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A New Way of Seeing Things Pt. 02 Ch. 01

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Part 28 of the 85 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 08/01/2013
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Author's Foreword

For all that expressed their wishes to see Gwen's story continue, thank you for taking the time to let your feelings be known. It's flattering to know you have enjoyed the story so far and don't wish it to end just yet.

For those who feel Gwen went far enough (or too far) in the first part, the continuation may not be for you.

For those still on the fence or new to it, be aware that the premise of this story is one of sexual exploration where departures from traditional monogamy are treated with openness and honesty by all characters. If you don't believe the premise is possible, this story is not for you.

Standard disclaimer—this story takes place in a world where STDs don't exist and only babies planned for and wanted do—in other words, a fantasy world. Any resemblance to real-life people is purely coincidental.


Gwen made sure the bags containing her—Tim's, she reminded herself—photo album remained in the truck until Ali and Jason had left. She knew it highly unlikely her daughter would go through their suitcases, but it was best not to take that chance.

They left the house clean enough, she decided, but still found herself straightening up the kitchen while Tim brought their luggage in. Clothes were unpacked and sorted for the laundry, the corset and black lace underwear set aside for hand washing. Gwen knew the panties were in particular need of soap and water after the soaking they had gotten the night before.

The album was unpacked as well. Gwen looked about the room, trying to envision a suitable hiding place before remembering it was Tim's gift, and he should be the one to decide the best spot for it. Just so long as it wasn't the coffee table in the living room... for now, she left it on the bed and took the half-full clothes basket to the laundry room.

Tim was sitting on the bed, slowly paging through the album, when she returned. He looked up and smiled. "Still can't believe you did this. You say Natalie has one too?"

Gwen nodded, cheeks flushing. "She did hers a little while back, yes. It's much better than mine—Barry even has it in a private section of his website as a sample for prospective customers to look at." In her mind, the photographer's request to post hers as well had only been made out of politeness, nothing more.

Tim smiled again and rose to take her in his arms. "You saw it, huh? Well, I seriously doubt hers is better than yours. She's pretty an' all that, but she's no Gwen Nelson. I'll have to talk to this photographer—Barry?—about why yours isn't up there as well."

Gwen's eyes widened in shock. "You wouldn't dare!"

"Maybe I would, maybe I wouldn't. But in the meantime, looking at your pictures has me wanting the real thing." Tim bent to kiss her.

Gwen pulled away. "Tim, speaking of Natalie, there's something I wanted to tell you, but I didn't want it to ruin our weekend at the Inn...Natalie and I went riding on Friday."

"In that downpour? You guys are hardcore."

"Well, we only got wet the last mile or so, and we didn't go for a swim after." She hesitated. Tim smiled at her expectantly, confident that was not the end of her story. "We did, uh, take a shower, though...together."

Gwen anxiously scanned her husband's face for signs of anger or disappointment. His eyebrows rose. "Really? I know they say shower with a friend to conserve water, but I didn't think we were in drought conditions..." That damnably smug smile remained.

She plowed forward, her desire to get this off her chest emboldened by her husband's seeming lack of concern. "And then she trimmed me...down there—"her eyes glanced to her crotch before returning to a spot on Tim's chest while her face flushed crimson—"and then we, uhh...did some things in here after."

His eyes sparked with mischief. "Did some things? Like what, play cards?"

"Damn it Tim, I'm sure you know what we did, alright?" Gwen looked down at the floor, assuming the pose of a child who had been caught making a terrible mistake. I know you said that was alright before, but did you really mean it?"

Her use of an expletive told him his humor had pushed her into a corner. "Whatever you two did sure as hell didn't make you lose your appetite at the Inn," Tim mused as he gathered her back into his arms. "In fact, I'm guessing it might have even stoked you up some. Yeah, I'm fine with it. I'm glad you two are friends. It's an interesting way of being friends, but girls are odd ducks to us guys anyways. Just don't get the idea Cliff and me are going to be showering together."

"Are you sure you're alright with it?" Gwen repeated, still not quite believing it. "It doesn't bother you that your wife is doing...that...with someone else, much less a woman?" The Slut giggled at the word 'that'. If you mean sex, you haven't had it with her yet, although the definition was up for debate...Gwen pushed the corset-bound alter ego out her thoughts.

Tim shrugged. "Nah. Sex is sex, love is love. I've seen enough of our younger employees in action to remember that hooking up with someone for a little fun on Friday night does not require a commitment to honor and cherish the next morning. On the other hand, I do believe it's entirely possible to fall in love with someone without things ever getting physical. So, if I don't think quiet horseback rides together are going to convince you two to run away together and start a pottery studio in Florida, then I have to be consistent and think that a little time in the shower or on the bed won't either."

Gwen stared at her husband, slightly confused a she tried to sort out his logic and apparent confidence in the strength of their relationship. She didn't know a lot about men, but she had to believe this could not be considered a typical response.

"Now," Tim continued, "to me, the best is when there's love and sex at the same time, and I love you and really, really, want to have sex with you. So..." his strong arms slid by either hip and hands pushed down inside the back of her jeans to cup her cheeks. Clothes were slowly shed between kisses, Gwen briefly considering a run to lock the kitchen door as her bra was removed before dismissing the thought and reaching for her husband's belt buckle.

They resumed their embrace after the last articles had been removed, Tim's erection leaving a slick trail as it slid against her stomach. Slowly he walked her backwards, lips locked, her calves bumping up against the mattress. Gwen turned and flipped the covers back before lying on the bed while Tim followed her. She spread her legs in expectation of his entry as he moved between them, but instead his head dipped and she felt his tongue draw slowly up the side of her cleft while a hand found her breast.

Her own hands instinctively went to the back of the head between her legs even has his tongue began to circle her clit. Gwen's fingers burrowed through her husband's salt-and-pepper hair down to the scalp, lying there in wait should the source of her exquisite pleasure try to escape. Her senses were on full alert; she saw Tim's head moving ever so slightly as he bent to her pleasure, heard his muffled breathing from between her thighs, and her nose picked up traces of Ali's perfume, reminding her the sheets needed to be changed. Gwen also smelled male musk mixed in with her daughter's scent; had she and Jason been intimate right where she now lay? The Lady squawked at the complete impropriety of the thought, and Gwen's focus returned to the feelings radiating from her sex.

The tongue left her, and she had to restrain herself from pushing it back down in an attempt to complete the orgasm that was just beginning to tease its way into a fullblown fireworks show. The body between her legs shifted, rough skin meeting her thighs as he positioned himself for his first thrust.

"Wait," she pleaded softly. Tim looked up, his face a mix of impatient lust and confusion. "Lie on your back."

He did as she asked, protesting as she bent to take him in her mouth, "Thanks hon, but I'm ready to go now."

Gwen looked at the rock-hard staff just inches from her face and could see he was not lying. "Are you sure?'

"Very." Even now he was attempting to roll her back and resume his place between her thighs. Gwen resisted his gentle push and swung her leg over his hips. "Alright, then." Reaching back, she found his twitching length and angled it up to where she guessed they would meet. Her aim was true as she sank down on him, his tool easily sliding into her until she sat on his thighs, hips undulating as Tim's own thrusts signaled his desire. Changing the angle of their joining just a bit brought her clitoris into contact with his pubic bone, and she ground against her husband even as his hands began to squeeze and stroke the breasts pushed towards him. From her vantage point she could see that while the lust in Tim's eyes was still there, that the confusion had been replaced with a sort of rapture, and she wondered if her face was as expressive.

Tim continued to stroke with purpose but not urgency. Gwen's body, however, was losing control as the hardness against her clit sped her resurgent climax. With a whimper, she fell forward on to the body beneath her, face buried in his neck and breasts mashed against his chest as she shuddered through the waves of pleasure.

Tim's pace quickened, hips lifting off the bed to drive his cock into the prostrate body above him, his arms wrapped securely around the recovering woman. With one last push that lifted his straining body as well as the limp one above him off the mattress, he erupted.

They lay there for some time after, side by side as their sweat dried in the air-conditioned room. Gwen knew she should go and clean up, but Tim's body felt so good next to her, and from where her head lay on his chest she watched his satiated manhood return to its slumbering form.

"Five times in one day," the man beneath her rumbled. "That's a new record. I'm going to have to just sit and let the apprentices do all the work tomorrow. Jordan might have pick me up here and drive me over to the shop."

It took Gwen a moment to figure out the number her husband was referring to. We made love at the Inn twice last night, twice this morning, once just now...got it. "I must admit, I'm a little sore down there."

Tim chuckled as his fingers lightly scratched her back. "C'mon, I'm not that big..."

Gwen smiled in reply as she continued to look down on his slumbering length. "More than big enough for me." There was silence for a while. "Did you ever do it more...before we met?"

Tim surprised himself with his ability to not flinch at the question, his hand continuing its arc across his wife's bare back. She had always known she was not his first, but Gwen never had asked much about his girlfriends before her, and certainly had never wanted to know about his sexual experience.

He had only been with three women in his life—two one-night stands, and a month-and-a-half of young lust with Tammy Domillo. While he and Tammy and not been able to keep their hands off each other, their situations had not allowed for the extended bouts of privacy, and so backseats of cars and a few minutes together in party bedrooms had been the norm. Certainly not the stuff five times a day is made of.

"No, this was the most I've ever done it," he answered truthfully.

"Did Tammy Domillo like to do it?"

Tim could not believe she remembered her name—he had mentioned her maybe once or twice at most, and certainly not since they had been married. "Yeah, I guess. We were both young and full of hormones," he offered as a mix of explanation and apology.

"Why didn't you two stay together?"

"I think she wanted more of a bad boy, and a plumber's apprentice in trade school didn't fit that description for her. And, anyways I just kind of knew she wasn't the one for me. So, I moved here to apprentice with Mr. McGilvary, and she moved to Missouri, and there were no hard feelings. Last I heard, she was in Oklahoma, living with a bike mechanic."

"I'm sorry I didn't like it."

"Like what?"

"You know, sex."

"I think you were just brought up that you weren't supposed to like it. Do you like it now?"

She hesitated, mulling her answer. "I do, very much." The Lady rolled her eyes at the seeming admission of weakness. Beneath her, Tim's stomach grumbled. Gwen sat up with a start, looking at the clock. "Look at the time! You must be starved! Let me go make you something to eat—you wait here and rest, I'll bring it back!"

Tim laughed. "Relax. I'm not so old yet that I my legs won't make it out to the kitchen. I'll help."

The nude woman scrambled from the bed and began collecting the clothes that had been dropped in a disorderly pile earlier.

"Wait—do me a favor?" Gwen looked up expectantly. "Wear one of my shirts?"

She straightened, jeans in one hand, bra in the other. "It's probably not safe for guests..."

"We're not expecting any, and it's sexy as hell."

She smiled and took her collected clothes to the hamper, then continued on to the closet. "I'll wear it tonight, but you have to wear it tomorrow," she offered as a clean shirt was removed from its hanger."


Gwen buttoned it from top to bottom, turning it into a very short dress, and made her way to the kitchen. Tim joined her soon after in just a pair of gym shorts. Despite their activity over the last twenty-four hours, her husband's hands frequently found their way over and under her cover, and she wondered if there might be a sixth time in the making. In the end, though, the couple was content to eat, finish chores, and relax in front of the TV before bed.

Despite his threat, Tim managed to make it across the yard under his own power the next morning. Gwen amused herself by wondering if their employees could detect a feminine scent coming from their boss. Her cell phone announced a call from Natalie moments after the last truck left.


"Good morning Natalie, did you have a nice weekend?"

"Screw my weekend, how was yours?"

"It was very nice."

"Very nice? Dinner at Martelli's is very nice. What did Tim think of your gift?"

"He liked it. A lot."

"I told you! I knew he would! No straight guy in his right mind would ever turn his nose up at you all sexed up! So, how many times did you do it?"

Gwen was momentarily taken aback at the question. "Well, four times at the Inn, and then once when we got home, I guess."

"Wow, that's some stud you've got there. When we were at the Inn, it took me a three day weekend to get that many out of your brother, and I had to do all the work on the last one."

The thought of Natalie naked and entwined with a man awakened the Slut. The idea that the man was Gwen's brother repulsed the ever-alert Lady. "Natalie, I just wanted to, uhh, say thank you...for your idea and making me go through with it. It really did make Tim very happy." Not to mention me.

"Forget it. My pleasure. You can return the favor when it's my turn at Barry's—you're still going to go, right?"

"If you still want me to, yes. Any idea when?"

"Not yet, but soon I'd guess." Gwen could sense a touch of nervousness in her sister-in-law's answer, and said no more, switching the conversation to trivial family matters.

The business phone lit up. "Sorry Nat, I've got a call from a customer, gotta go. Are we riding Friday?"

"Sure are."

"Great. See you then."

The week passed quickly, Tim and crew starting a huge project at a new tract of condos going up near the mall, Gwen working tirelessly to support them as needed. She was already wondering where she would find the time to ride with her sister-in-law that morning when her cell phone rang.

"Hey Gwen, it's Nat."

"Hi Natalie, how are you?" Tim looked up from the paperwork he was shuffling through and smiled.

"Good—hey, listen, I'm really sorry, but the morning shift supervisor called in sick and I'm pulling a double. I've been down here since 6, so I won't be able to make it up there this morning. I'm really sorry!"

"No, that's alright. Work before pleasure. Anyways, the boys have started a big project in town so it's been pretty hectic all week and I don't see it being any less so today. Probably best if I stay close to the desk, too."

"Well, I still feel bad about cancelling," Natalie offered. "It looks like it's going to be such a beautiful day! Next Friday though, OK?"

"That would be great."

"Good! See you then if I don't talk to you before!"

The women said their goodbyes. "Everything OK?" Tim asked.

"Oh yes, it's fine, Natalie's working a double shift so no ride today. I was wondering if I really had the time today, anyways."

"You can go for a ride with me this weekend," he suggested with a raised eyebrow.

Tim's few times on horseback had been uncomfortable experiences a long, long time ago, and she doubted he was ready to try again. No, he was talking about another sort of riding altogether...she blushed and looked about nervously to see if one of the others had caught his intent as well.

The morning was a blur of paperwork and phone calls, and Gwen only managed to catch her breath around noon. No requests from the crews to bring down extra supplies, no warnings of them coming up to raid the inventory, either. She was a little surprised to feel the back of her shirt damp with perspiration; the air conditioning was having trouble keeping up with the heat in the second floor office. Gwen decided it was as good a time as any to head over to the house for lunch.

She meant to rush through her salad and head back to the office, but sitting outside on the deck made her slow down and appreciate the day. Natalie was right—it had turned out beautifully. It seemed a shame to waste it, even if her sister-in-law couldn't make it...the Lady made it clear that to delay paying the invoices on her desk would be incredibly lazy, but Gwen's mind was made up. She dropped her bowl in the sink, not even bothering to put it in the dishwasher, and made her way to the bedroom.

Jeans, t-shirt, and a comfortable pair of knee-high black riding boots were selected for "just a quick ride up the hill," she assured the fuming Lady while telling the Slut "just in case" as she removed the rabbit from her nightstand. Bra and panties were left on the bed and she made her way out to the barn.

Gwen stared at the saddle for several moments, lost in thought, after she had cinched it around Dart's midsection. A clean towel was finally retrieved from a nearby storage locker and draped over the leather. With a deep breath, she quickly undressed and stuffed clothes and vibrator into a saddle bag before stepping back into her boots and swinging a leg over the waiting horse. Gwen adjusted the towel between the saddle and her skin, hoping to have her bare thighs avoid sticking to the leather. Arrangements completed, she nudged the horse to the edge of the barn door to discretely check for unwanted visitors. Heart thumping wildly, she urged Dart into a trot towards the treeline.

Exhilaration mixed with fear to produce a heady intoxicant . Tim had given some of his friends permission to hunt on the land in the past, provided they stop at the house first so as not to confuse horse and deer; what if they had not bothered to check in first? How would she explain her Lady Godiva act to them? Was it even hunting season yet? Her breasts bounced in a now familiar rhythm to D'Artagnan's steady gait, and Gwen soon slowed him to a walk to help him preserve his energy for the uphill climb as her own pulse began to slow ever so slightly. She found it easier to revel in the fact she was naked, outside and on her horse, if she did not have to worry about his footing and fatigue. Being topless had been a thrill; this was something more.


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