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A New Life Pt. 04

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Jo's bound & displaye; joins the Mile High Club - briefly!
21.5k words

Part 4 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 05/15/2019
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I woke up the day after Bill had fucked Peggy -- well both of us had, in fact -- thinking about the fun the three of us could have in the future. Then I became aware of the old familiar ache in my belly. Shit, I'd forgotten about it. I'd come on, so that was going to limit my fun for the next week.

Still, I'd arranged to meet up with June, and given I'd seen her with her son's hand between her legs, I was sure he was fucking her. I couldn't wait to fine out how that came to be, but more than that, I was intending to use it as leverage so she'd let my husband fuck her as well.

When we met in the food area of the shopping mall, the one where I'd seen her and Bill kissing what felt like years ago given everything that had happened, she looked totally unlike the happy, carefree woman she had then. She was sat at the far end, away from any other diners, and when I'd got myself a drink and a soup, I went over and joined her.

"Hi June. We've got a few things to sort out, haven't we? Like why your son is fucking you."

"Ha, but first you need explain what you were doing there, flashing your tits at everyone, and with a thong over your pussy that didn't leave much to the imagination. We never for a minute thought we'd be caught out in that club. What on earth would your husband think if he knew his wife was showing everything she had to all and sundry?"

"He knows, June. I guess I'd better tell you the full story of how I discovered I was an exhibitionist, and how Bill has come to enjoy it."

I left out the bits about Peggy and the life modelling, but apart from that, I told her the whole story of how I'd gone from accidentally flashing a tit in front of a delivery guy, to betting fucked by the janitor, and Bill and I fucking the maid in Chicago. As the story unfolded, her face expression just kept looking more and more shocked.

"Fucking hell, Jo! I'd never have believed you'd ever let anyone other than Bill see you naked. And are you really serious that Bill has watched you get fucked by a stranger, and you've watched him fuck someone else? Shit, I still can't believe it."

"It's true, Jo, but I'd never have dreamt that you'd let your son fuck you? He is, isn't he? I was sure he was fingering in you when I caught you in the club."

"Yeah, you're right, Jo. But it was your fault, really."

"My fault? Come on, it was nothing to do with me."

"Yes, it was, Jo. Remember I told you I thought Manuel was having an affair, and I didn't know what to do, as someone else was after me? Yes, and you said to go with it, didn't you? So I did,"

"God, June, I thought it was Bill you were talking about. He's always had a thing for you, and it was obvious that there was some chemistry between you when I saw you kissing."

"Oh shit, Jo. Yes, I've always liked Bill, but I could never hurt you by getting him to cheat on you, and anyway, and I love my job, and affairs at work so often lead to problems."

"We'll come back to Bill, June, but was Manuel having an affair, and how come you let your son fuck you?"

"I don't know, Jo. He was away because he was doing some super-secret business deal to set up some new sort of spa centre up in the mountains, which he said was so secret he couldn't even tell me." June's face went back to a depressed look again as she carried on. "I'm still not sure that he isn't having an affair, though.

"The real problem, though, is that George is now trying to blackmail me into letting his two best school buds fuck me. It all started as a bet between them, apparently, as to who could get pictures of their mother's tits and pussy. George set up a spy camera and won, but then he threatened to send the pictures to all his classmates unless I let him fuck me.

"After that, it's just escalated, and now he's not just got the pictures as a threat, but the fact that he has screwed me, and even you saw him with his hand up me. God, the truth is that I loved having my son's cock up me, but now I don't want to fuck his friends, and I'm really scared that Manuel will find out everything."

As she finished, I saw her eyes fill with tears, and I put my arm around her and gave her a hug.

"I think I can see a way to keep George happy, without you having to accommodate his friends, but I'm afraid it involves a bit more blackmail, but this time from me. Bill keeps on telling me how much he wants to fuck you, and it's now reached the point where I want to watch him do it. And I'm just as prepared as your son to use my knowledge of what you're done with him, if you don't agree."

"Shit, Jo, are you serious?" June asked, her face almost resembling the look of horror in Munch's painting of 'The Scream'. "Are you sure you don't mind Bill fucking me? But how are you going to sort out his friends?"

"I'm sorry, June, but I really want to see his cock slide up into your cunt, and then after he has come in you, I want to watch his spunk drip out from your vagina. As far as your son's blackmail goes, bet him that you can get his Aunt Jo to let him and his friends fuck her at the same time. If you win, he lets you off, but if you lose, you'll pose for him, and let him post the pictures of on the public area of Snapchat."

"Fuck, Jo, that might just work. George hasn't stopped talking about seeing Aunt Jo's tits since he saw them at the club, and even I have to admit you looked pretty fit, Jo. If Manuel really is having an affair, I'm happy to let Bill fuck me as well as George, as long as he keeps it between us. How are we going to make it happen, though?"

"Well, you have to pay in advance, I'm afraid. I'm going to come back to the office with you, and you're going to let Bill fuck you over his desk. You can lay the bet with George tonight, and I'm sure he will take it. Just tell him what a slut his Aunt has become."

Before we left, though, I called Bill, and told him I had something urgent I needed to talk to him about, so he needed to cancel any meetings he had for the next hour or so. Luckily, he just had a couple of calls he could postpone, though he obviously wasn't happy that I wouldn't tell him my reasoning.

I took June into the bathroom, and made her remove her bra and panties, before we headed back to her and Bill's offices. The fact that she didn't complain, just confirmed the feeling I'd been getting that she wasn't at all unhappy at the thought of my husband fucking her while I watched, and if it hadn't been for concern about hurting me, I was sure they'd both have done it long ago.

When we got to Bill's office, we marched in, and I shut the door behind me. Bill smiled at me, then June, but for some reason I started to then find it a bit awkward. I mean, how do you just order your husband to fuck your best friend and work subordinate?

"Well, it's great to see my two favourite ladies, but to what do I owe the pleasure of your company like this?" Bill asked, after an awkward pause.

"Well, Bill, um ... June ... um ..."

"Oh. shut up, Jo. She's told me that you've been dying to fuck me, and she wouldn't mind if you did. So come on, Bill, let's get on with it."

After that build up, I'd expected her just to get her tits out, or maybe just bend over the desk, pull her skirt up and let him see her cunt, but she didn't. Instead she walked over to Bill, threw her arms around him, and gave him an enormous kiss, their bodies pressed together. Shit, it definitely wasn't the sort of kiss between a boss and his assistant, even less than the one I'd seen them have when I caught them in the mall.

Bill's hands were all over her ass, and he'd obviously detected the absence of panties under her skirt, because he pulled it up, revealing the smooth globes of her butt, and his hand ran over them lovingly. By the time they broke the kiss, June had also managed to get Bill's cock out of his pants, stiff and visibly throbbing as she stroked it with one hand.

Bill fumbled with the buttons of her blouse, releasing her tits, which he fondled, looking down at them with as lustful an expression as I'd ever seen him give. God, I was starting to worry what I'd done. Had I released something between them much more than just sexual pleasure?

I was reassured though, when he turned and winked at me, and gave me one of those looks that he'd given me when I was exposing myself and getting fucked by strangers, so I pulled up my own skirt, and started playing with my clit, to show that even though I was on and couldn't join in too much, I was going to enjoy it as well.

"Fuck her over you desk, Bill. Bend her over it, and pull up her skirt so we can both see her cunt before you shove your cock up it."

Actually, he didn't need to, because June herself did it, letting her tits dangle gorgeously over the side, then she not only pulled her skirt over he back, but pulled herself open, letting my husband and I see the slippery pink wetness inside her slit. Hell, her clit was huge, even though her wrinkled pink lips were no more than average size, and the stretched opening of her vagina was an inviting pink and perfectly symmetrical circle.

"Good enough for you, Jo? Now ram your cock up me Bill, I've been waiting years for this."

Bill was too impatient to wait to undress, but just lined his cock up with her gaping hole, and drove into her, until the zip of his pants must have been digging into her butt cheeks. He managed to stretch forwards, and grab one of her breasts, which were swinging around as he thrusted in and out of her, and he forced his hand between her and the desk, so he could reach her clit.

I'd seen Bill fuck Peggy and the maid, but this was something a whole load more primitive, as they both relieved what, unknown to me, must have been years of pent up desire. I could feel that perhaps for the first time, Bill was feeling the same carnal lust for pure sexual satisfaction that I had now, when I showed my tits and cunt to a total stranger, and I gave myself to them, letting them take me in whatever way they wanted.

I could see that Bill wasn't going to last long, but nor was I, my fingers working my clit hard, and even though it never quite felt the same when I was on, the tingling coming from my pussy was filling my belly, taking me quickly up to the edge myself. I watched riveted, as Bill changed the rhythm of his thrusts, sometimes pulling almost out of her, just short thrusts into the hole, before ramming himself deep into her.

I knew he was trying to keep going as long as he could, but the way June was twisting around and groaning as he plumbed the depths of her vagina wasn't doing anything to help, and probably nor were my own little cries as my cunt took over the rest of my body, making every nerve tingle as if connected directly to my clit.

Then Bill came. "Aagghh," he yelled as he filled June's vagina with his sperm, and both June and I cried out as well, like echoes across a valley, as we came ourselves. All three of us held our positions, pressing fingers against clits, and softening cock into cunt, as we came down from what was a massive climax for me, but must have been even bigger for both of them. Eventually Bill's cock slipped out of her, and he pulled away, spunk dripping down the leg of his pants from his now limp cock.

"Is this what you wanted to see, Jo?" June said softly, as she put her hands around her, and pulled open her wet pussy lips, letting me see my husband's semen oozing along her slit from a reservoir deep inside her vagina.

Oh fuck, it certainly was, and there was something about the little mountain of her clit, standing proud above the torrent on her cum and Bill's spunk, that I just couldn't resist. I pushed Bill out of the way, and got on my knees behind her, licking up the flow of cum first, then moving my tongue back to her clit, circling it around and around, then moving back to push as far into her hole, collecting more of their cum, before returning to her clit.

Where were my hands? Well, one was around June's hips, steadying myself, but as I'm sure you already guessed, the other was back on my own clit, working it hard, trying to match my arousal to June's which judging by her movements and little whimpers, had rocketed back up as soon as my mouth closed on her cunt.

God, it seemed hardly any time, and nowhere near enough to enjoy the gorgeous taste and feel of another woman's vulva wrapped around my face, filling my mouth increasingly with her cum, as I swallowed my husband's from her vagina, but we both came again, almost at the same time. I couldn't stop my face banging into cunt hard, as we both bucked against each other, our movements out of control. When we'd recovered, I stood up, let my skirt fall back down, and pulled June's back to cover her delicious ass.

"I'll leave you to get on with your work, now, then," I said, smiling. "Try not to fuck her too many times, Bill, because I thought we might have a takeaway tonight, though it will have to be a blow job, given I'm on. Just don't wash the taste of her away before you come home."

I turned and walk out of the office, leaving them watching me with their mouths open. Ew, walking was a bit uncomfortable, and realised I needed to change my tampon and wipe myself a bit before going home. I'm sure you don't need me to describe the nasty mix of cum and blood I had to clean up, though, do you? Hmm, maybe a Chinese tonight for a change, I thought. I wasn't surprised, though, when Bill came home a bit later than usual.

"Did you fuck her again, darling? Sorry, silly question. How many times did you fuck her?"

"A couple, Jo. But don't worry. I saw the look on your face when you saw how much June and I wanted it, but you were my first love, and you need to have the same confidence in me, as I have in you. No matter who we fuck, or how many times, I know we'll always love each other, won't we?"

I confess that I had a bit of a tear in my eye as we kissed after that, and I wanted to move things on quickly, before he explored any further just how much I was worried for a few moments, so I grabbed the menu, called the local Chinese restaurant, and ordered a string of numbers.

I was naked, ready, when the doorbell rang. I opened it, and I was much more surprised to see a young Chinese man, than he obviously was to see a naked woman. Clearly word had gotten around.

"Bro job, prease," he said, as he handed Bill the bag of food.

This was going to be interesting, I thought, as I wondered if Chinese spunk tasted different to good old American sperm. I unzipped his pants, and released his cock, which sprang out at me. I knelt in front of him, and started working my mouth backwards and forwards, sometimes forcing his cock right down my throat.

I was conscious of Bill coming back and watching, as I took the guy closer to his orgasm. He started thrusting his hips, amplifying the movements of my head, and then I felt the first spurt of spunk jet into my mouth. What surprised me, though, was that rather than making me swallow it all, as the guys usually did, he pulled back. Shit, his balls must have been full to capacity, as rope after rope of white jism hit my face, then I could feel it run down over my chin, and fall on to my tits.

It was everywhere, covering my face, and making me close my eyes. I felt movement, and was trying to blink my eyes to clear them, when I felt another cock push against my lips. I knew from the taste of June's cum, that it was Bill, and he'd remembered what I said, bless him.

"I didn't leave it all in June's cunt, darling, but I've saved some of my sperm for you. I know he came too quickly for you, so play with yourself, and I'll let you come before I do."

I was trying to work out whether the Chinese guy's spunk tasted different because he was Chinese, or just because of individual variation, as I worked my mouth on Bill's cock, lubricating it with the delivery guys spunk, and teased my clit with my fingers. We were still in the open doorway of the house, and that alone was sending my cunt tingling like crazy, as anyone going past could have seen us.

I paced the action of my fingers on my clit with the action of my mouth on Bill's cock, which given he must have come at least three times earlier that day, was going to need a bit longer than usual. Maybe my techniques was better than I'd thought, or maybe it was that Bill could see the Chinese guy's spunk on my face, but he caught up quicker than I'd expected, and I had to press harder and faster on my clit so I came at the same time.

As my climax hit, and I could feel Bill's cock pulsating in my mouth, he also pulled out, and shot his spunk over me, though not as much or as energetic, so most of it fell down over my tits, mingling with the Chinese sperm which had fallen from my face.

"Fuck, Jo, you look so beautiful with your face and tit's covered with spunk. It's a beautiful evening, so why don't we eat out on the patio? Don't clean up, though."

The patio wasn't quite as exposed as the front door, but it was still exciting to sit naked, with two men's spunk over me, as we ate our chop suey and beef and black bean sauce.

"I wish I weren't on, Bill. Then you could see if you still have enough energy left to fuck me this time."

"Yeah. You still have another hole, though, Jo, don't you? You've never let me use it, but quite honestly, I don't think I could manage to come again tonight.

The rest of the week was much quieter. I managed to complete the third and final session of my life class posing, even though I was on still, but tucking the string up inside, so no one seemed to notice, even though my hole couldn't have been as visibly open as in the previous sessions. Anyway, it ended early, as everyone had completed their paintings.

Bill and June had a lot of client meetings as well, so they only managed to fuck once more. I was looking forward to getting fucked myself, as my period was getting close to ending, but the day before, when Bill came home, he told me he had to go back to visit the client in Chicago again, this time for a week, to do a full specification for the app they had been commissioned to deliver. Of course, June was going to have to go as well, but I tried to hide my jealousy, as he was sure to screw her the way he'd had me in the same hotel.

When he'd left, I was trying to figure out how to amuse myself with Bill away. I was still a bit nervous of exposing myself, and even more to let a stranger fuck me, without bill around, just in case. I'd thought I could deliver on the bet with June's son and his friends, but she messaged me to say she hadn't managed to get the bet set up yet.

I kept thinking back to Bill's comment about my other hole. I'd never let Bill, or anyone else for that matter, take me up the ass. I couldn't see the point of using a hole designed for quite another, less hygienic purpose, when a custom designed on was just ahead of it, and I was always worried that it would be more painful than arousing. That men wanted to use women that way seemed more about domination than mutually enjoyable sex.

Still, it would be a way Bill could fuck me when I was on, and I remembered how much I enjoyed my asshole being licked by the guy from the desk at the Chicago hotel, then Bill doing the same thing, and finally the maid taking me by surprise and putting her finger deep into my ass. Maybe it wasn't so bad? I Googled around, finding lots of accounts from women who enjoyed anal sex, and especially being double penetrated, with a cock in each hole. However, they all said how important it was to prepare yourself properly.

I looked on Amazon, and found a confusing range of things for sale, so in the end, I decided to gather all my courage, and go to the sex shop I knew was in the rough end of town. Having made the decision, the more I thought about it, the more I started to look forward to it. After all, what better place to flash my bits than a sex shop, if only when trying on some of their 'cover nothing' underwear.

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