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A Secondhand Phone


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"Once I get started Lucy, I don't stop, you'll have to put up with it until I've finished, no reprieve." I looked at that a long time before I sent it.

"Like I said before Sir Galahad, I've heard it all before, lots of times, and I'm still waiting!" My mother was telling me she can't remember getting fucked properly, if she even ever had. How she could write all this to a 'stranger' was more than I could fathom, but she was. And the reason, hopefully was, she was getting desperate?

"Lucy, I didn't know our conv would end up this way." I wrote, "But it seems I have what you need. And you definitely have what I do." My phone pinged as I sent the text, the envelope. I opened it and again I was stunned, there right in the centre was a huge, erect, and very hard nipple.

"You mean one of these?" the accompanying message said. 'Mother!' I almost screamed. She must be turned right on, I never even could have guessed my mother was like this, had these kind of feelings, sentiments, and desires. Not to the point of writing it down to a stranger.

But I wasn't going to put a stop to it, not now. "I want to see both Lucy, one wouldn't last long enough before I bit it off!" Again I sat and looked at my words, but, off it went.

"Lol, you'll need to have strong teeth Galahad to bite this thing off!" She answered, then 'ping.' A photo of both, and one heavy delicious juicy breast was cradled in one hand for me.

"Lucy, you get better every second," I wrote.

"Tell me who you are! I know you must know who I am. So fair is fair, come on, tell, or I'll close you down!" Fuck it, I thought, I didn't want this, not yet anyway.

"Lucy just please bear with me, when the time is right, I'll reveal myself, I promise." I told her, hoping this would be enough. "You had better Galahad, I like you, I like the way you talk, say things. You're a nice person, and, you have a nice cock too! Lol x x x x."

The number of times my mother had wrong footed me during all of this was astronomical. "Thank beautiful lady, and after those photos, a very definitely super sexy lady." I wrote back, "I think I am a nice guy, I won't ever try to hurt you. And we do agree on one finer point. I do have a nice cock, and may I say, I believe it was ordained to be meant for only you."

"What are you wearing my Galahad?" She had written, my Galahad, she was warming to me more and more.

"Your king is wearing, a white shirt, no collar, blue Levi's, and pumps, just for you gorgeous lady." I sent back. "I hope you are wearing something sexy Lucy, just for me?"

"Lol x x x x ."

"Lol," I sent back, then told her I was going in the shower. I sat and thought, then said to myself, yes Jamie, do it. I got my white shirt out, the one mom had bought me with no collar, my blue Levi's, and the pumps. I had my shower, and made a real good job of it, did my hair the way mom likes it, but not the way I do.

"Where are you right now Lucy?" I asked.

"In the kitchen," she replied.

I splashed on the cologne she had bought me, dressed, checked myself in the mirror. I took a huge deep breath and went downstairs. And there she was, stood at the sink, she looked fantastic, my cock lurched in its cave. "Morning Mom," I greeted her, as she turned to greet me, I myself turned, and looked in the cupboard pretending to look for cereals.

I heard a definite small gasp, then she stuttered. "Er, hmmmm, er oh Hi Jamie," she managed to say.

"You okay mom, you look like you've seen a ghost, or is it apparition?" I said, as I turned to her warmly. To say she was looking at me a little goggle eyed was putting it mildly. "I have to say mom, you do look nice, is it for me?" I almost chuckled, the look on her lovely face was priceless.

She turned away then, her face had gone bright red, I got on with getting my cereals, As I went into the kitchen mum looked somewhat bemused. I could tell she was turning things over in her mind. I put my cereals on the table and went back for the milk. She was still stood at the sink so I walked up behind her, pressed myself in knowing what would be sticking into her, and confident she wouldn't object.

I said, "I love you mom, you are so beautiful," I hugged her again, and walked away. I was sure I heard a small moan, but wasn't sure. In the dining room, my phone vibrated in my pocket, I had muted the 'Ping.'

"Who are you, please tell me, I'm in bits here," she wrote. "Why Lucy, what's wrong, I think you might just need your Galahad to ride in on his charger, don't you?" I shot back.

"I think so," she wrote, and at the side was a little girl face crying. "Awwwww my beautiful sexy lady don't cry please, I'll tell you what Lucy, if things go to plan, you'll have what you need this afternoon. That is of course if you dare to?" I had seen in town months ago in a fancy dress shop, a Knight suit, maybe it could be the ice breaker, or if it went wrong, a definite ball breaker for me.

"You will be castrated young man if you aren't what you say you are. And you can take that to the bank!" There now, if that wasn't unequivocal nothing was. She was up for a laugh, she wanted to be sexed, and big time. She must be right at the end of her tether, I thought. It was a good job it was me who was here, and not one of my friends, especially Travis Jones, he was mad about her and had even more or less told her so.

I let mum see me again dressed as I was. She couldn't take her eyes off me, I'm sure she suspected something, but what could she say to me about it, nothing. I told her I was going out, I went into town and into the shop. I asked the guy about the Knight suit. "Ah," he said, "I have two, here, come with me please."

Ping, went my phone, "I'm feeling lonely Galahad," she wrote. "My beautiful lady, this afternoon, your knight will take you, you will be mine, and I will be yours, or I will be dead lol." I sent back.


"??????" came her response.

"Don't worry, just be ready around midday okay?" I sent.

I followed the guy, and there hung on a hook was the very thing. It was a long crusade cloth, but looking like mail chain. And on the front was a red cross on a white back ground, with it came a full face helmet, a shield, and a sword. I was over the moon, I hired it there and then for two days, that should be enough, I hoped, I was Sir Galahad.

I took it home and went right to my bedroom, calling out to mom, "Hi mom, I'm home." I never heard her reply. I got undressed and junior jumped out at me, I was constantly hard lately, and I constantly had to see to him too.

I laid my gear out on the floor next to my bed near the window. I got on and started jacking him. I had my phone in my hand and was staring at mom's wonderful nipples. The door opened and she walked in. This wasn't like her, she always knocked, and taking me by surprise. I stuffed my hand with the phone under the cover, and pushed junior down too.

"Jamie," she said, looking at where my hands were, "we need to talk darling, and what is that you are hiding in your left hand, it wouldn't be a new phone by any chance would it?"

"New phone mom, of course not," I said, gripping it tightly.

She waved an envelope in the air, "This came for you this morning. I thought it was just junk mail until I opened it. It's a receipt and a little booklet for the new smart phone you have been wanting, look there's a little picture of it, you bought it the other day didn't you. Come on, let me see it."

I stayed stock still, phone in one hand, cock in the other. Mom reached under and tried to grab it, I of course pulled my hand away and there it was on view to all.

"Give Jamie, now!" I let her take it, I was sunk. She fiddled with it. Mom knows how to operate these things. I was looking anywhere but at her.

"Yes, I thought so," she breathed, "as soon as I saw you this morning dressed that way, I knew you were the young man calling and texting me, you are my Galahad Jamie, I knew it."

"I'm sorry mom," I said, boy was I truly fucked now.

"Why Jamie, I thought you loved me?"

"I do mom, that's the why," I said, trying to defend myself. I still had junior in my other hand, and he was going nowhere. I wished he would go away, but no, he was staying put!

Mom's beautiful face came into focus, she smelled terrific, she was wearing a short shirt blouse thing, and a short knee length skirt, she sat on the edge of my bed. I saw the hem ride up and junior shouted with glee. She put the phone down, looked at me and said. "What am I going to do with you?" she asked. Junior jumped in reply, she saw the slight movement, she glanced at my other hand under the covers.

"Well, as I'm here," she said, "I might as well see what all the fuss is about hey?" And with that, her hand went under, and shoved my hand away and suddenly junior was in her tender grip. "Mmmmm," she murmured, "You are so lucky right now Jamie," she told me. "Why?" I croaked.

"If you had lied about this, you would not like to be where you are today," she told me. Her grip tightened and moved on me, "You weren't kidding me Jamie, or should I call you My Galahad from now on?" She fixed me with those eyes, and her smile killed me.

The next thing sealed my fate, she pulled the cover right back, and she mewled at the sight before her. My man was big, red and angry looking, his head was ready blow, even I knew that. Suddenly her hand was flashing up and down, stroking me to fulfilment. I couldn't take it, and in seconds a huge spout of cum shot upwards. It rose majestically into the air to land on my chest.

"Wow," Mom said, looking well pleased with me. "I think we might be on to something Jamie, I really do," she said somewhat happily. "But no one knows okay?"

She wasn't as happy as I was feeling. She crushed junior, and then tickled my balls with her finger nails. Did that make me squirm or what!

I did a rapid course in recovery, I grabbed her shoulder one handed, and pulled her over. At the same time I went after her nipples, or at least one of them. She squealed gaily, giggling and laughing. "Unhand me ungallant Knight, I beseech you," she cried joyfully. "Wench," I bellowed playfully, "you will bend before your master Knight, I command it!" I roared.

"Yes sir Knight, I will obey you sire, I am at your bidding." My dick was still ready to pop at any moment.

"Get those rags of woman, before I tear them away from you!" I ordered more than happily. She jumped up and was undressed in a heartbeat; I stared in utter amazement at what stood before me. I had never seen my mother naked. I had seen her in a bikini, and I was impressed then. But now, Jesus mother of Christ, I was really staring at a Goddess.

"In here now!" I ordered her, my dick was waiting for her, and by the gleam in her eyes, which were fixed on junior, so was she. Her whole body was hot, I could feel the heat coming off her. Mom must have been so turned on, so deprived sexually nothing would stop her from getting what I had, and what was becoming very obvious what she wanted.

I was her son, but there wasn't a barrier we weren't going to cross, me with her, or her with me. Any recriminations would be dealt with later. I got hold of her hand and yanked her to me. There was no finesse, no lovey dovey, it was manic desperation. Falling down I got hold of her, pulled her in, and got on top. I had my dick in her before she stopped moving sideways to get right under me.

I was driving in and out like a demented person, banging her as hard as I could. I had cum seconds before, but it made not one jot of difference to me, or to junior. I sought her mouth, got it, and I was kissing her, and she was kissing me back. Those lips were where I had dreamed of them being, apart from on something else, later!

We were now well and truly locked together, her legs wrapped over me. I felt her nails raking my back, the pain was wonderfully painful. My knees were under her thighs, my hands hooked under her, and clutching each shoulder so I could rut her as hard and as fast as I could.

My head was down by her shoulder as I banged away more and more. Then I would rise to kiss her before resuming my intended demolition. I thought about what I had said in a text to her.

I raised my head, looked at her, "You remember what I said?" She half nodded. "I'll remind you," I told her, I kissed her again and she kissed me back. "I told you, once I get started Lucy I don't stop, no reprieve. And you'll have to put up with it until I've finished, got it?"

Her smile was one of complete wonder, "If you stop now Galahad, I'll kill you, so come on tiger, get to it. Give it to me, everything, all you've got. Then we'll talk about it later Sire, My King, My Galahad."

I banged her then, I didn't let up, I was in and out all the way, and boy did I give her it. It brought my reward too, she came like a drain, then she came again and again after that.

I felt my stomach twist, I was going to cum a second time, but this time I was going to cum in her. I let her know I was on, by gripping her tighter. "Jamie, don..." she was going to say, "don't cum in me," but the look on my face must have told her I was, and she would have to like it.

She did, her cries were beautifully animalistic to me, I shot what felt like a gallon of cum into her and all the way up. Mom fastened herself to me totally, she held me so tight as I came, and she came. The gap between us was sealed by our bodies and my cum raced into her and along her pipes, to where it was meant by Mother Nature to go.

We were both gasping for breath, my head spun, I had done it, I had got the one person who meant the supreme thing to me, my life. I raised my head and looked at her, her eyes were closed but she was watching me. I could feel them on me, I leaned down to kiss her and her mouth met mine.

When we had had the longest of kisses, I drew back, and she whispered. "My wonderful Knight in shining armour, you have saved me, I am your very own damsel in distress."

"Have I mom, have I really done that for you?" I asked not really understanding the workings of beautiful women.

"You will probably never realise what you have done Jamie, to me, and for me darling," she said as she kissed my cheek. Whatever it was, no one was happier than I.

We loved, touched and talked about everything and nothing, until she asked. "What made you call me like that, and tell me I was a beautiful lady Jamie?"

I told her the truth, about the phone, and then calling the only number I knew off by heart, our home phone.

"But when I said you were beautiful I meant it, and also when I told you, you were so sexy, I meant that too mom."

Then she said, "I have to confess I was shocked by it, it took my breath away. I could tell by the voice you were a young man, the way you spoke, the inflection. And Jamie, I have to tell you I was flattered, a lot."

Then I told her that getting the phone has led me to here, that all this wasn't intentional. "But it was from the very second I said how beautiful you are. And I am so glad I did, it has led me to you mom, and I do love you, really."

She squeezed herself to me, "You won't know it Jamie, but you will never be as glad as I am that you did, and have."

Then she grabbed Junior and held him, "And I love him too, when you suggested you were 'Big?' I thought, Humph, here we go again, twaddle! But it isn't twaddle, it's beautiful baby, you are beautiful honey, and you are now, and always will be My Galahad."

"Mom," I said, I was getting worried about something else too," "What was that sire," she smiled at me. I loved that, me, her sire! "I was bothered about you going off, leaving, and finding someone else. I know you and dad aren't all that close anymore. And I was getting concerned about some of my friends hitting on you too."

"Hah!" she sniggered, "mainly, you mean Travis? Fat chance he has, no, not a snow ball in hells chance. He's nothing but a mere boy. You Jamie, you are a man. I've known that for a while."

"What do you mean mom?" I asked.

"I'm not blind honey, I've seen you looking at me. A woman knows when she is being appreciated, and unknown to you, I appreciated you."

I hugged her, "What about dad?" I said, I wanted things out in the open so we both knew where we stood with each other.

"He is of no consequence to you darling, we have been drifting apart for a while, I've even suspected him of having it away with another woman for a while. So he is out, you are in, if you want to be that is?"

I pushed her over on to her stomach, and climbed on, "Talking of me being in mom, how about this, is this being in?" And I rammed junior into her hot pussy from behind.

She moaned in joyful satisfaction, "Yes Galahad," she groaned, "that is what I call, being in!" I went after her, I wasn't going to cum again, and oddly, it didn't matter to me. Something in my head told me this was about her. My mother getting what I seemed to know she needed badly. And it was me, her son, doing the giving and donating.

I just kept going until I could go no more, not only was I absolutely torn in two, junior was complaining now, he was getting sore. Mom had been on the high for an age. She had cum loads of times and now was lying there while I fucked her into next week. I had to stop, but rather than do that I slowed down, so she got the message that it was coming to an end, for now.

I kind of fell on to her, completely shattered, and boy did I feel good. I had given my mother my love, and my body if it came to that. And I knew she wouldn't want it to stop, or at least I was 99% sure of it. I rolled off and on to my back, leaving her just lying there breathing in lungfuls of air. We stayed there for a long time, and I think I fell to sleep.

What woke me was a sudden banging downstairs, it was my old man, he couldn't get in. The door was locked, who by I can't remember but it was. I dashed out of bed, grabbed my robe and went to let him in. Mom shot into her room and into the shower, but thankfully she shut my bedroom door and opened the windows before she did.

The old man muttered a bucketful about not being able to get into his own house. I laughed to myself, and thought. "You just try getting into your wife, I know far you'll get." That made me feel real good, I looked at him, and I was dying to tell him.

"Your wife, my mother, now belongs to me, your son!" I also wanted to tell him to pack his bags and fuck off as well. But that would not be down to me, I knew that, but right then it was what I fervently wished for.

He went up to see my mom, or should I be calling her Lucy now? I heard him grumbling, but couldn't tell what he was saying. But I certainly heard mom/Lucy telling him to go and boil his fucking head, in no uncertain terms. That in itself was a first for me, I had never heard her rip him a new one before. She always just smiled and got on with what she was doing at the time. I was, as they say 'over the fucking moon!'

I began to run things over in my mind. It had all happened so suddenly I hadn't taken any real notice of what it meant. I did know I had fucked my mother, and I felt fantastic about that. But apart from kissing her a few times, all I had done was fuck her. I hadn't made love to her in the real sense of the word. It had been sheer fucking, and while I was happy about that, I also felt, or knew, that mom would want more than just the fucking, she would want the love part too.

I had seen her naked for the first time, and the shock had galvanized me to become the fuck machine I had proved to be. But her luscious body had been on offer, and all I had done, being the selfish twat that I was, was screw her silly. I knew she had loved it, but I now knew I needed to be more gentle, but insistent, tender, yet firmer.

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