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A Loan - the Hard Way

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If only her credit rating matched her babe rating.
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Vicky Brooks stared disconsolately at the wallpaper, her young life in financial turmoil. Having tried just about every loan company in the book, it had been the same story every time: none of them wanted to help. With the afternoon drawing to a close, there was but one last resort. The petite twenty-year-old brunette's frustration matched only by her desperation, she dialled and waited. "Hello, Easy Loan..." came the baritone response.

Vicky stole a quick breath and tried not to let the desperation taint her voice. Okay, she had missed the last three payments on her existing loan and they were on the verge of taking to court, but perhaps they'd lend a sympathetic ear. They might even lend her some more money.

* * *

Matt Robinson had been clock watching, dreaming of going home, when the phone rang. A rat-faced thirty-year-old, with a well deserved reputation as office pervert, the sweet sounding female voice on the other end offered cheer against the chore of answering the phone so late. Mentally he drew a picture of the caller, doubtless way off mark, but it did no harm to fantasise.

As his colleagues filtered out and the office emptied quickly, Matt ran Victoria Brooks' details through the system. Oh dear, she was credited up to the eyeballs. And she was well behind on the payments on her existing loan. There was no way the company could assist. Hmmm, in which case perhaps there might be some fun to be had with this girl. Matt had often dreamed of a girl so desperate she'd do anything to get her hands on additional funds, particularly after office manager Tony, a kindred spirit, had regaled him with tales of girls that had offered blowjobs, and more, to extend their credit line.

Retrieving Vicky's paperwork, Matt's eyes bulged at the photo I-D held on file. She was absolutely gorgeous, facially at least. It was then that manager Tony, a greying yet imposing man in his late forties, leaned over his shoulder. Matt filled in the older man, a wicked grin appearing on his grizzled features. "Get her in," ordered Tony. "Weren't planning on rushing off, were you?"

"Not now," replied Matt with a lusty smile, before returning to his caller. "We may be able to help, but you'll have to make an appointment," Matt imparted, hearing the hope in the girl's voice extinguish like air from a punctured balloon.

Yet Vicky was in such dire straits she agreed to hop on a bus and come right over straight away. Darting around breathlessly, she swapped a pair of worn jeans for a tight short skirt, her well-used trainers for a pair of red leather boots and the saggy sweatshirt for a figure-hugging sleeveless top. Scraping her hair into a ponytail, she puckered up to apply a line of pink lipstick before dousing her neck in scent. Smoothing the top over her pleasantly plump breasts, she headed off for the bus stop. Vicky might not possess a great credit rating but she did have feminine wiles in abundance.

* * *

Half an hour later, Matt Robinson heard the intercom buzz and checked out the CCTV. Wow, this girl was even better in the flesh, an absolute stunner in fact: petite in stature yet with full heaving breasts, a slim waist, nicely rounded posterior and angular legs. "Is that our Vicky?" enquired Tony, peering over his colleague's shoulder. "Definitely worth staying late for," he added with a wink.

* * *

Vicky sat alone in the wood panelled interview room, waiting anxiously as the hopeless application was processed next door. She placed her handbag on the table, scanning the various pictures dotted around the room of happy couples smiling, holding their Easy Loan cheques, with holidays, new kitchens and flash cars all depicted in thought bubbles. The advertising spiel made it look all so easy. The goose bumps on her skin told a different story.

Vicky knew the answer in advance of Matt's disclosure, yet there was something even more humiliating about being given the news face-to-face as opposed to behind the safety barrier of the telephone. Matt was very professional about it, explaining the company's policies and how she really needed to make the back payments first, but no amount of compassionate words could prevent a few rogue tears straying from her doe eyes, causing the eyeliner to run. "Is there nothing you can do for me?" she appealed, pouting through the veil of tears.

Matt concealed a smirk. "Not really," he replied. "But, tell you what, my manager is still in the office somewhere..."

Vicky forced a smile, shifting uncomfortably in the chair.

* * *

Five minutes passed before the door creaked open. "Hi, Miss Brooks, I'm Tony Reed, the branch manager," offered a mature looking man with greyish hair and pinstripes, and to whom Vicky held out a limp hand. "I take it Matt has explained why we can't offer you further funds at the present time."

"What if I give you my word I'll keep up the repayments?" she tried in vain hope.

Tony's face contorted into a mock grimace. "Unfortunately Miss Brooks..." He didn't need to complete the sentence.

Vicky rose from the chair, the short skirt hanging seductively midway up her thigh, focusing his attention. Sensing a flicker of recognition, Vicky smoothed the light material down her thighs, before ruffling the top, accentuating the impressive curve of her breasts. "Thank you for your time, Mr Reed," she said magnanimously, head bowed to Matt who had come in and guarded the doorway.

"There is another way," echoed Tony's voice across the desk.

Vicky pulled up sharply. Drawing breath she laid her handbag back down on the table. "Sit down," suggested Tony. "I sense you need this loan badly. Am I right Vicky?" he added, the words rewarded with a silent nod. "What do you think, Matt, can we help Vicky?"

"Depends HOW badly she wants the loan, I guess," replied Matt, grinning as his cock began to throb in the suit trousers.

"I guess it does," mused Tony, his eyes locking on Vicky's. "Maybe Vicky could earn her loan?"

"Maybe she could," played along Matt, a bad cop / bad cop scenario building, the ruse working like a dream.

"Earn it?" the female voice enquired.

Vicky swallowed hard, all subtlety swept aside as the suggestion / command rang out from Tony's lips: "Okay Vicky, how about you take off that pretty little top for us?"

"No way," she protested. "You can't go making me do that, it isn't fair."

Tony leaned up close, his caustic breath on the soft skin of her face. "So you think it's FAIR to run up massive credit card bills, huh? You think it's FAIR to take out loans you have no prospect of ever repaying? Tell me then, Vicky, what is FAIR?"

Vicky's bottom lip quivered and her neck started to burn with a stress rash. Yet the money was so important, practically her last chance. "H-how m-much...if I do as you s-say?" she stammered.

"Hmmm, depends," teased Tony, rubbing his chin, "a grand, two perhaps. Depends how good you are. Now be an obedient little girl and take the top off."

Tears welled in Vicky's eyes, yet she had to do it. She could end up with a CCJ, and worse still, a prison sentence if her finances weren't remedied soon. Standing between the pair she hesitated. Tony raised his eyebrows as a prompt. Clasping the sides, Vicky shifted up the clingy top to reveal a lacy black half cup bra, a pair of fulsome breasts spilling over the tops. She stood between the pair of lecherous men, suddenly shivery, a stiffening of the nipples as they pressed hard against the lace. Instinctively Vicky's arms crossed her chest.

"Now that wasn't so hard, was it?" mouthed Tony and Vicky forced a smile his way, arms still in place. "Now take your arms away," encouraged Tony. "There's a good girl."

Grudgingly Vicky obeyed, two sets of eyes burning into her breasts, the pair mentally undressing her further. She felt cheap and slutty. "Mmmm, now come here. How about a nice little lapdance?"

Brushing aside the abject humiliation and focussing only on the bottom line, the money, Vicky moved closer, her scent wafting beneath Tony's nostrils bringing a salacious grin to his face. Straddling his lap, she gyrated as sexily as her heightened embarrassment would allow. Tony grinned as her bra-clad boobs brushed his nose, each movement causing his cock to rise a notch. Reaching out, Vicky eased the jacket off his shoulders, before fumbling with the silken sky blue tie. "That's it," he encouraged, as Matt looked on, wide-eyed.

With forced enthusiasm, Vicky thrust her crotch into his, the tie coming undone and hanging in two strands down his front. Slowly she unbuttoned the white shirt revealing a hirsute chest, flecked with grey. Grabbing each end of the tie, Vicky's hands worked it back and forth through the collar, teasing his neck and pulling his face towards her heaving bosom. "Oh yeah, that's it baby," he enthused as she wrestled off his shirt and tie. "Tie her wrists behind her back," he commanded Matt who did as he was told, eliciting a groan from Vicky as the silk tightened at the skin.

Unable to support herself, she wobbled in Tony's lap until he gripped at her waist, stroking the soft flesh and leaning back so the chair tilted against the wall. He let her gyrate, their chests and lips brushing, Vicky moaning in mock appreciation as his bulge rubbed her pussy. Finally he rocked forward once more, releasing her, the helpless girl toppling backwards on to the carpeted floor.

Matt sprang to her assistance, helping her into a chair whilst enjoy a good grope of her breasts and arse through the skirt and bra. "Okay, let's get those boots off," suggested Matt, dragging a seat before her as Tony looked on.

The younger man lifted Vicky's right foot into his lap, the boot coming off with a tug to reveal a little white cotton sock. Matt eased that off too, unveiling a tiny, cute-looking foot. He stroked the instep lovingly, causing Vicky to squirm, then did the same with the other boot and sock, handling the foot like precious porcelain. Bringing her toes to the bulge in his Armani trousers, Vicky was forced to rub, causing the bulge to inflate.

An even bigger bulge filled Tony's pinstripes, the older man moving in closer to stand above as Matt's hand moved up her calf and inner thighs, inside the hem of the skirt. Without hands to brush aside the intrusion, instinctively Vicky kicked out, catching him square in the groin. Matt cried out and immediately Tony leaned over, pulling her head back by the ponytail, prompting a yelp. "Now, don't be a silly girl Vicky," he hissed.

"Sorry," she mumbled under her breath as the clip was eased out from her hair, a spread of brunette locks tumbling down her shoulders to Tony's appreciation.

Vicky whimpered as the older man tilted to press his face roughly into hers, an eager tongue finding her lips. They parted almost unwillingly, the snake-like tongue rolling over hers, eliciting a dull moan back into his mouth. At the same time, Matt's fingers found her skirt once more, drawing it down over her hips, with a rush of cool air over the dampened front of her panties. "No," she moaned in muffled protest, unable to deal with the two-pronged assail, the chair tilting back as Tony probed her mouth and Matt prised open her legs, spread over either side.

As he sucked on her tongue, Tony reached to squeeze Vicky's bra-clad breasts, roughly working them free of the constraints of the cups. Two perfect orbs, they hung seemingly defying gravity, the nipples erect like two American Hard Gums. Tony pulled firmly at each elongated teat before moving his mouth from hers to envelop the left one. "Oh God, no..." moaned Vicky, detesting the treacherous feelings her body was imparting.

Things were about to become more intense as, down below Matt climbed to his knees and started to rub the crotch of her rapidly dampening panties with two fingers, pressing the lacy material up inside her pussy. The piston-like digits worked inside, in and out, faster, deeper, her clit responding with a gush of pleasure. Feeling heady and at their complete whim, Vicky groaned as close by a trouser zip was lowered with a swish.

As the fingerwork to her pussy intensified and the chair balanced precariously on two legs, Vicky felt a dome-like object press her cheek and lips. Taking a firm grip upon her hair, Tony angled the girl's head so that the engorged purple head fitted snugly into her heart-shaped mouth. Almost a default setting, Vicky's natural reaction was to start sucking, her tongue swirling the bulbous head, dispersing saliva. Tony moaned in appreciation, pressing in deeper. The shaft slender and smooth and as long as anything Vicky had experienced before, soon it was buried in the warm wet oral cavern. "Oh fuck yes, baby," he exhaled as the tip contacted her throat.

Just as she was getting used to things, suddenly Vicky felt herself lifted from the chair. At the same time, the helpless young woman's panties were eased down her thighs to expose an almost perfect v-shaped growth of neatly trimmed pubic hair. The cool air brushed the swollen lips that ran the length of a glistening pussy, her black bra the only stitch of clothing still in place, though it was down around her belly, those ripe young breasts unsupported.

Amid a fruitless struggle, she found herself spread across Tony's lap, his cock head, still coated with saliva, digging at her hips. "This is what happens to naughty little girls that don't pay their debts..."

The first smack caught the right buttock, causing Vicky to squeal. A volley followed, ten, maybe a dozen spanks in quick succession, all hard, all painful. Vicky's body jerked, her arse blushing a shade of purple. "Oh please, no, God no...no more..."

A pause followed, allowing the stinging to really take hold, her mouth sucking in air violently. As she wriggled to gain some semblance of comfort, once more her body was lifted. She was pushed onto the desk, legs dangling invitingly. Matt was first to make a move, his cock out and ready. Defiantly Vicky pressed her raised knees together, the protests reaching a heightened level. "God, no, please..."

Matt grinned, prising the knees apart with contemptuous ease, forcing his shoulders either side before shuffling up. With a jerk his cock head nestled at the entrance to her pussy. "No!" she screeched, trying to repel the onslaught.

Yet Matt's cock was so damned hard, added to which Vicky was already so worked up by the previous ministrations and the spankings that had left her craving more, that there really was no contest. The rock hard tool grazed the lips and split them like a knife through butter. Vicky groaned as the tip plunged deep and mercilessly into her cervix. No time for a breath, Matt worked it in and out like a jack hammer, his balls brushing the edge of the desk with each deep thrust. "Nooooooo," she wailed, head lolling back over the other side of the desk, before once more her protests were silenced with the gag that was Tony's smooth penis.

As Vicky moved her head quickly away from Tony, she clamped shut her lips in defiance, the cock denied access. Lifting his hand, Tony slapped her face, which wasn't easy for she was a moving target, her body slammed back and forth across the desk by Matt's fucking. When the lips remained shut Tony pressed her nostrils until near suffocation forced them apart. With utter disdain he slammed in that pretty mouth hard before fucking it like it were a hot little cunt. Her face numb like a stroke victim, spittle dribbled uncontrollably from each side of her mouth. Whenever she was allowed, which was rare, Vicky moaned: "No...mmpph."

Her feet wrapped around Matt's buttocks, the younger man began to slow, savouring each deep plunge into the young slut's juicy pussy. Each bulging vein, each pulsating thrust elicited a fresh muted gasp on Tony's oral implant. Holding the back of her head for support, he worked hard into her clenched throat, forcing her to gag, before suddenly withdrawing, a string of precum and spittle stretching from cock tip to lips. Reaching for his cock he grunted, one hard jerk and the orgasm ranged in with the intensity of a gale.

The first rope lassoed across her face from chin to brow as Tony bellowed and Vicky pressed her lips tightly together. However, she was unable to prevent a second wad from coating her tongue and palate as her own orgasm induced by Matt's exertions caused a cry of ecstasy and her mouth to gape open. Tony stroked another half a dozen more times, milking his balls of every last drop onto her lips. With her head lolled back over the desk, Vicky had no option but to swallow the salty seed. For good measure, Tony wiped his cum-stained helmet back and forth across her lips.

Seconds later Matt came too with a shuddering climax, wave after wave of hot cum pumping into the breathless young woman's womb.

As the men moved clear to survey the humiliated specimen, Vicky's ragdoll body went into a belated spasm, her heart pumping wildly. It was a minute before she was able to climb into a seated position, the knot around her wrists untying of its own accord. The freed hands found a Kleenex in her handbag to wipe the splatter from her face and pubic hair. "Now get your things and get the fuck out," commanded Tony.

"I want my cheque first."

Tony shook his head. "You think we'd lend a hopeless slut like you more of the company's good money. Now scoot."

"You bastards, you'll regret this."

"Yeah, yeah," chorused the two as they hustled her out of the office, still wrestling her clothes back on.

* * *

The following day, Matt and Tony wore broad smiles as they met at the coffee machine. Already they were planning a repeat performance. That was, until the call came through mid morning.

"Hi Matt, I think you should know that in my handbag was a camcorder that taped everything that happened last night. I'll be in touch shortly."

The call quickly terminated and Matt shot a look of terror in Tony's direction, striding over to his office. "She's bluffing," the older man asserted. "She's just pissed off that we tricked her, that's all."

Suddenly an e-mail appeared – complete with attachments. Tony clicked on one to reveal a still of the previous night's rape, depicting his fucking the girl's mouth while, face contorted, Matt slammed into her cunt. "Shit, she wasn't bluffing..."

Hot on its heels, the telephone on Matt's desk rang. The pair sprinted over. "Okay guys, here's the deal, and no messing around. First, I know where you both live. I also know you're both married. Those pictures will be sent to your wives unless I'm compensated for last night. After that, it's your bosses, and then, who knows, the police perhaps."

"How much?" enquired Tony, seizing control.

Vicky paused. "Five grand each, I don't care how you get it but I want it by the weekend, or else."

* * *

At home, Vicky beamed. Her debts would soon be history.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Loved it!

The end twist was perfect, well done!

Illicit KittyIllicit Kittyover 17 years ago

As someone who makes a living by convincing people to ruin their credit...this story just makes me smile, well, and get a bit wet ;)

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

Ever thought about going pro and selling these for money! I would definately buy em!

NitaelfNitaelfalmost 18 years ago

Loved this one too Mark!

Hugs and Slurps!


AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago

great the guy think they get an easy fuck but in the end they get really fucked Iove it

emisweetieemisweetieover 18 years ago
An Orgasm - the Easy Way

Very hot story that gets bonus points from me for the spanking!

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago

i love it when a lady gets fucked and then gets even.

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