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A Lady and the Student Ch. 02


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"Candy will miss, sir. I'll keep my pussy ready for you," she told him, when he left.

Another satisfied customer he thought. Climbing into the truck he realized she hadn't signed the paperwork. If she was playing the same game next week, it wouldn't be much of a problem. He shrugged his shoulders and drove off.


Candy cleaned herself up, and finished the household chores. In the wardrobe there were so many old clothes, she would have to spend the rest of the day bagging them up. She held up a long skirt and laughed. It would cover too much of her sexy body, she just couldn't wear that.

If she could drive she would have gone into town to buy lovely new clothes, just like the ones she was wearing. She loved frilly and feminine clothes and couldn't understand why these horrible clothes were here. It was nice showing off her beautiful body, it was so cool. She also needed a lot more 'bling'; gorgeous sparkly jewelry, and bright make-up. She certainly needed short skirts and dresses, with plenty of cleavage on show.

Marvin walked in wondering where Candy was. The house sounded quiet. A thump from her bedroom revealed where she was and he hoped she hadn't done something stupid. He saw her sitting, staring vacantly, surrounded by black plastic bags.

"You OK?" he asked. He knew to keep his language simple otherwise she would become confused.

"Oh! Ahhh, yea," she replied. She gave him a tinkling laugh, in return to his reassuring smile. She felt so much better when he was back with her.

"What are you doing?" he asked, pointing at the black bags.

"I'm clearing out these awful clothes. Candy needs room for her new ones," she said. "Can I show you the ones I want?" she said, opening up a trashy magazine.

"What does this word mean?" she asked, pointing to a headline in a magazine.

"Fashion? It's 'fash', the clothes you like," he told her.

"Oh! Candy is such a dim little thing, and master is so clever!" she laughed. "What am I to do with all these old things?" she asked.

"Don't worry about it. I'll take care of everything," he told her. "Just get a bottle of wine and join me in the lounge," he added.

Candy scooted off in a state of calm happiness. It was fortunate he hadn't asked her what she had being doing, while he was out. She might have remembered the gardener, and recounted their sex session together. Right then she was too busy to think of anything, except pleasing her master.

"Sign here, and here, now here," Marvin said. There were several pieces of paper on the desk, which she duly signed, in the name of Margaret. He had ordered her to remember her signature, from that previous existence. She was still illiterate, so didn't bother her silly head with what the documents meant.

Candy sat on the floor in front of Marvin, where he was perched on the edge of the sofa. He looked at her, concentrating on getting this next phase right. She finished a glass of wine and sat looking peaceful. It would be a pity stirring her into an agitated state. He wondered how she would react.

He stated she would remember everything that happened over the last few days. Margaret seemed to collapse into herself. She sat up straight, looking at him with fierce hazel eyes.

"You did this to me, why?" Margaret asked, still using the little pathetic girly voice. The lisp seemed to annoy her. She put a finger to her lips out of habit. She remembered the session with the gardener and cringed. The memory of how she had behaved was appalling. Not just the sex session, it was the whole stupid act, it was humiliating.

This student had hypnotized her into behaving like a stupid blonde. She was still dressed like one and talked like one. She wanted to get up and strike him but couldn't move. He had her sitting at his feet, as though he was a guru, and she was the student.

It was her damn house, yet she had been reduced to a stupid, vacuous servant. Far worse that that. She had been hanging on his every word, ready to obey him.

"Well? Tell me! What the hell did you think you were doing? Was it a great joke, to have me behaving like a dumb blonde?" she demanded. Margaret controlled her anger, knowing she was still so very vulnerable. It was disgusting to know he could push her back into the dreadful role.

She had even changed her hair to this awful blonde color. Her nails and lips were a terrible, florid pink. Is this how he liked a woman to look? Despite herself, a little thrill washed through her mind and body. Had he prepared her like this, to be his sexy dumb blonde?

Was that his intention, to make her into a grateful dumb fuck of a girl, pandering to his needs? It had succeeded too, only it had happened with the rough gardener, not him. She almost blurted it out in retaliation, only to hold back, fearing what he might do to her if he became angry.

"Your husband hired me," he stated, and paused waiting for a reaction. "You signed official documents just now. The house is his, and the divorce papers leave him in an advantageous position," he added, while she thought through the shocking revelation.

"My husband did this? Why the hell? Why did he want me like this?" she whispered.

"He didn't. He just wanted a quick and better divorce settlement. He also gets the house," Marvin confirmed. "The dumb blonde routine is just something I do. Call it a side affect of the process," he said.

"I've known for a long time he's a bastard, but you, you're a real bastard," she spat at him. It didn't sound as mean as she meant it, while using such a pathetic, squeaky voice. Everything came out sounding cute, as though she were a silly little girl, using naughty words.

Margaret was a clever woman, but it was difficult to find the right words, in this strange situation. Why was he telling her all this? The damage could be undone, with even the cheapest lawyer, in court. They would probably face a prosecution too, for fraud.

"So what am I supposed to do?" she carefully asked.

"You will have to leave the house, as it's his now. I'll drop you off somewhere. Friends or relatives maybe?" he asked. He knew their friends had broken contact, after the split with her husband. As an only child, there were no close relatives.

"You'll just let me go? What's the catch?" she asked. They couldn't let her go, for she would march straight into a lawyer's office.

"You will behave like a dumb blonde. Sorry, but, as you have already figured out, you can't be left to make trouble. There are two options. You leave here and make your own way in the world. I'm sure there will plenty of men ready to look after a dumb blonde. Or, you can come with me," he stated.

"What? Just like that! I'm to be put out of my own home, on the street?" she moaned.

"It's a bit rough. Though, you had the affairs while married. You started the divorce and fleeced your husband of everything. There's not much of a mortgage on this place. You could have worked to pay it. Instead, you took in a student, looking for an easy affair, and an income to supplement the investments," he pointed out.

"You signed over the investments too. I of course, received a percentage," he added.

"What kind of fucking choice is that?" she tried to scream at him, only the same feeble voice screeched louder. Struggling to bring herself under control, she took a deep breath and tried again.

"It doesn't sound much of a choice. How will it work, I mean, will I be like before? Not remembering anything," she whispered. The dire prospect was believable. It was important to stay calm and look for a way out, some kind of loop hole in their plan.

"That's up you too," he said. She brightened up a little. "You could be left aware of everything, only, the dumb blonde would be in control," he added.

The look of fear in her eyes revealed she understood exactly what he meant. "I'd know what was going on, yet unable to do anything about it?" she groaned. "I'd be talking and behaving like a dumb blonde, unable to interfere? Unable to stop this Candy persona, screwing up my life?" she wailed.

Margaret thought about the gardener, tricking her into being screwed, over the kitchen table. She would be unable to prevent the stupid bitch, from showing her body off, in these tawdry clothes. With Candy in control, she would be vulnerable to every man she met. Margaret envisaged a life, being fucked by anyone and everyone.

"I guess your husband might see it as a just retribution. You were manipulative and grasping before. I guess it would be pretty painful, to be the one manipulated. It would be better not being aware of anything, like the past few days," he told her.

"How would I live, if you just dumped me on the street?" she forced herself to ask.

"Just walk into any bar. I'm sure any guy would take you on, and be grateful to look after you," he said.

Margaret thought over what happened that morning, with the big rugged guy. A complete stranger had easily taken advantage of her. That option sounded too dangerous. "What would happen if I went with you," she asked.

"I'd look after you. Take good care of you. You would be happy, very happy," he said. The key words would help her make the right decision. He was careful to keep his tone neutral throughout the conversation. She had to make the choices, to fix them deeply and permanently.

"Would I have to be aware of everything going on?" she asked.

"Your choice," he told her.

"You keep saying it's my choice, yet they're all shit," she whispered. The sound of her voice was more bearable, when she whispered.

He shrugged his shoulders, as though it weren't his fault. The influence of the commands was still there, heavily sitting upon her mind, shaping her thoughts. He could have kept her unaware of what had been happening. It would be harder for her to break free, if she thought she was deciding to go along with it.

"OK! I don't see a way out of this. Like before, I want you to look after me. I don't want to remember anything," she said. The look on her face meant it was a painful decision.

Marvin complimented her on an acceptable conclusion. He took control of her as before. "You will be happy, leaving everything to me. I'll continue to work on the transformation, until you become a complete bimbo," he said.

Margaret groaned out loud. She could feel her mind gradually slipping away. Had she really made such a drastic choice, for a future life? She listened to the sound of his deep voice, commanding her, starting to feel calm again.

Margaret groaned, silently this time, on hearing she was to have implants, to attain a perfect bimbo shape. She wasn't just going to be a dumb blonde after all. She was going to be transformed into a sexy bimbo. She had chosen a new life, as a stupid, thoughtless, sexy bimbo.

Candy looked up at her master. A great big beaming smile lit her face. "Oh! Uhhh. . . Umm. . . Master? Are you really going to look after bimbo Candy?" she said.

"Of course I am," he smiled back. "You made the choice. You wanted me to look after you," he added.

"Oh? Umm. . . Did I?" she giggled. She put a finger to her lips, looking deep in thought. "Candy doesn't remember. I don't want to make a choice any more. Candy just gets things wrong. Please, master, just tell me what to do," she pleaded.

"You are coming home with me. I will tell you what to do. There's no need to worry your silly little head, any more," he firmly told her.

"Oh, thank you, master!" she respectfully cooed.


They arrived at a large old mansion house in the country. It had been renovated with all the modern conveniences, while retaining the period architectural features. The tasteful decoration was modern, yet kept in keeping with the style of house. Comfortable furniture made it a home, rather than just a show house.

Candy quietly followed her master up the grand staircase, overawed by the opulence of her master's home. He opened a door into a large airy room, dominated by a huge bed. Marvin was about to show her the French windows, opening onto a balcony, overlooking an expansive lawn.

From experience he knew she wouldn't be interested in the view. Instead he led her to the walk-in closet. Opening the double doors, he grinned at her. "These are your new clothes," he said.

"Oh! Totally, like, rad!" she exclaimed. Candy seemed to swoon, only to quickly recover. She ran her hands over the racks of clothes. She was jumping up and down with excitement, over the pink dresses, skirts, tops and frilly girly clothes.

"Oooo! Are they really all mine, master?" she cooed. "Oh! Cool! Look at all the wonderful jewelry!" she yelped. Only just noticing the dressing table, stacked with make-up, she again shrieked with pleasure.

"No time for this now, we need to meet the others," he said, while pulling on her arm. He knew she would spend hours in there, dressing up in one outfit after another, so had to pull her away.

"Others?" she asked, looking worried.

"Don't worry, they will love you and take care of you," he smiled. As programmed, when he smiled, she became calm and reassured.

He found the others in the kitchen preparing a meal, in expectation of his arrival.

"Hi everyone, this is Candy," he announced.

"Candy, say hello to Cindy," he told her.

"Hi Cindy," she said, quietly. Her eyes were wide with astonishment, as she looked around at the others.

One by one she was introduced to Cindy, Barbie and Bubbles. Each of them giggled and flashed their eyes at Marvin, seeking his approval.

"I'm sure you're all going to get on fabulously well, like sisters, only even better," he firmly told them. "You all know the routine. Help Candy to fit in, as I told you earlier," he ordered.

Marvin left them to it, hoping there wouldn't be any petty, bitchy squabbles. Preparations for the new arrival had been thorough, only there were always some unforeseen difficulties. A rivalry or jealousy would have to be sorted out, with a spanking, and a re-enforcement of orders.

He listened at the door while they cooed, and complimented each other, on the dresses they wore. Candy enthused over the closet she now had, and the others promised to show Candy theirs.

"Master buys us such adorable clothes," Cindy explained. "Like these heels, they are awesome. He's so clever, he taught us to walk in them too," she gushed.

"You look so cute in pink," Barbie told Candy.

"I love those sweet ribbons on your stockings," Candy told Barbie. Barbie swiveled her hips in pleasure. The micro-mini skirt revealed the white stocking tops, with ribbons at the sides.

"Can you fix the stockings by yourself?" Candy asked. "I'm such a dunce, I can't do it," she complained.

"Don't worry, we'll teach you how, honestly, we will," Bubbles promised.

"What do you think of my new tits, master gave me?" Bubbles asked, with a bubbly chortle.

"Oh! They're so lovely and big! They're perfect for that tiny little top. Do you think Master will get me some like that?" Candy asked.

"Master will decide for you," the three replied simultaneously. All four laughed, with tinkling immature voices.

"You're lips are so cute," Candy told Cindy and Barbie.

"Master had them done, after our tits," Cindy told her, gleefully.

"Master is teaching us how to use them properly," Barbie boasted.

"Ahh? Ummm? How do you use your, err, tits?" Candy asked.

"No! Silly! Our lips! They're shaped like this for master's cock," Cindy laughed. Candy looked at her with a blank stare, so she tried to explain. She made an 'O' shape with her collagen enhanced lips, running a finger between them.

"Master is going to give me luscious lips too!" Bubbles boasted.

"I'm such a silly head," Candy dolefully smiled. They all laughed, telling her not to worry, for they all were.

"We are so lucky to have a master to look after us," they simpered, nodding their heads in agreement. "We must be good and please him," they agreed.

"It feel's so wonderful to obey our master," Barbie added. They were quiet in thought, for a moment then giggled with honest pleasure.

"Ohh! I'm such a dumb bimbo! What if I get things wrong?" Candy asked her new found friends.

"Master will take you into the study and give you a talking to. Don't worry, he will soon put you right," Bubbles chortled.

"Sometimes, Master will spank you," Cindy pointed out. "I like it," she added, with a mischievous smile. The other two looked at her, winking suggestively. "We all do," she said, with a little girly laugh.

"Ohhhooo! That's, like, totally really bling!" Candy squealed. "Will he spank me too?" she asked, with a pleading look on her face. The three bimbos laughed at her, nodding their heads in unison.

Marvin figured it was going to be a long wait for dinner. Pouring himself a malt whiskey, he sat in a large wing back chair, thinking over the girls different levels of progress. It was much easier like this, as they competed with each other, to please him. Soon, all four would be perfect bimbos.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
A Wonderful Life

Marvin has it MADE!

A wonderful home of not one, not two, not three, but four delightful, affectionate, beautiful, playful and sexy bimbos. OK, Their constant craving for his love and attention, both in and out of the bedroom, may be draining to him, but it is still far better then the exhaustion men face in dealing with horrid, over-ambitious, greedy, and nasty modern women (even if they aren't straight up feminists!).

Give me "bimbos" over bitter, perpetually angry, dissatified modern women ANY DAY! Modern women STINK!

DesireeFoxDesireeFoxabout 11 years ago
Hmmm this one remembers the

game of show the salesman everything. then suck and fuck him. The pizza guy frops by often even whn we don't order.

Goddess Bless you Sir

Love Desiree

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

Thanks for writing this. I really liked Candy's fall to a bimbo and would love to see more of this. Watch Marvin teach Cindy, Barbie, and the rest too!

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