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A Chest of Troubles

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Sometimes sticky situations aren't all bad.
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Joseph huffed, his armor rattling on him as he walked through the wet, dark cave system. He was dressed appropriately for a warrior. A sword was snug in its hilt on his right hip and the leathers that he wore were well-maintained and polished. The man's shoulders were broad and his chest threatened to practically burst out of the shoulder harness that was holding the leathers together. His nipples and pectorals were free on the armor, the nubs sticking out due to the cool cave winds blowing across them. A smattering of black hair led down towards his crotch, highlighting the abs that had developed. He had no armor covering his shoulders. The strap that kept the armor on his non-sword arm swept underneath his arm pit and connected to a back ring of the harness.

The job was going to be one like any other. As a mercenary of the top guild in the city of Wallin, he had his pick of whatever he wanted. If there was a job that was below the range he was willing to accept pay for or he did not want to do a specific quest, he could turn it down and continue looking for work. It was nice to finally be in a comfortable enough position to have the luxury of choice and Timber was reeling in it.

"The fact I even accepted this one shows I still don't pick correctly," Joseph groaned to himself as he stepped over a puddle at his feet. He was deep into the cave now, but luckily he had a scroll in his pocket that he could cast to find his way back. An easy spell and purchased by a trusted vendor. There was one time where Joseph cornered a few massive beetles that needed to be killed and he pulled out his scroll only to see that the vendor did not truly know how to write a spell. Whenever he uttered the words on the paper, the magic that came out of his right hand fizzled and Joseph had a tough time getting out of that scrabble.

His leather greaves were just as maintained as the top. His cock and balls were comfortably tucked away inside the hard leather codpiece and he enjoyed the mobility that the leathers provided. His boots echoed on the wet rock as he walked, a torch in his left hand which illuminated the path forward.

The cave's twists and turns meant that the scroll in his satchel was the only thing that would lead him back to the entrance. The pathway through the cave was open enough to allow a cart through but the cart would probably only have enough room for one ox. There were some parts of the system that the broad shouldered warrior had to squeeze through and Joseph prayed that no monster was on the other side. Caution had to be on keeping the flame on his torch lit as well. If it went out, there would be hardly enough light to see.

A maiden asked him to search for her husband who went out into the caves and Joseph thought it would be an easy quest. Now he was looking for a missing person in a dark, miserable cave and fumbling through.

Continuing to walk, there was no idea of time in the caves. All that Joseph knew was the sound of his feet echoing on the rocks beneath his boots. Each step was a second but the warrior quickly lost count.

There was no sun to keep track of nor any particular sounds of bugs that could give hints if it was day or if it was night. Joseph's eyes scanned forward and he held up the torch in front of him. He could just make out the start of a fork in the cave. There was no indication as to where each way went but the left route opened wider while the right route started to close in.

"Hmm, seems neither route is more viable than the other...."

Joseph hummed thoughtfully to himself. He had no idea how long he had been walking in the cave, either. If he went down either path, there would be no guarantee that when he found his target that their journey back would not be long and tiring. Joseph reached for his satchel, his pectorals flexing for a moment and the sweat that was on the black hair catching in the torchlight. He rummaged through it until he found the scroll that he was looking for and with an unceremonious yank, he pulled it out of his bag. Looking over the spell, there were a couple of words written down in an ancient, forgotten language but spellcasters still stuck with what they knew.

The words were low and guttural and Joseph's chest rumbled with each one. They were so foreign that the warrior could hardly analyze what he was saying even as the words left his mouth. When he was done with the sentence, a faint glow appeared behind him. The teal dust hovered just above the floor of the cave and when Joseph blinked, it disappeared before fading back into existence. When Joseph turned around to face the magical path laid out for him, there was a small tingle in the back of his mind as if affirming him that he was going in the right direction.

Joseph took a deep breath in and closed his eyes. He could follow the magic as if it was a string leading him back the way he came. His mind was pulled away and he saw where the magic was leading him; to the entrance of the cave and out towards the town he came from. Seems the sorcerer and scribe of the scroll tethered the source of the spell at a small totem outside of his shop. It was sloppy compared to his other work but it would have to do. He took a breath in once again, centering himself in the present. He was far away from the entrance of the cave but the distance was not unsurpassable. He could keep going....


Joseph froze. His ears perked when he heard the sound. There was movement as if something was rattling at the end of the cave. Joseph waited patiently for verification.


There it was again. It was muffled but it was there. As if someone was bound up. Joseph ignored the tingling in the back of his mind, the scroll urging him to turn around and go back to the entrance but he needed it for later. The sorcerer did say it would last for a day which would be plenty of time for him to get out of the cave with the husband in tow.


Speaking of....

Pulling out his sword, Joseph took the right path and started to walk forward with his torch in hand. He glanced around the new area and looked for any signs. Spiders enjoyed entrapping their prey in webs and bandits had plenty of traps that could ensnare a victim. Why wasn't the man yelling out? It sounded like he wasn't in pain anyway. Joseph did not let his guard down. If it wasn't the husband, whoever was in the cave may be lost anyway which would be good for business, too.

The fork started to slowly begin to open. The muffled sounds began to get a bit louder but they were still there and Joseph had his sword out and ready. He dared not call out to the voice. The element of surprise meant he could strike first if need be. Stealth got Joseph out of many precarious situations and this seemed like one of those times where he would utilize similar skills once again.

Joseph got further down the cave. His torch burned bright through the dark and illuminated the path forward and a sense of calm pragmatism washed over Joseph. He started to run down scenarios of what could be on the other side. Maybe there were bandits in the caves. It wasn't uncommon for travelers' things to go missing because of kobolds but they generally don't kidnap people. Human bandits could also be a possibility but they would have to live deep in the caves which was unlikely. The closest town was miles away which would mean if there were bandits, they would have to come out of the cave and then hike their way across the wilderness for basic necessities.

The muffled shouting started to die down the closer that Joseph got which only made the warrior's guard raise. He turned on his heel to squeeze through the narrowing opening before emerging into an open cave room. Joseph looked around the area. This was clearly the room where he heard the muffled yelling. The warrior looked around carefully, his heartbeat starting to increase. What if whatever it was watched him right at this moment?

Joseph looked behind him, upwards, and checked both his left and right. He did not hear nor see anything at first. That was until he heard the sound of wood scraping against the cave floor. Before Joseph could wheel around, there was the sound of inhalation and then a wet splort. On his bare skin was a pink goop. It seeped into his skin and found purchase before starting to migrate. Joseph's breath hitched and he grabbed the globule and tossed it onto the floor. He started to frankly check where he was struck and found no signs of pain but instead a deep warmth that spread throughout his body and into his muscles. There was a moment of hesitation but Joseph quickly readied himself for another attack.

Mimicks. An annoying monster but nothing more. Joseph had slayed plenty of them before and their powers generally vary. Some of them have claws and teeth while others utilize primal magics. Looking over his enemy, Joseph noticed there were none of these apparent traits on his target. The mimic had a long, slimy tongue that protruded from the now open chest and the wood appeared more put together and less rotted. It was big enough to fit someone snugly instead but for what purpose, Joseph did not know. People who fall victim to their antics usually lose a limb or more but this one appeared different. The appendages were not monstrous and clawed but instead gelatinous and flowed from the open mouth and out. There were teeth and they appeared sharp but Joseph did not detect blood and the teeth were along the rim of the chest rather than inside.

Joseph watched the chest carefully, especially the pink tendrils that functioned as its locomotion. One of them launched out towards him and Joseph anticipated the movement. He jumped out of the way. In the movement, Joseph dropped his torch which clattered down to the floor and still continued to burn.

The mimic gurgled as if annoyed that Joseph did not just take the blow before using its other tendril in another attack. The warrior utilized his momentum to try to cut the appendage but the mimic was quick and recoiled it back towards the chest.

"Damn, you are fast..."

Jostling, the wood of the mimic creaked and wobbled. It was like it was laughing at him. It's wood bent like a mouth puckering and the human barely had a chance to move before it launched several pink pearls of goo towards him. Joseph blocked one with his sword but two of them landed on his chest. His black hair floated in the goop and Joseph tried to bat it off. The distraction was enough for the mimic to reel back one of its appendages. Joseph steadied himself, knowing full well that he was about to take a hit. The tentacle bashed Joseph right on the side of his chest. Instead of physically harming him, the gooey appendage burst and more pink fluid splattered over the warrior's naked abs and chest.

Joseph winced as the warmth flowed back over him like a wave crashing onto a shore. It was...oddly comfortable and different from the murky and cold cave. The human looked towards the mimic to see it bringing its tentacles up, the pink tongue dancing joyously. Whatever the wooden chest had planned, Joseph wanted no part of it.

He lunged forward, now on the attack. The mimic brought its tentacles up and out to attempt to protect itself but Joseph was quick. Bringing his sword upward, Joseph swung it downward in a vicious ax-chop motion. The chest quickly closed and the mimic protected itself as the sword gave a dull thunk against the wood. Pulling the sword back out of the wood, the human stumbled back. Sword in hand, Joseph started to ready himself for another attack. If he could keep the mimic on guard, it would prevent the mimic from shooting more beads of slime at him.

Speaking of....

The slime beads aggregated together on the center of his chest during all the fighting and split into two main groups. They trailed towards his pecs and the pink mass went over the leather strap of armor. It ate away the leather like nothing and the piece of protection fell away and onto the floor.

"So that's your ploy? These destroy my armor....and then you can kill me easily..."

Joseph's breath hitched when the two thick glops went over his nipples. They vibrated, jiggling slightly and the mimic responded by thrashing its gooey tongue about.

"What kind of perverted mimic are you?" Joseph shuttered out loud as the pink, transparent slime started to molest him. The slime glob's warmth radiated wherever they touched earlier and the pink fluid only helped heighten the pleasure that he was feeling. They vibrated and pulled gently on his nipples as if he was being tended to by a lover and Joseph's concentration faltered for a moment. His member grew hard in his codpiece. The creature seemed to perceive his condition and the thick, pink tongue started to thrash happily back and forth.

Joseph huffed, his cock throbbing between his legs as the slimes vibrated and suckled on his nipples. His legs buckled as he moved forward, but he kept his posture. The mimic made a gurgle that sounded like a chuckle and there was the sound of wood buckling. Joseph knew what was coming. He dived but the mimic aimed true and three large blotches of goo impacted his chest. The goop came to life almost immediately but Joseph paid no attention to the warmth that was beginning to trail down towards his crotch. It felt comparable to a hot bath, warm water but thicker running down his abs and then flowing into his codpiece. Joseph shivered as he felt the slime wrap around his cock and his leathers start to dissolve away.

"N-no!" Joseph protested and stumbled. His sword clattered to the floor and he could only watch in shock as the slime dissolved his greeves and left him naked. His thick thighs were dotted in pink and one large glob was right over his crotch and inner thighs. His muscles felt as if they were on fire, the slime suckling on his nipples and now twisting and morphing into some design for his cock.

"Stop! This shouldn't be.....uuuurrrgh...." Joseph groaned out. The slime ignored his protests and the mimic started to move forward apprehensively. The warrior blushed as he was violated, his nipples being toyed with and his cock now enwrapped in what felt like a tight, warm hole. It had been so long since he had anybody attend to him and the mimic's linked slimes could feel the man's hammer of a heartbeat through his throbbing, hard cock.

"I order you to stop! You stay right there...." Joseph said with his right hand outstretched and he backed up towards the exit of the cave. The mimic's wood started to bend and Joseph braced himself. More wet, hot globs of slime impacted him and started to migrate towards his nipples and towards his hard cock. Starting to aggregate, the goo balls got bigger around his cock and his nipples. A deep reservoir started to form at the tip of the one around his cock, filling with a transparent fluid which mixed with the human's pre before splattering it across his member.

Joseph groaned as the mixture of fluids went over his member and the tingling sensation of heat and now slick, lubricating fluid rushed over his maleness. His pubic hair was matted with slime and lube, the slick sucking sound of the slime milking him. His musk, the mixture of sweat and now pre started to permeate out throughout the cave. The slimes on his nipples clamped down from a more gentle sucking to a purposeful squeezing.

The mimic's tongue extended out towards the tip of his member entrapped in the slime and out to the small pocket that formed on the end. It was filled with a transparent fluid and the liquid glimmered in the torchlight. Joseph's eyes looked at the filling reservoir of the slime and he realized that the transparent fluid from before was more than just lubricant. His pre filled the end as the slime sucked away at his thick, hard shaft. The mimic's tongue moved closer and Joseph moved back towards the crack in the wall to try to squeeze through but the mimic anticipated him fleeing.

"G-get away, monster...ahhh....ahh!"

The mimic used its thick tongue to wrap around Joseph's ankle and the human could feel the slick, hot saliva sink into his skin. It had a similar warming effect. Joseph shivered, gripping at the rock but it was too late. With one quick pull, the warrior was thrown onto the ground and then dragged towards the chest. The mimic's wood started to creak before more globs of slime started to crawl out of the chest and onto Joseph. The warrior started to yell out in pleasure as the pink globs spread around him and covered his body from his neck downward in the now thick, viscous fluid and started to form a suit of sorts. It spread around him, wobbling and moving around each corner. In his pits, along his rump and even pushing against his hole.

"Oh gods," Joseph groaned as he felt the slime on his hole and mimic gave his ankle another tongue to the monster's open mouth. The chest opened wider and wider as he moved forward and the human was lifted up into the air. Slimes were starting to gather below him and their little bodies gave him a cushion as they carried him over to the mimic. The chest's mouth was open, it's tongue squeezing harder around his ankle to prevent him from leaving but part of Joseph wouldn't struggle in the first place. His mind was clogged with corruption. His erect cock was enveloped by slime and the crotch part of the slime suit stroked him openly.

"I'm gonna....I can't...." Joseph moaned out, his cheeks flush as he started to lose himself to ecstasy. Even though he was a well-trained mercenary, he was now made into nothing more than a moaning whore as his orgasm started to build. At the base of his balls, a pressure started to build. It was one that threatened to explode out of him and he tried to hold it back. He gritted his teeth, his muscles flexing in the suit as he tried to hold back but the slimes around his cock milked him faster.

"F-fuck..." Joseph stuttered out as his back flexed. The tongue around his ankle squeezed harder and more slimes went below his back to lead him further into the mimic. It was like a bed; a living, perverted bed that wanted nothing more than to molest him and take everything his balls had to give.

Right before Joseph was about to beg for release, a piece of the slime suit came up from the neck. A horizontal strip that when Joseph was about to yell out, slid into his mouth. Joseph could taste it, the fluid tickling his tongue and his throat as he bit into it. It started to spur his orgasm further as the ooze went down his throat. He could feel it flowing through him and into his body. It wasn't hurting him and Joseph struggled but could not do anything as his orgasm started to take hold.


His cock throbbed in the slime suit as his balls started to pull up and immediately, the slimes took their initiative. As Joseph's balls were milked and his cum started to fill the reservoir of the slime suit, the slimes congregated at his hole and a plug was formed. They pushed straight into his hole, plunging deep into his entrance. Joseph groaned into the biter, his body wiggling as the inserted plug spread him wide and a hollow opening formed. It was exactly like a reservoir, the plug more like an opening for something but for what, Joseph did not know.

The human panted, his eyes glazed over with lust as he watched his cum disperse through the slime. It was separated into different domains within the suit and split. Each small string of cum went to the end of the suit and congealed. Small beads formed around the cum and the suit used the genetic material. The different beads fell to the floor with Joseph's cum suspended inside.


Joseph watched as the small slimes went off into the cave, his cum dissolving inside. For what purpose, Joseph did not know.

The mimic shook with excitement as the slimes underneath Joseph moved him towards the mimic and the human could not protest as he was thrown inside. His back hit the wood of the chest but instead of impacting hard and splintered wood, it splattered onto a thick slime layer. Joseph groaned, the slime suit squeezing around his cock but in a way to get him soft and flaccid. He whimpered in lust as the plug vibrated for a moment. He did not know what his fate would be but he still had his mind. Maybe he could find a way out? But part of him wanted to stay. The slimes felt amazing and the mimic wasn't going to harm him....just use him to reproduce and that wasn't so bad, right?


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