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A Lapse in Judgement

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My wife needed a little taste of reality.
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I know it's been a while and I'm sure everyone has missed me.

Just another fun story

If your wife of 20 years all the sudden told you she loved you and in the same breath also said, "But something is missing," what the fuck would you do? Well, let me tell you, my story.

I met my wife, Kelly, at college. I'm not going to bore you with details, it was college. We got high, drank too much, and fucked like rabbits. I had been fucking Kelly off and on since our sophomore year; along with fifteen other guys that I know of. Hey look, to be fair, I was fucking any girl that would say yes to me too. And some said yes at the same time. High-five, that's right, I had a few threesomes at college.

Once Kelly and I got all the sex out of our system, we started dating exclusively. After college, we both got jobs pretty quickly and moved in together.

Unlike most of the kids that go to college, I took it seriously, and after college, I started working at an investment firm. I was doing well for myself and learning a lot. Kelly was interviewing for a teacher's position and working at a retail store temporarily.

When I was 23, my grandmother passed away. Jenny, that's my sister, and I didn't know that our grandmother was rich. But once we turned 25, we got a call from her attorney. Grandma left each of us five million.

My sister wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed. When she was at college, she fucked more than Kelly and I combined. I don't even think she graduated college. But if she did, I'm sure she did it on her knees.

Jenny had issues too. She couldn't focus on shit for more than five minutes. One night I made her sign documents, turning all her inheritance over to me. No, I wasn't stealing her money. She just couldn't be trusted with that much money. Anyway, what should have taken a half hour, took three hours.

My sister was watching TV while I was trying to talk to her. She was walking around her apartment looking for something, for what, I don't know what, and apparently, she didn't know either or just couldn't remember. Then she was back to watching the TV, "What did I miss?" she said. She was watching "The Simple Life" for God's sake. "That's Hot," How many times did we have to hear Paris Hilton say her famous line?

Look, my mom and dad thanked me for stepping in before Jenny blew all her money. Jenny was an impulse buyer. There's no thought put into it, Jenny sees it and buys it. Giving Jenny money is like giving a kid a hundred dollars in a candy store.

As soon as the five million dollars were deposited in Jenny's bank account, she bought herself a Corvette. One day while driving down the road, Jenny turned to look at the cute dog or the cute guy walking the dog, either way, the outcome was the same. Jenny blew a red light, and the Corvette was totaled.

But maybe it was fate. The guy with the dog ran to see if Jenny was okay and it was love at first sight. They married a year later.

Jenny is now all grown up, but she's still fucked up. I know that's mean, but it's true. She's on some meds now so I guess she's a little better and she's married to Jim and he's a nice guy and he does a good job keeping Jenny out of trouble. They had a daughter too; her name is Beth and seems to be normal. I think she takes after her dad's side of the family.

So, like I said, I took my sister's money, and we became partners in an investment firm. Once she met and married Jim, who is an accountant and very good with numbers, I hired him to handle our books.

Enough of that, let's move on.

Kelly and I moved in together right out of college and eventually got married. We had twin girls (Sara and Tara). Our life was great for 20 years. Until that one night, Kelly wanted to have that conversation.

Kelly never saw that one coming. She thought I loved her enough to let her just go out and fuck any guy she picked up at a bar.

"Tom, you know I love you, but something is missing." That's what she said. And being the nice guy that I am, I asked Kelly what was wrong and what I could do to help. I was really thinking to myself, 'I hope she doesn't want another kid. Our daughters are freshmen this year and I didn't feel like starting over again.' Anyway, that's not what my wife wanted; my wife wanted to fuck another guy or guys.

She pulled out the whole lame excuse, "The girls are off at college, and I miss them. My whole life has revolved around them and now that they are gone and you are at work all day, I'm lonely and bored."

"So, let's go on a vacation and we can do fun things together. I don't need to be in the office every day," I said, still thinking about how this mess could be salvaged.

"Honey, you know Jerry from the club...." "Jerry!" I cut her off, "Don't tell me you're fucking Jerry, that pompous ass."

"No Tom, I'm not fucking him yet. I would never go behind your back."

"Yet!" Oh, how nice of my wife. She was so courteous to ask for my permission first. "Kelly, if you want to fuck Jerry then pack your bags and get the hell out of my house."

Of course, the waterworks started, don't they always? I don't know if she was crying because she was truly sorry or crying because I wasn't going to let her fuck, Jerry. Either way, I didn't care.

And then I get the famous, "But if you loved me."

So yes, I threw Kelly out and she moved in with her parents.

What did Kelly think I would say? 'Okay Kelly, you can fuck Jerry, do whatever you want, I'll just be waiting right here for you,' I don't think so.

Let me tell you a little about Jerry. Jerry is a pompous ass. He comes from money. He's a trust fund baby and has never worked a day in his life. Jerry lets everyone know he has money. He wears expensive clothing and drives fancy cars and always talks about the 20-something-year-olds he fucks on his boat.

I have money too, but I don't rub it in everyone's face; I earned my money. Sure, it started with ten million from my grandmother, but I invested it and watched it grow and from there, I got into investment properties and funding construction projects. Now Jenny and I are set for life.

Kelly would have been set for life too, but she suddenly got stupid.

Did you ever hear the expression "fell out of the stupid tree," Well that's Kelly and she hit every branch on the way down.

More about Jerry, he's like 35 I guess, a good-looking guy and he's a smooth talker. All the girls at the country club say, "Jerry, he's the best!" Kelly isn't the first wife he's hit on or fucked. And let's be clear, I don't know if Jerry had fucked Kelly yet. But I told Kelly when I threw her out, "If I find out that you have already fucked Jerry or that you are fucking Jerry or you would like to be fucking Jerry, I will divorce you and ruin your life."

Did I send her off to her parent's house crying? Yes. Did both my daughters call me and ask me, "Dad, how could you throw Mom out of the house? She didn't cheat on you, that's why she wanted to discuss it with you." Yes, they did.

Did my mom and dad think I should work things out with Kelly? Yes. And somehow felt it was my fault that she was not happy and wants to fuck other men. My dad and his advice, "Are you taking care of her need's son? You know what I mean right Jim, cause me and your mom............" I had to cut him off. I didn't want to hear about my 75-year-old parents fucking each other.

So, like I said, I threw her ass out and she's living with her parents.

Did I have a prenuptial agreement? Yes. Is my business protected so that my wife can't just take half of everything? Yes. Whose idea was it to protect my assets? It was my fucked-up sister's idea. It was the only time in my life that I ever listened to her. I remember the conversation.

"Tommy, if you're going to marry Kelly, you need a prenuptial agreement.

"Kelly loves me I don't need a prenuptial agreement."

"Tommy," my sister said to me as she stared me in the eyes, "A man gets bored he looks for a hobby. A woman gets bored she looks for excitement. A man gets excited over a new golf club. A women get excited over a new dick."

"Jenny," I said, "that's the stupidest thing I ever heard."

"But if Kelly really loves you then she will have no problem signing a prenuptial agreement."

So, Kelly signed it.

Let's get back to the present.

I cut Kelly off. I left that bitch broke.

I changed the passcode on all the doors and the garage of our..., I mean, my house. The company owns the house and I make minimal rent payments to my company each month. I had her car taken away; it was leased through the company. I also emptied the checking and savings accounts and transferred the money into a new account under my name only. I canceled our joint credit cards and only left her with one credit card. Let her figure out how to pay off her Amazon balance.

Over the next few months, I received calls and texts from Kelly, Sara, Tara, my parents, Kelly's parents, and Kelly's stupid friend Laurie from the club, whom I'm sure had something to do with this mess too.

Laurie has an open marriage with her idiot husband Henry. I say open marriage, but I've never heard that Henry is fucking anyone but Laurie. Laurie on the other hand is fucking any guy with a pulse.

Kelly's club membership was paid for the year, or I would have stopped those payments too. I'm sure Laurie was telling Kelly that I would eventually give in as Henry did. That stupid idiot.

Of course, Kelly is sorry now and wants to talk to me and my family wants me to work things out.

"I don't know if I want to "work things out" with someone who wants to be with another man," that's what I told all of them.

As for Kelly, I haven't spoken to her since I kicked her out. The twins call me every day to tell me how sad their mother is and that all she does is cry to them on the phone.

Sure, they're getting tired of hearing her. They want me to take her back, so they don't have to listen to her any longer.

My sister was the only one on my side. "Tommy," she still calls me Tommy, her little brother. She's only three minutes older than me, "you need to teach that bitch a lesson!" my crazy sister's words of wisdom. "I told you 20 years ago that this would happen. Kelly got bored and found a new dick. You need to break that bitch and show her what she will lose if she ever fucks up again."

I did feel bad for Kelly's parents, I heard they were supporting her, so I gave them some money to cover Kelly's room and board.

Now that I think of it, Kelly hasn't worked a day in her life since I received my inheritance. We weren't even married yet when Kelly quit her job and I've supported her ever since.

Well, Kelly was penniless now, so she had to find a job. It took a while, but she got a job working as a hostess and a very nice restaurant.

Let's call it even four months since I kicked Kelly out and I still haven't talked to her. I haven't filed for divorce yet either. And to be honest, I probably won't but I need Kelly to see what life would be like if she ever says or does anything stupid ever again.

I did hire a PI to periodically follow Kelly to see if she meets Jerry or anyone else. So far all she does is go to work and back to her parent's house and cry on the phone to our daughters.

So, what did I do next, I went out to dinner at the restaurant where Kelly works.

"Table for two, the reservation is under Tom Williams," I said. As I stood there looking at Kelly, I was holding the hand of a beautiful blond-haired, blue-eyed 30-year-old woman named Lisa. I thought Kelly was going to pass out, but she had to do her job, so she walked us to our table.

"Tom, can we please talk," Kelly asked me.

Before I could say anything, Lisa asked Kelly for a Martini and then gently took my hand and started talking to me. Kelly walked away with tears in her eyes.

It was a beautiful evening and as Lisa and I started to walk out of the restaurant, Kelly approached me again, "You had a good man, but he wasn't enough for you, you just had to have more. Well, now he is mine so please leave us alone," Lisa said to Kelly.

Lisa is my secretary, and Kelly has always thought that Lisa had a crush on me. 'Someone will be getting a very big Christmas bonus this year.' I said to myself as we walked away leaving Kelly crying.

I was still ignoring the calls and texts from Kelly, but not my daughters. "Dad," it was Tara, "you're dating your secretary! Mom didn't cheat on you, all she wanted to do was discuss it with you."

"Oh sweety, your mother just felt guilty and was looking to me for my approval. She already had that arrogant prick ready and waiting for me to say yes.

No sweety I'm not playing that little game. I think they call that a cuckold husband. A husband that lets his wife fuck other guys. Next, she'll want to make me watch."

"Mom would never do that to you!"

"Maybe not, but that prick Jerry would. I know he would be bad-mouthing me in front of others," and I was right.

My sister and Jim stopped by one day to see how I was doing.

"I spoke to Kelly, and she was in tears," my sister said, "seeing you with your secretary has pushed her over the edge. Tom, I think she's learned her lesson and it might be time to forgive her."

And then Jim said, "But there is one more matter to take care of first."

"Talk to me Jim," I said.

"Jerry is talking shit at the club. He's telling everyone that Kelly left you to be with him. And there was some talk of you begging Kelly for another chance. He said you could no longer give Kelly what she needed so she left you to be with, a real man."

"Oh, that prick needed to learn a lesson too," I said.

I had to make a few phone calls and spend a pretty penny on what I had planned for Jerry.

Jerry loves the woman, and for some reason, the women, single or married, love Jerry too. And I found a 25-year-old woman that Jerry would find extremely attractive. I had to pay off a lot of people to get my plan to work. I needed to get my girl to be the cart girl at the country club while Jerry was playing 18 holes. Well, my plan came together one Saturday afternoon. I had my beautiful cart girl flirting with Jerry and waiting at every hole with a drink for him. "Can you show me how I should hold your club," she asked Jerry.

Jerry had her hold the club as he stood behind her bushing his dick against her ass. "I'd rather play with your balls than golf balls," she said.

Mindy, that's the cart girl's name, texted me that they were on the 10th tee, "Jerry is all over me and looking forward to getting his dick sucked." Mindy sent me a video of Jerry on the 12th tee. Jerry was so drunk that he fell over when he tried to swing his driver, so Mindy offered to take him back to the clubhouse.

On the way to the clubhouse, Mindy was stroking Jerry's dick. Mindy told Jerry she wanted to suck his shaft and play with his balls.

Mindy made a little detour on the way to the clubhouse.

There's an open field by the cart storage that no one goes to. It used to be a range, but now it's just an open field, covered by trees and bushes. Mindy took Jerry to the field where I was hiding ready to video the action.

I was close enough to hear them talking too.

"Jerry, I need that big dick of yours in my mouth," Mindy opened his fly, pulled his pants down, and started stroking his dick. "Jerry, my god it's so big." And down she went on him. At the same time, Mindy had taken her clothes off and was playing with herself. Jerry was too drunk to notice, and he was enjoying the blowjob he was getting. Now came the fun part, Mindy took Jerry's dick out of her mouth and was jerking him off while at the same time, she was jerking herself off all over Jerry.

Yes, Mindy was a transvestite. And I had it all on video. Mindy gave Jerry a passionate kiss, got up, dressed, and took off in the cart while Jerry was still trying to figure out what the hell had just happened.

The next day, I sent the video around to all my golf buddies at the club. Jerry is no longer a member.

So, what did I do about Kelly? I let her sweat it out for another month and thought about holding out longer, but I hadn't had sex in a while. You can only jerk off for so long.

So yes, I let her off the hook and told her that this was her one and only lapse in judgment, and if it happened again, well she saw what her life would be like. I also showed her the video of Jerry and told her I could ruin anyone's life if I put my mind to it.

I don't ever want to hear, "I'm lonely and bored," ever again so I told her to keep her job at the restaurant.

The End

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bigurnbigurn18 days ago

A fairly humourous tale for sure. I give it a 4 Star ⭐⭐⭐⭐ rating. Sure, she needs to suffer a little bit more, but as long as she signs a postnup also... Then let her come back , as long as she talks less like a stupid slut and offers sex , to the husband, pretty much daily.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Ahh. To sleep, perchance to dream...

Will Shakespeare


Revenge is not only a dish best served cold; but it takes a fortune to finance. There's the rub - only the rich can afford it.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

One and done, move on and give Lisa a chance. Also cut his stupid daughters off. Clearly they're buying into all that "modern feminist" bullshit if they think what their mother did was anything less than utterly disgusting behaviour. Clear to see where they get it from though; like mother, like daughter. You may think it's harsh, but the fact is he'll never be able to fully trust her again and will always wonder, "is she fucking around on me?"

That's the thing about trust: once you break it, it can never be fully repaired. The memory of the betrayal will always linger and give rise to doubt, even if it's only a small one. The knowledge of knowing that a person was able to break your trust once will always make you doubt the veracity of any of their claims.

LechemanLecheman2 months ago

Funny as, well done.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

A dumb ass story full of dumb acs people. Keep at it , you'll get better as you work on it.

willyk1212willyk12126 months ago

loved it keep her job yes indeed

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Lol. How were there no repercussions for Kelly? He tossed her out, she became penniless l, she had to work a dead end job for several months, was cutoff from her husband and their home for like six months, and saw him dating his secretary. And that is because she asked. Which is clearly bs on her part and only because she has a guilty conscience, but he showed her with the prenuptial over her head how miserable her life would be. No husband, no home, no money, working as a waitress to survive, no love life, and complete, instant disconnect from her husband. Wouldn't call that no repercussions.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Be careful what you wish for? Since she behaved he became the asshole who enacted revenge.

oldtwitoldtwit8 months ago

Oh an other read to make you smile, silly plot, but I have to admit I loved the Trany sideshow.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Lol 5 stars. Great job.

I like that the MC took no shit at all. Im glad he was in a position to do that. In a lot of these types of stories the cheating wife threatens to ruin her husband financially and take his kids. It was nice to see hubby have the resources to stop her from doing that.

inka2222inka22228 months ago

This could have been a 5 star BTB, but (1) he didn't cut off his shiffaced "daughters" (should have check DNA tests) for supporting the cheater instead of him; and (2) took the asssfaced bitch back with ZERO long term reprecussions. He should have taken away the club membership AT A MINIMUM, and confined her to home as precondition to taking her back. Also, paying room and board to her parents was a stupid wimp move. So, 3 stars in the end.

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