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A Broken Marriage Redefined

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A couple is heading for divorce until Gina exposes a secret.
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Divorce is never easy, and when you've bought a house together and your finances are entangled it's even worse. But at least Gina and Paul never had any kids...

Paul looked at his phone, the caller ID read 'Gina: EX Wife', it wasn't quite true yet but it was well on the way. Four months had passed since he'd moved out of the house they'd bought together and into a small flat around the corner from his work. Apparently Gina had moved on already and the last he heard she was banging a big guy called Mike or Mikey, or something... They remained civil but most of the negotiations were being handled by their solicitors, so Paul was a little surprised to get a direct call.

"Hi Gina, how are you?" Paul asked tentatively, wondering what had spurred her to contact him.

"Hi Paul, I'm good thanks... listen, I was wondering, could you come over to the house? Only... I really need to talk to you about something."

"Like what?"

"Umm, well I think it would be easier to talk face to face... could you come pretty soon?"

Paul looked at the clock, his work was finished in fifteen minutes.

"Well, I guess I could pop by in a bit..." he offered.

"Great. I'll see you later then."

Paul shut down the call and wondered what the hell she could want to see him for, they hadn't seen each other since he'd moved out, and barring a few slightly awkward but generally personable phone calls they'd had almost no contact. He mulled it over in his head and then it came to him, maybe she wanted to know when he was moving the rest of his stuff out? Yeah, that must be it... well until the divorce was settled he was stuck in his little flat, he just didn't have the room, unless she wanted to pay for him to store it.

He got a little riled up then and snatched his phone up again, stabbing his fingers at the screen to get her back on the line so he could chew her out, but she didn't answer.

"Dammit!" he muttered. Why did he agree to go and see her? He wasn't her fucking husband anymore.

Well technically he was, but it was all but over and done. Paul was still a little confused about why it all fell apart so quickly, he had adored her and even as it was disintegrating around him Paul still hadn't managed to shake his feelings for her off. Indeed, while Gina had moved on Paul hadn't so much been on a single date, nor had he even tried. He made all the right noises when his friends told him he needed to get back on the horse, but somehow he still carried a flame for Gina and he felt it was pointless trying to find someone else until it was firmly extinguished.

He took his sweet time and arrived at the house about an hour and a half later. He walked up to his old front door and knocked. That felt odd, straight away.

"You took your time," said Gina as she opened the door. "Something wrong?"

"No, I just had things to do," he answered a little too abruptly.

It was only then that Paul noticed Gina was wearing nothing but a thin robe and was clearly naked underneath. He looked awkwardly at her, she was just as beautiful as he remembered and his cock stirred a little as memories of the times they'd shared came back to him.

"You look... nice," he said, then wished he'd kept his thoughts to himself.

"Thank you," she smiled. "I'm sorry to call you over here like this but... I wanted to ask a massive favour."


Now it was Gina's turn to look slightly on the back foot.

"Come in then..."

Paul stepped into his old house and looked around.

"So... it's not about my stuff then?"


"My stuff. I presumed you wanted to know when I was moving the rest of my stuff out."

"No, no it's not that..."

"Oh... well, good."

"No you can leave it as long as you like, it's not a problem, there's plenty of room here after all."

Paul bit his tongue to stop himself from saying something sarcastic, but he stared hard at the back of her head as he followed her into their lounge.

"Right, okay... so what did you want to see me about?"

Gina looked a little sheepish.

"Well, this is going to sound awfully cheeky, but... you know about Mike I presume?"


"Yes, my sister's got a mouth on her hasn't she, that was never going to stay private for long... ah well, whatever. Water under the bridge."

Gina turned and walked over to the sofa. Paul couldn't help but notice her bare legs, so sexy, smooth and soft, he'd always loved her legs... in fact he'd always loved every inch of her body.

"So," she said, sitting down on the leather sofa. "What about you, are you seeing anyone?"

"Not yet," said Paul. He decided to stay standing, and kept his distance a little as well.

"I guess it will happen sooner or later," he added, trying not to give away his true feelings on the matter.

"Oh really, no one night stands or anything...?"

"Well, I haven't really had time..."

Gina crossed her legs and her robe shifted to reveal the full length of her beautiful thigh.

"And do you... do you still think about me?"


"Do you still think about me, sometimes?"

"Well, I guess so... I mean, we were together a long while, so..."

"Do you think about me when you're... you know?"

Paul didn't think that was any of her God damned business frankly.

"Err, I..."

Gina uncrossed her legs and let them open a little, the robe was loosely tied and every movement exposed a little more of Gina's alluring skin.

"It's okay, if you do... I think about you sometimes."

"Do you?" exclaimed Paul, he wasn't expecting that.

"Uh-huh, sometimes..."

Gina licked her lips and allowed her robe to slip open just a little more.

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about."

Paul was finding it difficult to concentrate on their conversation now, as his cock was slowly starting to harden.

"You see, the thing is, I... I don't quite know how to say this, but..."

Paul tore his eyes away from her enticing body and looked her straight in the eyes, was she about to ask him to give their marriage another shot? He doubted it, but the conversation seemed to be heading in that direction.

"I... I miss when... I miss when you used to use your... tongue on me." Gina finally managed to spit it out.

Paul looked slightly puzzled. This he was not expecting. At all.

"Look, don't take this the wrong way, I mean, I'm not asking for us to get back together or anything, I think we both know that would be a mistake, and obviously there's the situation with Mike to consider".

Paul couldn't quite believe this, had she seriously asked him to come round to lick her pussy. He didn't know whether to feel proud or supremely offended. He settled on proud... and slightly cocky.

"Oh, so Mikey's not quite doing it for you..." he asked with a wry smile.

Gina allowed herself a second to gather her thoughts.

"Mike is great, he's in amazing shape and his cock is... well, it's pretty big to be honest."

The smile fell sharply from Paul's face.

"A lot bigger than yours anyway..."

Paul took on a belligerent look, but he couldn't stop himself from picturing Gina's pussy impaled on Mike's big, thick cock.

"And he does make me cum... most of the time. But, it's not quite the same as when it was with you. He doesn't love my pussy like you did, or maybe still do..."

Paul shifted awkwardly, he would happily crawl over broken glass to taste Gina's gorgeous pussy again, but he had to at least try and maintain a little dignity.

"So you thought you'd call me and have me come all the way over here, just to lick your pussy?"

Paul looked at her incredulously, painfully aware of the bulge in his trousers that she couldn't fail to have noticed as well.

"Well, when you put it like that Paul, I guess I did..."

Gina moved a little and exposed a little more of herself, Paul was helpless as he tried to resist looking down between her thighs at her beautiful, smoothly shaved slit.

"And what about Mike? Does he know about this?"

"No, and I'd like to keep it that way, for the moment."

Paul glanced down to see that her robe had opened further still and now he could clearly see her pussy. Although he hated to admit it, he'd been thinking of nothing else but her delicious cunt for the last four months. Literally every time he jerked off his thoughts always returned to Gina's slippery, wet hole and how much he used to love licking it and making her cum.

"You've missed it haven't you," said Gina, opening her legs to give him a better view.

"You adored my pussy when we were together, perhaps you still dream about tasting it



"It's okay Paul, nobody needs to know... besides, Mike probably has other girls on the go for all I know. We're fucking, that's all... I don't want a permanent relationship, I haven't sorted out the last one yet..."

Gina slowly opened her thighs still further and allowed him to gaze at her pussy properly, it looked so pink, slippery and wet. Paul licked his lips, the last vestiges of dignity and restraint abandoning him in droves.

"Please Paul, you're the only one who knows how I like it... you still love me enough to want me to be happy don't you?"

Paul hesitated and then slowly moved forward, the sight of her pussy was absolutely intoxicating and even though he knew this was a terrible idea he couldn't help himself. He slowly moved between her legs and knelt on the carpet. He could smell her musk now and the smell brought back so many good memories...

"That's a good boy, you know you want it too..."

Paul leaned closer and ran his tongue up the side of her pussy lips. Gina shivered and arched her back trying to move her clit to his tongue, but Paul wasn't playing ball and kept moving his tongue around, keeping her guessing. He'd make her cum alright, but she'd have to wait until he was ready.

Suddenly, Paul realised something was different... her pussy tasted strange, not quite as he remembered, it was almost as if...

"You can taste it can't you?" teased Gina.

Paul looked up at her, and his cock throbbing insistently.

"Does it taste like you thought it would? I mean, I'm sure you must have thought about it over the last few months, what with your little... 'cuckold' fantasies and everything."

Paul stopped licking her for a second.

"How did you know about that?" he asked, worriedly.

"How do you think? I didn't know how to bring it up with you so in the end I tried to ignore it."

Paul glowered at her.

"So what you searched my laptop?"

"Yeah, pretty much... but don't worry I haven't told anyone. Not even Mike."

Paul was pissed but he couldn't sustain his anger with Gina's inviting and used pussy just inches away from his face.

"I presume you'd like to keep it that way?"

Paul nodded slowly and Gina pressed her pussy forwards, prompting him to return to his task.

"That's it, you are sooo good with your tongue..."

So at last she knew at least something of his fantasies, but how much did she read and how far into his private space did she venture?

"If I could find a man with Mike's cock and your tongue, I would die a very happy woman," she said breathlessly.

Paul pressed his tongue further between her lips and felt them part easily, she seemed a lot looser than when he'd been the only one fucking her.

"Umm yeah, that feels so nice, Mike stretched me good huh?"

Paul groaned into her pussy and was rewarded by a stream of warm, creamy cum pooling onto his tongue. Gina moaned and arched her back again.

"Clean it, clean it all up for me," she moaned.

Paul obediently allowed the creamy fluid to slide down his throat for the first time, his humiliation was complete and his cocked ached like he'd never known before.

"Get the rest of it," Gina purred. "Eat it all out of me, I know you want to... you've dreamed about this haven't you, slurping another man's hot, sticky cum from your wife's well fucked cunt."

Gina leaned forward and pushed her fingers into his hair, fixing on his head and holding it firmly in place.

"Maybe if you'd told me this before we could have worked something out. I mean, you're not a bad guy, quite sweet really... maybe if you'd have admitted your little fantasy and allowed me to fuck other men... real men, with big hard cocks who want to pin me to the bed and fuck me hard and deep... like you never have, maybe then we could have stayed together."

Paul groaned into her groin, his skilful tongue working energetically.

"Would you have liked that Paul? Would you have liked to watch other men fucking me, pounding me... holding me down and taking my pussy and ass? Would you? Would you have licked me clean every time, no matter what? I think you would..."

Paul's cock was painfully hard and constricted now and he worked tirelessly, desperate to feel her buck and cum, just like she used to when she was his.

"Yes Paul, my 'tight little ass' isn't quite so tight anymore, not since Mike fucked it with his big cock... I mean, you never got anywhere with that did you... but Mike, well... the difference between you and Mike is that Mike didn't ask or beg, he just took what he wanted... and I gave it to him."

Paul pictured Gina's tight little ass stretching around Mikey's oversized cock.

"I wished you'd been here," she teased. "When he did it, when he took my ass and made it his. I won't lie, it hurt to start with, but after a while... Oh My God. He filled me so full of cum Paul, and you could have watched... and cleaned me afterwards."

Paul was trying to concentrate but Gina was making it so hard for him.

"Well Paul... would you? Would you have cleaned my cum filled ass after he finished using me?"

"Yes," groaned Paul. "Yes I would."

"And what about the others Paul, what about all the other men I could have fucked when I was with you, would you have cleaned up their messes as well?"

"Yes... yes."

"And what else would you have done Paul, would you have cleaned their cocks too? Cleaned their dirty, sweaty, pussy-juice covered cocks and balls too, like a Good - Little - Slut."

"Yes Gina..." whispered Paul as he slipped two fingers inside her loose, slippery cunt and worked his fingertips against her G-spot.

"Mmm, yeah... that's it," moaned Gina. "That's soooo fucking good. Don't stop, don't fucking stop until I cum."

Paul's tongue went into overdrive around Gina's aching clit and she writhed her hips, rubbing her cunt against him as he licked her.

"God yes, I want to see you do it Paul, I want to watch you debase yourself for me. Oh fuck, don't stop, don't stop!"

Paul knew from experience exactly how to push her over the edge. He pushed a third finger inside her to get it wet and then pushed it down so that it pressed against her asshole. What he didn't expect was how easily it slid inside her previously tight rosebud.

"Oh fuuuuuuuuck!" screamed Gina as she spasmed hard and came hard on Paul's agile tongue. "Fuck, fuck... Oh God, fuck!"

Gina came harder than she had in months, then gradually came down from her orgasmic high and eventually fell still - collapsed back on the sofa. Paul continued to gently lick around her delicious pussy and along her inner thighs, his cock was like iron, but he felt weird about touching it... almost as if he needed her permission or something.

"Oh fuck, your tongue is just as good as I remember it, thank you sweetheart, that was incredible."

Paul was thrown a bit, she hadn't called him sweetheart in an age.

"Oh my God, I can't believe how wet this sofa is, I came so fucking hard..."

Paul smiled, rather proud that he had managed to impress her all over again.

"And now perhaps we need to take care of you, eh?"

Paul felt embarrassed now, but his cock was insanely hard and he was desperate to cum.

"Come on, get up and get those trousers off."

Paul self-consciously rose to his feet and peeled down his trousers, his average cock standing out straight and bulging his boxer shorts. Gina's hand fell between her thighs, idly toying with her pussy as she watched him.

"Come on," she teased. "Let me see your little cock."

Paul peeled his boxers down and presented his 6" cock, it looked so small to Gina now that she was used to Mike's impressive meat.

"Kneel down and stroke for me," said Gina. "Stroke it and cum for me."

Paul grabbed his cock and started to pump it firmly. Gina looked down at him, smiling. She looked sexier than he could ever remember and he thought he would do just about anything she asked of him.

"My pussy is so wrecked Paul... Mike's cock has ruined it, even if I let you put your little cock inside of me I don't think either of us would feel a thing."

Paul groaned as he felt his orgasm approaching.

"That's it sweetheart, stroke that dick for me, are you going to cum for me and lick it up like a good little Cuck-boy?"

"Yes," moaned Paul.

"I want you to cum all over my beautiful pussy, all over the pussy that you can't stop thinking about... you need my pussy don't you, you need to taste it, clean it and make it cum, nothing else will do, will it?"

"Oh yeah..." groaned Paul as he humped his hand.

He moved closer and jerked his cock as hard as he could, a few seconds passed and then a huge spurt of cum erupted from the head of his cock and spattered across Gina's slippery, wet, well-used cunt. Another couple of spurts followed, but failed to reach their target.

"Come on," said Gina. "Don't waste all that lovely cum, lick it up for me, lick my beautiful pussy clean of all the mess you made. That's it, I knew you would love this too... you're going to be doing this a lot now Paul, you know that don't you?"

Paul looked up at her, the taste of his own cum still dripping from his tongue and made a decision that would define the rest of his life.

"Yes Mistress," said Paul for the first time.

Gina laughed and pulled his head deeper, "I like the sound of that, now make me cum again slut, I've missed this sooo much."

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AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

That’s one way to save a marriage with a closet cum eating cuckold. Keep writing this was a great story line..

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Really unlikely. During and right after most divorces there's a lot of anger and hurt feelings. He would have left her in the dust so fast, her head would have being spinning.

boydlockwoodboydlockwoodover 1 year ago

Dang, very very good, keep it going!

boydlockwoodboydlockwoodover 1 year ago

damm, that is so , well, so erotic. wow

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