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A Conversation of Consequence

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Things spiraled beyond her control.
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A Conversation of Consequence

Story Sentence: Things spiraled beyond her control.

Author's Note: This is a resubmission of a recently pulled story. I requested Lit to pull it because of a timing issue with another submission. I took the opportunity to do a little editing, but the story hasn't changed at all. So, if you think you recently read this story you did, and you don't need to read it again.

This is another of my stand-alone conversation stories. It's not really original in that it concerns a long-term married wife who wants 'new experiences.' And the conversation she has with her husband about it. To oversimplify things, it is a "hall pass" genre story with a twist.

It's not a really long story. (About 7,750 words). There is not a lot of descriptive sex, no burned bitches or bastards, and no physical harm comes to anyone.

Main Characters:

Husband: Thomas "Tommy" Ventura age 44, married to Bev for 25 years.

Wife: Beverly "Bev" Ventura age 44, married Tommy right out of high school. Mother of 3 teenage children 18-20 living at home and attending college.

Child #1: Perris, aged 20, only daughter, Junior in college.

Child #2: Franklin, son aged 19, a college sophomore.

Child #3: Tracy, aged 18, youngest child, and a recent high school graduate.

Dr. Tennille Adams: Dr. of psychology and licensed family therapist


Thomas and Beverly Ventura were cleaning up after a very successful Twenty-fifth Anniversary party. This, not coincidentally, was also Bev's forty-fourth birthday. The way Thomas looked at it, he would more readily remember both events (very important for a successful marriage) if they occurred on the same day. On the other hand, if he forgot them, he would only be exposed to the risk of punishment once a year instead of a twice-yearly vulnerability.

They were both exhausted from the planning and execution of the joint celebration, but they were convinced that the over fifty people in attendance, including their three children, had a wonderful time.

Strangely, Tom found himself feeling melancholy about the day. He was having more and more of those type of days recently. He couldn't really put his finger on its cause. It just seemed as if he didn't really enjoy anything as much as he used to. Sometimes he felt as if he was in a fog. It was like he was searching for something that wasn't there anymore. Oh well. He thought. It was probably just a middle age thing. Beverly had seemed a little off to him during the party herself. He dismissed his thoughts and began the mundane task of cleaning up.

"Tommy, do you think we could have an adult conversation tonight?"

Under normal circumstances, an announcement such as this would set off grave alarm bells in the mind of any husband with a reasonable amount of cognizance. It didn't cause Thomas an undue level of concern though. He immediately recognized, of course, that Bev wanted to talk about something consequential. She wouldn't use that provocative opening line to tell him she put a dent in the car.

They had these dialogues two to three times a year. Of course, they occurred much more frequently, early on during the marriage. It was difficult for two individuals as they attempted navigate their way to becoming a single entity that a successful long-term marriage required.

While it usually meant that Bev was unhappy about something, it wasn't all bad news. In every case thus far during their marriage, it ended up with some fantastic makeup sex. That's because the rules of these so-named "adult" conversations were that regardless of how angry or upset the spouse was that called the meeting, it would be held in bed after all the children were asleep. Oh yes, and very importantly, they would both be naked, and they couldn't hide from the other under the covers. They had to be completely exposed to one another. And, most importantly, they had to embrace each other throughout the entirety of the conversation.

Personally, Tommy found it very hard to stay angry at his wife while he cradled her in his arms with her exposed breasts pressed sensually against his chest. To date, this method had successfully resolved every conflict during their marriage. He had no worries that this wouldn't be the case later tonight.

As Tommy was on the receiving end of the meeting request, it was his choice if their nightstand lights would be on or off. He usually chose on, so he could see Bev's breasts rise and fall seductively as her passion for whatever was the subject of the meeting increased. Tonight, for some reason, he chose, off. That turned out to be a prophetic choice on his part.

"Tommy, our last baby just graduated high school and will be going off to college..."

"Well, I'm not sure that 'going off to college' is the right way to describe it, Bev." Tommy interrupted. "I mean, joining Perris and Franklin at the state college fifteen minutes from our house, hardly qualifies?"

"You know what I mean."

He smiled in the darkness. "Yes, honey, I do know what you are saying. Even though they are still living with us, it's like we are turning the page to another chapter in our lives."

Bev quickly raised herself up and kissed Tommy hard on the lips. She made it a point to have her hardened nipples drag lightly across his chest while kissing Tommy. Bev knew that drove him crazy. "I'm so glad you understand and feel it too. It makes what I have to tell you that much easier."

With that pronouncement, and better late than never, the claxon alarm started clanging in Tommy's head. He was happy he chose to turn the lights off. He didn't want his face to give anything away to her.

"Sweetheart, as you know, I have been out of sorts for a while now. And, our love has matured to the point that I believe you will understand where I'm coming from...I mean... there are new things I want to experience..."

"Just say what's on your mind, Bev." He spoke warily.

"Okay, I want to have other experiences...before we get too old...the kids don't need me like they used to..."

"For god's sake, Bev, spit it out!" He said it much louder than he meant to. He recovered quickly and remembered none of the kids were spending the night at home to have heard his outburst. Hmmmm, interesting.

"I want to have other relationships...broaden my horizons, so to speak."

Tommy was ninety-nine percent sure of where this conversation was headed, but he wasn't going to let her off the hook. "Please, Bev, just...tell me...what you want. No more euphemisms, no more stalling. Just fucking say it!" Tommy had never used that word in Bev's presence before, but he suspected he would be using it a lot from now on.

Thomas had always been the steadier of the two. He wasn't prone to fancy or panic in tense situations. He kept an "even keel," as he referred to it. He didn't ever get too high when things were going his way, and he didn't get down when they went against him. As a logistics engineer, he was process-oriented in his work and home life. Beverly, on the other hand, was the more free-spirited of the two. And she was prone to flights of fancy and wore her emotions on her sleeve. She worked for a marketing company, so her personality was well suited to her avocation.

Their two different personality types had always worked well for their relationship. One partner's weakness was the other's strength, as it were. He was sure that symbiotic attribute was to be sorely tested in the coming weeks.

Beverly climbed on top of Thomas, straddling his cock. He was sure she was hoping her toy would rise to the occasion, so she could control what came next. but Bev was disappointed. If it hadn't been so dark and she could have seen the expression on Tommy's face, she might not have proceeded.

"You know what I'm saying, Tommy. Don't play games with me, honey. This is very important to me. However, I want you to know that I would never do something like this...never change the dynamic of our relationship, without your understanding and approval. We've been a team our whole lives together, and this would be no different."

His insides were churning, but he maintained a calm facade. He had slipped into his work persona. "This conversation isn't going any further, until you tell me, clearly and directly, what you want, Beverly."

"Tommy, you know what I'm asking. Please believe me, I'm not telling you." Tom, with some amount of force, pulled Bev off of him and struggled to get up. "All right, Tommy, don't leave. I want to have relationships...Tommy started to rise again. She held him tighter. "Tommy, I've never been with anyone but you. So yes, sex is part of it, but I want to have relations with other men, while I'm still young enough to enjoy it."

At this point, most husbands would be outraged. There would be lots of yelling and screaming, but Tommy was smarter than that. "Tell me why it is so important to you." She hesitated. "Oh, come on Bev. I know you are impulsive, but you're an intelligent and professional woman. You didn't arrive at this conclusion at dinner tonight. You didn't see a handsome young man pass you by the other day and say to yourself, 'I've got to have him.' So, I need your thought process as to how you arrived at this momentous decision before, I can give you, my thoughts."

Now it was Beverly's turn to be surprised. Tommy had a strange look as he spoke. Beverly couldn't really decipher it in the darkness despite being right on top of him. She had anticipated yelling and screaming, hence the kids being out of the house.

Furthermore, she found it a little unsettling that Tommy was correct. She had been considering this for months. She had even discussed it with her best friend Simi, several times as to how she should raise the subject with Tommy. Simi told her she was crazy to have a conversation with her husband about it. She had warned her to cheat covertly, and never, ever, say a word to Tommy about it. Bev briefly considered Simi's suggestion, but she couldn't do that to her Tommy.

"Sweetheart, I turned forty-four today. You know I am an eternal optimist, but even I have to admit that more than half of my life is probably over. I really feel the need to experience emotional relationships with others. I know it's selfish of me, but I feel strongly about it." She paused, expecting Tommy to say something at this point, but he remained silent. "We've done a great job in managing our relationship and raising our children together." At this point, she settled back down into Tommy's arm and draped her leg over his in her familiar position. When he didn't push her away, she continued. "I'm not stupid. I understand that this will hurt you, but you have to know how much I love you. I know that we can manage this together." She paused, expecting him to interrupt, but once again, he did not.

Beverly was slightly put off, but felt emboldened, at the same time. This needed to be a two-way conversation. "Tommy, love, give me your thoughts? I promise I won't do this without your understanding. We are just talking at this point."

Tommy wasn't about to be sucked in though. He couldn't think of anything to say anyway that didn't make him seem like a victim or even worse, a petulant child. Not until she fully explained herself. "Honestly, Bev, your reasoning seems pretty shallow so far, please continue." He spoke curtly.

"I assure you, honey, it isn't about you, or even a physical need. It's purely a self-absorbed emotional indulgence on my part." There was another pause from her, and further silence from him. "I guess it comes down to not wanting to leave anything on the table...Oh crap, I'm not explaining myself right."

She sighed and held him tighter. She even began to shed genuine tears. This was something in her mind that she badly needed to validate her self-worth as a woman. At the same time, she knew it would hurt Tommy tremendously, and she loved him mightily. Maybe she should just forget the whole thing. Even to her, it sounded juvenile at this point. "I know I'm hurting you tremendously, Tommy, and I really don't mean to." Her tears were freely falling onto his chest.

"You know, I think I do understand your position, Beverly. I wish you could give me more, but, I suppose, it isn't really necessary right now. Maybe sometime in the future, after you have thought more about it, we can talk further. You're too thoughtful a person to not have considered the consequences..."

Bev heard something different in his voice. She wasn't sure what it was. Resignation maybe? "I swear, Tommy, it kills me to hurt you like this, but I trust you understand that I don't mean to. And know that I will make it up to you."

You've given me an awful lot to process, Bev. I'm going to sleep now, suddenly I feel very tired...."

But, Tommy, I thought maybe we could..."

"Not tonight, Bev." Those were words neither of them had ever spoken before. He rolled away from her.

"I'm sorry, Tommy." She whispered. Her tears were increasing in intensity. She truly loved him, and she knew she had injured him. Bev was a little surprised that he hadn't put up more of a fight, or at least shown more emotion? She kissed his cheek tenderly and lay back with a sigh.

Beverly was very happy that their talk had gone this well, but was she missing something? She loved Tommy with all her heart. She was already thinking of ways she could demonstrate her love consistently to him as her journey unfolded. His understanding made all the difference in the world to her. Wait a minute, what was it he said about consequences? Reality was slowly edging its way back into her consciousness.

"Uhh, Tommy, what were you referring to when you spoke of consequences? I said I was aware of the hurt I was causing..."

"We'll talk more in the morning, Beverly, goodnight."

Beverly tossed and turned incessantly. She hardly slept at all. Overnight, her mindset changed dramatically. A while ago, she had been so clear and sure of herself, now she was riddled with doubt. Something was terribly off here. She could clearly hear the slow rhythmic breathing coming from Tommy. He appeared to have quickly fallen into a deep and restful slumber. If he was hurting so badly, how could he do that? Men are such strange creatures.

Eventually, she dropped into a troubled sleep. She awoke with a start and quickly snapped upright when she realized Tommy wasn't beside her. She looked at the clock on her nightstand. It showed six-thirty. Tommy should be downstairs putting the coffee on. When the cobwebs cleared from her head, she could hear him moving noisily around the kitchen. She let out an audible sigh of relief and fell back onto her pillow, deep in thought for a few minutes.

Bev knew what she had to do. She jumped up, threw on a robe, and raced down to the kitchen. She started to tie the robe because she was still nude underneath it but thought better of it. She needed to do some serious ass-kissing here. Her being naked couldn't hurt her efforts.

"Tommy honey, good morning!" She called out brightly. "Please forgive me for my insanity from last night. Can we just chalk it up to the incoherent ramblings of a middle-aged housewife, who is terrified of her coming old age?" She continued to walk towards him. She tentatively reached out for him. He allowed the embrace. Bev's bathrobe fell open as she had hoped it would. She thought she still looked pretty good, for an old broad. Thomas hugged her back and allowed his eyes to inspect her full-breasted and lush body. She smiled knowingly.

However, Bev noticed something was missing. His embrace felt different. Even distant, perhaps? She had her work cut out for her, but she wouldn't be deterred. She had to make this right to the man she loved more than life itself. Her Tommy quickly and silently turned back to his task for the two of them as was his daily responsibility.

Bev looked quizzically at her husband for a moment. She reminded him. "I mean it Tommy. Forget everything I said last night. Really, honey, it was just silliness on my part."

Thomas remained silent with his back to the now-seated Beverly. Bev made sure her robe was wide open when she had seated herself. Tommy was still uncommunicative. When the coffee finally finished its brew cycle, he carefully poured two mugs. His black, and hers with one teaspoon of sugar. Just like always. He carefully turned. He paused briefly when he saw Bev's nakedness, but his face remained a blank mask. He sat slowly and gingerly slid her coffee towards her.

"It's not that easy, Bev. How am I supposed to just forget what you said? Besides, as I told you last night, you must have been thinking about this for months before you approached me. Knowing you, you even talked it over with a couple of your friends before telling me." Beverly blushed and put her head down, suddenly fascinated by the contents of her mug.

"No, Bev. I'm going to have to think a lot more about this. Your nakedness and an apology aren't going to make my pain go away."

Bev was shocked. She reflexively pulled her robe closed with a clenched fist. "What's to think about? I said I'm sorry!" Her surprise at his comment made her retort come out much harsher than she meant it to. She suddenly realized how despondent Tommy looked.

Thomas stood up. "I'm going to work, Bev."

"Tommy, it's Sunday. Y-y-you aren't serious?" A cold soul piercing chill washed over her. "Tommy, please?"

But he was already out the door. Bev slammed her palm on the table sending her coffee flying from the upended mug which clattered to the floor, shattering on impact. You stupid, stupid woman. What Have you done? Beverly put her head down onto her crossed arms and sobbed pathetically.

He didn't come back home until very late. Beverly was in bed feigning sleep. She heard him moving around. She was hoping against hope that he would soon crawl into bed. But he never came to their bedroom. She heard him go into the spare bedroom of their five-bedroom home. She couldn't stop weeping.

They tiptoed around with each other for the next several days. Every time she tried to bring the elephant in the room up for discussion, Tommy just got up and walked away. "Not now, Bev." That would be his only response.

When Beverly got home Friday from work, she saw Tommy's car was already in the garage. She hoped it was a good sign. It wasn't.

Bev was hopeful as she stepped inside. She immediately saw a morose Tommy sitting at the kitchen table. He looked up at her with dead eyes and passed the envelope that lay in front of him, towards her. He couldn't even look her in the eyes. She looked down at the envelope, then at Tom, then back and forth between them several times in disbelief.

She went from a paralyzed state of shock to outrage, in about three seconds. "No fucking way! We are not getting divorced. Are you insane? You're going to divorce me? Twenty years down the drain because I had one moment of lunacy. It's never going to happen, mister!" She scattered the papers across the floor with one vicious swipe of her hand and stomped angrily off to the bedroom. "I have never once cheated on you, Thomas Ventura!"

Tom remained impassive. His face was an unreadable blank slate. He did jump a little when Bev slammed the bedroom door closed. He quietly rose from his chair. He picked up his suitcase that he had already packed and soundlessly traipsed from his home for what he felt would be the last time.

He had only driven two blocks towards the motel room he had rented when his cell phone went off through Bluetooth. He answered without thinking.


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