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A Lifetime of Adventures Ch. 01

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A weekend get-away gets canceled, but maybe for the better.
10.2k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 06/18/2022
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A Lifetime of Adventures -- Ch. 01

By Ghostwalker

(My continued thanks to my editor, LarryInSeattle, for his insight and editing skills.)

"Hello? Is anyone home? Jen, are you here?" I called out. When she didn't answer, I looked down at my watch and realized I was 15 minutes early so I took a seat on the couch thinking she was probably still getting ready for our get-away weekend.

While I sat there, I looked around her apartment, seeing little things that brought back memories of how we'd met during our first year in college and how quickly we'd become best friends, sharing interests in art and photography. There were even some little mementos reminding me about how we'd remained friends during Grad School where she'd continued to specialize in photography while I'd branched out into advertising. Yet, it hadn't been until 4 months ago that we'd become 'involved' and that was only because her long-time boyfriend, Matt, had suddenly announced that he was leaving for Europe and that he was going alone.

She'd been devastated and it seemed only natural that she turned to me for support. Our relationship quickly blossomed after that and our friends whispered that 'love was in the air'. Maybe that's why I'd made plans to fulfill one of her life-long dreams and take her on a romantic get-away weekend... the destination a secret. The only indication that I'd planned anything was when I called her and told her to pack her bags and that I'd be at her apartment by 9:00 o'clock the next morning.

Looking down at my watch again, I saw that it was already after 9 and she wasn't here... or was she? That's when I noticed some luggage sitting near the stairs going up to the loft bedroom and heard the faint sound of water running.

As I climbed the steps, I called out, "Jenny? Jen, are you up here? We have to get going."

When I still didn't get an answer, I checked the loft and then, without thinking, opened the bathroom door, stepping in. "Jen? Come on, we have to get go...," I faltered. There was someone in the shower but it definitely wasn't Jenny. Instead of her slender body and blonde hair, the woman in the shower was full-figured with raven-black hair that hung almost to the middle of her back. "What the f...?" I muttered as I stepped backward and bumped into the bathroom door.

The woman spun around instantly, one arm crossing over her chest while the other dropped to cover the junction between her legs. Both of us stood frozen in place.

"I'm sorry," I stuttered. "I was looking for Jen. I'll... I'll..." I didn't finish as I turned to run down the hallway.


Hearing her call my name, I stopped and replied, "Yeah. I was supposed to meet Jenny here."

"I KNOW. WAIT FOR ME DOWNSTAIRS. I HAVE A MESSAGE FOR YOU," the woman yelled as she turned off the shower.

Confused, I went downstairs, still in a daze. "What's going on? Where's Jenny? And who's the woman in the shower?" I asked himself as I slumped onto the couch.

I was still sitting there a few moments later when the woman came down from the loft.


I looked up slowly and truly saw her for the first time. Five-foot eight or nine, blue-green eyes, and black hair that was still slightly wet from the shower. She was dressed in a black dress with a white scoop neckline, and gray panels on the sides. She was wearing gold hoop earrings, a gold bracelet, and a delicate gold necklace that disappeared between her breasts. To top it off she was wearing smoke-colored stockings and black high-heels.

"Hello," she said again.

"Sorry, I... mmmmmm..." I stuttered as I stood up to introduce myself while the image of what I'd seen in the shower filled my mind's eye. The image of a body that most men fantasized about and women spent hours in the gym trying to get.

"Are you OK?"

"Yeah, I think so. I was looking for Jenny."

"I know. She called me early this morning and asked me to come over here, that she had an emergency."

"Emergency? Is she alright?"

"She's fine. It wasn't that kind of an emergency."

"I don't understand."

"Well, first of all I'm assuming you're Dan, right?" She reached out to shake my hand.

"Yeah," I answered, taking her hand in mine. The feel of a small electrical charge ran through my body at her touch.

"Well, how about we take a seat and I'll try to explain everything to you?"

"Okay," I mumbled as I sat back down.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah, just a little..."

"I understand," she replied, softly as she took a seat across from me. "But before we go any further I should introduce myself. I'm Jen's older sister, Naomi."

"Naomi?" I said giving her a quizzical look as she continued.

"You've probably never heard of me since I'm the black sheep of the family," she explained. "Anyway, it seems Jen got a call from Matt after she talked to you last night. They used to be a pretty hot item from what she told me. He called to tell her he was back in town and needed to see her. She was pretty confused because she's been seeing you and didn't know what to do so she called me. I told her to forget about Matt... especially after what he'd done to her but I guess she didn't listen because when I got here, she was gone. Instead, I found two envelopes on the table when I got here, one for me and one for you," she said as she held out an envelope with my name on it.

"One of the things she asked me to do in my letter was to do her a big favor by staying until you got here. I guess she figured you might need someone around after you read your note. She also said the note would explain everything and that she'd call later."

I looked down at the envelope and knew what the note inside was going to say before I even opened it:

Dear Dan,

I'm terribly sorry about this but I got a call from Matt last night and he's back from Europe. You know how much you mean to me but I know, or at least think I know, who my heart belongs to and I have to go to him.

Please forgive me,


I sat looking at the note as tears slowly filled my eyes.

"Bad news?"

"Yeah but nothing I shouldn't have expected. She went back to Matt."

Inside, I felt as if my world was collapsing in on me, while anger slowly filled the void. "Just goes to show that love is for fools and suckers."

"You don't really believe that do you?" she asked, the soft tone of her voice making me look up into her eyes. "I know Jen doesn't, that's why she asked me to wait for you. She asked me to give you something special from her."

"Yeah, what's that?"

She hesitated before replying, "Me."

"What do you mean?"

Rather than trying to explain, she handed me the note that Jenny'd left for her. "Maybe this will help."


I need to ask you a huge favor. As you know I've been dating a really nice guy named Dan since my break-up with Matt. He's probably the best friend I've ever had, except for you.

The problem is that Matt called last night. He's back from Europe and says he realizes he made a big mistake leaving me here and wants a chance for us to get back together. I know it's gonna sound crazy, especially after what he did to me, but I have to take a chance. I think I'm still in love with him.

Unfortunately, it means hurting Dan. He and I are supposed to go away, I think for the whole weekend, and I'm hoping you'll take my place. I honestly hope the two of you will have a good time. I'll leave it up to you as to what you do together, I know how 'wild' you can be sometimes and if the two of you... well, enjoy.

The only thing I ask is that you be honest with him and explain everything to him as best you can. He's one of the sweetest and most caring men you'll ever know.

Tell him I'm sorry but I have to do what my heart says I must.



"I still don't understand," I said when I looked up from the letter.

"Maybe I should try and explain it a little better then," she paused as she shifted on the couch. "As I told you earlier, I'm the black sheep of the family and in my case, that means I've done a lot of crazy things that my family has been embarrassed by."

"Like what?" I asked, my curiosity slowly overcoming my pain.

"Let's see. Ummmmm... I've worked as a professional model, both fashion and nude."

"Okay, so what?" I asked getting more intrigued by the woman sitting across from me.

"... I've been a stripper in a men's club,"

"Okay, I've known a few of the girls at school that have worked at clubs to make money for tuition and so on."

"... and even worked as a high-class escort, with all that implies."

"Wow," I muttered, my interest suddenly jumping several points.

"But, while I was doing that, I earned two degrees; one in business and the other fashion design without my family's help. At the same time, I learned a lot about myself including that I like who and what I am. I like the body I have and the looks I get from people when they see me," she paused as I looked at her, head-to-toe.

"I've also learned that I love to, excuse the language, fuck... especially younger men. There's just something about having a nice, hard cock sliding in and out of me. Some would say I'm a nymphomaniac but I prefer to think of myself as a liberated woman. I think that might be why Jen asked me to come here and spend the next three days with you. So, that being said, I'm all yours to do with as you please. We can talk, go out to a movie, or dinner, or we can fuck until neither of us can move. The choice is yours."

"I'm not sure what to say," I replied, my mind still in a daze. "This is probably one of the most bizarre things that's ever happened to me. I'm not sure where to start."

"Then how about we start with the basics. I'm 32 years old, which makes me... what?... six years older than you?"

I nodded my head.

"And I'm 5-foot 9-inches tall. I'm a natural brunette as you may have noticed when you saw me in the shower. My eyes are blue-green, like right now, but I like to wear colored contacts once in awhile for the fun of it. My tits are 36D, though I sometimes have to wear a DD-cup depending on the manufacturer," she said, quite matter-of-factly.

"My waist is 28, and my hips are 37. My gynecologist told me once that my body was made to be loved, and while I've done plenty of 'loving', I don't have any children... yet. It's on my list of things to do... right after I find the right guy. Furthermore, I like to sunbathe, preferably in the nude and I keep my pussy hair sculpted. Anything else you're interested in knowing you're going to have to come over here to find out," she finished as she patted the couch next to her.

I sat where I was for a moment wondering if this was all a dream that I'd soon wake up from or if it was the start of the wildest adventure in my life. Unsure of what else to do, I stood and slowly walked to the couch, taking a seat next to her.

The hours slipped away in what felt only like minutes. We talked about our childhoods, our educations, and our likes and dislikes, the whole time avoiding the one topic we both knew needed to be discussed. It wasn't until we noticed that the room was getting dim that we realized how late it was.

"Wow!! Six o'clock already. I'm famished," she said.

"I am too," I replied just as my stomach rumbled.

We both laughed.

"What do you say to the idea of going out for dinner?" I asked, timidly.

She looked at me for the briefest of moments before she answered. "I think I'd like that. Just give me a couple of minutes to freshen up," she continued as she stood and headed up to the loft.

"Okay. I'll call around and see if there's any place decent that has any tables available."

When she returned, she was wearing the same clothes she'd been wearing earlier but there was something different about her that made me tremble as I watched her come down the stairs. Maybe it was the make-up, or the delicate fragrance of her perfume, or the aura of confidence that seemed to flow from her but my cock instantly began to harden.

"Where to?" she asked.

"Angelo's," I replied.

The quizzical look on her face told me she'd never heard of it.

"It's one of the newest, and best restaurants in the area. Fortunately, I know the manager from college and he said he'd set aside a table for us."

"Mmmmm, that sounds marvelous."

The night was clear and warm so I opened the sunroof as we drove to the restaurant, watching the breeze rustle through her hair. When we arrived, we were escorted to a table that overlooked a local lake. The sound of the water lapping against the shore acted as an undercurrent to the soft music playing in the background.

Since I'd had already called ahead, the first course, a thick, savory soup made of fresh vegetable and herbs quickly appeared on our table, accompanied by a bottle of dry, white wine.

"Be careful," I warned, "it's pretty spicy." Fortunately, the chef had added a small plate of heavy, brown bread cubes to help reduce the 'bite'.

"Phew. This is spicy. It's making me tingle all over," she said as she took a drink of wine and ate a small piece of the bread before taking another spoonful.

I hardly heard her as I watched her sip the soup through her puckered lips. "She looks so sexy. I wonder what it would feel like to have those lips pressed against mine?" I thought.

The appetizers followed, consisting of a variety of sea food, including shrimp, crab, and escargot. There was a small plate of fresh, crisp vegetables with a creamy dip alongside it to help to clear our palate.

We sat talking about anything and virtually everything that came to mind, growing closer by the moment.

Once again, I found myself mesmerized by the beauty before me. I watched her tongue slowly exit her mouth to guide a piece of food into it, the way her throat moved when she drank, and how her face flushed when she ate a particularly spicy piece of food. It was lucky for me that the noise around us concealed the low primal moan that rumbled in my chest when I imagined what it would be like to have her tongue battling with mine in a lover's kiss. It was also lucky that she couldn't see the bulge in the front of my pants as I watched her.

The main course was Pasta Alfredo with finely diced oysters and a basket of fresh bread sticks.

"Mmmmmmmm, this is delicious but remember what they say about oysters," she giggled as she lifted her wine glass in a toast.

"What's that?" I asked, knowing full well what is said about them being an aphrodisiac.

"Nothing," she replied, her cheeks turning a deeper pink as she drank her wine. Then, suddenly, she looked at me and asked, "What's that?"


"That vibration. I can feel it in my feet."

"Oh, that. That's another advantage of this place. There's a dance club right next door."

"Mmmmmm, I love to dance," she said, as she closed her eyes and her head began to sway side to side as she listened.

"Okay. I guess I know where we're going next."

When she opened her eyes, they twinkled in the subdued light.

The next course was a fresh-fruit plate, loaded with melon, strawberries, grapes, and kiwi. I sat there, as if frozen in place, watching her every move. And felt my cock jump when her tongue slowly slid from between her lips to lick a small piece of melon from the corner.

"I'm gonna be in big trouble if I have to stand up right now," I thought to myself. "There's no way she won't see this bulge in my pants."

Fortunately, the dessert, arrived just then. So, for the next ten minutes, I did everything in my power to avoid looking at her for very long as I felt the lump slowly decrease.

Afterwards, we sat and enjoyed the view as we sipped more wine.

"Didn't you say something about dancing?" she asked, breaking the silence.

"Yep. Let's go."

The club was packed but it seemed as if it parted just for her from the moment we walked in. We quickly found a table along a side wall and watched as the lights flashed and the music blared. Dancers filled the dance area and spilled over into the spaces between the tables.

"What would you like to drink?"

"Amaretto and sour," she said, leaning close enough for me to hear her and feel her soft breath on my ear.

I flagged down a waitress and gave her our requests. Once they arrived, I handed her drink to her and waited until she took the first swallow.

"This drink is stronger than I thought," she yelled.

I nodded as I took a sip of my own. "Yeah, this place is known for using cocktail shots with the liquor."

She smiled as she raised her glass and took another larger sip.

"So what do ya think?" I asked.

"I like it," she replied as she slid closer to me.

"Wanna dance?"

She nodded and we moved to the dance floor just as the music changed to a slow, romantic tune.

"Still wanna dance?" I asked, looking downwards and finding myself glimpsing into the open cleavage of her dress.

She answered by stepping into my arms and we found ourselves swaying and rubbing against each other as the music carried us away. On the occasion that we did leave the dance floor it was only long enough to take sips of our drinks before returning and it was during one of those breaks that I realized just how much I'd had to drink and how it was effecting me.

"I think we better leave."

"Why? Don't you like the company?" she asked, teasingly.

"Oh, I love the company," I replied giving her a light hug, "but if I have any more to drink I'm not gonna be able to drive."

"In that case, we better get going because there's no way I can drive now," she said, with the slightest slur to her words.

Just then, someone bumped into her and she fell against me. My arms wrapped around her waist as hers wrapped around my neck and her breasts pressed against my chest. "Like I said, there's no way I can drive." Then she paused, and looked up, giving me a quizzical look. "Are you sure that's the only reason you wanna get out of here?" she asked, sensuously as she rubbed her pelvis against the bulge that was growing in my pants.

"Let's just say I don't wanna do anything that will embarrass us or land us in jail."

She giggled in response.

We left the bar, side-by-side, our arms wrapped around each other's waists.

When we got to my car, I held the door for her and was rewarded by a glimpse of her long legs as she slid into the passenger's seat. "Mmmmmm," I groaned to myself.

"Did you say something?"

"No. Why?"

"The music from the band was so loud my ears are still ringing," she giggled.

"Actually, I was thinking about where we should go. My place is too small for the both of us and..."

"I guess the only option is going back to Jen's place."

"I... what do you say about taking a drive before we go back there? I'm still kinda..." I paused as I walked around the car and slid into the driver's seat.

"Kinda what?"

I sat there for a moment before starting the car. "Actually, I've been thinking about something all evening long," I continued as I pulled the car from the parking lot and out onto the street heading toward the opposite side of the lake.

"Thinking about what?" she persisted.

"About Jen."

"What about her?" she asked, slightly irritated because it was taking me so long to get to the topic we knew we needed to discuss..

"Well, this morning when I came to her apartment I thought she was THE ONE. You know, the one I was supposed to spend my life with, but now," I paused as I looked at her sitting there, her hair blowing loosely in the breeze, "I'm wondering if she just wasn't the one I felt the most comfortable with because we've been friends for so long."

"Ahhhhh," she replied "And what about now?

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