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A King's Legacy Ch. 11

Story Info
Prince Tyfin negotiates. Aster makes progress with his wolf.
7.3k words

Part 12 of the 46 part series

Updated 05/27/2024
Created 01/21/2023
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A King's Legacy

Chapter 11: Middle Ground

Stahl would never admit it to the human, but he had definitely been missing out on sleep as of late. Holding Aster close to himself, as he had been able to the past few nights, had left him far too restless for any real reprieve due to his light sleeping, but the wolf was happy to make that sacrifice. Still, Aster was happy to see the beast finally catching up on that rest as the roles were reversed for a change.

Aster was sitting up against the corner of the makeshift bed, the wolf's head resting on his lap in slumber as the boy gently stroked the fur between his ears. He couldn't help but think on how nice it was to be able to cradle the knight like this for a change, for him to be the one standing watch, so to say. As the beast began to stir from his dreams a moment later, Aster watched his eyes at first flutter, and then finally part just enough to let that piercing, silvery-grey gaze look up to find his own. The human smiled down at the drowsy beast, speaking softly as he continued tracing his fingers over the wolf's brow.

"Good morning, Stahl. I hope you've rested well?" The wolf certainly had.

Waking up to the sensation of the boy's hands stroking his fur was already a welcomed treat for the beast, but to open his eyes and find the human staring softly down at him with those gold-specked, brown eyes? It was more than enough to make the wolf grateful for whatever situation had led them here.

Aster's sunburn had mostly faded with the hare providing the periodic relief of shade, and his lips had healed up pretty well from their blisters in the cavern. Stahl rather liked the stubble that dotted his human's jaw now, as it seemed Aster was shaving it all along, even at the wolf's estate. The wolf figured he'd have to find out why later, as he was still basking in his pleasant awakening at the moment.

When the boy had spoken his soft words, Stahl let out a mighty stretch as his tight muscles moved his tired limbs in protest, encompassing the entire bed with his larger frame as a few of his bones cracked in response. Aster watched in odd fascination as his wolf let out a hefty yawn in the process, opening his maw wide, showing off the impressively sharp teeth inside. The beast's long tongue darted forward in the action, suspended in the center of his muzzle. The realization of the actual length of it made the boy blush the slightest bit. The wolf finally gave his response after he had settled back into his comfortable position, giving the human his contempt, signature fanged smile as he pushed his head back into the wandering touch.

"I can't remember the last time I slept so peacefully, if I'm being honest." The beast nuzzled his head further into the boy's administrations, relishing the sensation of his rough, but smooth fingers darting through his fur. Aster looked away a bit in his guilt when he spoke.

"Sorry, I know you haven't been sleeping that well... Because you had to deal with me... But thank you, for keeping me warm back there." Stahl's smile only intensified as he dismissed the need for such an apology.

"Don't be, I wanted to do that. I think I enjoyed being your warmth for a bit, and I'll do it all again should you ever find yourself needing it... Or even just wanting it, Aster." The wolf moved his left hand up to rest lightly on the boy's bared side, rubbing his darker calloused pads on his palms gently across his human's soft skin, occasionally grazing him just a bit with a tender claw as he kept staring up into such soft eyes.

A gentle breeze brushed against the wolf's pelt then, as he realized something he had completely overlooked before. Stahl was laying naked on the bed. He was completely bared before the human, which meant Aster had definitely had his chance to see all he may have wanted to of the beast, and maybe even more by the time he had awoken. As if the boy realized the wolf had finally picked up on that fact, his blush became just a bit more apparent before he spoke in a nervous tone, mindlessly stroking at the star shaped tuft at the center of the wolf's brow.

"Sorry, Your clothes were pretty dusty, and the bed is actually pretty clean, so I hope you don't mind... I needed a little help getting you here, but I managed to get your armor and stuff off myself... I- I'm sor-"

The wolf interrupted his boy before he could even say it.

"Don't be. Thanks for looking out. Besides... I don't mind if you look at my body, Aster... You can explore it all you want to." The wolf stretched his frame back out once more, giving the boy full access to look wherever he wished, inviting him to touch wherever he wished... Stahl could smell the boy getting excited, but didn't want to push him too far yet. He would let his human take the lead.

Aster just remained silent, his face was practically on fire as he slowly turned his gaze to look further down at the larger body sprawled out in all its glory... Willingly and completely exposed and vulnerable to the boy's whims. With a shaky hand, Aster simply reached his right hand down just a bit to gently rest it on the lighter, softer fur of the beast's burly chest. His fingers found purchase once more, as he began to graze over the soft fur and powerful muscle beneath his touch. The wolf just closed his eyes, and relaxed into the boy's soothing administrations. However much or little he could get of this touch, he would be satisfied with.

Aster played with the torso, paying great detail to the feel of the wolf's musculature, and the strong sensation it gave him to simply graze against it. The boy glanced down a bit further, and finally got to see his first real peek at what laid beneath the fuzzy, snug sheath of his wolf. He couldn't have withheld his gasp if he had wanted to, something that made Stahl feel just a bit smug about the reveal.

Aster figured the wolf would be big, and was completely fine if he wasn't... But he hadn't really expected the thickness of the tip that was poking out about an inch or so from it's warm hiding place. It was a deep red, and still grew harder by the second, expanding wider, and pushing free from it's confines ever so slightly as it did. Stahl wasn't going to tell the boy that this was still just the start, and figured he'd let his human find out for himself.

Aster grew silent, as he could only stare in awe of such an encompassing sight. This was real. This was actually happening. His breath was accelerating, and his touch began to tremble against the wolf as his lust, nervousness, and desire sunk their demands into his mind. He... He wanted to grab it. He wanted to know how his wolf tasted... The boy shuddered under the sheer weight of such longing, looking down into his wolf's soothing eyes once more.

"By the gods... What have you done to me, Stahl Aschefell?" The wolf let out a light bark of a laugh, and quickly leaned up to lick the human's nose before he answered him.

"Only the same as you've done to me, Aster Venatus." The knight brought his hands up to gently grasp the back of Aster's head, and pulled him down to press into his own muzzle as they shared in the bliss of their upside-down kiss. They lost themselves for a moment, before Aster finally pulled free, reluctant to break the heated contact between them, but knowing there were other matters at hand. His desire would have to wait just a short while longer.

"...Just give me a little more time Stahl... Tonight, before tomorrow's moon... Our duty calls first." The wolf understood, and finally asked what he had avoided in order to spend a bit more private time with the human.

"So, you ARE going to tell me where exactly we are then? And what is going on? And how we got here? And where everyone else is? And whose bed we are in?" The human chuckled gently, and shifted so the wolf could sit up and get a quick rundown of their current circumstances, and what had happened with the musicians. Stahl listened quietly to the recount, a bit stunned at what he had heard.

Prince Tyfin sat emotionless across from the leader of the tribe he found himself now in the company of. The tribe of orcs he, and the people with him, were at the mercy of. His expression was kept blank by years of keeping his wits in stressful situations, but his mind was certainly troubled by his predicament. A weakness he couldn't afford to show at such a critical time when so many lives were resting upon his shoulders.

The lion was surrounded by different orcs, but they certainly seemed more civilized than the stories he had heard... They wouldn't be putting debate on the table if they weren't. There was a goal here for them, Tyfin just had to figure out what it was. The orc leader sat on a small pad in the far end of the room, across from where the lion now sat on a similar mat in the center. The prince made note of the differences he saw compared to what he had been told about the species. Assumptions would only hinder him here.

They did have a lighter, greenish tint to their skin, and two large tusks protruding from their larger, bottom jaws as the prince was told, but they seemed surprisingly similar in stature to the average beast in most other ways. The lion expected them to be much more uncultured, but they all wore clothing, and most even seemed to have their own preferences for that as well. Much like Aster, these creatures mainly had fur on top of their heads, with many having shaved a good portion of that hair close to the scalp. Some completely shaved the fur, and some grew it long passed their waists. These were diverse, sentient creatures. They could be reasoned with. They had the chance to wipe out the entire group of beasts, and had instead chose to meet with the prince. Tyfin couldn't afford to squander such a gift in his circumstance, and lightly bowed his head forward as he clearly spoke in a well practiced voice, showing all due respect for his opponent.

"My name is Tyfin Tonitrus, I am the crown prince of the kingdom of Alora, but I suspect you are aware of that already per the beastmen you sent to intercept us. If I may ask, what are you hoping to achieve with this meeting?"

The leader of the orcs was large, a hair under eight feet with an imposing build. His hair was shaved on the sides, but pulled back down the center, trailing passed his neck. The creature had unusually large bottom fangs, even among the other orcs present. Most of the green skinned creatures had black markings on their skin, with the leader having more than any other proudly displayed on his well forged body. Prince Tyfin was very much surprised when the orc bowed slightly, showing the lion equal respect per modern standards, before answering in an educated, steady, and firm voice of his own.

"Prince Tyfin Tonitrus of Alora, I must first apologize for my methods. We had to ensure any who would attempt to fight us were rendered unable to do so. Still, I regret having to use such a tactic. My name is Crag, I am the chief of our tribe."

The orc paused for just a moment, seeming to ensure he worded everything correctly. It appeared the prince wasn't the only one proceeding cautiously, which made sense considering the history between the species. The orc continued.

"The first goal I hope to negotiate is peace between our forces for both the duration of your stay here, as well as for the storm that has descended upon our lands. We have much to discuss, young beast king, but you will need to give your word there will be no hostility from your kind towards ours. Our ancestors quarrels should rest with them, we cannot afford to neglect the present for the actions of the past. Will you agree to this, as the future heir of your kingdom?"

The prince was completely unprepared for such refinery or eloquence from an orc of all things. These couldn't be the same savage creatures he was led to believe they were. The way their history books made them seem to be. The lion realized he was still holding on to some of his preconceived prejudice, and knew that was all it was now. He smiled, happy to be proven wrong as he answered the orc.

"I only want a reign of peace for ALL who share this world. If that is what you are working towards, then you are an ally to my goal. You have my word, if my people remain safe in your care here, Alora will return the favor however you may need, within reason and ability, of course. Now, tell me what you wish to discuss, orc chief Crag. I give you my full attention." The leaders were silent for a moment, both relieved they had managed to find a starting point at minimum. There was middle ground between them after all. It was Crag that broke that silence.

"First, would you tell me about the human who travels with you? I was led to believe they had been wiped out from your father's crusade... And yet, one bearing the golden, Peacekeeper's Shield of legends accompanies the exterminator of mankind's own cub. Do you know what that shield truly is, beast prince?" Tyfin nodded before he answered.

"Yes. It's one of the five legendary bloodskills gifted by the sun goddess herself to keep the peace in this world... The only one of the five anyone has seen for nearly a century now." This was one of the main arguments the young lion had made in defense of sparing Aster at his trial. The orc nodded, elaborating a bit further.

"Correct. Orcs do not possess the ability to have bloodskills, but we are knowledgeable on them. I assume you know the rules of skill incarnation?" Tyfin confirmed he did.

"Skill incarnation happens when all users of a bloodskill are wiped out, and their entire bloodline eliminated. When nobody left alive bears one of the skills gifted by the moon goddess, her gift searches for a new namesake to serve. This phenomenon is what you refer to correct? But unless I am mistaken, the other four legendary skills gifted by the sun goddess have been lost, as they have never been inherited by anyone outside the original line, all of which are long dead... Save for Aster, the shield-bearing human you speak of." Crag confirmed as much, ensuring they were on the same page before he continued to his point.

"And if I told you that the five feral beasts those legendary skills were created to defend against were returning to these lands, would you understand how important that human would be in that situation?" Prince Tyfin let his emotion slip through his steeled facade for a moment in his shock at the statement. The legendary beasts were returning?

"Are you certain? This is no light claim you make." The prince was hoping for a better answer than the one the orc gave him after he took a short, silent pause.

"Our hunters have been encountering hoards of feral beasts migrating from the area around your kingdom... Ferals that are running from something... Ferals that grow anxious, and attack anything that approaches, even many which were normally docile and harmonious with others now lash out. Mother birds are abandoning their nests, leaving the changing winds to carry the souls of their unhatched away. Fiends are becoming more and more common, increasing in number and gathering in masses, attacking and picking off smaller villages as they grow in number... All of this within a week... The lands are falling out of balance, and descending into chaos..." The orc paused again, his demeanor shifted as he braced for a harsh refusal, and he looked the prince straight in the eye to make sure he could read his reaction before he continued.

"A chaos that began many years ago when your father chose to carve out an entire part of our world, Prince Tyfin. When he killed the humans along with the last line of defense that was keeping this threat at bay, The human king Calium Aureus... And yet his shield is carried on by that boy, a boy now in your service. I cannot find it within myself to consider all of this as mere chance. I believe the heir to that shield was guided to be where we need him, to stand before the darkness that looms ahead, just as his father had once planned to do... Before he was framed for the murder of your own mother, Queen Talia of Alora, and stricken down by your father."

Prince Tyfin was understandably alarmed at so many revelations, but he kept his feelings mostly in check. He was skilled at reading people, and knew some friction was forming under the orc's skin.

"My father did what he believed was justice, something I have both adamantly, and openly opposed for over fifteen years now. I believe his treatment of the humans was harsh, selfish, and surely a dark mark upon my family name that will be forever carried forth, recorded as one of the lowest parts of our history. Do not assume I believed his choice to be the right one... You say the last human king was framed for my mother's demise, can you back up this claim? And if I may, how exactly did King Calium plan to combat this threat?" The orc shook his head before he answered, satisfied with what the prince had said.

"I cannot prove anything, and I can only speak based upon what information the previous chief had passed down. I do not know the full story, but I can share what I was told, if you wish to exchange such information, that is." The prince persisted, whatever the orc had to say, he would hear it. Crag lowered his head a bit and closed his eyes before he began telling the lion what he knew.

"Queen Talia, your mother, was slain in a battle against a demon through use of blood magic... The only magic that originated from humans. The culprit was revealed to be among the allied forces of the human kings, which had been sent to assist in the battle. When the perpetrator was questioned before his life was taken, he told your father everything... Or at least, everything he had wanted the beast king to believe... It worked, and your father's rage and anguish over his loss was redirected at the humans he believed responsible... After the first two human kingdoms were reduced to nothing more than piles of rubble, the beast king set his sights on the lands of the last human king standing, the unmistakable father of that boy you travel with, the previous bearer of that shield."

Tyfin only listened closely, so far, their intel on the situation was mostly the same. However, it would seem what had bothered the young prince the most about the story was also a sentiment shared by the orc. The entire crusade was based off of the information provided by the very murderer who supposedly ended his mother's life. Information that was far from reliable to anyone with enough sense to see it. Had his father not been so rash, things may not have gone as far as they had. Crag continued where he left off.

"The chief before me did not know the extent of the last human king's plan to deal with the return of the beasts, nor the beastmen that came bearing down upon his lands... However, he was still sent a request for aid... One that he passed on answering, not wanting to be involved in your war, resulting in the elimination of the kingdom... That is the shame we orcs shall carry... The human king Calium was a true ally to us, and even helped establish trade, better education and agriculture, and an overall higher standard of living for our tribe that you see the fruits of today... A tribe that once ruled on brute force alone. A tribe that had been at war with other races since the beginning of time, and yet, he extended a hand of peace when we were nearly destroyed by both our own foolish ways, and our lawless rule... We turned our backs to our allies in the hour of their own greatest need, and we have suffered great loss for our passive choice..." The orc took a deep breath in, pausing to gather himself.

"The human king was clearly not the kind that sought war between the races, as such, I do not believe the true culprit was brought to justice, and the blame was successfully shifted elsewhere by whoever had orchestrated the assassination, for whatever real reason they had to do so. Tell me, prince of beasts, do you believe this to be out of the realm of possibility?" The prince solemnly confessed his answer.

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