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A Housewife Whore(r) Story

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A housewife caught with her lover is forced to whore.
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This was the third Thursday Mike and I had gotten together, each time in Room 201 at the local No-Tell Motel. I was glad not to have a black light - the bedspread in this room would glow like a nuclear power plant. We stripped the bedding down to the bottom sheet each time, and then screwed like bunnies.

I love my husband - I know everyone says that, but I really do. He's a caring man, and a thoughtful lover. I know when we have kids, he'll be a great father. Still, after two years of marriage, I need some strange. I need someone who'll fuck the shit out of me like the frat boys in college did. And Mike does that, and more.

He's got a good 8 inches, and if his girth was any bigger, I'd have to have my teeth removed to be able to take him in my mouth. Better yet, he knows how to use what he's got. Each time, he starts kissing me and my neck while his hands softly attack my breast, kneading and gently teasing my erect nipples. That becomes rougher and more demanding as his lips move down my neck to my breast, where his mouth relieves on hand to massage my stomach, ass and thighs.

He bites and sucks on my breast, sending little electric shocks to my vagina. I always start squirming, trying to get his hand on my labia, but he keeps it away, teasing me, touching me fleetingly where I want him too. I have a small climax, which seems to be his signal to move his lips down, down to my clitoris.

By then I'm sweating and screaming, begging him to fuck me, fuck me, now, damn it. My pleas go unanswered as his tongue brings me again and again to orgasm.

Finally, when I'm in that post orgasmic glow, and I just want to drift to sleep, luxuriating in the exhausted, fuzzy glow Mike has given me, that's when Mike slides into me, tenderly slipping in and out of my vagina, adding to that wonderful mellow feeling.

Then he begins to pick up the speed, waking me from my lethargic bliss. I'm suddenly awake, pushing back, wrapping my legs around him as my body cries for more, harder, harder, harder, as the next climax quickly builds within me. As he pounds me ever faster, he calls me a slut, his whore - he tells me that he's going to call his friends and have them all fuck me. All this makes me scream and sends me into a rolling group of orgasms.

Of course, he never calls his friends. I wouldn't do that. Nor will I do the anal he's tried to initiate. We don't really do anything kinky - I'm not that kind of girl. Plus, if I don't do it for my husband, I'd feel guilty about doing it with anyone else. (Yes, I know I should feel guilty about cheating with Mike, but honestly, the sex is too good to feel guilty).

After sex, I shower and leave each time. We don't lie around and talk or go for seconds. Nor do I give him blowjobs, either before or after sex. After sex - that is just disgusting. I wouldn't ask a guy to go down on me after sex, so why would I want the same mess in my mouth. Yuck.

This week, just after Mike has finally entered me and started to build his tempo, the door to the room flew open and there were several camera flashes. As I was pushing Mike off me and trying to clear the afterglow of the flashes from my eyes, three large men entered the room and casually closed the door.

With no sheets on the bed, there was nothing to hide behind. Mike appeared petrified, not moving but blocking me from sliding off the far side of the bed. I tried my best to cover my nakedness. Had Mike actually invited his friends? Then why was he scared?

"So, what do we have here?", said the first man, a tall mean looking black man. He picked up my purse and over my shouted objections, pulled out my wallet. "Marie Hantos, 12 Maple Ave", he read.

"Hey," said one of his partners, a acned scarred white guy with stringy, dirty blond hair. "Are you married to Steve Hantos? Fuck, I know him!"

I started gasping for breath, sobbing hysterically. My God, my life was over. I started hyperventilating, tears streaming down my cheeks, snot running out of my nose. I couldn't breathe - oh God, oh God, oh God.

The third man, who I later saw was a fair looking Hispanic, sat on the bed and gathered me into his arms. He gently soothed me, rubbing my back and saying, "There, there. It's not as bad as that. Steve doesn't need to know." I slowly calmed down, getting my breathing under control. My new "friend" got off the bed and got some facial tissues from the bathroom. "Dry your tears and wipe your nose, and we'll talk."

While I did that, the other two men grabbed Mike and made him sit in the room's desk chair, using zip ties to secure him. Then they used his long sleeve shirt to gag him. Then the first man pulled his wallet out of his pants, relieving it of the cash it held. He read off Mike's name and address.

"You married, Michael?" he asked. Mike just stared at him, wide eye.

"You married, Michael?", he repeated. Mike still just started at him. "Hey, Marie, he married?"

I nodded as I tried to blow the snot out of my nose.

"You want to stay married, Michael, then you'll sit there quietly, and forget about Marie forever and forget about what happens here today, Understand? Or do you want to get cut?" He pulled a knife from his pocket and flicked it open.

Mike nodded like a bobble head.

The three men turned their attention to me. I had forgotten to keep myself covered as I blew my nose, and they had a good view of all my charms, above and below.

"Now," the friendly man sat back down next to me and put his arm around me. "You're going to be our whore this afternoon. In exchange, we won't cut Michael's penis off," Mike's eyes widened, "and Steve never has to find out. The pictures and video we take will be destroyed as long as you cooperate."

I started to gasp again, but the Hispanic again hugged me and, rubbing my back, calmed me down again. "It's not that bad - it's nothing you weren't doing with Mike, and after today, you can go back to being a loyal and loving wife. All you'll have to do is calm down, follow instructions and make us think you're into it. If you start crying or pleading, we'll cut Mike, and send your husband a picture. If after that, you still refuse to cooperate, we'll send everything to your entire phone list. Then we'll rape you anyway."

I cried for a few minutes until Man #3 (the Hispanic), said "Well?" I held up my hands in front of me in a halt or hold it sign. I got off the bed and when into the bathroom. With a wet washcloth, I washed my face. I looked at the sad eyed woman in the mirror and resisted crying again. I walked out, stood nude in front of the three men, and said, "What do you want me to do?"

"First, get on your knees, undo my pants and give me a blow job," said Man #1.

"I don't do....". was all I got out before the man's palm connected with my face. I'd never been hit like that, not even as a kid. I backed away, holding my face and crying again.

"You got a picture ready?" Man #1 asked Man #2. The blond answered that he did.

"Well, send it."

"No, please," I plead. "I'll do whatever you want. Please." I was on my knees unbuckling his belt.

"Say no or pull away again and we'll send it without even telling you. You got that?"

By then I had his semi-erect penis in my mouth. Around it I said "Yes" as I nodded my head.

All three men began shedding their clothes, until all five of us in the room were naked.

I was slobbering around the penis in my mouth, licking it, sucking and bobbing my head up and down. I thought he was going to come in my mouth, but instead he pulled my head back and told me to beg him to fuck me. I did. He told me to beg for his big black cock. I did. Then he said, "Do I have to tell you everything to say? Tell me to breed you, bitch. And don't stop or the picture goes!"

As I begged him, he pulled me up, and had me lean over the bed as he shoved his dick into my pussy, which have dried up considerably since Mike pulled out. It was still moist enough for Man #1 to slip in, but not without some pain. I yelped, but beseeched him to fuck me, breed me, cum in me. Give me that big black dick! I had stopped thinking about anything but stopping them from sending any pictures to my husband.

Man #2 climbed on the bed, laying down with his erect penis in front of my face. He rubbed it on my lips, so I stopped begging Man #1, and took Man #2 into my mouth. He was longer than Man #1, Mike or Steve. His penis kept hitting the back of my throat.

Man #3 sat next to my head, and whispered in my ear, "Relax and swallow when he hits the back of your mouth. Take him down your throat."

I began to panic but tried to do as he said. As I felt the head move into my throat, I started panicking, afraid I couldn't breathe. Man #2 pulled back, and Man #3 walked me through deep throating. It's amazing how quickly you can learn when you're correctly motivated. It hurt, but soon I was gobbling down that penis, and then #3's, who became the first to ejaculate down my throat.

#2 didn't come in my mouth, because unnoticed by me, while I concentrated on my deep throat lesson, #1 had sprayed my cervix with his cum. When he pulled out, #2 moved to take his place in my vagina. When I realized what had happened, both in my throat and in my vagina, tears started unbidden from my eyes. I wasn't worried about pregnancy - I was on birth control - but the specter of disease raised its head. I hadn't worried about it with Mike, who was in a committed relationship, but these three I knew nothing about except that they were rapists.

After #3 came in my throat, #2 demanded that I tell him what a slut and whore I was, and how much better he was than my husband. When I hesitated, he started to slap my buttocks as he pumped in and out of me and asked if I really wanted that picture.... Before he finished, I yelled that he was reaching places my husband only dreamed of and that I was his whore, he could fuck me anytime. I'm not sure what else I said in my panic.

By the time #2 came, my ass was almost blood red and I was babbling whatever filth came to my mind I'd lost touch with my sanity - I exhorted them to use me, to fuck me, that I was a big cum slut, to take me however they wanted, to give me to whomever they wanted. I was gone.

I don't know if these guys had taken Viagra or something, but #3 and #1 were erect again. #3 pushed me fully onto the bed, telling me to get on my hands and knees. #1 got in front and I did what he wanted, gobbling down his penis, giving him the benefit of my newfound deep throating abilities.

#3 rubbed lube on my asshole and thrust a finger into me. I would have yelled and protested, but the dick in my throat silenced me. Luckily so, because my first reaction was to tell them I didn't do anal.

My second thought was to realize if I said no, or pulled away, the picture would be sent. As it was, I'd jerked away without thinking. I quickly shoved back but remembering that they promised to send the picture without telling me if I resisted, I worried that I'd just blown it.

After shoving a second and third finger in my rectum and twisting to open me up and spread the lube, #3 replace his fingers with his penis. His not small penis. It wasn't like the stories I've seen - it hurt like hell, and it didn't get better as he pushed further in. When his pubic hairs brushed my ass cheeks, he let loose with full strokes in and out.

Suddenly, a hand thumped my head. Focused on my asshole being reamed, I was ignoring the big black cock in my throat. I returned to ministering that blowjob. With my attention on my face being fucked, the buggering still hurt, but was muted compared to when it had my full attention. I prayed that they'd both come quickly, but they didn't. It felt like forever.

Finally, #1 blasted in my mouth. He made me hold it and open my mouth wide and show him and #2. That's when I noticed #2 had a camera in his hand. I started to close my mouth when #1 said, "We'll send it to everyone. Show the camera the cum in your mouth."

I hadn't thought that I could feel more hopeless, but this drove me to new lows. With #3 still pummeling my red ass, I turned my mouth to the camera. I gargled as #2 demanded, the cum then bubbling out of my mouth and down my chin.

Just then, #3 painfully drove fully into my colon. I felt his shaft pumping stream after stream into my deepest recesses. As his penis softened, he pulled out.

Again, it wasn't like the stories you read. Or like the porno movies where they do anal. They've used enemas to clean themselves out. I hadn't. As he pulled out, my anus was slow to close and my digestive tract took the opportunity to begin shoving out a soft stool.

First, they cursed and yelled, and then asked #2 if he'd capture that on film. He said he'd caught it all, and then they all laughed. They didn't stop laughing as they made me clean up and strip the fouled sheet off the bed.

They threw me on the mattress pad and #2 fucked me missionary, pulling out and spraying my face with his cum.

As I lay there, sore and humiliated, they were still filming me. #3 came over and lovingly smoothed my hair. "Now, sweetheart, you're our whore." I jerked up and he gently pushed me back down. "We have you on film," here he pointed at the camera in #2's hand, then to three cameras perched about the room on the dresser, desk and refrigerator. I started sobbing again.

"You begged us to fuck you, to share you, to give you a 'big black cock'. You asked to be inseminated, told us that you were our whore, and would do whatever we wanted. Well, what we want is for you to whore for us once a week. Instead of meeting Michael here, that time will be given to us. We'll text you what hotel and what room to come to, and you'll whore for whomever is in the room, however they want to use you. And you're to use enemas from now on to clean your colon, incase your john wants your ass. Which is very nice by the way."

I silently began sobbing. I saw no way out.

"Quit crying, bitch," #1 ordered. "You don't show up, we send a video showing you slutting yourself for us to everyone you know. I've cloned your phone, so think of your life if the video gets out."

#2 added, "And if you tell your husband or go to the cops, these videos will be sent and added to every porn site on the web, complete with your full name and address."

#1 slapped Mike's face to get his attention. "Remember, asswipe. You never see or talk to Marie again. Never even think of her, or we'll send her your dick for a present." Mike did his bobblehead imitation again.

"And you bitch - fuck with us in any way and we have friends that'll take you and put you in a whorehouse in another state, where you'll never get out. You'll be pierce, branded and tattooed. Got it?"

I nodded and sobbed as they dressed, gathered their cameras and left. I closed my eyes and rocked as I wept. It was several minutes before I realize Mike was yelling behind his gag. I got up and removed the gag. Mike had me get a pocket knife from his pants and use it to cut his zip ties.

He got up and began dressing. He told me I've better do what they say - it was only once a week and my marriage and his depended on it. He left me weeping on the bed and hurried out. I never saw him again.

I finally got up, showered and hurried home before my husband returned. I told him that a good friend from high school had died last month, and I had just found out. He held me closed and comforted me as I wept.

The next week I got a text that told me what hotel and what room they wanted their whore at. I went there at the time I would have met Mike. The text warned me to be upbeat and happy for the john, and to do whatever he wanted.

I wasn't that happy or upbeat that first time, but as the months passed by I got better at it. Again, unlike the stories, none of men (or women) johns were anything I would call attractive. Most were disgusting. And they were all rough, especially when there were multiple men for threesomes or gangbangs Sometimes I was sore for the next week. Luckily when I serviced my husband, he mistook my moans of pain for pleasure.

Yes, I "serviced" my husband, just like I serviced the johns. I was incapable now of thinking of sex as anything but a job I had to do. And not just once a week. My new three pimps liked to have me come service them with blowjobs or quickies at odd times during the week. Not every week, but enough where I knew I was their sex slave.

And I try hard to please the johns. #1 had me meet him in a bar one night when I could get away from my husband. A john had complained about my attitude when he wanted his dick cleaned after shoving it up my ass. I didn't want it in my mouth, although finally I did clean it for him. Still, because he complained, #1 stripped me nude in the bar, and let anyone with a $20 bill and a condom fuck me on the table, while everyone watched. He made over $200 that night, and bought a round of drinks for my $20 "lovers".

Most of the johns used condoms, but some paid to go bareback. I had no choice. And the pimps fucked me without condoms. I worried about disease, and got tested weekly, going to different doctors to avoid being pegged as a whore.

I know someday I'll test positive. Then I'll have to tell my husband everything. I cry every day. But not when I'm with a john. Then I'm all upbeat and full of smiles.


Mike went into the bar and saw #1, #2 and #3. He walked up to their table and set down.

"It's been a month and she'll had four meetings. Where's my 25%?" Mike smiled as #3 slide an envelope across the table to him.

"Marie's turning into a great little whore. Where are you with the next candidate?", #3 inquired.

"I'm meeting her tomorrow afternoon for the second time. You guys should be ready to show up next week. I'm meeting this one on Wednesdays, so she'll be our whore on a different day from Marie.

"And I've already got my eye on housewives for Monday and Tuesday. In a couple of months, we should have a full stable to offer our clients."

The four men toasted their venture as their business plan came together.

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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago


AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

I believe her husband set this up to teach her not to get too complacent in their marriage and to make it easy to get a good divorce result. She may have grown to like it, in time.

AmbulAmbul5 months ago

I agree with the commenter who thought the ending was a bit rushed. Nevertheless I like the story, but I wonder if it is all blackmail or is Marie getting a cut from her whoring? If she is not getting a significant cut then she should probably tell her husband that she is being blackmailed. If he leaves her she can find another pimp or escort agency to market her body to and could make a good living if she care for her body.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

After the hotel action, the story was then rushed and a synopsis, rather than dialogue and some description was used. There was no emotional component , just brushing casually over events, ex. the men and women she had to do, with no reaction and even not even brief detail and dialogue of the encounters. Thanks, anyway. The concept was good for a while.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

I loved it, and gave it 5 stars. The comments reminded me of that line in the movie Jack Reacher, where Sandy says she's not a whore. And Reacher says "I can't afford you". After she repeats that, he says to her "then I definitely can't afford you". :-)

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