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A New One


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No, she was just worried about what I might say and to who.

The party started breaking up around two. I dressed, but before I could leave Norm grabbed me and asked me to help him pick the place up a bit.

"The others got out before I could ask them and I don't think Kathy should have to clean up after her own party."

I helped him straighten the place up and then he said he had something he wanted to show me in the basement. I followed him down and asked him what he wanted me to look at."

"Nothing really. Kathy asked me to stall you until she could get dressed."

"Whatever for?"

"I already told you."

I just shook my head and went back up the stairs. When I walked into the kitchen Kathy was standing there.

"Can I go home with you? Please?"

I stood there staring at her and not knowing what to say.

"Please Frank, please?"

Norm came up behind me and said, "Do it man. What have you got to lose?"

Kathy stood there looking at me hopefully. Don't ask me why because I honestly don't know, but I said "all right." In the car Kathy slid over next to me and put her head on my shoulder, but didn't say a word on the ride. I was silent because I was busy asking myself if I knew what the fuck I was doing. When we got to my place she followed me inside and went straight to the bedroom. When I got there she was already naked and on the bed.

"Sorry, but I don't have anything left."

"I don't care. What I want is to be held. Please Frank; hold me?"

What the hell I thought, in for a dollar, in for a dime. I got on the bed, took her in my arms and we fell asleep.


I woke up in the morning with a warm mouth on my cock. When Kathy saw that I was awake she moved over me and guided my cock into her pussy. She sank down on it and leaned forward, put her hands on my shoulders and then slowly rode me. She was looking down into my eyes as she said:

"Could you get used to this?"

I looked up at her and wondered what the hell was going on with her. First the way she acted the night before; the wanting to come home with me and now the question of "Could you get used to this?" She read the look on my face and said:

"Tell me baby. Would you like all your mornings to start like this?"

Stupid question I thought. What man wouldn't like to start his day out like that? She had me close and she must have been getting close also because she picked up the pace. I was where I needed to get off so I rolled her over onto her back and drove hard and fast into her. Her legs came up and clamped me as her nails dug into my ass and she gave a sharp cry as she came and seconds later I came too. She held me so that I couldn't pull away, looked into my eyes and asked in a plaintive voice:

"Can I stay?"

"Can you stay? Why in God's name would you want to stay? As I remember it Kathy, you couldn't wait to get out of here."

"And it was the biggest mistake of my life."

"I don't know what to say Kathy, but whatever, I have to go to work now" and I pulled away from her and stood up. She was still lying on the bed when I came out of the shower and when I started getting socks and underwear out of the dresser she said:

"Can I stay and at least talk to you when you get home tonight?"

I remembered all the things Mary had said and what Norm had told me at the gangbang and curiosity did get the best of me so I told her she could stay until then and then I headed off to work and spent the day wondering why the hell I'd said yes.

When I got home I was surprised to find that Kathy had fixed dinner and had it waiting. She even had a bottle of Merlot chilled and ready to be poured. We watched each other while we ate and then I couldn't hold it back any more. I put my fork down and said:

"What is going on here Kathy? What are you doing?"

"I want to come home Frank."

"This isn't your home Kathy and it hasn't been for years."

"In my mind it has always been my home, just a home I couldn't return to because I let myself become stupid."

"I don't understand Kathy."

"I wasn't out of here two weeks before I knew that I'd screwed up. I left not because I didn't love you, but because I didn't think you loved me."

"Why in the hell would you have thought that?"

"I overheard Mary and Joe talking one night about how they would like to get me away from my parents and I heard Joe tell Mary that they could probably con you into doing it. Joe told Mary that you were the kind of sap who could be depended on to rescue puppies and little kittens. He told her all she had to do was put us together, tell you how crappy things were for me at home and you would be soft-hearted enough to do the rest. They set us up at the bowling alley and you did just what Joe said you would do."

"You honestly thought I'd marry you even if I didn't love you just to save you?"

"You did. You did just what Joe said you would do. I was the puppy of the moment. I loved being married to you, but after a while I started feeling guilty about tying you down to someone you were only with because you saw a need to rescue her. When Ray came after me I thought he really cared for me and I liked him okay, but I didn't love him like I loved you, but he seemed to love me so I went with him so you could be free of me."

"I don't believe this. Why didn't you tell me this instead of telling me you didn't love me and wanted a divorce?"

"I wanted to do it quick so I could start getting over the hurt."

"Your not talking to me fucked up my life Kathy. I have no fucking idea where you got the idea that I didn't love you. The only part of your story that is true is that Joe and Mary brought you to the bowling alley. Mary never told me about your life at home with your parents. I married you Kathy because I loved you not because I was saving puppies or kittens. You ripped my heart out when you told me that not only didn't you love me, but that you didn't think you ever had. You ripped my heart out and threw it on the ground and then you drove a stake through it when you let me know you were already cheating on me with Ray."

"That wasn't true. I'd not yet done anything with Ray. I only let you think that I did so you wouldn't fight me. Ray was a mistake too. All he wanted to do was screw me. By the time I figured that out and realized how stupid I had been to leave you it was too late for me to try and come back. I've spent five years trying o find what I had with you and have never even come close. I would see you from time to time and I would go to pieces. I even moved away so I wouldn't keep seeing you."

She was silent for a bit and then she said, "I'm begging you to take me back Frank."

"I don't think so Kathy. I loved you and in truth I probably have never really gotten over you, but the woman I loved and have missed is not the woman I saw last night."

"I'm not really the woman you saw last night. That was my first time ever and with the exception of your part in it I didn't care for it all that much. I like sex and I enjoy sex with some one who sees to it that I get something out of it too, but last night I just felt like a piece of meat that a bunch of dogs were working over."

"Then why did you do it?"

"Because I'd never done it and I was curious. I have two girlfriends who had done it and they both told me that it was the best sex ever and that I owed it to myself to try it. Norm also thought I might like it and I let him talk me into it. I told him to go ahead and set it up for my birthday."

"Would it have made a difference if I hadn't been there? Did you seeing me seeing what you were doing change it for you? Would you have liked it more if I hadn't been there?"

"No. I'd already had four guys before you got there, a couple of them twice, and I was already feeling like a piece of meat just being used."

"I got there at twenty after seven and the party only started at seven. How did you do so many so fast?"

"The party started at six when Joe and Ben got there early. Al showed at six forty-five and by seven I'd had them all."

"Why did Norm think that you would like to pull a train?"

"I'd had some three ways with Norm and I'd liked them."

"Three ways?"

"Two guys and a girl once and twice two girls with one guy."

"And you didn't feel like a piece of meat?"

"No, because Norm always saw to it that I got what I needed out of it."

"What have you got going with Norm?"

"Not a lot. We live together and he keeps asking me to marry him, but I don't love him so I always say no. I do like him; I like him a lot, but a marriage without love won't last and I know it. I had what I needed and I threw it away. Now I'm asking if there is anyway I can get it back."

"I don't think so Kathy. Too much water under the bridge."

She drank the last of her wine, stood up and left the table. A minute later, purse in hand, she walked out the front door. It wasn't until five minutes later that I realized she didn't have a car. She had ridden with me from Norm's place. I grabbed my keys and went to give her a ride, but she was nowhere in sight. I drove around looking for her, but she had disappeared.


The next day as I was doing my dinner dishes the doorbell rang and when I went to the door I found Norm standing there. I showed him in, pointed at the couch and went and got two beers from the fridge. I gave him one and took the chair opposite him and waited. He took a pull on his Bud and then asked:

"You ever been in love?"


"What happened?"

"You know the answer to that. You were at her birthday party."

"How long did it take you to get over it?"

"Never have."

"Yet you won't give her a shot."

"Too much behind us now."

"Like what?"

"The way she left. What has gone on since."

"By "gone on since" you talking about her sex life?"

I shrugged.

"You never had another piece of ass after she left?"

I gave him a nasty look, but before I could say anything he said, "So she tried to find some one else, but then so did you. Am I right? Or is it more recent? Like maybe the night before last? Why were you there Frank? It was because you were curious and wanted to see what it was like. Given that how can you hold it against her for doing the same thing? All she was doing was satisfying a curiosity that Bev and Darla gave her. I don't know if you liked it or not, but she didn't. When she came home last night I asked her if she wanted to do it again and she said "Not in this lifetime." But talking about her birthday party is not why I'm here.

"I've asked Kathy five times to marry me and she always says no. She says she can't marry me because she doesn't love me. She says she has loved only one man in her life and she stupidly let him go and he won't take her back. Why the hell not Frank? You still love her. I could see that in the way you looked at her at the party. She has made no secret of the fact that she loves you. I've got to tell you Frank that it is killing me to be here talking to you to try and talk you into giving her a chance. I want her so bad it hurts, but she doesn't want me; she wants you. I care for her Frank. I care enough to want to see her happy. Give her a chance Frank. Here is her cell number. Give her a call. What have you got to lose? Thanks for the beer" and he got up and left.

I stared at the door as I finished my beer. I thought about what he'd said for a bit and then I got up and finished cleaning the kitchen.


The next two days I didn't think of much else. I thought of Kathy and what she's said and I thought of what Norm had said. I remembered what Mary had said. I remembered the life I'd had before the day Kathy left and I thought about the life I'd led since. The one thing that kept coming back to me was something that Norm had said.

"Give her a chance Frank. What have you got to lose?"

I took the piece of paper Norm had given me with Kathy's cell number on it and I stared at it for maybe a minute and then I reached for the phone.

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desecrationdesecration3 months ago

Kathy is AIDS. Escape. Also, although I don't do trigger warnings or political correctness, I refuse to read this story because it is so sad. Kathy needs an asylum and anything else is unkind. Mental illness is a serious incurable disease that must be treated as the threat that it is...

Oatmeal1969Oatmeal19693 months ago

Enjoyed the drama of the story but Kathy was crazy. I'd have left quickly after riding her ass hard. Later I'd tell Norm to never talk to me about Kathy again. Would she do anything bad if they got back together? maybe, I thought she's mentally unstable, capable of self-harm over an argument or curious what a BBC would be like.

t8ntliklyt8ntlikly5 months ago

Not No, But HELL NO

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

For the love of god, Bob, quit having your characters chill red wine!

arnowolarnowol8 months ago

I stopped reading when the gangbang/ass-fucking with divorced Kathy started. Because I find gangbangs and ass fucking sick! Unfortunately only one star!

Ass-fucking is featured in almost every LW story here on Literotica, which I think is a shame.

RedRachaelRedRachael8 months ago

Nope. No. Hell no.

chasbo38chasbo388 months ago

This woman did not just have a gang-bang. She egged these guys on to fuck every hole until they could not get it up again. She claims she did not like it because it mad her feel like a piece of meat. Well that is what she was. Doing a gang-bang with the guy she wanted to get back together again? Come on. Even a dumb whore would know better than that. Unreal. Get a better plot for the next story.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Not a chance,no way no how would any man or husband take her back as a wife or to start a family with..As temporary a fuck toy, yes . Until he found a woman to have a family and grow old with...2 stars..

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

I would definitely have considered taking her back--before I watched a bunch of dudes fuck her. I couldn't take her back after I saw her get gang banged...then again I find it really hot to pull out of a girl's ass then put it in her mouth so maybe I'm the fucked up one lol

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

What better way to win a guy back then to include him in your gangbang? I must really be old fashioned in my thinking..

Buster2UBuster2U12 months ago

In life, it is nice to come home to a warm woman, a warm dinner, a little affection. I have thrown so many women away for no reason, but that the "grass is always greener" We have all made mistakes. Only the twerps living in their Mothers basement can make rash statements of BTB "She is nothing." It takes a little maturity and compassion to be an adult. No One is perfect. It is just a matter if you can live with what the other person has done. Forgive others. We are all only human. Buster2U 10 stars for JPB

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Merlot is a RED wine!!

You do NOT 'chill' red wines!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Good read. Glad given 2nd chance. But the birthday gangbang would be a deal breaker for me. NO way! REM

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Typical Just Plain Cuck ending

lc69hunterlc69hunterabout 1 year ago

Doing the right thing

RuttweilerRuttweilerabout 1 year ago
Not too bad.

The plot seems a bit convoluted, but the heart’s in the right place. He’s given anger and retribution a chance, and it’s still not working for him. Why not give happiness a try?

Five stars, to help offset the morons.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I agree that the MC should have never taken her back. She left him, she didn't tell the truth. She should have told him up front that she felt he didn't love her, but only married her to get her out of an abusive situation. Then she wants a gangbang. Once a liar, always a liar. Seems this author likes to write "Reconcile at all cost (RAAC)" in his stories. There are a few where he has the cheater get their comeuppance, but not many. That being said his writing on all the stories I have read, are good and overall, flow well. It is just his stories do not have good endings in my opinion, the cheater gets away with without any serious consequences. I still read his stories because he has a lot, but what I do now is go to the end and see how it ends and if it is a RAAC or the cheater gets off easily, then I skip it. I find that that saves a lot of reading on stories I don't like. That will help getting through all of his stories, because most are RAAC stories. I feel that the author has a few more out of the 856 stories, where the cheater gets their comeuppance. Hopefully I will find much more of those.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I found this story disgusting and reprehensible, how could you write, “ She even had a bottle of Merlot chilled and ready to be poured. MERLOT SHOULD NEVER BE SERVED CHILLED.😂😂😂😂😂😂

Five stars.

demanderdemanderover 1 year ago

Not so great. Never, never, never take her back. As soon as he saw her, her should have turned around and left. D

ArdieffArdieffover 1 year ago

She was hit with martian stupid ray?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

It was ok till the gang bang turned it to just another porno. 1/2 star. A lot of good stories get spoiled in this manner. Another thing most authors seem to have a sick obsession for is sticking it in the rear.

oldtwitoldtwitalmost 2 years ago

I liked it but you left it just to much in the air, take her back and have a good sex toy whenever you want

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Weird. I don get why after being together for 3 years she thought the MC didn't love her. I actually believe her story that she was setting him free and faked the cheating to get the divorce. All I can assume is her household growing up was abusive and terrible. Maybe sexual abuse with the father? Dunno. She regretted it immediately (2 weeks) but realized no way back. But found out after 5 years he isn't past her. Her need for him is almost frightening. It seemed to me like the gangbang was a way for her to debase / "cut" herself on her birthday with no lobe in her life. Her attitude changed dramatically when her the MC showed up. I suspect they will get back together. The MC is too broken by her leaving and she is crazy obsessed with him. Why it took five years is odd but maybe she though he hated her? He did refuse to talk to Mary about her and that was earlier in time. Still her reasoning for setting thr MC "free" was weird and not well written unless it is to be blamed on mental health issues which the author did not see fit to explain. If they do get back together, counseling is a must. They both have issues. She more so.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

FUCK THAT!!! I was born at night, just not last night!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I don't give many 1-star ratings, to anyone. This story earned one.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Great story , but you need to finish it!!!

GuyfromShadesGuyfromShadesabout 2 years ago

Love does strange things to people. Thanks for your writing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Super cuck .

How embarrassing.

One star

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Great story if only life could be as good as this (jaybee186)

enderlocke77enderlocke77about 2 years ago

idk they both seem to be ok being in gangbangs seems like they were meant for each other. all the characters are either living in the past or too dumb to tell kathy to get some help. after being abused her entire adolescents, u would think someone would mention that to her and mary

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

this was the worst story “ just plain cuck” has written. One star.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Moving from the skank wife to the slut sister, pathetic

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

For being a BTB man I ebeen suckered into liking some recent reconciliation tales & this is one.

She didn’t cheat on him, she left because she didn’t think he loved her.

All this was because she didn’t know to talk to him. That’s just stupidity & no real reason to not love her still. Writing this I decided to change my 4 star rating to a 5.

Bill S.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

And then they fucked. The End.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Why would you want to “chill” a bottle of Merlot?

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

To me the story wasn’t finished.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Can you please just write a complete story. I'm getting tired of these half stories

enderlocke77enderlocke77over 2 years ago

lol already see another LW story of her friends convincing her to cheat on him. that is one messed up women and no one seemed to think she should get help. it feels like most ur stories center around the lifestyles of the 80s where everyone held in their emotional problems, and it was a sin to see a shrink. he didnt seem to care that the whole thing was set up pl so called friends who want to fuck him with a mental unstable person. bad sister she should have taken her sister to a shrink not a patsy husband

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Can one really love a total slut ????I do not think so fuck her maybe but love her NOT in my lifetime

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Take her back she had taken so many cock in her ass and pussy. Jeeeeezzzz he must a whimp. Definitely a 2 star 🌟🌟

Buster2UBuster2Uover 2 years ago

They got back together and it makes me happy. 5 stars

Bmcn509299Bmcn509299almost 3 years ago

Loved it until the ending. The ending sucked because there was no ending

desecrationdesecrationalmost 3 years ago

The characters in this story remind me of people from real life: they want what is convenient for them, to salve their guilt and sense of being bad people, not what the people in question need. People are not dolls. They are living animals and need their autonomy. In real life, Frank would have looked Kathy in the eye and said, "You know why we're not getting back together? It's because you have serious mental health problems that are going to require at least a decade of therapy and probably Haldol in your breakfast cereal. I don't want to chain myself to that sinking anchor in mile-deep water."

Cracker270Cracker270about 3 years ago

And the LW taliban has been heard from.

I would have liked to have seen them reconnect but the story was well crafted with likable characters

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Well that was a waste of time.Started ok then descended into absurdity

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

And? Wheres the ending?

Bubbac62Bubbac62about 3 years ago

This one should have been longer too...

dark2donut2dark2donut2about 3 years ago

BS posturing, posing, and absurdities. The author enjoys in the wild turnarounds using whatever relative explanations he has in store. Love, sure, love here, love there yaddah-yaddah-yaddah ...

Dude, stop drinking immediately, it is not doing you any good. Drop that grass you have been smoking too.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
"He reached for the phone"

Then he remembered that she cheated on him during their marriage, took half the house fund and he had to pay her several thousand more dollars in alimony. Now she's just pulled a train. What's the next wild hair she's gonna pull out of her ass? He put down the phone and moved on with his life - without Kathy in it. Smart man!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Brilliant writing.... Lol

He didn't want her because he suspected she fucked another guy, (she never actually confirmed that she had sex, just that she had met someone), but he wants her back after watching her get gangbanged? Seriously? What, it's about quantity? One man's creampie wasn't enough for him, he needed it from dozens? Garbage.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
🤗 🤗 🤗 🤗 🤗.......

👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 ......

LUV'DIT !!!!

MeredithXMeredithXover 3 years ago

This might have been a heartfelt story if it weren’t for the idiotic gang bang. What kinda plot device was that?

And you don’t chill merlot, dumbass.

Dlh143Dlh143over 3 years ago

STUPID story. Why on earth would anyone sink his dick into a whore's cesspool? Throwing her out was right, but the gangbang thing was so stupid that I can't believe that it was put into this shitty story!

26thNC26thNCover 3 years ago

How could he even consider taking a whore like her back. It could only happen in a JPB story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Not going to end well....

Ok. If he wants to see her on occasion and screw her ( with a rubber) so be it. But she will never be loyal to him. Allowing her back into his life on an emotional level, is not gonna work.

Last... I know how it is to dump someone, and then accidentally be put back in contact with them. I begged out of the situation and left, before she had a chance to ask me questions, or pull me in. This guy should have been horrified to hear her voice. At the very most, he should have went down and snapped a pic and left. “Every time I am tempted to let you back into my life, I will use this of a reminder, of how big of a cheating slut whore you are. Bye- Have a miserable life-“

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

What a paradox, in the story it all came down to lack of communication - yet reading the comment section there is obviously TOO much communication! Example: Dlh143 - every time I see a comment from him, it's the same. He must have it written down to copy! Thanks once more Bob for a good read, think nthis is the third time.

somewhere east of Omaha

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

you really love to emasculate the men in your stories .

this guy is the biggest cuckold ive ever read about .

hell be wearing a cock cage and cleaning out her lovers leavings shortly .

well deserved 1*

Dlh143Dlh143over 3 years ago

Why don't you just have the wimpy cuckold cleaning cum from her pussy? That's what you made him when he picked up the phone in the end. She's a cheating whore and nothing else! The ending fucked up your whole story. I wish I could give negative stars for this shitty story.

Schwanze1Schwanze1almost 4 years ago

Why does everyone want the gangbang slut?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

she is damaged goods and really fucked up in the head. Keep having sex if you want but get tested for STD's often and do not marry.

she screwed up long ago and it was her doing so let her suffer. To bad for her.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
you cannot love someone

and do the things she's done.

she beat this man's self worth into pulp....to 'help' him?

she easily has sex with other people because she, 'loves only him'?

maybe women can compartmentalize that shit. men value things like loyalty, and kindness. what she did was disloyal on multiple levels, and VERY unkind. and yea, she HAS GROWN UP. but that does not wash away her toxic past with him. and it was toxic. it was abuse. let's not forget that. why invite his abuser back into his life? because he's 'a man'? because only women deserve respite from their abusers, and men need to 'suck it up'? get real.

he's not exactly playing the field like she is either. it's unfair to compare the two. he didn't exactly dump her do so either.

maybe she loves him now. maybe she's sorry now. maybe she realizes how horrible she was now. but does she really? she keeps asking for more chances to throw her nightmare bringing face into his life...for HER COMFORT. she still does not give a fuck what he thinks, feels, believes. it's still all about her. no real communication. it's her biggest failing in this. she really needed to make her case, and then LEAVE. That would have been the healthy thing to do. But she's still toxic. He's right to dump her, for many reasons. Hell, he has the right to dump her if she DID EVERYTHING RIGHT. Her past actions are enough reason, full stop, to dump her. If the genders were reversed, literally no one would be against the idea of ghosting the cheater.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Bad ending


Just_WordsJust_Wordsalmost 4 years ago

I can't get past the idea that she is badly broken and will never really be right.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Here Is the.......

.....problem, with overhearing her sister and Joe, knowing her former home life and ended up seeing marriage as “saving a puppy”, shows how low her own self worth was and her own immaturity. Unlike her sister who overcame it, she put herself further down the hole. Being that stunted she kept making more and more mistakes, but it doesn’t excuse poor judgement. As for sowing oats, he can’t complain by his own past, while she sowed hers after the divorce. After time has passed she came to realize she screwed up but she only gained wisdom, she is still immature and stunted.

Not chance in Hell, would anyone sane enough open themselves to that again, until she overcomes those shortcomings and the only one who Can do that is themselves. It’s like fighting someones fight for them, but at some point they have fight on their own by themselves. 5 Stars !!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Finish the story

finish the Dam story!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
No Way

Gangbang ,I asked My wife about that jokingly .. Man I will be paying for that remark for a long Time ..

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

That’s a bell that you can’t unring. Better to move on. Liked the plot line. Writing is great.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
I believe Frank's initial reaction was right

There has been too much water under the bridge. As sincere as Kathy may seem, every time she was out you'd be worried about what she was doing or if she was meeting someone. Not as though she's a babe in the woods anymore is it? She's done as much as some porn stars, and who'd she seek out to scratch that itch if Frank were at work or whatnot? She obviously has the ability to compartmentalize, and who'd want to worry about if she had another need to get three-holed again. Regardless of what she told Norm, it's not as though she had a terrible birthday party.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

How bout his self respect? If she hated being gang banged so much, why did she continue opening here mouth, pussy and asshole for further use? And to do it with the so called man of her dreams in attendance seems like the perfect way to forever stain his view of her as anything other than a cumdump.

texxmantexxmanover 4 years ago
Not as a wife

Entertaining story as most JPB stories are. Where else are gang bangs treated as common and normal.

Anyways, my 2-cents is to stay away. She’s gone from virgin bride to party favor cum slut. No going back. Yes they both had sex after the divorce but come on. How do you get past seeing your former love take on 4 others, and doing stuff she never did with you? I’d always be wondering when the second shoe would fall.

Just_WordsJust_Wordsover 4 years ago
Story well told.

I sure don't agree with the ending, but it's not my life. It's just a story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Because he is a good writer

I like his stories they entertain me.I don't think they are real that needs in depth critique.its entertaining.Good on you JPB keep up the good work.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

For the life of me, I'll never understand why people think JPB is a good writer. It boggles my mind. The same tired crap every time.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

Hope it helps ...

"… Article 15 hearings and Summary Courts Martial's usually because some brain dead officer …"

"Courts Martial" is plural of "court martial." Lose the " 's ".

"Six months later she said years again when I proposed …"

Lay the copy aside for a few days and read it again. Then you can catch errors like this.

brokedickdawgbrokedickdawgalmost 5 years ago
Good story.

JPB always spins a good yarn, but HELL NO!

Maybe fuck her as a FWB, but she's not wife material.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
It is the bedrock of our great nation.

The old west was built on the contribution of whores and sluts. Anyone who says different needs a history lesson.

26thNC26thNCalmost 5 years ago

He sees her in a gangbang, and even participated an he is supposed to take her back? Just no way in hell, even in a JPB story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Loving wifes?

HELL NO!!! This author has a cuck fetish And The characters are always Brain dead to make it Look like a LW story but he just tries to cover this fact. The wife is always Brain dead And cheats for nonsense reasons, hubby leaves or Feels sorry for himself, then The wife suddenly wants him back And claims her eternal love for him, there are 2 options now, hubby Takes her back ( because he is also a retarded moron like The wife) or several woman fight for him ( how to blow up your own Ego) And they life happy to The end. Reading this is no Challenge, it is something I Would expect from a 12 Year Old Child or an 50 Year Old virgin, Nothing against fiction, Reality is often Too simple to be interesting, One side wants to end it And thats it! But this here is just nonsense, she is The stupid bitch And he is The hero WHO gets every woman And later she realises she acted stupid And wants him back because he is so Great! Sounds like The author tries to compensate Bad experiences or Maybe None at all or has a weird cuck fetish fueled by getting of by humiliation And Ego pumping. But Look at The comments, if you have very simple Ideas of relationships You Need People with The same limited thought in Order to get a like!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
A wife and mother of his children?

Sorry, that is not going to happen. She is too irresponsible to manage a household and be the mother of anyone's children. She should continue to self destruct until the grave. JPB failed to sell that one. Fun story though 5 stars for effort.

fritz51fritz51about 5 years ago
Well written, but ...

This story was well told, and I scored pretty high. I didn't like Frank's choice at the end. No matter what, I just couldn't keep a woman who did the things she did that night fucking all of those guys.

Maybe, just maybe, I'd feel a little different if she have stopped all sex the moment she realized that Frank was there. But she didn't, in fact she kept fucking the other men while looking at Frank.

If she would have stopped...maybe ... just maybe?

No - no fucking way, them fucking her would be all I'd ever see when looking at her.

Walk, no, run away - as Ringo said: Find Somebody to Love.

kmreaderkmreaderabout 5 years ago
What an odd story

I’ve read plenty of stories where guy catches wife doing gangbang which leads to divorce, one where a guy met his future wife at a gangbang having not participated himself and she immediately latched to him and gave up her slutty ways, plenty where the guy watches and or participated in a gangbang of the wife willingly, but this is the first reconciliation amidst a gangbang I have ever read. Don’t too much care for the whole gangbang aspect of the story, but found the story intriguing and entertaining.

texxmantexxmanover 5 years ago
Hypocritical maybe but NO

Agree with others. 3-ways, 5-ways, what else and what next? She’s never going to be a good wife. She may “love” the guy but so what? She’s proven untrustworthy, able to hurt him, and a slut.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Typical RAAC crap!

Schwanze1Schwanze1over 5 years ago

Best if they both get fixed and then get back together. They are both too stupid to reproduce

PowersworderPowersworderover 5 years ago

"I took the piece of paper Norm had given me with Kathy's cell number on it and I..."

... sparked up my lighter and watched it burn.

Get back together with a gangbang slut? Norm was out of his goddamn mind.

As the flame licked along the paper, the fire slowly incinerated her number, purging her from my life with a merry glow. It reminded me of how Kathy had burned away our love by behaving like a selfish cunt, her desire for strange cock immolating our marriage.

I never saw Kathy again. Two years later, Norm told me that she'd been diagnosed with HIV from her rampant unprotected promiscuity. Showing the same boneheaded stupidity that had ended our marriage, Kathy refused to take the antivirals, bringing her life to a premature and painful end. As my beautiful second wife was bringing the first of our four children into the world, Kathy was in her own hospital bed, dying of a pneumonia infection that her ravaged body was helpless to fight.

The ending they deserved!

SorchakSorchakover 5 years ago
Not "no".

Not even "Hell no!" My response would have been "Not in this lifetime!" Not after the gangbang. Let's look at it this way: She got fucked by a minimum of 5 guys, maybe as many as 9. Condoms were optional. Theoretically none of them had any STDs, and theoretically Kathy was on birth control. So theoretically neither Frank or Kathy get sick from this, and theoretically she doesn't get pregnant. Because the odds of her NOT getting knocked up are much higher than her getting pregnant. If it had been me, once I recognized Kathy's voice, I'd have outta there faster than you can say 'gangbang'.

danoctoberdanoctoberover 5 years ago
After the gangbang?

No way. The gangbang was just the lastest in her sexplorations. She was not marriage material. She just needed a roof over her head and someone to pay her way. I enjoyed the story but he was an idiot to consider taking that worn out pussy back.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
"He reached for his phone".

Then he had seconds thoughts, threw the paper away, jumped up to grab a beer and sat back down and watched the game. HE knew deep down that he had made the right decision. No way back through all that bullshit. It would have been nice had YOU finished the story JPB.

WakeupnowWakeupnowover 5 years ago
Really Lousy Ending!!!!!!

Complete your darn stories!

WakeupnowWakeupnowover 5 years ago
Please, please complete your stories

This is the third story I read of yours and I am tired of lack of completetion.

SwordWielderSwordWielderover 5 years ago
Needs another chapter

Please add more to complete the story

The_NexusThe_Nexusover 5 years ago
Another new one

I think you need to add another chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
From the fucked up pen of JPB

you live in a parellel universe and write stories about people who look like humans but in reality are aliens with a different moral and values.

Fetishist1Fetishist1almost 6 years ago
Cum in ass and continue

This story features a particular fetish: a man cums in a woman’s ass and keeps going. The man can ejaculate twice or even thrice without pulling out after the anal creampie or he can pull out and then immediately reinsert to continue the act.

I leave this comment as a marker in order to help identify more stories with this kind of fetish.

You can check my favourites for other examples that I have already identified.

Please message me or copy this message under a story to help expand the collection.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

Doesn't AIDS exist in the planet Literotica writers come from?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

Does it really surprise anyone this was a JPB story?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

Outlandish a guy would take her back after the gangbang.

Oh and she loves anal now.

Would just never happen taking the slug back.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

I thought you wrote about men.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
You have to be kidding.!

Take her back sick/ it's just the start of her depraved life/and she screwing people you know / how do you handle that.?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Frank should have participated

He was selfish.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
A closet cuck

He needed to see her in a gangbang to revive his love to her LOL

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

The explanation why she left the first time is just absurd. The plot is OK, the story holds but that explanation just does not make any sense.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
That's what human beings are supposed to do.

Loving and forgiving and taking care of each other are what's important in life.


AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Where will her "curiosity" lead her next? No way he's dumb enough to take her back. She's trying for the brass ring. To get a paycheck and roof over her head. He can't be THAT stupid.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
You Are An Enigma

I have noticed others leave comments similar to what I intend to write. You can write one story that your readers want to read over and over again. Then you write something like this which is best used in the bottom of a birdcage. I can not think of a more inconsistent writer than you. I keep reading you because so much of your work is worth reading. Not this time.

penneydog55penneydog55over 6 years ago
Ugh! This Story Gives Me The Hebbie Jebbies

I've got headache trying to decipher the gist of the story OR for that matter why did I read it? Please advise Me WHY?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Gutless, spineless, fucktarted little gimp, and a heartless, lying, sex-starved cunting whore. They both need a short walk off a fucking plank. Preferably after being cut with thousands of razor blades all over their bodies. Sharks like blood. 1*

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

She is a slut. Might not have been one when you married her, but she's spent the last four years becoming one. As for her "puppy" tale, she lied to you once...what makes you think she's telling you the truth now? RUN from her NOW. FAST. You will never trust her fully, so why try to build a life with her. Get a grip, man, cut your losses and move on. If you have to delude yourself, tell yourself she's the great one that got away.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

For all the comments about her, HE'S NO BETTER! Double standard here???

Fucked up story!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

She's a friggin slut. Curious my ass! She's a full fledged gangbang queen now. Threesomes, groups, large cocks, bi, what isn't she? MARRIAGE MATERIAL!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Don't marry her again

She is no longer marriage material. Maybe a girl friend a wife no.

desertdog43desertdog43about 7 years ago
Curiosity killed the kat

She was "JUST" satisfying a curiosity ??? 3 ways & and a 5'er gangbang? She has that slut bracelet for a REASON.....good fuckin luck dude....

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
which kind of a man

took this kind of a woman, he must have zero self respect.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

Another story with no fucking ending. If i wanted to write my own ending, i would write my own story. You wrote it. End it.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 7 years ago

Again, no way would I take her back! As others have said, why didn't his reaction convince her that he really DID love her? What was with Joe and Mary telling him about her home life? He already KNEW from knowing about Mary's, which was obviously the same!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

you really are a pathetic cuckold piece of trash .

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Good stuff!

This feels more of a possibility in real life than most stories from JPB. People are complicated. Most everyone I know still have some feelings for their first love. And for both of them, they were first loves.

JackmoftenJackmoftenover 7 years ago

I would of left the "gangbang party" the minute I saw Kathy there. I wouldn't give the slut a second chance to get back into my life no matter what!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Why did you spend so much time on his army experience?

What did that have to do with anything? Why didn't her sister just tell him the story of why Kathy left? Why didn't Kathy realize he really did love her when he got so upset with her leaving him? Why didn't Kathy start the conversation about divorce with questions about was Frank really happy and would he be happier with someone else? Why did Kathy allow him to assume she was fucking around? Since Kathy regretted leaving him two weeks after the fact, and Frank beat down her lover a month after the divorce, why didn't Kathy tell Frank right then that she was sorry and really did love him?

Why do you bother?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Finish the Damn story

I hate stories that end like that, finish the damn story. You are right Nancy.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Cuck garbage. Nuff said.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Um.... Yuk?

sbrooks103sbrooks103over 8 years ago

I can't believe that Norm is trying to compare HIS getting a little as a DIVORCED man to her walking out on him after telling him she didn't love him and never had, AND had CHEATED on him! I don't care if it turned out she was lying.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

What Nancyharpman17 said.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
NO... NO... NO...

She walks out on him, moves in with another guy, he finds her years later in a gangbang, and considers taking her back. All because she wouldn't talk to him while they were married? NO. FUCKING. WAY. This guy is from another planet. He should just go out and marry the town slut because that's what she is now. Terrible story. No respect for this guy at all.

christmas_apechristmas_apeover 8 years ago
the experiment continues

i'm worried what i will become once i've read all of your stories.

nancyharpman17nancyharpman17over 8 years ago
Two Stars

NO CONTINUATION? You left me in limbo. No other story that I have ever read has left me not knowing how I wanted it to end. I am generally, but not 100%, opposed to sappy reconciliation stories. This story may have been one of those rare few that I would have accepted. This could easily have been a five star story. Sorry.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

only JPB can reach this level of absurd! 2* instead of 1* only because it was so over-the-top ridiculous!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Well on the face of it, it makes sense

She was young and dumb. But why not TALK to her husband before flying off the handle and asking for a divorce? Lack of communication skills I guess. But once she's gone, she's gone. Who knows what she has been up to all those years? You can't trust her to tell the truth. And that garbage about the gangbang should have sent up a ton of question marks for him. She talks about threesomes and more. Why would he want to take a chance she just wants to use him again? This time to get of the "whore wagon" she's on? Good story, bad ending. No way he takes her back.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
1 star


sbrooks103sbrooks103almost 9 years ago
No Way!

No way should he take her back!

Once again, we see a stupid wife who makes ASSUMPTIONS about her husband, and takes action based on them, instead of TALKING to him and making her decisions based on FACTS.

EddboyEddboyalmost 9 years ago

Norm doesnt see the difference between a guy participating in a gangbang versus the slut whose getting fucked by 10 random man in all her holes.. lol

On a side note i have always been curious about participating in or atleast watching a gangbang or threesome

studebakerhawkstudebakerhawkalmost 9 years ago
Another fine tale...

...crippled by the lack of an ending.

sugnasugnaover 9 years ago
Mental Case

She is a mental case. She is clearly either very mentally ill or developmentally disabled. In either case, he was dumb enough to let it go and marry her. When she got crazy/stupid and decided to leave, that was a blessing. One of the funny things about these stories is how the husbands all seem to have broken hearts and want their wives back. If she cheated on you, she never loved you. Not really. It just doesn't work that way. A lot of people are married to people that they have never loved. Yup, think about it. They may have been in love with being in a relationship, they may have loved the idea of being married, but they never really loved their spouse. That is why it is so easy to cheat. If you really love someone, you think about them every day, you think about how to make their lives better and more secure. If you love someone, you do not have time to think about cheating. This goes for parents too, if you really love your kids you would never cheat on them and wreck their childhoods and possibly their lives! Holy crap, it is just that simple!!! Okay, so back to the broken heart thing, once you realize that they never loved you, ask yourself if you really loved them? If not, no harm, no foul - move on. If so, then be grateful that you learned to love another person! Loving another person is the greatest satisfaction in life! If you can love one, you can love another more deserving person. You should not go on in a one sided love relationship cheating or not! It is unhealthy for all. Move on, you have experience, you will chose better the next time! Believe me!

bruce22bruce22over 9 years ago
Very entertaining fantasy

Come on KarenE after all this work your going to give a one to JPB? Not fair. Personally I would not consider taking her back because she is a liar.... if I believe what she is saying at the moment. There can be no trust..

KarenEKarenEover 9 years ago
No Fucking Way

Normally would have given this 3 or 4 *'s, but just the THOUGHT that he MIGHT take her back made me give it just one star.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Response back to "Tootight1"- are you a romantic on drugs?

Or are you just another one of those putrid cum-sucking fags who are extreme wimps that would take this "always-will-cheat-again & again" slut back in a heartbeat? In either case, your logic is serious flawed but the reason for that type of thinking is unknown at this point. So please enlighten us!

Your average anon.

Tootight1Tootight1over 9 years ago
4th read

I know, it's a lot of reading. I have a few questions for the anon's. how often do you find the love of your life? how can one mistake make that much of a difference in the great scheme of things? how much sorrow will both endure, before they admit they were, or should be together? personally, I'd take her back in a heart beat, not only because of the reasons stated by his friend, but by the truth of it. I'm a romantic, so what.

tazz317tazz317over 9 years ago

biding my time in the cold. TK U MLJ LV NV

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