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A Letter from a Friend

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She confesses her wild night to Sue.
2.6k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 10/28/2022
Created 03/22/2005
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A letter from a friend to a mutual acquaintance about a night out that I enjoyed.

Or maybe it's someone's fantasy, or a fantasy that might never happen that I need to share to lessen the sadness...

Dear Sue,

I promised I'd write and tell you about my night at that club. I couldn't talk too much about it the other night just because I didn't want to be overheard.

I've known G for a while, I've told you about him before. The idea that he would make it possible for me to be there, and to do things I've only read about or seen on the net was just too good a chance to turn down.

What a fantastic place! It didn't look that big to begun with – the main area just consisted of a bar and dance floor area. There were doors all round that area leading to different rooms, which was a bit disconcerting. I got the impression that it was some kind of converted commercial building; it's the only way to make sense of it really, that it was a small office block converted on the cheap. There was a video lounge playing porn movies, next to a room like a big cupboard that was just a massive bed with pillows, that could comfortably hold about 10 people.

Just down the corridor from that there was a room with a swing/hammock thing, the kind of thing you imagine only really does exist in porn mags. I was entranced by what looked like a viewing room with a one way mirror into the room with the big bed. I don't know why, but I loved the idea of people who weren't brave enough to join in sheltering in that little room and playing with themselves as they watched someone play in the big room. Call me a slut if you like, but the idea of people wanking while they watched me take two or three guys on was just so sexy, and G kept whispering suggestions like that in my ear. One thing you're guaranteed from a guy you've had good cyber sex with is a filthy imagination to stoke the fires!

Behind the bar area there was a corridor with several private rooms which had double beds and doors which could be locked. G seemed pretty clued up on the etiquette of the place; I didn't want to think too much about that to be honest. His idea was the private corridor was meant to stay that way so that people who weren't so exhibitionist could still find a place to play.

Mind you, that corridor wasn't all about vanilla fun. You know that I fantasize about S&M, and G is a bit of a player at that sort of stuff. Never mind the politics, it just turns me on...

At the end of the corridor was a dungeon, although I guess you're supposed to call them playrooms these days. It had loads of things in - a cross to be tied to, another hammock, but with restraints attached, a rack, various chains and hooks I wanted it all Sue - I wanted every bit of that room to be transplanted to my house, for my garage to be that kind of playroom. Except of course that this playroom was open and big enough for people to walk round and watch what was happening. It was so sexy, and I felt so grateful to him for making it happen.

I can't claim I felt like I fitted in exactly though. There were not really many people there and to be honest I felt a bit old!! The average age was maybe 30, but a young 30, if you know what I mean. It was couples only, no singles. no alcohol was served, just soft drinks and coffee but you could take your own drink. It didn't help that I didn't know what to wear Sue. I mean, you've been hosting Anne Summers parties for years now, but would you know what to wear when you're not even sure if you can get from car park to door without being seen?

I'd gone for a kind of crossover Goth fetish look, with a button up black denim skirt and a short black leather jacket over a basque, stockings, thong and heels. Well, I started with a thong; G insisted I leave it in the carpark, and I gave in to him. He made me leave my jacket in the cloakroom as well – ordinarily Sue I'd hate men talking to my tits all the time but given what we were there for it seemed okay. I liked it actually. The other women were dressed a lot more functionally and minimally. One woman wore a pair of shoes and an ankle bracelet; nothing else. No-one looked at her any more than they looked at me. She was a real showoff too, sitting with her legs apart on a stool... G was a bastard to me while we were sat in that bar, talking to me all the time, telling me he was going to teach me to be willing to turn up at a club naked, ready to take on as many men as he wanted me to...

I hated it Sue, and I loved it. By the time we went for a walk round the club I was so turned on...

G told me he was walking me round the club to get me settled down, but I think he was being much more devious; He was letting me see what was happening and letting me watch people playing. The only thing worse than being manipulated so obviously is enjoying it as much as I did and I have to be honest Sue, I was loving it....

I watched a black rasta and his beautiful white girl in the dungeon. She was naked and tied in the hammock, spread wide open, shaved and obviously wet. He was sat in the corner on a big throne smoking and watching her. People were just wandering past and stopping to look at her. The next time I saw them they were both in the cage which had a single bed in. She was lying on her belly with a pillow under her raising her bottom. He was spanking her with a paddle, a soft horsehair type whip and his hands. He was using the paddle over and over again, as if he had a metronome in his mind that set the pace. Her bottom was so very red, and each time he moved position you could see the pinkness of her pussy, and how wet she was. All the time he was beating her she was moaning but not crying out. And then she came Sue.

She came from being beaten, and maybe from being watched; I'm sure he didn't touch her clit. Her whole body shook and as she came he kept slapping her bottom. It was sooooooooooooo erotic. I was soaking wet watching. And G knew; the bastard touched me a couple of times, but only just enough to make me more turned on.

I watched another couple fuck in various positions. I have to say that didn't do much for me, she was a drama queen exhibitionist and he thought he was a super stud. I found it boring in the end. She looked like she was auditioning for the stage and he looked bored! Watching too much porn was probably the reason why they looked like they were in a bad porn movie.

Mind you, while we watched them one thing that did turn me on was when a couple next to us started giving each other oral. It was quite dark so not much was to be seen but she was making a noise sucking him. It sounded like she was getting her tongue round him as well as her lips. I was stood right next to them. Then he started sucking her. she was moaning and catching her breath. I started to play with myself and I think I came just as she did!!

Make me a promise Sue; read the next bit but don't think any worse of me. We've shared a bedroom on holiday, you and me. We even shared a bed in that caravan when we went away with the kids. I never thought about you in a sexual way, even though I think you're the only person outside my family I've loved consistently over the years, but coming as I listened to that woman being licked by her man tipped me over the edge. I've always thought the lesbian bits in porn were to turn the men on, and maybe they are, because what I did that night was to please G. But I loved it, and I'll do it again to please me, if you see what I mean...

G took my skirt off me, so I was naked from the waist down but for my stockings, and told me to say thank you to the woman for turning me on. So I kissed her, and tried to imagine how another woman would like to be kissed. It's confusing; when you're kissing a man you know how it works, but a woman?

I got my answer there, that night. It works just as well ass it does when you kiss a man. It was like being 16 again, when you think that if you don't stop kissing then your stomach will turn inside out. And that if you do stop kissing your life will never be the same again.

They took me into one off the side rooms, one with a window in the door so you couldn't stop people looking. I could look more closely at the woman as well. She was about 33 or 34 I'd say, a brunette with a wedge sort off haircut. She was wearing stockings and a kind of lacy body that was undone between her legs. And she was randy; so randy. She had me on my back within seconds and she was above me in a 69 position, and she was ssoooo greedy. She had her tongue on my clit, and her fingers in my pussy and my bottom and I was gone. I'd have done anything she asked of me. Anything. What she wanted, of course, was for me to get my tongue into her, and I did. I couldn't concentrate, or see straight, but I was shoving my tongue into her and trying to work out what she was doing to me and trying to do the same things to her. It seemed to be working. Her juices tasted slightly acidic, and sharp. There was lots of them, too. Her pussy lips were neat, tidy, and her bottom was hard to penetrate at first, but once I'd wet my thumb in her juices I was able to give her some of her own treatment, and she was away, moaning and pushing back at me.

We had to stop for air eventually, and she climbed off me and held my hand. There were men crowding at the door of the room, watching us, three or four of them. I realised I didn't even know her name, but G and her man seemed to be getting on like a house on fire. They looked at her and me, and it was as if they'd reached a deal. G said

'Three for Kate and three for Bea...' Kate, I thought, she's called Kate. Then I realised what G had said. With the men in the doorway here were six men.

'They let single men in after a certain time Bea. Get in here guys, but her arse is mine.' My arse. He was talking about anal sex. He was saying that they couldn't use my arse, but he was implying that he would.

They weren't reticent, the men, but they didn't leap on me either. The first one got between my thighs, and slid his cock into me. I was expecting a pounding but he moved slowly, as if he was trying to find his way. I wasn't sure about it at all, but then G knelt by my head and put his cock into my mouth, and I swear I came from the pleasure of tonguing him. I've been talking to this man for a year, and I've seen him come on a webcam, and I've let him see me naked so many times but finally having his cock in my mouth, and I felt as if it had all been worth it.

The rest was so odd Sue. I lay there as the first man came, and stopped thrusting, and I didn't even flinch when he took the condom off and dripped the cum from it onto my tits. I just thought 'this is it; I'm a sex object just like G said I would be...'

There were more guys lining up at the door; Kate was on her hands and knees and she was doing men two at a time; her fella was stood to one side. She was talking to them as well, telling them to fuck her and use her.

G whispered in my ear 'tell me when you are tired....' I wasn't tired; I was running on adrenaline and lust. The second man fucked me into another orgasm, then pulled out, took the condom off and came on me. It was almost being choreographed by G, and I loved it.

Don't think badly of me Sue; I fucked six men that night, one after another. The last time was after G had come in my mouth; Kate was lying on her side watching me, and the man between my thighs was thick set, with a short chunky cock. Another man was putting his cock in my mouth; it was odd because his groin smelt of baby powder. I was trying to make room for the guy who was fucking me, and I locked my legs round his hips so my feet were behind his back. Another guy came into the room but G told his 'this one's the last, she's tired'. He was right; my jaw was aching and my thighs felt like I'd been running upstairs all night. The guy was eager though, and I realised what he was going to do; he stood over the guy fucking me and took hold of my feet so he could rub his cock between them.

I'd been getting a bit dry as the last guy seemed to be fucking me for ever with no sign of him coming, but the combination of the guy using my feet to wank him off and the other guy coming in my mouth and over my face was everything I needed to make me wet again. The guy inside me grunted and came with no visible change of pace, and then I felt the standing man come on my feet, and all I could think was that I wished I had photos of myself lying there.....

Don't judge me Sue, but when G took me back to his hotel half an hour later, with Kate's mobile number newly programmed into my Nokia and come drying on my skin, all I could think of what when I'd be doing it next, and what I'd be doing next.

Please be my friend still Sue; the only other person I can talk to about this is G, and if I talk to him about it I lose all sense of perspective....

Come over for supper one night and we'll talk; you still haven't told me which universities the girls are going to, and Ed wants to go to the same uni as Vic....My son has a crush on your daughter, and I'm panicking that you'll think me a pervert and never talk to me again...

But I had to tell someone...



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AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
in my dreams!

I've been to a club many times and wanted to do just this but not quite had the nerve! Very well written! a xox

mummys dirty angelmummys dirty angelabout 19 years ago
I love the bit..

she hated it, but loved it! This was deliciously dirty xxx

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
Good Insight

I liked this story because it got behind the head of the girl narrating it and had a good level of dirty detail that kept interest and gave excitement.

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