trying hard to ignore Zoe who was clutching her stomach as she laughed at her friend from across the road.

"Happy now?" Alesha asked, tugging her shorts back up and spinning round to face the ice cream guy.

"Very," he grinned, passing over the second magnum. "Here, you've earnt these. And hey, if you ever pass by here again then come over and say hi, I'm sure we can think of a few more ways to get you some free ice creams."

Alesha chuckled to herself as she picked up the magnums and turned to walk away. "Thanks, I'll consider it..." With her dare successfully completed she strode triumphantly back across the road, strutted up to her friend, and passed Zoe her ice cream. "There you go," Alesha smiled, genuinely quite pleased with herself. "One magnum, free of charge, as promised."

"Thank you my friend," Zoe grinned, "and may I say how impressive your little display was? I thought you'd have a hard time convincing that guy but no, with boobs like yours it was like stealing candy from a baby."

Alesha sniggered as the pair began to walk again. "Well, more like stealing ice cream from a horny nineteen-year-old, but sure. Now pass over the box, please," she politely requested, reaching her hand out for the Forgotten Cage.

"Hang on," Zoe replied, unwrapping her magnum and taking a lick, "I haven't given you your second dare yet, have I?"

"Err, no?" Alesha replied cautiously.

"Well then your second dare," Zoe laughed as she suddenly took off and began to run away down the street, "is to not use the box!"

"Oh you bitch!" Alesha gasped as she looked back at the ice cream van in despair. The skinny guy was still watching her walk away, and when their eyes met he gave her a cheery wave. Now he'd be able to keep his memories of Alesha's tits and ass, and every time she passed by she'd be reminded of that fact.

"Hey, a dare's a dare!" Zoe cackled over her shoulder as she fled back towards their dorm.

"I'm going to kill you!" Alesha screamed, chucking her ice cream into a bin as she began to chase after her friend. She didn't know what she'd make Zoe do for her double dose of dares, but now she knew it would be something pretty extreme.


With no more lectures or exams to worry about the girls were free to enjoy the rest of their final week at university as they pleased, and those last few days just so happened to take place during the middle of one of the hottest summers on record. Keen to make the most of the heatwave Zoe and Alesha packed some drinks, towels, and tanning lotion into a couple of bags, then headed out to the small park across the street from their accommodation block to soak up some rays.

Soon the friends were stretched out on the grass, basking in the scorching midday heat, and to entertain herself Alesha had begun to check out some of their fellow sunbathers, starting with one woman who was lying on her back a few feet in front of the two girls.

"Damn... check out that ass," she murmured, nudging Zoe in the ribs to make her look too.

"Mmm..." Zoe glanced up and nodded approvingly at the aforementioned ass, as it really was quite impressive. It was made even more eye-catching by the fact that its owner was wearing a skimpy thong-style bikini bottom, one which left very little to the imagination.

"I wish mine looked that good... and that tanned," Alesha sighed, taking a rueful sip from her can of gin and tonic.

Zoe reached over and slapped her friend's butt scoldingly. "Oi, don't say that. You have an amazing ass too, and you know it. And as for tanned then well, how do you expect to put on any colour when you're still all covered up?" she argued.

The girls had worn relatively skimpy bikinis under their t-shirts and denim shorts, and the moment they'd reached the park Zoe had stripped straight down to her bathing suit, thinking nothing of it after all of the time she'd spent sunbathing at home in her parents' backyard. Alesha was a little more self-conscious though, despite her antics with the cricketers and the ice cream guy, and so far she'd only taken her shirt off.

"I don't know Zoe, it just feels weird... there's so many strangers around, I don't know how I feel about lying here with my ass out," Alesha protested, looking around at the park which was indeed completely rammed full of sunbathers.

Her roommate tutted at her disapprovingly. "Then just lie on your back! Come on, get them off..."

Zoe pestered Alesha until her friend finally caved, flipped over, lifted up her hips, and slipped off her shorts. "Ok you're right... this does feel nice," Alesha admitted, smiling as the sun quickly began to warm up her thighs.

She began to relax as she adjusted her bikini bottoms, bundled her shirt up over her face, and then started to nap, and by her side Zoe peacefully read her book as she lay stretched out on her stomach. Someone somewhere was playing low-fi hip-hop on a speaker, and it provided a pleasantly vibey soundtrack to what was a gloriously lazy afternoon.

After five minutes or so Zoe felt confident enough to reach behind her and untie her bikini top, in order to avoid getting any tan lines across her back, and then a moment or two later she stealthily pulled out the top half of her swimming suit out from under her boobs and stuffed it onto her bag. As well as being more comfortable it also felt a little bit naughty to be sunbathing there properly topless, even if she was still lying on her front, and Zoe smiled to herself as she noticed a couple of people nosily glancing over at her.

"Ooh, someone's feeling daring," Alesha giggled, rolling over onto her front and noticing Zoe's completely bare back for the first time.

Her friend turned and grinned back at her. "Honestly Alesha it feels so much better, you should lose your top too," Zoe urged.

"I'm sure you're right... so do you take your top off when you're sunbathing in your back garden too?" Alesha deflected, even though she'd already heard quite a bit about Zoe's tanning regime over the last few months.

"Yeah, all the time now," Zoe confirmed, folding her arms and resting her head down onto them.

"Even when your dad and brother are around?" Alesha teased, admiring the impressive amount of side-boob that was bulging out from underneath Zoe's chest.

"Well obviously when they're in the house I just stay lying on my front. But when it's only me, or just me and Mum, then yeah, I go fully topless," Zoe laughed, angling her sunglasses down to look directly at Alesha. "And this is probably too much information, but when the sun is beaming directly onto your nipples it feels so, so good!"

"Really?" Alesha sniggered, having never tried it before.

Zoe sighed contentedly, arching her back as she stretched out on her towel. "Oh my God yeah," she purred, "and again, this might sound weird, but it makes you feel kind of horny too!"

Alesha and Zoe giggled as they continued to discuss the more sensual effects that tanning could have on one's body, and after a while their conversation turned to how unfair it was that women weren't allowed to sunbathe topless in public.

"It's so ridiculous! I mean look at that guy over there," Zoe complained, gesturing over at a very overweight man who was quickly turning dark red as he reclined on the grass, dressed only in a pair of shorts. "I mean his man-boobs are bigger than mine! But he can chill there, nipples out, without a care in the world, but if I, with my perfectly nice, inoffensive tits, were to sit up then oh no! Someone will complain, the police will probably be called, and somehow it's my fault. It's such a double standard..."


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