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A Gender Role Reversed Hero's Fall

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A male hero in a woman's world becomes the daemon lord's toy.
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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 10/01/2020
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In the world of Emeryl men are on average shorter and weaker than women. Women hold all positions of power on the main continent and do much of the manual labor as they are stronger and they leave the men to take care of children and the home. Women often objectify men and to speak out against that is heresy towards the goddess that all humans worship. A new daemon lord rose to power fifty years ago and begun to invade the continent of humans with thralls of lesser daemons commanded by terrifyingly powerful greater daemons. Each major nation has named a hero meant to kill this daemon lord and end the war.

Mal walked towards the front of the group as they entered the castle. This had been their ultimate goal for the last 11 years and now it would finally come to fruition. He was a pale boy with porcelain skin and bright blond hair. He was average height for a man so about 170 centimeters. He had just turned 18 but he had been an adult for a long time it felt like. Mal's party had faced more difficulties than your average subjugation party. Despite being a commoner born in a backwater village he had been named the Tamerran Queendom's hero. To be named a hero as a man was unprecedented. The queen had trusted a man to fell the daemon lord despite their natural physical inferiority to women. Many had accused Mal of sleeping his way to the position but that notion was nonsensical. Mal was a virgin and he was proud of that fact. He was pure. So pure that he had been granted holy powers by the goddess that gave him great strength. During these long years he had fallen asleep to dreams of starting a family with Vera, one of his party members. He dreamt of taking care of their child, hopefully a girl so that she could become a knight and making them dinner every night after taking care of the garden and chores during the day.

"Mal what's wrong?"

He took a beat to appreciate the moment.


Sijara yelled his name louder to get his attention.

"Yeah. I know."

Mal replied as he looked at Sijara, the veteran and impatient mage, and smiled widely. An appeal to keep her placated. They had grown up together and he knew how to manage her. She blushed at his attractive face and beaming smile.

"On with it then, yeah?"

It was Vera who broke their gaze, a grizzled knight who had been the first woman to acknowledge Mal's skill and had vouched for him to the Queen herself. Her body was long as she stood 192 centimeters tall and her muscles were chiseled albeit covered with scars. Mal loved the sight of it. Her chest was bountiful when not covered by her cuirass and she possessed a mature charm. Her long, silky blonde hair fell past her shoulders as her stoic blue-eyed gaze met Mal's. They both knew of each other's feelings but were waiting until after the subjugation for Vera to propose to him. They would need to kill the daemon lord and end the 50-year war for Vera's mother to accept the engagement, as she came from an ancient house of Duchesses.

Eight, the enigmatic priest of the group silently began to move forward and Mal took the cue from the only other male in the party to get a move on. He positioned his healer into the back of the group and Eight obediently obliged. They had been lucky to find a high ranked healer for this group. His background was rather mysterious and they rarely if ever saw him pray but his magic power was undeniable. Obai, the tank, moved to the front and drew her mace at the signal of Esthelle the ranger of the group. Obai's skin was a deep tan and she hailed from the barbarian tribes of the Northeast. She was over two meters tall and could wrestle an Ox. Esthelle was a short yet slender elf with snow white skin and ethereal silver hair.

"Mal. There are ten daemons in the next hallway. I don't know why they haven't noticed us yet." Esthelle was an astute hunter and was never wrong about these things.

"Obai get ready draw them towards you and focus on your own defence."

Obai grunted an acknowledgement and raised her offhand shield. "The rest of us will target the stragglers first and then focus on the ones that attack Obai. I'll take the left, Vera the right, Sijara take them down from range with lightning magic, and Esthelle don't let any escape with your bow."

They got in position and it worked like clockwork. Their chemistry was peaking and they made short work of the lesser daemons. Eight casted magic to restore the party's stamina and they kept moving forward clearing three more floors on their way to the top of the castle. They came to a large door that looked substantial and each made adjustments to their equipment expecting a climactic battle. Vera checked each piece of her heirloom armour that left almost no openings. It was at this point that Mal was reminded once again of just how revealing men's armour was and how little of his slender body it covered. It protected his upper chest and joints but left his somewhat defined yet still smooth abs and thighs exposed. It was the only type of armour that they made for men, and it left only a small fabric garment covering his very modest bulge tied at each end with string.

Vera had been watching him while made his preparations and walked over to him. The height difference of almost 25 centimeters felt imposing but Mal was comfortable feeling insignificant next to her. She hugged him from behind and draped her arms over him. It felt good to be swallowed by her embrace. Sijara watched on annoyed by the sight of her best friend acting like an enamoured schoolboy after all they had been through together.

"Darling, whatever happens here, know that I love you. My little hero." Mal looked straight up into her eyes and his blushing face was bright. "I'll always be your little hero. I love you." He spun his body and raised onto his tiptoes while closing his eyes and they shared a long kiss. She pulled away and brushed his face with her rough yet gentle hands as he kept his eyes closed unsatisfied and hoping for just a moment longer before the end.

"Well?" Sijara snapped Mal out of his longing. "R-right!" Mal got his sense back. "Obai get ready to open the door and let's make sure to communicate what we see. We'll have to- ". "I think that you should go in first Mal." It was Eight's soft voice, surprising the group. "You're the leader and you got us here so I think you should have the honor of being the first through the breach." This was more than he had said in the past year. "I suppose you're right." Mal smiled and Sijara congratulated him. Bursting through the door of what appeared to be the throne room there was nothing.

It wasn't an empty room. There was simply nothing but darkness. Mal's muscles ached as he shook off the effects of dark magic, a familiar sensation. It was a trap and he found himself in brightly lit room as the darkness began to leave his eyes. It had been a teleportation trap. He wondered if it had taken his party as well but there was no sign of them. The room was ornate and filled with expensive furniture. He noticed that he was lying on top of a large chaise lounge still wearing his armour.

"Finally awake little one?" A sultry voice rang through his ears. It seemed to come from inside of his head and it felt disorienting. "A little confused? That would be the incense I've been burning while waiting for you little one." A shadowy figure moved towards him and he tried to focus on its shape as his eyes seemed to play tricks on him. The figure was one meter from him when it became clear. A greater daemon. No, the greater daemon. It was the daemon lord Amarrah of Lidelle. Mal stared at her beautiful face. He had never seen it before but it was striking. Her long dark hair seemed like an ocean and her pale purple eyes were seductive. He let his eyes wander down her curvy body covered only by a rather revealing dress. Her breasts were large and perfectly shaped. Her waist was slim but her hips were wide and butt was ample and toned. Her legs seemed to go on forever. Her lightly tanned skin was flawless and smooth. Blood rushed to his bulge and his face flushed with embarrassment.

Amarrah moved closer to his face. So close that she could lick him. "Well, aren't we excited little one." Her body was erotic beyond belief and she carried herself with a powerful confidence. "I-I can't..." His voiced trailed off as she looked deep into his eyes and kissed him. Although it wasn't really a kiss. It was more like an assault by her tongue into his throat. She explored every part of his mouth as her tongue deftly moved around. For some reason he couldn't fight back as his power seemed to have left him. Or was it more that he didn't want fight her. He had never felt a sensation quite like that. After what felt like an eternity she broke the kiss and he realized that he had given up fighting her tongue. He panted wildly having forgotten to breathe through his nose.

"I always knew that you were passive, but to think that you were that submissive." She said the last word with extra emphasis. "Well, it is as a man should be. Submissive to me." She gave him a sinister smile and laughed maniacally. Mal summoned all of his remaining strength and tried to shout, but it came out quiet and meek, "I am not...I am...uhhh..." He trailed off again having forgot what he was going to say. "That's the incense little one. It keeps you in a state of relaxation. It also makes everything feel more...pleasurable." Another sinister smile and laugh as she moved her hands down his chest and abs. "NO!" he whimpered. "Shhh, little one."

She moved down further and untied his undergarments. "I've been waiting 11 years for this little one." Mal was confused and his face betrayed that. "You never knew did you? Ahaha. I've been guiding you here since you left your village little one." The sound of her name for him made him feel weak. It wasn't a bad feeling. "It's a shame that you met that knight. What was her name? Mera? She's probably broken from your loss." Vera! She was alive he thought as Amarrah explored his body. "Oh? That did something. Your little one flinched little one." She said staring at his now bare penis. It was small but women preferred that in a man. It supposedly kept them submissive and made them good husbands.

"I love her!" he got that out of his mouth clearly and for a moment he felt like a hero again. "Oh I know little one. I know, but I also know that you haven't consummated that love have you?" His face flushed. Embarrassed and humiliated again he screamed, "How? How do you know that?"

"Oh little one did you think that your party was so pure? Don't you think it's possible that one of your companions prayed to me? Let me into their heart with desire? Or maybe..." She went up to his ear and whispered, "...just maybe one of them has been my pawn from the beginning?"

"Never! None of them could ever believe in you!" His energy had somewhat returned but he stayed lying down on his back. She looked him square in the eyes, and her own flashed a vibrant purple and then back to their paler shade.

"Oh Little One, how innocent you are. You know that there are those who pray to me all over the continent. They pray to have their carnal desires fulfilled and your party has no shortage of carnal desire aimed at you, their young, nubile leader." Mal was shocked but had no time to respond as she moved her head to kiss him again. She broke it off quickly and slowly moved down his body planting kisses along the way. "Do not worry Little One. Do not concern yourself with thoughts of those whores. Focus only on the pleasure you will receive."

She took his semi-hard penis into her mouth and worked it expertly with her tongue. His body jolted at the unfamiliar sensation and he tried to fight but there was no more fight left in him and he began to moan softly. Her eyes from earlier had sapped him of his will. She continued to suck him gently and lovingly caressed all of his slender cock with her moist tongue. She moved her hands up to his chest. She was 30 centimeters taller than him so her arms could easily unbuckle his chest armour. She looked him in the eyes with his cock in her mouth and began to work his nipples.

He felt like he was being shown a new world and this continued for what seemed like hours as he came so close to climaxing. He was breathing so heavily that his mind began to go blank. At that moment she took her mouth off of him. "W-Why?" Mal stammered.

"I knew you'd love it Little One."

"I don't. I-"

"Shh, I have more to give you. I want your first to be perfect."

Mal was visibly confused as he had been in a state of utter bliss. Amarrah moved up to his face again licking the sweat off of Mal's body on the way as the room seemed to get hotter and hotter. She stuck her tongue into his mouth and to her surprise Mal began to kiss her back. He had given in and moaned into her mouth as their tongues danced. Mal's tongue moved awkwardly but he had resigned himself to follow her lead now. She broke it off and he stuck his tongue out practically begging for more as the heat in the room felt unbearable. She held out her hand. "Now it's your turn my Little One." She pushed her index and middle fingers into his mouth and he began to suck on them. Tentatively at first but then he began to mimic how her tongue had moved on his now aching cock. "There it is My Little One. Get it nice and wet." She said while staring into his eyes and they once again began to glow a bright purple. He thought that she was the most beautiful person on the planet and everything else began to fade away.

While he sucked more and more vigourously on her fingers she took her other hand and began stroking his moistened cock. "There it is My Little One. I like seeing you like this. Remember that." Once again, her eyes flashed purple and he nodded while still sucking. After five minutes of this she removed her fingers and moved back down to his groin. She gave his balls a gentle lick and his back arched upwards. "Oh, My Little One. Not yet." He settled back down and obediently lied still again. "Soon. Just let this happen." She finished the sentence as she slid her index finger into his hole. "Aaaaanh!" He moaned out loud and unfiltered. She let him settle onto her finger before beginning to move it inside of him in a 'come hither' motion. He moaned again submissively and started breathing heavily again.

She continued playing with his ass while he squirmed in shameful pleasure that made his face an ugly mess of tears and pleasure. She grabbed his chin with her free hand and made him look her in the eyes as she took his cock in her mouth again. She played him like an instrument for what felt like an eternity. Pushing him to the brink of climax and then backing him down. At one such juncture she asked him, "What is your name?" He began to respond with his name, "M-M-Maaaaaal!" he arched his back again on the brink of cumming. "No." She responded lightly grazing his cock with her teeth. "What. Is. Your. Name?"

"L-Little One?"

"Hmm?" she questioned, humming on his cock.

"Little One."


"Little One!"

"Whose Little One?"

"Your Little One."

He was so close and his mind was about to go blank. "Whose?" She was

keeping him on the edge. He wanted nothing more than to climax and would agree to anything at this point. "Yours! Your Little One! I'm Your Little One!" He screamed this with all of his might and she finally let him climax in her mouth. It was too much for her handle and it she moved off of his cock as he finished partially in her mouth and the rest on her face. She took her fingers out of his ass and moved up to his face. She forced her mouth onto his while it was still full of his seed. He didn't kiss back. He merely surrendered as she toyed with his tongue spreading his own cloying fluid in his mouth. She broke off the kiss and planted a small peck on his lips. A servant who he had not been aware of brought her a towel and she wiped her face.

"How do you taste?"

His body was limp. Completely powerless and at her mercy. She picked him up and moved him to her bed. She laid him down and then she laid down next to him. His mind was operating on instinct and he pushed his back into her chest. He was a natural little spoon. They laid there until he fell asleep in her arms. The hero having been conquered by the Daemon Lord. For now.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Not much of a hero

Didn't he have a sword he could have fallen on?

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
low ratings

i think the butt stuff and eating his own dick is why the ratings aren't better...

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Amusing reversal idea

Did not he give up a bit too quickly for a hero, though? :-)

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Good story


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