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A New One


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No, she was just worried about what I might say and to who.

The party started breaking up around two. I dressed, but before I could leave Norm grabbed me and asked me to help him pick the place up a bit.

"The others got out before I could ask them and I don't think Kathy should have to clean up after her own party."

I helped him straighten the place up and then he said he had something he wanted to show me in the basement. I followed him down and asked him what he wanted me to look at."

"Nothing really. Kathy asked me to stall you until she could get dressed."

"Whatever for?"

"I already told you."

I just shook my head and went back up the stairs. When I walked into the kitchen Kathy was standing there.

"Can I go home with you? Please?"

I stood there staring at her and not knowing what to say.

"Please Frank, please?"

Norm came up behind me and said, "Do it man. What have you got to lose?"

Kathy stood there looking at me hopefully. Don't ask me why because I honestly don't know, but I said "all right." In the car Kathy slid over next to me and put her head on my shoulder, but didn't say a word on the ride. I was silent because I was busy asking myself if I knew what the fuck I was doing. When we got to my place she followed me inside and went straight to the bedroom. When I got there she was already naked and on the bed.

"Sorry, but I don't have anything left."

"I don't care. What I want is to be held. Please Frank; hold me?"

What the hell I thought, in for a dollar, in for a dime. I got on the bed, took her in my arms and we fell asleep.


I woke up in the morning with a warm mouth on my cock. When Kathy saw that I was awake she moved over me and guided my cock into her pussy. She sank down on it and leaned forward, put her hands on my shoulders and then slowly rode me. She was looking down into my eyes as she said:

"Could you get used to this?"

I looked up at her and wondered what the hell was going on with her. First the way she acted the night before; the wanting to come home with me and now the question of "Could you get used to this?" She read the look on my face and said:

"Tell me baby. Would you like all your mornings to start like this?"

Stupid question I thought. What man wouldn't like to start his day out like that? She had me close and she must have been getting close also because she picked up the pace. I was where I needed to get off so I rolled her over onto her back and drove hard and fast into her. Her legs came up and clamped me as her nails dug into my ass and she gave a sharp cry as she came and seconds later I came too. She held me so that I couldn't pull away, looked into my eyes and asked in a plaintive voice:

"Can I stay?"

"Can you stay? Why in God's name would you want to stay? As I remember it Kathy, you couldn't wait to get out of here."

"And it was the biggest mistake of my life."

"I don't know what to say Kathy, but whatever, I have to go to work now" and I pulled away from her and stood up. She was still lying on the bed when I came out of the shower and when I started getting socks and underwear out of the dresser she said:

"Can I stay and at least talk to you when you get home tonight?"

I remembered all the things Mary had said and what Norm had told me at the gangbang and curiosity did get the best of me so I told her she could stay until then and then I headed off to work and spent the day wondering why the hell I'd said yes.

When I got home I was surprised to find that Kathy had fixed dinner and had it waiting. She even had a bottle of Merlot chilled and ready to be poured. We watched each other while we ate and then I couldn't hold it back any more. I put my fork down and said:

"What is going on here Kathy? What are you doing?"

"I want to come home Frank."

"This isn't your home Kathy and it hasn't been for years."

"In my mind it has always been my home, just a home I couldn't return to because I let myself become stupid."

"I don't understand Kathy."

"I wasn't out of here two weeks before I knew that I'd screwed up. I left not because I didn't love you, but because I didn't think you loved me."

"Why in the hell would you have thought that?"

"I overheard Mary and Joe talking one night about how they would like to get me away from my parents and I heard Joe tell Mary that they could probably con you into doing it. Joe told Mary that you were the kind of sap who could be depended on to rescue puppies and little kittens. He told her all she had to do was put us together, tell you how crappy things were for me at home and you would be soft-hearted enough to do the rest. They set us up at the bowling alley and you did just what Joe said you would do."

"You honestly thought I'd marry you even if I didn't love you just to save you?"

"You did. You did just what Joe said you would do. I was the puppy of the moment. I loved being married to you, but after a while I started feeling guilty about tying you down to someone you were only with because you saw a need to rescue her. When Ray came after me I thought he really cared for me and I liked him okay, but I didn't love him like I loved you, but he seemed to love me so I went with him so you could be free of me."

"I don't believe this. Why didn't you tell me this instead of telling me you didn't love me and wanted a divorce?"

"I wanted to do it quick so I could start getting over the hurt."

"Your not talking to me fucked up my life Kathy. I have no fucking idea where you got the idea that I didn't love you. The only part of your story that is true is that Joe and Mary brought you to the bowling alley. Mary never told me about your life at home with your parents. I married you Kathy because I loved you not because I was saving puppies or kittens. You ripped my heart out when you told me that not only didn't you love me, but that you didn't think you ever had. You ripped my heart out and threw it on the ground and then you drove a stake through it when you let me know you were already cheating on me with Ray."

"That wasn't true. I'd not yet done anything with Ray. I only let you think that I did so you wouldn't fight me. Ray was a mistake too. All he wanted to do was screw me. By the time I figured that out and realized how stupid I had been to leave you it was too late for me to try and come back. I've spent five years trying o find what I had with you and have never even come close. I would see you from time to time and I would go to pieces. I even moved away so I wouldn't keep seeing you."

She was silent for a bit and then she said, "I'm begging you to take me back Frank."

"I don't think so Kathy. I loved you and in truth I probably have never really gotten over you, but the woman I loved and have missed is not the woman I saw last night."

"I'm not really the woman you saw last night. That was my first time ever and with the exception of your part in it I didn't care for it all that much. I like sex and I enjoy sex with some one who sees to it that I get something out of it too, but last night I just felt like a piece of meat that a bunch of dogs were working over."

"Then why did you do it?"

"Because I'd never done it and I was curious. I have two girlfriends who had done it and they both told me that it was the best sex ever and that I owed it to myself to try it. Norm also thought I might like it and I let him talk me into it. I told him to go ahead and set it up for my birthday."

"Would it have made a difference if I hadn't been there? Did you seeing me seeing what you were doing change it for you? Would you have liked it more if I hadn't been there?"

"No. I'd already had four guys before you got there, a couple of them twice, and I was already feeling like a piece of meat just being used."

"I got there at twenty after seven and the party only started at seven. How did you do so many so fast?"

"The party started at six when Joe and Ben got there early. Al showed at six forty-five and by seven I'd had them all."

"Why did Norm think that you would like to pull a train?"

"I'd had some three ways with Norm and I'd liked them."

"Three ways?"

"Two guys and a girl once and twice two girls with one guy."

"And you didn't feel like a piece of meat?"

"No, because Norm always saw to it that I got what I needed out of it."

"What have you got going with Norm?"

"Not a lot. We live together and he keeps asking me to marry him, but I don't love him so I always say no. I do like him; I like him a lot, but a marriage without love won't last and I know it. I had what I needed and I threw it away. Now I'm asking if there is anyway I can get it back."

"I don't think so Kathy. Too much water under the bridge."

She drank the last of her wine, stood up and left the table. A minute later, purse in hand, she walked out the front door. It wasn't until five minutes later that I realized she didn't have a car. She had ridden with me from Norm's place. I grabbed my keys and went to give her a ride, but she was nowhere in sight. I drove around looking for her, but she had disappeared.


The next day as I was doing my dinner dishes the doorbell rang and when I went to the door I found Norm standing there. I showed him in, pointed at the couch and went and got two beers from the fridge. I gave him one and took the chair opposite him and waited. He took a pull on his Bud and then asked:

"You ever been in love?"


"What happened?"

"You know the answer to that. You were at her birthday party."

"How long did it take you to get over it?"

"Never have."

"Yet you won't give her a shot."

"Too much behind us now."

"Like what?"

"The way she left. What has gone on since."

"By "gone on since" you talking about her sex life?"

I shrugged.

"You never had another piece of ass after she left?"

I gave him a nasty look, but before I could say anything he said, "So she tried to find some one else, but then so did you. Am I right? Or is it more recent? Like maybe the night before last? Why were you there Frank? It was because you were curious and wanted to see what it was like. Given that how can you hold it against her for doing the same thing? All she was doing was satisfying a curiosity that Bev and Darla gave her. I don't know if you liked it or not, but she didn't. When she came home last night I asked her if she wanted to do it again and she said "Not in this lifetime." But talking about her birthday party is not why I'm here.

"I've asked Kathy five times to marry me and she always says no. She says she can't marry me because she doesn't love me. She says she has loved only one man in her life and she stupidly let him go and he won't take her back. Why the hell not Frank? You still love her. I could see that in the way you looked at her at the party. She has made no secret of the fact that she loves you. I've got to tell you Frank that it is killing me to be here talking to you to try and talk you into giving her a chance. I want her so bad it hurts, but she doesn't want me; she wants you. I care for her Frank. I care enough to want to see her happy. Give her a chance Frank. Here is her cell number. Give her a call. What have you got to lose? Thanks for the beer" and he got up and left.

I stared at the door as I finished my beer. I thought about what he'd said for a bit and then I got up and finished cleaning the kitchen.


The next two days I didn't think of much else. I thought of Kathy and what she's said and I thought of what Norm had said. I remembered what Mary had said. I remembered the life I'd had before the day Kathy left and I thought about the life I'd led since. The one thing that kept coming back to me was something that Norm had said.

"Give her a chance Frank. What have you got to lose?"

I took the piece of paper Norm had given me with Kathy's cell number on it and I stared at it for maybe a minute and then I reached for the phone.

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Oatmeal1969Oatmeal1969about 21 hours ago

Enjoyed the drama of the story but Kathy was crazy. I'd have left quickly after riding her ass hard. Later I'd tell Norm to never talk to me about Kathy again. Would she do anything bad if they got back together? maybe, I thought she's mentally unstable, capable of self-harm over an argument or curious what a BBC would be like.

t8ntliklyt8ntlikly2 months ago

Not No, But HELL NO

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

For the love of god, Bob, quit having your characters chill red wine!

arnowolarnowol5 months ago

I stopped reading when the gangbang/ass-fucking with divorced Kathy started. Because I find gangbangs and ass fucking sick! Unfortunately only one star!

Ass-fucking is featured in almost every LW story here on Literotica, which I think is a shame.

RedRachaelRedRachael5 months ago

Nope. No. Hell no.

chasbo38chasbo385 months ago

This woman did not just have a gang-bang. She egged these guys on to fuck every hole until they could not get it up again. She claims she did not like it because it mad her feel like a piece of meat. Well that is what she was. Doing a gang-bang with the guy she wanted to get back together again? Come on. Even a dumb whore would know better than that. Unreal. Get a better plot for the next story.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Not a chance,no way no how would any man or husband take her back as a wife or to start a family with..As temporary a fuck toy, yes . Until he found a woman to have a family and grow old with...2 stars..

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

I would definitely have considered taking her back--before I watched a bunch of dudes fuck her. I couldn't take her back after I saw her get gang banged...then again I find it really hot to pull out of a girl's ass then put it in her mouth so maybe I'm the fucked up one lol

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

What better way to win a guy back then to include him in your gangbang? I must really be old fashioned in my thinking..

Buster2UBuster2U9 months ago

In life, it is nice to come home to a warm woman, a warm dinner, a little affection. I have thrown so many women away for no reason, but that the "grass is always greener" We have all made mistakes. Only the twerps living in their Mothers basement can make rash statements of BTB "She is nothing." It takes a little maturity and compassion to be an adult. No One is perfect. It is just a matter if you can live with what the other person has done. Forgive others. We are all only human. Buster2U 10 stars for JPB

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Merlot is a RED wine!!

You do NOT 'chill' red wines!!

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Good read. Glad given 2nd chance. But the birthday gangbang would be a deal breaker for me. NO way! REM

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Typical Just Plain Cuck ending

lc69hunterlc69hunter11 months ago

Doing the right thing

RuttweilerRuttweiler12 months ago
Not too bad.

The plot seems a bit convoluted, but the heart’s in the right place. He’s given anger and retribution a chance, and it’s still not working for him. Why not give happiness a try?

Five stars, to help offset the morons.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago


AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I agree that the MC should have never taken her back. She left him, she didn't tell the truth. She should have told him up front that she felt he didn't love her, but only married her to get her out of an abusive situation. Then she wants a gangbang. Once a liar, always a liar. Seems this author likes to write "Reconcile at all cost (RAAC)" in his stories. There are a few where he has the cheater get their comeuppance, but not many. That being said his writing on all the stories I have read, are good and overall, flow well. It is just his stories do not have good endings in my opinion, the cheater gets away with without any serious consequences. I still read his stories because he has a lot, but what I do now is go to the end and see how it ends and if it is a RAAC or the cheater gets off easily, then I skip it. I find that that saves a lot of reading on stories I don't like. That will help getting through all of his stories, because most are RAAC stories. I feel that the author has a few more out of the 856 stories, where the cheater gets their comeuppance. Hopefully I will find much more of those.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I found this story disgusting and reprehensible, how could you write, “ She even had a bottle of Merlot chilled and ready to be poured. MERLOT SHOULD NEVER BE SERVED CHILLED.😂😂😂😂😂😂

Five stars.

demanderdemanderabout 1 year ago

Not so great. Never, never, never take her back. As soon as he saw her, her should have turned around and left. D

ArdieffArdieffover 1 year ago

She was hit with martian stupid ray?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

It was ok till the gang bang turned it to just another porno. 1/2 star. A lot of good stories get spoiled in this manner. Another thing most authors seem to have a sick obsession for is sticking it in the rear.

oldtwitoldtwitover 1 year ago

I liked it but you left it just to much in the air, take her back and have a good sex toy whenever you want

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Weird. I don get why after being together for 3 years she thought the MC didn't love her. I actually believe her story that she was setting him free and faked the cheating to get the divorce. All I can assume is her household growing up was abusive and terrible. Maybe sexual abuse with the father? Dunno. She regretted it immediately (2 weeks) but realized no way back. But found out after 5 years he isn't past her. Her need for him is almost frightening. It seemed to me like the gangbang was a way for her to debase / "cut" herself on her birthday with no lobe in her life. Her attitude changed dramatically when her the MC showed up. I suspect they will get back together. The MC is too broken by her leaving and she is crazy obsessed with him. Why it took five years is odd but maybe she though he hated her? He did refuse to talk to Mary about her and that was earlier in time. Still her reasoning for setting thr MC "free" was weird and not well written unless it is to be blamed on mental health issues which the author did not see fit to explain. If they do get back together, counseling is a must. They both have issues. She more so.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

FUCK THAT!!! I was born at night, just not last night!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I don't give many 1-star ratings, to anyone. This story earned one.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Great story , but you need to finish it!!!

GuyfromShadesGuyfromShadesalmost 2 years ago

Love does strange things to people. Thanks for your writing.

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