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A New Way of Seeing Things Pt. 02 Ch. 14

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A hot shower after a cold ride.
5.8k words

Part 41 of the 85 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 08/01/2013
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This is a story about sexual exploration and, open relationships. Open relationships can and do happily exist; but they are not for everyone. If you do not believe it is at all possible for open relationships to exist without damage to any and all involved parties, please do yourself a favor and don't waste your time reading this.

Standard disclaimer—this story takes place in a world where STDs don't exist and only babies planned for and wanted do—in other words, a fantasy world. Any resemblance to real-life people is purely coincidental.


Gwen eyed the rider next to her and smiled. Cool temperatures and damp skies had moved into the area midweek, and Natalie had kept her shirt on this time up the ridge—in fact, the bright-red sweatshirt she also wore meant she had probably had on more than she had ever ridden in before. Gwen missed her sister-in-law's topless look, but couldn't fault her for the extra layers as they climbed through the mist that hugged the forest floor.

"I heard you strong-armed your father into having the firm give Cricket some pro bono work," The warmly-dressed blonde said as the two horses picked their way up the wet track.

"I didn't strong arm-him," Gwen protested with the hint of a smile. "I just reminded him that Nelson Plumbing had provided the firm with many low-cost, quick-turnaround services to in the past, and I was hoping they might be able to provide a service in return."

"We both know how much your father hates to give up perfectly good billing hours, so that was quite a favor to ask for," Natalie laughed, "and therefore a very nice thing for you to do for Cricket. Hopefully Joe's been helpful. Have you heard from her lately?"

"Oh yes, she and I talk every two or three days." Gwen had been persistent in reaching out to the young woman, and lately it had been Cricket who had been initiating the call, much to Gwen's delight. "It seems like she's getting things under control—a little bit more confident and upbeat every time we talk."

Gwen lowered her voice to the proper level for salacious gossip. "She told me Joe did some digging and found some very interesting things about her husband."

"Ex-husband," Natalie corrected with a laugh, "once Joe Gambini gets done carving him up. So what did he find?"

"Well, he's divorcing her on the grounds of physical and emotional abandonment. Says she wouldn't give him children even though she had promised him before they got married. She says she never agreed to that, but he must have seen it differently. It turns out there's a woman he works with who was only too happy to make his wish come true, but she jumped the gun a little and got pregnant before he ever filed for divorce. So now he's on the hook for adultery. Also, he's due a large bonus at the end of the year, one he never told Cricket about and hoped to keep all to himself by making the divorce final before the payout. Joe thinks he hired a lawyer to speed up the process, hoping Cricket wouldn't find out about the baby or the money."

"I hope she's asking Joe to get her ex's worthless little balls in a velvet box as part of the settlement. You're a really good person for helping her, Gwen. You make me proud to be your sister-in-law."

Gwen blinked away the tears welling in her eyes. "Just helping someone who needs help."

"A lot of people would have said it wasn't their problem and walked away. She must be a pretty remarkable person—I'd love to meet her."

"She's coming over tomorrow to ride, if you want to come with us."

"Thanks, but I'm taking an extra shift at the hospital tomorrow for someone who's a bridesmaid in a wedding. But definitely some other time."

They lingered at the picnic table for only a moment, taking in the swirls of vapor rising from the trees below before making their way back down the hill. Both riders and horses were damp from the clinging mist as the women unsaddled and groomed their mounts.

"Not a good day for a swim," Natalie observed glumly as she turned Tigger loose in the corral. The horse promptly retired under the overhang of the barn roof.

"No, it's not," Gwen agreed. "Sorry, but the hot tub's not ready yet, either. Tim's going to get that running this weekend."

"A nice hot shower will do just fine," the slightly bedraggled blonde said brightly and made her way to her car to retrieve her surgical scrubs.

"Want me to make us lunch? Or coffee?" Gwen offered as her sister-in-law joined her in the kitchen.

"Maybe after." Natalie stood there, looking at her expectantly. "Are you joining me? You have to be as cold and wet as I am."

Gwen stood there a moment, blinking. "Oh, yes, of course, yes, that would be nice, thanks for asking." The Slut instructed her to stop babbling while the Lady petulantly moaned about how easy it had become to shower with another woman. She led the way down the hall to the master bath, Natalie close behind.

Gwen busied herself gathering towels for she and her guest while behind her the shower started. Natalie was already down to her bra and panties by the time her sister-in-law turned. The underwear was gone and the naked woman had stepped into the rapidly fogging glass enclosure before Gwen had her shirt off. She finished undressing, a lifetime of habit forcing her to put her dirty clothes in the proper hampers before opening the shower door.

"God, this feels so good!" Natalie groaned as water from the main nozzle cascaded through her hair and down her body while gentler sprays bathed her from all around. She wiped her eyes and grabbed the shoulders of the body she knew had just joined her, maneuvering the woman between her and the showerhead. "C'mon—get some of this."

Gwen welcomed the sting of the hot spray, closing her eyes and allowing the runoff to course down her body, aware of Natalie's large breasts pressed into her shoulder blades. She felt rather than saw an arm reach beyond her for a bar of soap. It was gently placed at her throat, moving in languid circles as it moved down on to her shoulders while Natalie's other arm wrapped around her from the other side in a gentle embrace, one hand working with the other trying to create lather before the hot water washed it away.

Gwen sighed contentedly and put her hands on the tile in front of her as the soap gently prodded its way to her armpits. She twitched at the mild tickling sensations and the soap, hand still working up a lather close behind, moved down to her breasts. She didn't flinch when a pair of lips gently kissed the wet skin of her neck as her mounds were sensuously fondled and manipulated, subconsciously arching her back to push them more into the hands giving them pleasure while presenting more of her nape. Gwen was disappointed to feel the hands continue on down to her stomach, but pleased the lips stayed busy where they were.

Natalie shifted slightly to their left, her nipple gently pushing into the side of Gwen's breast. The soap circling down over her mound and between her legs was passed off to the other hand, which used it to lather all of Gwen's rear end before the bar was unceremoniously dropped and the hands worked in cooperation. Fingers thoroughly probed and cleaned every crevice while lips continued to tickle her neck; her clitoris was circled and stroked before the finger moved to her opening and buried itself firmly inside, the palm it was attached to pushed up against the top of her slit.

The other hand pushed a finger down the crack of her bottom, hesitating on the crinkled muscle of her rosebud before gently pushing it open and sliding in up to the first knuckle. Gwen gasped in surprise and started at the unexpected invasion.

"Sshhh, sshhh, it's alright" the lips coo'd from their spot next to her ear even as both fingers continued to fill her. "Just making sure you're clean all over. I'm ready to get out—are you?"

Gwen nodded dumbly, the fingers were withdrawn and the water shut off. Natalie was first out of the enclosure, grabbing for the towels as her sister-in-law emerged. They dried themselves quickly, Gwen still nervous about what she knew was going to happen next despite the Lady's disdain over the casualness of it all.

"Bed?" Natalie asked in a tone that sounded more like direction.

"Yes, that would be nice. Bed."

Natalie led the way and waited as Gwen walked past on her way to her nightstand. "Should I, umm, get out my toys?"

"If you want. Tell the truth, I don't think I'll need them today."

Gwen hesitated, unsure if pulling them out now would somehow be seen as an indictment of her sister-in-law's inability to sexually satisfy her, or perhaps as a perceived weakness of her own, needing aids when Natalie did not. She left them where they were and lay down, waiting for the naked woman at the end of the bed to join her.

Natalie put one knee on the mattress, then the other, and shuffled forward. She bent at the waist, supporting herself on one hand while the other began to stroke and smooth the skin of Gwen's stomach. Natalie's face came closer, and their lips met.

The first touch of another's woman's lips was electric. So soft, so different from Tim. Miss Ritter had never kissed her, most likely because she thought that act of tenderness beneath her, Gwen had always assumed. Their kiss was brief, and then Natalie's lips began their trek down her body. The hand on her stomach had moved down as well, urging Gwen's legs apart so fingers might stroke her other pair of lips. Gwen obliged and spread herself while tentatively smoothing the back of the woman licking at her nipples.

Natalie shifted and straddled the knee that had been pressed against her calf, bringing her wet sex down onto the firmness below. Her hips began to undulate against Gwen's kneecap as her tongue continued to perform its magic while her fingers stroked and pushed with more urgency.

Gwen felt some guilt in not doing more to reciprocate the pleasure she was receiving, but the frantic Slut on her shoulder reminded her that the body gripping her leg appeared to be quite happy humping it, and there was not much more to be done at the moment.

"Ohh, fuck meee..." Natalie called out to no one in particular, signaling the arrival of her orgasm. Her head dropped to the small pillow of Gwen's left breast and her sex ground ferociously against the solidness that was wedged between her thighs.

"FuckfuckfuckfuckFUUUUUUUCK!" She collapsed to Gwen's side after a final convulsion, knee still captured, her head still resting on her breast. They lay still a moment, Gwen unsure what to do next other than give the heavily breathing woman time to recover. Natalie finally raised her head enough to look at the face just inches from hers. "Whew! That was a good one!" She impulsively planted another quick peck on her startled sister-in-law's lips and scrambled into a kneeling position. "And now..." She shot Gwen a wicked grin and scrambled between her still-spread legs, lying on her stomach between them and looking up at her expectantly. "You, uhh, mind if I get a little taste?"

Gwen was pretty sure what that meant, and in her current state, the idea thrilled her. "Uhh, no?"

A look of concern swept Natalie's face. "Do you mean, no, you don't mind, or no, you don't want me to?"

"No no, I mean I don't mind," Gwen hurriedly answered. "If you, uh, mean...you..." her eyes glanced down to her open sex, "down there." Mind? The Slut crowed. I never thought you'd ask!

"Good," her sister-in-law said, a look of relief on her face. "I didn't want to assume. I had a roommate in college that I'd fool around with sometimes—she didn't like another girl kissing her kitty. She was okay with guys going down on her, just not girls. I think she thought she'd have to return the favor or something. I've really been wanting to do this ever since that first time I shaved you—which by the way, I'm happy to do that some other time, since it looks like it's been a while—but not right now." Gwen watched in lustful bliss as the head between her legs dropped and there was the delicate tickle of a tongue against her outer lips. Natalie went to work as her hands found the tits above, and Gwen experienced her second new feeling of the day. Tim's oral efforts were most certainly welcome and appreciated, in no small part because he felt so masculine—the strength of his tongue, the feel of his stubble against her thighs, his searching for the right spot (and occasional misses). Miss Ritter's oral attentionshad been more like Tim, always firm without the stubble and searching, but more methodical, more mechanical, more of a demonstration than a desire to make her partner happy. Natalie was different, and in a very good way. Her tongue was soft and yielding when necessary, but would stiffen up and deliver a jolt of electricity when desired. She just knew all the right places to kiss, to lick...Gwen didn't know exactly when those spots would be touched, but she just sensed they would be.

She ground herself against the face between her legs, trying to get that tongue and those lips to the right spots in an ever more urgent fashion. She was almost there, and Gwen grit her teeth in anticipation of the explosion to come...

"Are you close?"

Gwen frantically opened her eyes and looked down at Natalie grinning back at her.

"Very! Please?"

"Tell me what you want to do."

"I want to finish..."

"Finish what?"

Gwen threw her head back as her hips thrust in an attempt to make contact with that missing tongue. "You know what I want! Please!"

"Tell me."

"I want to climax, alright?" Her plea came out as a wail.

"You want to cum," Natalie corrected. "Keep telling me that and I'll do my best to make it happen."

The tongue touched the frantic woman's clit and held steady, waiting for the magic words. Gwen's hips bucked in an effort to make the contact more solid and she briefly considered trying to force Natalie's head into her sex, but even the Slut advised against this.

"I want to cum, I really want to cum..."

"Good girl," the muffled voice from between her legs said, and the tongue returned to its delicious torture.

"I want to cum so badly, please, please..." Gwen only repeated the mantra a few times more before her jaws again clamped shut and she shuddered into the first intense waves of what she had needed so badly.

She lay there afterwards in her post-orgasmic glow, too spent to move, as Natalie shuffled forward and kissed her. Not passionately, but more than a quick peck, and flavored with her juices. She patted her sister-in-law on the stomach, got off the bed and headed for the kitchen where her duffle bag still sat on the table where she had left it. Gwen joined her, not bothering to dress.

"Did you like that?" Natalie asked, pulling out scrubs and underwear.

"It was really nice."

"Really nice?" Natalie snorted. "You trapped me in a hell of a leglock when you went off. Sorry about making you beg like that," she continued, "but I really wanted to hear you make some kind of noise during sex. Guess it's a thing of mine, you know? Your brother used to be really quiet, too, always made me feel like he was nervous or mad or something...and it's fun to make him beg, too."

"That's alright, I'm just not used to talking during..." Gwen stopped to consider the proper word. What was it we were doing, anyways? It wasn't making love, it was too perverted for that, and yet it didn't feel quite so devoid of feeling and emotion to just be called fucking. It was more like...some sort of friendly and fun activity, like a past time or a hobby. Friendly fucking? "And I'm sorry about trapping you."

"Don't worry about it—my way of knowing I pushed the right buttons," Natalie laughed as she put an arm through the jogbra, "and I'm going to get you used to talking—it does wonders for the other person's ego. It's like cheering."

Gwen froze at the sound of footsteps on the deck outside. The creaking of the screen door opening panicked her into action, turning to flee from the room while Natalie casually continued dressing.

Tim opened the door and caught a glimpse of a naked ass hurrying around the corner and down the hallway before his attention turned to the body just a few feet from him. "Hey Tim," Natalie said in greeting as she continued to fiddle with the flesh filling the cups of her bra. Satisfied with its fit, she reached into her bag for her scrub pants.

"Uh, hi," he said, politely averting his eyes. "Sorry to walk in on you, I didn't know you were dressing."

Natalie laughed. "Don't worry about it. You've seen me in skimpier bathing suits."

"Yeah, but still..." He realized his plan had not been well thought out and he wondered whether to retreat back out to the deck or go after the rear end he had caught a glimpse of. His decision was made by the sound of feet hurrying back up the hallway.

"Tim! What are you doing home?" Gwen cried as she rounded the corner, busily tying a robe tightly about her.

"We finished up the Blue Meadows job a little early, so Andrew and I—"

"Andrew? Andrew's here?" She called out in a fresh panic, prepared to retreat back to the bedroom.

"Well, yeah, he was out with me this morning, remember? He's in the shop tearing down the pump we took from the job and getting the sand out of it. We'll save it as a spare for when they clog up the one we just installed."

Gotta go," Natalie said with a smile as she kissed Tim on the cheek, then Gwen. "Thanks for the ride. It's so much fun to spend time together." The Lady groaned in frustration at what her statement might convey to the man standing there. "See you soon."

Gwen waited until she had shut the door behind her, cautiously peering out the kitchen window, ready to disappear should the young apprentice be on the other side. "Where's the truck? I didn't hear you come in..."

"It's in the shop bay. We've been here a little while," he admitted with a sheepish smile. "We ate lunch in the shop—I didn't see any of the horses up in the paddock, so I thought you and Natalie were still up on the hill, but then Dart came out from under the overhang so I figured you were already back."

We were probably in the shower when they pulled up, Gwen thought. So we wouldn't have heard them. Which means they could have walked right in while we were...

Friend fucking! The Slut gleefully suggested. Gwen knew the evidence of what they had been doing just moments before Tim entered the kitchen was too strong to deny or explain away.

"Tim, I'm so sorry—"

"No, I'm sorry," he replied, his cheeks red with embarrassment. "I had a pretty good idea what you were probably doing, but I came over to the house anyways. I'm sorry, you have a right to not be interrupted, but I, well...you know."

Gwen didn't dare believe the discomfort he was showing was with himself and not her. "But if you knew we were over here, and you wanted to, uhh, give me privacy, why did you come over?"

His cheeks reddened even more. "I, uhh, was kinda hoping I might maybe catch a peek of what you and Natalie had been doing some of the other times you got together? Maybe without intruding? Sorry, I didn't think it through too well."

Gwen's face made it clear she had never considered that even a remote possibility. "You want to see me and Natalie, together? I thought that would upset you. Adam told Natalie he didn't want to know anything about me and her."

"Probably because you're his sister," Tim replied, taking her in his arms. "I'm just a pervert that has an overactive imagination about you and a woman that's not my blood relative."

She looked up at him, still not willing to believe. "You really find the idea of me with her exciting?"

He released her, stepped back, and undid his belt buckle. "Need proof?" Tim unbuttoned and unzipped his pants, then flipped them down along with his boxers. His potent erection sprang into view, the length bobbing for Gwen's inspection.


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