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A Pleasure to Serve Pt. 01


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"Watch the way the fire dances," his voice reverberated inside of her. "See if you can follow its movements. It's said that if you stare long enough, you can hold the flame still in your eyes. I wonder if you can do that for me now?"

For...him? No...A twinge in Valerie's gut forced her eyes closed for a moment, but even then she could still see it. The dancing light, burning in her mind. Her eyelids drifted open again, and she felt her breath catch as the fire now seemed to fill her entire vision. Leaping and twirling. A mesmerizing display so dazzling it overwhelmed her senses. It burned away her last, weak tether to reality, leaving her lost in that dance, in that heat. In the spell Poe's captivating voice continued to weave.

"That's right, Valerie. You're feeling so good."

She felt so good.

"So relaxed."

She felt so relaxed.

"Let that tired mind of yours rest. Let those heavy thoughts drift away. My voice and that candle are all that concern you."

A thin line of drool dripped from her open lips and onto her breasts. But Valerie didn't care. She couldn't. All she could do was watch the flame and drift on his words.

She could sense Poe moving again, could just make out his lean form as he sat on the arm of the sofa, his hand gently stroking her hair as his sweet, soothing voice continued to echo in her mind.

"Do you want to know a secret, Valerie?" He asked. "You do, don't you?"

"Yes..." she murmured, grateful that he was kind enough to guide her to the right answer.

"Many people think my life as a servant has been a difficult one. But the truth is, it's far easier to serve than to lead. When you lead, you have to put yourself at the forefront of the unknown. You have no guides, no shelter. You have to be constantly on guard, constantly thinking and planning and scheming, worrying about what might or might not be. It's a lot of hard, scary work isn't it?"

"Yes..." Valerie mumbled, a slight tremble in her voice. It was all so true. Even as her foggy mind struggled to follow, even as her dripping lips fought to answer, her heart knew with crystal clarity that he was right. Being a leader...being alone...she was so...so...tired...

"But serving, by contrast..." Poe traced a gentle hand down her cheek. "Why, there could be nothing easier. All you have to do is what you are told. Your tasks are simple. Your purpose is clear. All you must do to achieve happiness is obey your Master. And He is always there, guiding you, caring for you. Protecting you from fear and loneliness. Doesn't that sound lovely?"

Valerie nodded dimly, captivated by the fantasies now swirling around her head. How wondrous a life of service now seemed. To be cared for...to live a life of simple, happy obedience...what more could one ask for?

She felt Poe's finger beneath her chin, delicately lifting her gaze away from the candle and up towards him. Even as the flame left her vision, the glow of its power now seemed to radiate around the man seated above her, drawing her in. Her body shifted, her hands resting on the couch as she leaned further towards his brilliance. She wanted to be closer. Wanted to be guided. Protected. Commanded.

"It's tragic, isn't it?" he asked with a knowing smile. "That such a perfect life is beyond your reach."

Valerie swallowed, a sharp shiver of despair running through her. "I-it is?" she asked feebly.

"But of course," Poe sighed. "You are a Lady, after all. Your burden is to lead, and my pleasure is to serve."

"B-but..." it felt like her entire world was crumbling into darkness. She had caught a glimpse of paradise, only to be cruelly blocked from its pleasures. It wasn't fair...she didn't want to be a Lady...she wanted...

"Although..." Poe suddenly paused, as though a thought were just occurring to him. "Perhaps it wouldn't hurt to pretend. Perhaps we could let you enjoy the bliss of servitude for one night. Just a little game between you and me. That doesn't seem so wrong, does it?"

Valerie's heart fluttered. Could it be....? Was it actually that simple? She eagerly shook her head, accidentally whipping her hair into her face.

"Alright then," Poe said with a chuckle, brushing the dark strands back and cupping her cheeks. "That's what we'll do. On the count of three, you will assume the role of my servant. And I will become your Master. That sounds fun, doesn't it?"

Servant...Master...wait. Valerie blinked, something flinching deep inside of her. Poe was her butler...right? He...he was a commoner. A nobody. How could he be her...her...

"Don't worry," Poe murmured, his fingers massaging behind her ears. "It's just a game we're playing. It will seem very real, but all I have to do is snap my fingers, and the game will be over. You will become a Lady again, and I your humble servant. It's that easy."

"Ohhhhhhh..." the moan dribbled out of Valerie as her eyelids fluttered. Poe's hands felt so good...his voice so reassuring...

"Are you ready to play with me?" he asked.

"Yessss...." Valerie breathed.

"Excellent. 1...2...3 sleep!"

Valerie felt her head yanked down, her eyes closing instinctively as she tumbled into darkness.

For a moment, she thought of nothing.

Then the first command from her Master entered her ears.

"Open your eyes, Valerie."

She obeyed, gazing up at the warm, welcoming gaze of her lord. She smiled, waves of joyful anticipation cresting in her heart. She felt as though she had just woken from a deep, restful sleep, a dawn of possibilities greeting her in the light of Master's eyes.

"There we are," he grinned. "Feeling good, I hope?"

"Yes Master," she answered. And then, without knowing or bothering to think why, she added: "I always feel good when I'm with you, Master."

"That's because you're such a good girl," he stroked her chin, causing her to sigh softly. "You know that serving me is the ultimate pleasure, don't you?"

"Mmm..." she murmured with assent as he pressed his thumb into her mouth, her lips sucking instinctively. A strange thrill raced through her, causing her legs to squeeze together under her dress. What was this feeling? This desire building inside her, a need for... for...

"But what's this?" Master suddenly drew back, surprised. "What is this dress you're wearing? Does it seem befitting of a servant to you?"

"Huh?" Valerie looked down at her clothes, and felt a shameful heat rise to her cheeks. "N-no...I don't..." What had happened? Why was she disrespecting Master with this ridiculous costume? How could she...

"There, there," Master brushed a strand of hair behind her ear. "I know you didn't mean to offend me. You just made a silly mistake, that's all. There's no need to be upset."

"I'm sorry Master," Valerie mewled, pressing her head into his hand. "Thank you, Master."

"That being said, we must address this at once." A sharp spark entered his gaze. "Strip."

"St-strip?" Valerie repeated, shrinking back. Even if she was his servant...even if she wanted to obey...she was a woman, and he was a man. She could never...

"Are you refusing a command?" Master's eyebrow arched. "I ordered you to remove that absurd costume at once."

"B-but...Master..." Her lip quivered, her fingers indecisively tugging at her dress.

Master paused a moment, then sighed, relaxing. "There's no need to feel embarrassed." he assured her. "I am you Master, and you are my servant. It is your duty, your purpose to obey my commands. How could there be any shame in that?"

"U-um..." It was true. Master was making a lot of sense. But...still her hands quivered as they reached for the back of her dress...only to be clasped by Master's strong grip.

"It's okay..." he murmured, guiding her as she undid the ill-fitting fabric. "An obedient servant is precious to me. She need not fear reproach or scorn. She need only heed my words, and enjoy their pleasures."

"Yes, Master..." the reply slid out from lips as easily as the dress fell from her body.

At once, she was naked before him, the glow of the candle dancing across her exposed skin. She had never felt so exposed, so vulnerable, and yet...so safe, so cherished, as Master pulled her body against his, his hands exploring her helpless flesh.

"You enjoy my touch, don't you?" he breathed.

"Y-yes Master," she stammered, her breath catching as his fingers brushed her stiff, sensitive nipples.

"It's because your body delights in pleasing me," he whispered. "And I am so very, very pleased."

Her heart raced, her hands grasping behind her for the hem of his coat, as though gripping the fabric would ease the strange, joyful tension building inside of her. What was he doing to her? What was this overwhelming sensation? This heat...this need...this wetness dribbling down her legs as he grasped her breasts and nibbled her neck, his hardness pressing against her ass.

"M-Master..." she moaned. "I...I feel..."

She stiffened with a gasp, the words evaporating as Master's fingers found the quivering folds between her legs, a spring of desire gushing forth as he pressed inside of her.

"Shhh, I know," he cooed. "You Master will take care of you."

Relief and ecstasy flooded Valerie in equal measure, her entire being surrendering to torrent of pleasure washing away her cares and concerns. She was no longer a woman or servant, but a slave, a toy, a happy thrall in her Master's wondrous power. There were no thoughts, no feelings, beyond bliss and obedience.

"Come this way, slave," Master commanded, the final word reverberating through her as though he had uttered her True Name.

"Yes Master..." Valerie droned, following him to a nearby desk. Without a word, he laid her upon it, spreading her slick and eager thighs wide.

"You know what I'm about to do, don't you?" He asked, stepping back and removing his clothes, each item that fell only increasing her anticipation.

"Yes..." she answered. He was going to use her. Claim her. Take her purity and replace it with the mark of his manhood. His divine right to rule her. And she couldn't wait another second.

"You want this," he breathed. His cock swayed as he turned towards her, powerful and erect.

"Yes..." she repeated, drool running freely from her panting tongue.

"It will make you complete, make you mine," he teased, the tip of his flesh hovering less than an inch from hers. "It is what you live for."

"Yes! Yes!" She could almost feel the desk shaking beneath her, her hands fruitlessly grasping at the papers soaked in her shamelessness. "Please, Master! Please!"


Valerie blinked.

Where...was she? Why was she...?

"Welcome back, my Lady," Poe smirked above her. "I take it you enjoyed our game?"

"Y-you..." Valerie grit her teeth as the disorientation faded, the memories rushing back with sharp clarity. How he had toyed with her body, with her mind. How he had twisted her dignity into subservience, had made her a drooling servant to his lust, to his...

"I only did what you asked." Poe's eyes twinkled as he stepped away. "But all good things must end, so..."

Valerie tried to move. To rear up and slap this monster who had reduced her to this state. But...no matter how hard she tried...she couldn't budge an inch. Couldn't tear her eyes away from Poe's manhood as he turned to retrieve his clothes. Couldn't stop her heart from racing, from...

No...it wasn't that she couldn't. But that she didn't...didn't want...

"Wait," she uttered, barely above a whisper.

Poe stopped in his tracks. "Oh?" he turned, eyebrows raised in mocking surprise. "What is it?"

Valerie didn't answer, but her blushing, pleading expression was apparently all Poe need to drop his clothing and saunter back to her.

"Could it be that you understand now?" he rested his hands on her wrists, pinning her arms to the table, his cock once again teasing her glistening flesh. "Do you wish for the pleasures of servitude?"

Valerie looked away. Was he really going to make her say it? He could take her if he wanted to, ravish her, reduce her to a common slut. But for him to make her complicit...for her own words to sign her surrender...

"If I do this," Poe continued. "There's no going back. You will again assume the role of my slave, and receive all its bliss. But that will be all you'll think about for the rest of your life. So I'll ask you again," he smiled. "Do you wish for the pleasures of servitude?"

"I..." It was horrible. Disgusting.

But she couldn't stop the word from forming.

Couldn't halt its horrible truth.

"Yes," she uttered.

"Yes, what?" Poe grinned.

"Yes...Master," Valerie whimpered. "Please..."

"Good girl," Master sighed, pushing himself inside of her.

Valerie gasped.

It was beyond anything she could've imagined. Ecstasy coursed through her veins, causing her back to arch, her lips to form a silent scream of delight. She wanted to reach up, to grab him, to pull him closer. But his hands held her arms fast, pinning her, forcing her to wallow helplessly in the mind-melting bliss.

"Welcome back, slave," he chuckled.

"M-master..." she managed to stammer. Then he pressed himself deeper, and her mind went blank. She was shattered, a loose collection of unholy sensations, reforming only briefly in between thrusts of her Master's cock. Moans and cries of pleasure erupted from her, not born of any intent or consciousness, but by the overwhelming truth of her new allegiance. Words were meaningless. Thoughts were meaningless. All that mattered was Master. And cock. And the triumph that was building inside of her, rising and rising until...

"Cum for me," Master grunted, completing his claim with one final lunge.

Slave obeyed without hesitation. She felt Master's cock spasm inside her, filling her with her new, joyful purpose. A universe of pleasure compressed to one point. Her happy ruination complete.

She lay there, in blissful oblivion, for a time she no longer had the capacity to track.

Then came her next command.

"Kneel." Master ordered.

Though groggy and dazed, slave did not resist. She slid to the floor, her muscles like jelly, yet obedient enough to bring her to her proper position. She knelt before her Master as he lazily stroked his still-erect cock. He was pleased with her, she could tell.

"Now listen closely," Master said. "I have a new plan for you to follow."

A shudder of delight passed through her as she felt his cum dribble down her thigh, and his commands fill her mind.

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SlvTraynerSlvTrayneralmost 3 years ago

Fine story, which certainly deserves at least a new chapter for each of the other sisters and a finale with the whole harem serving as his maids!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Any chance of a chapter 2? This is an enjoyable read

bobphil8787bobphil8787over 3 years ago
Great Story!

Looking forward to Ch. 2

Casteller1985Casteller1985almost 4 years ago

nicely written can't wait for chapter 2.

RootOfTheStoryRootOfTheStoryalmost 4 years ago
Exceptional Work

Strong voice and character identity, and the fun is not spoiled by seeing Poe's perspective. Even if he comes in later in the story, this first chapter from the girls eyes only is alluringly mysterious.

zena99zena99almost 4 years ago
Tremendous Start

I will enjoy seeing how this proceeds. I think I have an inkling of the new plan.

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