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A New Life Pt. 04


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"Push, push, push," she yelled, "now pull it out as fast as you can."

Richard grabbed the shaft of the dildo in both hands, and pulled back. I tightened my muscles around the dildo, letting the rim around the head force them apart, with a delicious burst of pain. I screamed hard, and the head came out with a loud sucking noise. I relaxed my muscles again so my hole stayed open, and I watched as Karen adjusted the angle of the lamp again, and peered into my vagina.

As I lay there with my hole wide open, I knew I'd have enjoyed looking up me as much as Karen obviously was, but it suddenly struck me as strange, because although vulvas are fantastically interesting and varied, there's really not much to see inside a vagina. That wasn't worrying Karen, as her fingers were going like crazy on her clit, and as my cunt slowly closed, she came, doubling up and shoving her fingers inside her. This gave me a bit of a respite -- but it didn't last long.

"Ram it up her again, Richard, and harder this time!" Karen snarled, standing up, with her fingers now just idling on her clit. "Then turn her over and shove the other one up her asshole."

I relaxed my muscles, and enjoyed the thrust of the dildo as it stretched me wide open again, preparing myself for the thump as it hit the top of my vagina. I tightened my muscles so it didn't fall out, though I thought it was unlikely. I felt the pain in my belly, then nausea as Richard flipped the cradle so I was face down, giving Karen a fabulous view of my stretched cunt from behind, and my asshole which was pushed aside by the dildo.

Thank goodness for the practising I had done, else I'd have been terrified that shoving a dildo in my ass with such a big one in my cunt, would have seriously hurt me. I tried to keep my muscles tight on the dildo, whilst relaxing the one in my anus. I saw Richard walk to the table again, then I felt my asshole being torn open as he jammed the dildo in it, squeezing my vagina wall against the big dildo on the other side.

"Pull that tiny thing out, and get something a lot bigger. She didn't even flinch when it went in, let alone scream the way I wanted her to."

Richard wrenched the dildo out of my asshole, then went to the table to get a bigger one. I couldn't see just how big it was, but I knew from what Karen had said that I'd better pretend to be in pain. I felt the tip of the dildo touch my butt hole, then as Richard rammed it in me, I screamed at the top of my voice -- and fucking hell, I wasn't pretending!

My asshole felt as if it was on fire, and my belly felt full to bursting with the massive plastic toys jammed into both my holes. Shit -- not that I could with the dildo in me -- I was determined to enjoy it, though. I lay there imagining what my stretched holes must look like to Richard and Karen, how they were looking at my most private parts, as brutalised as they could be, and thinking how much I wanted to see Karen in the same position.

"Now fuck her asshole, Richard," Karen ordered.

So much for my intention to let my husband take my anal virginity, but at least I could be certain that I'd be experienced enough to enjoy it when he entered my anus for the first time. Richard pulled the dildo out of it, then tipped me up a bit, and shoved his engorged cock in me, my asshole closing on it as it tightened up again after the dildo.

As he thrust in and out of me, I could catch glimpses of Karen as she moved around to get the best view of me, and I could see and hear that she had vibrators in her ass and her cunt, while she was working her clit with one hand, and pinching her nipples with the other. Fucking hell, it was glorious.

All that was missing was to have someone playing with my tits, and if I'd had my hands free I'd have done it myself. Richard's cock was big, but not as big as the last dildo, so that the sensations in my ass as he pumped in and out of me hit just the right balance between pain and pleasure, and the way the dildo in my cunt was vibrating and wobbling was getting me seriously aroused.

To add perfection, Richard reached round and started playing with my clit. I felt his strokes get faster and shorter, and I realised that, like me, he was going to come soon. I just surrendered myself to the pleasure coming from my holes. I felt Richard come in my asshole, tipping me over the edge myself, and I came, yelling and shouting, and wriggling around.

This proved way too much for the delicate balance of the cradle, and my convulsions set it spinning, pulling Richards cock out of my ass, and spraying spunk up my back, as I whizzed round, feeling the combination of a climax and a roller coaster. As I spun, I could see Karen rolling on the floor, squeezing her tit and sawing away at her clit.

Slowly I stopped spinning, and I saw Karen and Richard recovering from their own climaxes. As I managed to control my nausea and stop the desire to throw up, I suddenly realised I was desperate for a pee.

"Can you release me, Richard, I really need a pee."

"Don't you dare let her out," Karen said, "let's watch her suffer."

Of course, once you think you need to go, the need just seems to get stronger and stronger. I started wriggling around, trying to keep my bladder under control. As I did so, the cradle started moving in short bursts each time.

Suddenly, a brilliant idea hit me. I kept wriggling around, moving the cradle. It took a bit of trial and error to control the direction, but I gradually got the hang of it. I could see Richard and Karen watching me, enjoying the knowledge that my bladder was bursting inside me. I thought, though, that I'd give Karen one last chance.

"Please let me out," I begged, "Please. My bladder is bursting, and I'll have to pee myself soon. I'll be so embarrassed if I have to pee with you looking". Liar, you're thinking!

"You are in my power now," Karen said, "and there's no way I'm going to let you out. I want to watch you suffer the humiliation of pissing in front of us."

Great, that was the answer I wanted. I started crying and wriggling, until I got the cradle perfectly aligned. Then I pushed down as hard as I could on my bladder, and sent a stream of pee across the room. It hit Karen full on, going all over her, leaving yellow rivulets of pee running over her tits, her basque, her cunt and down her legs. It seemed a longer pee that I had ever done, but I think that was just an illusion, although Karen was absolutely drenched.

"You fucking bitch," Karen yelled, pulling off her wet basque and stockings. "You'll pay for that!"

As she walked towards me, I studied her tattoo. The snake came over one shoulder, across the opposite breast, and then down to her pussy. The colours and the artistry were amazing! When she reached me, she tipped the cradle to lower my head, then straddled my face. I'd just started to appreciate the look of her vulva, when her lips pushed open and a stream of pee hit me in the face. Karen clamped her legs round the side of my head, so that her piss ran into my mouth and my hair, and all over my face, dripping down my shoulders.

I made sure I shouted and wriggled to show Karen that I didn't like this, but actually it was deliciously disgusting. Pee is sterile, and some people, rather stupidly in my opinion, believe in the health benefits of drinking it. I wouldn't go that far, but as long as it is white or pale yellow the smell and taste is not unpleasant. It is definitely is something forbidden, athough, and as a consequence, enjoyable. In any case, the close up view I got of her cunt and ass, with the stream of pee coming out of her, was absolutely beautiful!

Karen finished peeing on me, and moved away. As she did so, I solved the question of where the snake went after going over her shoulder. It wound its way across her back, over one butt cheek, and the tail disappeared into her asshole. For a second or two I wished I had such a fantastic tattoo, but then I remembered just how painful it must have been, and knew I couldn't cope with the pain.

I heard a distant ringing, and Karen went out of the room, still naked. She was gone a while, but when she came back she was carrying a couple of pizza boxes. I had to wonder whether she had answered the door naked, whether the delivery guy was one I'd exposed myself to, and whether she'd even had time for a quick fuck.

Richard tipped me upright, and in between eating themselves, they fed me slices of pizza, still with my hair and shoulders dripping gently with Karen's pee, and my asshole leaking Richard's spunk, as I started to think of ways I could eventually get my own back on her. We finished the pizza, and Karen told Richard to wipe me off.

"We've got another treat for you. I've got a special demonstration session of the new season's stock in the shop, just for my regular customers, and you are going to be the model I use to demonstrate everything! Of course, this isn't part of the chain's business model, but something I've organised myself. There's not going to be one inch of you that everyone won't have seen by the time we finish."

"No, Karen, no ... please ... don't let them see my cunt and arsehole ... please ...".

I knew she wouldn't take any notice of me, at least I fucking hoped she wouldn't, because the thought of a whole load of new women examining my body was making me feel unbelievably excited again!

Richard brought out a flannel and a couple of towels, then wiped my face and ass with the flannel, finally wiping me dry, and rubbing my hair dry on the second towel. I was clearly going to need a proper shower when I got home, but in the meantime knowing that I still had some of Richard's spunk in me, and that my hair still had traces of Karen's pee on it was going to add extra spice to exposing myself to the women at the shop.

I wondered if I was going to get to come, perhaps, which would be even better. Not all of them might want to watch another woman climax in front of them, but they'd never be able to get the image out of their heads: my leaking, orgasming cunt would stay with them always.

When he'd cleaned me off, he undid the restraints on my wrists, but replaced them with a version of handcuffs. The circles on my wrists were wide and soft inside, but were unyielding, and the two were linked with about a foot of metal chain. He slid the step back under my legs, then released the ankle restraints. He brought over a dressing gown, which he put round my shoulders, then closed the tie around the waist, and he gave me slippers for me to step in to. Then he led me back upstairs, through the room where I had first met them, then out to the car, quickly bundling me in the back.

"I really suggest you behave yourself tonight, Jo," he said, "else Karen may really hurt you. I know she's a sadistic cunt, but that's what I love about her, and if you didn't want any of this, you should never have let the guy fuck you in the shop in front of the other customers."

He stopped talking as Karen came out of the house and got in to the car. Shit, she was in her modest black work clothes, and was back to looking like the mild and gentle middle-aged woman I'd met that first time in the shop, not the sadistic, tattooed bitch I'd seen earlier.

We drove into town, with Karen keeping an eye on me to ensure that I didn't try to escape or anything. We disappeared down a ramp, and I realised that this must be the loading bay for the shops above. At that time of night, it was deserted. Richard stopped the car right next to a door marked 'Deliveries', and Karen unlocked the door and bundled me in to the back of the stock room.

"Please ... please, Karen ... let me go, I beg you ... you can do anything you like to me back home, but please ... don't make me expose myself in front of so many strangers" I sobbed, lying like a trooper.

"Stop snivelling, bitch. I'm going to humiliate you, and maybe hurt you just a bit. By the time we go home, everyone will know more about your cunt and asshole than they do about their own. You're supposed to be a willing model, and the more you resist or complain, the more I will hurt you"

Richard came back, having obviously parked the car, and he kept an eye on me as Karen went through a black curtain into the shop itself. I could hear the buzz of women talking, and Richard took off my dressing gown, and pushed me towards the curtain. Though a gap in the curtains, I could see that Karen was speaking on the other side, next to what looked like a big toy box.

"Welcome, ladies, to this special demonstration evening. Firstly, I should just remind you that these events are privileged, and can only continue if you keep them a secret just within this group of regulars. Our new season stock is here, with many old favourites, but some new items as well.

"We are fortunate in having another new model this time, who has agreed that we can use to demonstrate everything. I will show you some of the items, but please feel free to try any of them out on her yourselves. We just have one set of demonstration items, I'm afraid, so for tonight, for reasons of hygiene, please limit the trials to our model, and don't use them on yourselves.

"I'm sure you don't want to hear me keep speaking, so let me introduce tonight's model, Jo."

Richard pushed me through the curtain, and the ladies gave me a round of applause. They were sat on chairs, roughly arranged in a semi-circle. I looked at them, intrigued to see what sort of people were there. It certainly covered all ages, from late teenagers through to a few a lot older than me.

I suppose I shouldn't have been surprised, given this was where I'd lived for most of my life, but I hadn't expected to see quite as many faces that I recognised. It felt fantastic to be stood, naked, in front of strangers, knowing they were studying my body, but it was even better that some of them I knew slightly, though we'd never recognised each other as dirty sluts.

"Firstly," Karen said, "you can see that Jo has on our new love handcuffs. Like the previous version, these have a soft inner surface, to protect the skin of the wrists. It's is both a benefit and an essential feature, because unlike the previous ones, the chain and shackles are unbreakable. Jo will now walk around and let you test them."

She nudged me, and I walked over to one end of the audience, letting the woman pull at the cufflinks, and try to get them apart or off entirely. She failed, as did all of the others as I walked around them. That was fun! I knew that they'd be able to pick up the scent of my pussy as I walked and stood in front of them.

I could also see many whose hands were on the handcuffs, but whose eyes were focused on my tits and between my legs, and a few who looked me in the eye, and I knew they'd fuck me given half a chance. I walked back to stand next to Karen.

"They also come with leg bars to the same soft but strong specification. Let me show you."

She fastened clamps similar to those in the handcuffs around each ankle, then picked up a metal bar.

"This fits to the clamps" she said, "to hold the legs apart. We know why that would be don't we? Again, it is much stronger than the previous version, and is also adjustable so that you can vary how far apart the legs are held."

She snapped one end of the bar to one of the ankle cuffs, then pushed my legs apart, so that the bar could be snapped to the other one. This meant, of course, that I was stood with my legs quite wide apart, and I knew my ears and the lips of my vulva would be clearly visible to everyone. And I saw quite a few looking!

"These are the core of our new torture set, which includes adaptors for attaching the cuffs to bed heads or bed legs, but of course there are also the obvious other items. This is a new gag, which is guaranteed to block any screams, but which has double breathing openings to avoid any unwanted problems."

She stood behind me, and held the gag round my face, pushing a perforated ball into my mouth, and tightening the strap behind my head. This meant my mouth was forced open. I tried to scream, but only a very muted sound came out. I can't say I really enjoyed being gagged: apart from anything else I liked to swear and curse, but it did make it look as if I was scared stiff and genuinely being tortured.

"And of course," Karen continued, "we have nipple and labia clamps, and lots of attachments for pierced nipples, which unfortunately Jo doesn't have. However, this season the theme is adjustability, and all of these items can be adjusted to select your chosen pain level. Let me start with some nipple chains. These can be fitted with a range of attachments to link on to a wide range of nipple clamps."

She picked up each of my nipples in turn, and snapped the clamp at each end over them. "Of course, we can now apply manual pressure ..."

She held the middle of the chain, and yanked it hard. Fucking hell, I did scream, but the gag stopped it being heard above a muffled cry. My nipples were being stretched to what I thought must be their limit, pulling the whole of my breasts upwards and outwards.

"Perhaps someone in the audience would like a try?"

A young girl with a big bust came up, and I'd bet her own nipples were pierced, so she had more than an academic interest, but I wasn't so sure about the couple of older women. However, they all fucking yanked on the chain even harder than Karen, bringing tears to my eyes, and some wetness to my slit. One even tried pulling up, to see how far she could lift my tits, and I really thought my nipples were going to tear off.

"Well, that's probably enough of that" Karen said, "because that's not the end of the story. As you can see, there's a centre fixing you can hang weights from, but much more interesting, in my opinion, you can attach another chain with labia clamps."

She ferreted around in the box, and came back with another Y-shaped chain, with some sort of clamp on each of the arms. She clipped the base of the Y to the centre fixing on the nipple chain.

"The clamps are spring-loaded, but the tension in the spring can be pre-set with a slider, which is much easier to use than the old-fashioned screw, and a lot easier to clean afterwards. Would someone like to attach the clamps to Jo's labia?" she asked.

There was a bit of a kerfuffle as several women tried to elbow their way to the front, but the winner was one of the women I knew wanted to fuck me.

Jo handed her the clips, and she fiddled with the sliders. She looked me in the face, and gave me a grin. I knew this was going to hurt! She knelt in front of me, and reached between my legs to grab my lips. She pulled one out, and snapped the clamp on it. Fuck, that hurt! Then she pulled the other one and snapped on the second clamp.

She pulled a bit on the chain, and must have seemed to the audience to be adjusting the clamps, but I knew from my senses that it was just an excuse to touch my clit.

"Of course," Karen said, as the woman made her way back to her seat, "You can manually increase the pressure."

She grabbed the chain and pulled it hard. This time not only my nipples were stretched to their limit, but so were my cuntlips, which were dragged forwards and outwards. I yelled against the gag with the pain, and through the tears in my eyes, I had a blurry image of all of the women peering intently so see how far Karen could stretch my lips.

"But that's not all. This year the manufacturer has developed this battery-operated box, which clips over the chains, and uses a wheel to gradually tighten them. You can adjust the speed and tension it will reach, before the safety cut-off prevents any damage to your delicate parts." She laughed at this, raising a titter from the audience.

I knew for sure, that she was going to set it to maximum for me. She clipped the box over the chains, and pressed the start button. It started a soft whirring, and very slowly I could see the chain start to tighten, and then I started to feel it in my tits and my pussy. Karen ignored me, and started giving the women a load of sales guff about how much each item was, and when they were likely to have stock. However, they, like me, were all fixated on watching the chains gradually tighten.

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