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A King's Legacy Ch. 28-29

Story Info
Falling apart leads to falling together. Mettle is tested.
16.4k words

Part 28 of the 46 part series

Updated 05/27/2024
Created 01/21/2023
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A King's Legacy

Chapters 28 & 29:

The Fall & The Mettle

Oust was watching the sunrise, feeling surprisingly well rested, especially considering he only had a few short hours of sleep the night before. The tiger was worried about the runt, there was no doubt there... But Oust was finding it easier to believe in that boy these days. Aster wouldn't die so easily. Oust was finding it far more possible to see hope in most things that morning, a trait that came with useful timing considering all he could think about was what the runt had said to him in the river.

"I will talk to him." There was something almost humiliating about those words... Something that would've made the cat feel slighted in his past, as if his happiness was so dependent on the decision of another... But Oust understood what the boy meant. He had seen the two together almost every night since they all ended up in that desert. The way that wolf would hold him... Since that first frigid night... So tenderly, yet so protectively... The way Stahl would silence any protests from others with simply a quick flick of his sharp eyes... The way he changed everything about himself to try and be the best he could for the boy... Stahl loved that runt in ways Oust never could... In ways the tiger just wasn't able to yet. Stahl was always so brave, and noble, and proud like that... Oust didn't know if he personally was any of those things anymore... But Oust also wasn't so sure the if the wolf really ever was any of those things at all... Not after that last part, after he charged at him... Even so... Aster would talk to him. Oust knew the wolf still deserved that much... That Stahl surely deserved more than what he had received, even considering what he had done, what he had said.

Oust still wanted whatever he could get. Every second he had with that human was something precious to him. It inspired him... If that meant the cat could hold him so intimately again, Oust would gladly take that honor... But even if it just meant he could still talk to him... To maybe even train with him more often... The tiger could be just as thankful for that. When you've never had a crumb of kindness, the first bite can fill you up in ways you wouldn't believe. The tiger would take a friend over nothing any day... But the boy would talk to him... Based off of the wolf's reaction the night before, the tiger didn't expect much... But he was trying to be hopeful all the same.

A groggy fox groaning loudly to his right pulled the tiger's attention from the morning sunrise. Oust chuckled to himself lightly as he called out his greeting.

"Yeah... Been there. He put me in the dirt the first night I met him. Don't worry, the headache will fade in a day or two." Rust was not nearly as amused by the humor as Oust was. The fox's left ear twitched twice as he recalled what had happened the night before. With a panicked voice, Rust started questioning the tiger.

"Where are my uncles?" Oust replied as genuinely as he could.

"I do not know. The last we saw of any trace was the glow in the fissure. There wasn't much we could do." Rust was already standing, despite his throbbing headache.

"I COULD'VE AT LEAST TRIED!" Rust was starting to lose his composure again. Oust did his best to reassure him.

"You would've only added to the problem they were dealing with." Rust quickly snapped back at that remark.

"That's a bit rich coming from you right now..." Oust only continued. Knowing the fox was on edge... Plus, he did have a point there...

"I'm only saying... As far down as that light from the shield was, there's no way they could climb back out... Their only option is to follow the chasm to the end when they make it to the bottom. It should be easier to climb out there, and hopefully, not as steep. I know you are worried... I am also... But they can handle themselves, and I know you know that. We will find them both." Rust glared at the tiger for a moment, looking him directly in the eyes as he judged the weight of those words. Finally, Rust closed his eyes, and turned his gaze, sighing as he conceded. The adolescent plopped back down, cradled his throbbing head, and concentrated on healing himself. As the green glow of the prayer magic faded, Oust spoke to the fox once again.

"I never did thank you." Rust cast the tiger a questioning glance. Oust continued. "Back when we all first landed in the desert... It was you that first told the ru-... That told Aster some about where I came from... I was a jerk about it then... But I did appreciate you saying what you did." Rust exhaled loudly before he smiled and answered the soldier.

"Don't worry about it. It was just conversation anyway... I do know Aster cares about you now, though, and I know he wants to help you, because that's just what Aster does... But I think you need to consider how to help Aster in return here too." Oust nodded towards the fox as he agreed. Oust was coming to the same conclusion about Rust as almost everyone else already had... This cub was a worthy foe.

"I know... I'll respect whatever they need from me. I want to be useful for them both..." Rust shook his head, finding it a little odd he had to spell it out for an adult.

"Just try to be a friend to them first... That's more important than being of use... Anyway... Where's that grumpy ass bear? I'm going to hit him back..." Oust laughed loudly at the callout. This cub was a brave one too... Oust answered this as well.

"Off doing his morning ritual, as usual... Normally I'd join him, but I just wanted to be still a while longer. He understood. He's good at that." Rust laughed innocently at that remark. Oust gave him a questioning glance, hoping to hear what was so funny. Rust elaborated.

"He really is a good father to you." Oust reeled back sharply at the comment, feeling almost stunned by the words. Rust was a little startled by the reaction. The fox asked to be certain. "Did I say something wrong?" Oust just turned away and sighed before he muttered his answer.

"No... It's just... That word doesn't really mean a good thing to me." Rust replied almost immediately.

"That's because you're thinking of someone who isn't a father when you hear it... Take it from the fox raised by wolves... You DO get to decide who your family is. A father isn't something blood determines, it's something actions determine. I'm sorry if I assumed wrong about the bear... But don't assume the rest of my words are wrong also." Oust didn't turn back to the cub, but he was smiling all the same. He knew the fox was right... Especially about how Oust looked up to Sir Corper... If Oust could've picked his father, there's not a doubt left in the tiger's heart to whom it would be at that point... Rust interrupted that train of thought, finally bringing up what he had been staring at.

"Hey Oust... Nice fur." Oust shifted a bit, but didn't really react to that much. He had left his tunic back at the river, and it was buried with the rest of the forest in that area. It wasn't that he was choosing to show his back... But he just didn't care anymore. At long last, the way he was born didn't bother him so badly. Oust finally realized he was never the monster in that story. He replied softly.

"Thank you... Orange is a good color for fur, isn't it?" The burnt-orange fox had to agree there. Rust smiled to himself... Aster was right, Oust wasn't so bad at all.


Prince Tyfin was staring over the edge of the chasm with a knot in his stomach. The fissure was enormous... So much damage in a matter of seconds. Worse still... Aster, Stahl, Oust, Rust, and Sir Corper had all been missing since the night before. More than half the remaining party had been carved away in an instant. The prince was trying to remain hopeful, that perhaps they just got pinned on the other side... But they were at the river, and the river was gone... And they haven't seen a trace of the other beasts, or the human since. The Captain's gruff voice behind him drew the lion's attention away.

"My King... We've consolidated down to the minimum... The croc will carry Lady Alice, and I will carry our supplies. I know you wanted to wait... But I cannot see any use in waiting much longer... We have already had a few days added to our arrival date by this setback, and the detour is still uncertain since we aren't sure how far this scar stretches down the land..." The prince nodded, knowing the bull was right. Tyfin answered as calmly as usual.

"I know... If they could have made it back to us, they would have by now... Do you think they..." The prince couldn't make himself say the words. The bull huffed out his response definitively.

"If that boy wasted all of my training by getting himself killed, then he should hope the gods reach him before I do... The tiger and the wolf are strong. The bear is even stronger... I can't say what their fate was for certain, but I do not see any of them dying so easily... Ha! Even that fox cub has enough fight in him to take on something like this... Since clearly he was not simply gone to answer the 'Call of nature,' as he said... But now, you have become the only priority I have left. I am getting you through this thicket, even if it is the final act of the Rixator line. This, I swear." The prince shuddered before he answered quietly.

"Let us pray that no more will be lost for my sake, or by my command..." The royal lion took a calming breath in, pushed the hopeless thoughts aside, and turned to face the bull, the crocodile, and the ever sleeping calico cat. He would simply have to have faith in his knights that weren't there, and focus on what he could do with the hand they were dealt. The prince of Alora spoke with far more confidence in his tone.

"Come... Our mission has not changed... And I'll carry some of those supplies, Captain, I'm more than capable." The captain stomped his hoof, brought his right arm to his chest, and spoke in unison with the crocodile as they saluted the order.

"YES SIR!" The three headed south with the mage in tow. They would follow the fissure down until they could cross into the west. The prince gave one passing glance back towards the direction they had camped... Where the supplies they couldn't carry were hidden away... To where Aster's armor sat beside the wolf's own like grave markers. The prince hated leaving that behind, but they couldn't carry that much, they just didn't have the numbers anymore. The captain noticed the glance, and spoke to his prince.

"Armor can be replaced... Besides... I still have his staff." The captain held the staff out towards the lion. The prince smiled at that as he took a hold of it, and answered the bull.

"Good... He worked too hard to earn this back from you to just leave it... Hey, Captain..." The bovine glanced towards his prince with an inquisitive look. Tyfin continued. "I have received a lot of training with swords already... But I need to become stronger, A LOT stronger, just as all of you have... Especially for the Endeavor... Think you have any training regimens left in you?" The captain huffed his answer a bit awkwardly.

"None fit for a king..." The prince chuckled as he replied quietly.

"You've already trained one king. I'll take the same training you gave Aster if need be." The bull just stared at the prince for a moment before he finally answered.

"The boy's training was to build up both his strength, and his shield... Your body is already strong and well trained, and you don't have a bloodskill I can improve upon... Respectfully, my king... What you lack is technique and experience, not strength." The lion looked to the bull and nodded at the evaluation before he responded.

"I won't argue with that logic. Still... Perhaps you could show me some techniques at minimum." The bovine looked behind him to the mostly silent crocodile, Fraxis. He turned back towards Tyfin as he answered.

"The croc has a sword you can use... I am not the best when it comes to fighting with one though. My style is more or less on the 'Crush them with brute force,' side of things, not so much dainty swordplay... But I will do what I can until we get you a better teacher." The prince beamed at that decision, answering as a true soldier would.

"Yes Sir!" Captain Rix just stared uneasily at the prince before he replied.

"Yeah... Don't do that. I know that is the standard for a mentor in our army... But you are still my king far before that." Tyfin only laughed honestly at the remark. It was rare to find something that could unsettle the bull like that. Despite everything else about their plan falling apart, The prince was thankful the captain was still with him.


Cortist watched on in raw shock as the earth split in halves before the demon's sword. If this monster had used that power from the start... There wouldn't have been anything left of the ceremony. Surely this wasn't such a simple task to him? Death answered his awestruck envoy.

"There was already a fault here that formed the mountains long ago. He just coaxed them apart in that area." Cortist just scoffed at that remark, as if that made it any less insane. Death was silent for a moment... And then spoke hastily.

"Better snap out of it... You've got a problem..." Cortist panicked even more at that remark. Quickly asking for clarification.

"Problem?!? WHAT ABOUT THIS ISN'T A PROB-" The mage cut his sentence short as the demon stood. His back was mostly turned to the panther... But through the darkness of the night, Cortist could make out a single, glowing, red orb. The eyes of the late King Calium had changed color. Cortist was not prepared to fight anything on that scale... There was no way he could pull off something like that. ALICE couldn't even do that... Death was speaking as if it weren't a crisis.

"If you let him cut open a scar to reach them right now, your brother and that wolf will die. Stall him." Cortist's eyes went wide as a chill ran up his spine. The panther recalled the demon's previous words... 'Death does not lie to his children.' This was the truth... Cortist was the only thing standing between that demon, and his brother... And that God didn't seem to give a shit which way it actually went... Cortist spoke a single word before raising his arms, and starting a quick chant.


A spear of light pierced through the demon's chest from the rear, disintegrating it right as it raised its blade to open the aforementioned scar. Cortist's breathing was already uneven, his nerves on fire as his instincts screamed for him to just run. This was insanity... This demon couldn't even be killed. As if in response to that mental reminder, the demon reformed right in front of Cortist's eyes. The mage took a step back as Death spoke.

"He is still my soldier to an extent... I can't stop that sword from demanding a trial, but I can keep him spawning in front of you until he regains control... Be warned, you're a target now..." Death almost sounded like he was enjoying that last part. The demon charged, rushing forward at astounding speed, cutting the panther off mid-chant. Cortist fumbled to the side just in time to avoid being impaled, his panic overtaking him. His Master's voice persisted.

"Come now kitten... There's no need to hold back..." Cortist stood, eyeing down the monster before him. Just as he started his incantation, the demon rushed again. The mage had went for something shorter this time, a quick burst of flames aimed right at the creature... Which the demon sliced through easily, never slowing in his charge. Had Death not given the command when he had, Cortist would have lost then and there.

"Kneel." The panther was forced to a knee, the sword coming so close to his head, that he swore it nicked the tip of his ear fur away. The demon took a few steps as it recovered from the panther's nearly impossible dodge. The master gave another order.

"On your feet." Cortist was forced to comply, still coming to terms with the fact that the god had just saved his life... By controlling him. Death spoke with a more irritated tone then.

"You're going to get yourself cleaved in half if you don't take this seriously..." Cortist responded shrilly.

"I'M NOT SURE WHAT YOU WERE EXPECTING HERE, BUT-" Death was making a habit of cutting the panther off.

"I'm expecting you to stop playing dumb. Why are you still chanting?" Cortist was getting beyond irritated, scrambling to move out of the demon's path as he evaded another assault by a mere hair's width. The mage felt like this was all another of those games to the deity somehow. He answered in exasperation.

"Why am I still chant- BECAUSE THAT'S HOW YOU USE ANIMA MAGIC! YOU SPEAK THE WORDS!" Death commanded the mage to take a step left, barely avoiding another hit before answering that remark.

"I was the second to ever speak the language, before we ever gifted it to you mortals. I know how it works. You already did it once back at the Selection Grounds... In the tunnel, when my soldier came for you, your father, and your brother... Right before you made your deal... What did you think that 'Interesting,' comment was about back then? That's what made me realize what you were in the first place... Did you even realize you did it? Perhaps it was only reactionary then... I did send my soldier to slaughter you in that moment... But did she never teach you? Did she not tell you? Do you not know your own story? Did she hide it from you as carefully as she hid you from me?" Cortist managed to get off another quick spell, this time landing a direct hit as he finished the chant. While the demon crumbled away, giving the panther a short reprieve, the feline found himself getting more and more frustrated.

"AS USUAL, I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT! No, I don't think I've ever done magic without an incantation, because that isn't how it works!" Death responded with far less emotion.

"It is when you know every single word in the language of the gods... And you do, don't you, my kitten? She made sure of it." Cortist froze for a moment. It seemed Death even knew that about him... For any one beast to know more than half of the language was almost unheard of... So when Cortist realized that he knew all of it, that he could comprehend every single word that anyone ever spoke before him in that tongue, he spent years carefully avoiding revealing as much... Even to his loved ones... That kind of power wasn't normal, and it could endanger his family if word ever got out... So Cortist did his best to keep his spell selection short when it came to anything outside of an exam. (The mage would even purposely fail one of those every so often just to reinforce that façade...) In truth, Cortist Venatus could string together any spell he wanted to, and he could do it with ease. He tried to hold back, and he was still revered as a prodigy with minimal efforts. Death laughed at the surprise.

"Did you think I wasn't aware? And here I thought you were tired of secrets... On your right." The demon was back, and raising its blade high into the air. It sank the dark sword into the earth, and gripped the hilt tightly. Before Cortist could really react, the shockwaves started. All ten hit the panther directly, knocking away his breath, and stealing away his orientation all at once. His vision swirled as the panther was left winded on the ground. Death gave the mage another swift order.

"Roll to your left." The panther was pulled from beneath the blade right as it came down where his head was just at. Cortist coughed a little as he struggled to right himself. When he had managed to stand, he saw the demon had turned away for a moment. He panicked as he saw the sword already carving another scar. The mage opened his mouth to shoot off a quick incantation, and the demon crumbed away just before it finished making the slash... Then Cortist's master gave him a seemingly cruel command.

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