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A Secondhand Phone


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There and then I decided the next time I was going to eat her, devour her, every inch would be swallowed and never spat out. And also, I was going after every hole, and I mean every hole. My intention was to give her what she wanted and needed, and keep her close to me, safe and warm. Defended from all on comers, especially my friends, Travis was a definite no no. Mom/Lucy had told me that. My mother was going nowhere without me being right there with her, or behind her.

And the first target to be moved from the scene if possible, was my old man. I would leave that to her, but I would have an influence I was fairly certain. What I never considered, and it was a real blind spot in my quickly made plans, was my mother's part. She was to have a real input into it all, and I became the sole beneficiary.

Mom and dad started having a real up and downer, I listened, what he was saying was, she was useless, hopeless, no good in bed, a cold fish. And I listened in disbelief when I heard him say she had let herself go, she was no longer the good looking woman he had married.

He must be blind I thought, she is so devastatingly good looking, even beautiful, and was she sexy? She was off the fucking wall sexy. All my friends said so, they all wanted to play with her, even some of the old man's friends! That's when I heard a big crash, and then a real howl from him, then utter silence. I thought I'd better go take a look, but there was no need. He came shooting down the stairs holding his head, there was a bit of blood there, and he was moaning like he'd been shot.

"What's happened, what have you done to her!" I demanded. "What have I done to her?" he shouted, "Your mother is insane, she's just thrown a bottle of shampoo at me for no reason, look at my head," he wailed, "I'm bleeding."

I nearly fell over laughing, "It was your fault dad," I told him, "You're an idiot, I heard what you said to her. I could have heard it down the street you were so loud. And in my opinion, you deserve a great deal fucking more than just a bottle of shampoo being thrown at you!"

I thought for a moment, I knew mom would be listening, so I added. "And do you know what, if I were her, I'd throw you out of the house, and for good too, she doesn't need you, you don't deserve her either!" I walked off leaving him standing there, I felt really pleased with my little self, and I silently whistled a tune as I went to my mom.

I walked in and she was sat on the bed crying, I went to her and took her in my arms. "Don't cry mom, I'm here, he can go and piss off as far as I'm concerned," I told her.

"Yes," she giggled through her tears, "I heard you clearly enough." I kissed her neck, but kept an eye on the door too. The last thing I wanted right now was him walking in and seeing us. I needn't have worried, I heard the door slam, his car start, rev up and off he went.

And that's the instant I went into, what I hoped was a seduction she couldn't refuse, I slipped my hand into her robe, cupped a wonderful breast, and squeezed an even more wonderful nipple.

Mom let out a soft moan, and said, "Jamie, not now honey, I'm sore, we'll have to wait a little, and he," she muttered taking my dick in her hand, is sore too isn't he? Don't worry baby, you can and will have me, whenever you want, I promise."

What could I do but agree, even though junior was starting to thicken, I could feel the soreness as she rubbed me. So I did what I knew, or hoped I knew, what she would want me to do. I kissed her, I leaned her back on the bed and kissed, kissed, and kissed her. My hand took over me, it slipped in and got that nipple again, mom got junior again, and life was bliss, total bliss.

"Mom, what are we going to do," I asked.

"About what baby?"

"About him, to start with," I said, "and about us to finish with?" "Not too sure to be honest darling, but as I said, we have been drifting apart for a while you know that. And I think today has just confirmed that, so we'll have to wait and see. But as far as you and I are concerned," she told me, giving junior another squeeze. "You have to make your own mind up."

My mother, the crafty little minx must have known what she was doing, just by giving junior that one firm squeeze. My mind was already made up. "You know what I want mom, you!" I told her, and I returned the compliment by twisting her nipple again. The moan from us both brought the confirmation to the fore.

"Okay," she said, "we are in this together, as long as you are sure baby?" she eyed me quizzically. "But," she kept going, "no one must know about us, especially him, and certainly none of your friends, with jackass Travis in mind too."

I laughed, kissed her and loved her, I really was in love with this stupendous older mature woman, my mother!

"What are you going to say to the world when we have our first baby then?" I asked, smiling none committally.

Mom, if she had had a dummy in her mouth would have spit it out, she laughed, then stopped. "God," she murmured, "I never thought of that, and the amount you have pumped into me already may make that a cert!"

"Well," I said seriously, "you had better start buying baby gear again, because from now on, you are going to get both barrels every time," I told her, then thoughtfully, but slyly adding, "in every hole." I felt her body jerk against me, I buried my face in her hair so she couldn't look me in the eye.

"Hmmmm," she whispered to me, "every hole hey? Well, let's have a look then shall we," she said, and pushed me on to my back. She wrestled me out of my robe, shrugged hers off, and again I saw the wondrous woman she was, her body was perfect, her shape was perfect, her breasts, her waist, her hips, her legs, her pussy, Oh her pussy.

Her smiling loving face was on me, and those hypnotic eyes held me down. Climbing on, she took junior in her hand, looked at me and said, "I'll be gentle baby, I know he's a bit sore."

"Mom, don't be anything, I don't care, I just want you to do whatever you want." Her head lowered to my stomach, and suddenly flashing heat covered junior, her head bobbed, and mom was sucking me off. I almost died right then, heaven was upon me.

I don't why, but I thought of my old man, wishing he could see his wife and son, making out on their bed, mom hoovering me up, relaxing and doing it again. Junior was his usual self, as hard as nails, even though I thought my tank was empty. Mom's fingers encircled and caught me by the balls, then I felt her mouth on them, the fear, and the ecstasy were boundless.

I had only ever had this once before, but Mom knocked that into a cocked hat. What she did to me that first time was out of this world. Her head bobbed and weaved its magic, and then unbelievably I felt my stomach twist again. I don't know if there was any cum left in me, but she was making me cum again. "Mom," I squeaked, she seemed to know and went for it, her hand and mouth bombed up and down on me. Suddenly I felt my hips jerk up and I came. Whatever there was it went, disappeared all the way. Mom let me down gently, slowly slowing down, until her head rested at a stop on my stomach, junior still held between her lips and teeth.

I was still like that about thirty minutes later I think, mom still sucked at me, but so softly, her hand patting, feeling, and stroking my balls. Then dad's car crunched the gravel on the drive. I thought, "you cunt, why don't you just leave and fuck off?" I did hate him right then, but. We both jumped up, I went to my room, and mom went into the shower after straightening the bed.

"Here we go, round two," I heard her say as we parted. I stayed near my door just in case. The row lasted about ten to fifteen minutes, they both said things to each other that would not want to be said in an open court. I was shocked by it too, but I was more than pleased that mom held her own, and in fact I think she won the argument.

The next thing was the slamming of the door again, the car started, it revved up, and he went. Mom was sat again on the bed, tears streaming down her face. Déjàvu I said to myself.

"Well," she said again, "he won't be coming back tonight darling. I think you had better go and lock the house up. And come back up here, and I'll see you in the shower," she said with a kiss. "That's if you want to of course?" she said wickedly.

I was off like Ussain Bolt in the hundred meters, I was back in under ten! Mom was in, and I took her in my arms, the first thing I asked was. "Does this mean we get to spend our very first night together mom?"

"It's going to get some being used to, but it will be the first of many, I hope," murmuring into my neck she turned to me. And that's when I think we really did share a loving couples kiss, it was utter magic, knowing that she was in my arms and wouldn't be leaving them.

"Do you know Jamie," she mumbled, "that I was expecting this to happen sometime in the future, but just not with you. But let me tell you, I am so glad you have come into my life the way you have darling. I wouldn't have changed this one bit."

It sort of cut me that, "What do you mean, expecting it," I said, "Did you have something, or someone in mind already?"

She saw the error of the words, "No darling I had no one in mind, and no plans either. I'm sure your dad is having it away, but I've no proof other than intuition. And I hope he leaves now, do you know why Jamie?" she asked me.

"No mom, I don't know why?"

"Because," she said looking at me, and pressing a finger into my chest. "You are already twice the man he has ever been, and you are something he will never be, or will ever be."

Again I wondered what she meant, "What's that mom?" I asked.

"The perfect lover Jamie, the perfect lover," she hugged me, "he has never done in twenty years what you have done in less than two days. And he has never shown me the consideration or kindness in loving me that you have, and do darling. And that is why you are my Knight in shining armour. My Galahad, and from now on, if you want it, that is what you will be, and no other will ever take your place."

Now if that wasn't a statement of intent I don't know what was. I thought, Jamie boy, here you are, with a stunningly beautiful woman, who just happens to be your mother, so? So I dived on her, knees above her head, and drove my head between her thighs.

If this didn't shock and surprise her nothing would.

"Sire, Sire," she cried, "please sire have mercy on me, I am nothing but your serving wench. You are my master Sire, I will obey your every command Sire I swear." I was looking at her pussy, my pussy, my body, my woman. I was her commander. I lowered my head into that glorious hole and sucked, her hips nearly broke my nose they humped up so sharply.

I held her tight and tried my hardest to suck her insides out, I dove my tongue into the silky recesses, dug my fingers into the crack around her lovely ass. Then found her little hole and pushed my middle digit in, right past the second knuckle. Mom squealed and half fought me, but my knees and my hands, kept her from defending her honour. I sucked and licked until she came. I even felt her teeth on my ass as she tried to bite me she came so hard. I emptied the golden honey pot of its sweet nectar.

Mom's pussy was like a bowl of jelly, wet, hot, slick, and steaming. She was prone under me now. I gently climbed off her, went into the bathroom and washed my face, I got a damp towel which I used to soak up her love juiced pussy, and to clean her up a little. She pulled me to her. "Jamie, I wish I were twenty years younger, what a life we would have, but there again, we might not have hit the ground running like would we?"

I had to agree with that, but I was tired now, "Mom, we need to get some shut eye don't we?" I asked, Mom nodded her head, gathered me up like a baby, rolled me over and shhhhushed me to sleep. I felt wonderful drifting off like that.

The last thing I remember her saying was something like, "We'll have to change the locks Jamie, keep your dad out." We slept on top of the bed, the covers were on the floor and we were as naked as the day we were born. Tangled legs and arms, life was better than good.

The next thing I saw was flashing lights over my head, and. "What the fuck is going on here!" Bellowed a loud voice. It took me at least one second to notice the light in the room shining over my head. Then another second to see my dad, and he was standing at the side of us. "So this is what you've been up to behind my back, you pair of dirty bastards, Mother and son fucking, that's going to go down well with family and friends isn't you bastard cunts!"

I shot up, over, and out of bed at the same time he raised his arm to hit my mother. I drove him backwards, so he changed his attention to me. As a child, he would spank me sometimes. And to me it seemed to be for no real reason. I had always told myself that if he tried it when I got older, there would be a regime change. He drove a punch at me, which grazed my ear as I dodged it, but my return punch didn't graze his, it landed square on his cheekbone and I knocked him down.

Mom screamed loud and long, I quickly went to her and got her to be quiet, neighbours, I told her. I went back to the old man who was just about back on his feet. "You'll pay for this Jamie, and a lot, and you!" he pointed a finger at mom, and said. "Everybody is going to know about the incestuous affair you are having with our son. I'll even call the cops."

That's when I decked him again, then jumped on him."You," I pointed my finger at him now while straddling him. "Will be humiliated, what your friends and family are going to say will be worse for you." I snarled, "All those 'friends' of yours who have been trying for years to get mom into bed hey? Even Uncle Harry, your own brother. What are they going to say when you tell them your own son has taken your wife from you. That you have been cuckolded and defeated in the bedroom by someone far better than you will ever be." (Mom's words)

I grabbed his camera phone and threw it down, then stamped on it, there would be no photographic evidence to support anything he might have to say.

"And one more thing, Mom already knows you are having it away from home, you think she is stupid, well I'm here to tell you she isn't. It's you who are the stupid one. Now Dad," I said, "I think you had better go now, and probably not come back." I got off him quickly, and stood to one side. I hoped what I had said had struck a chord, if not, then?

He got up slowly, I was ready for a violent response, mom was at the other side of the bed, she had put a robe on now, and I grabbed my pants. He looked at me, glared hatefully at my mother, turned and walked away. I followed him to the stairs and watched him go out. I rapidly went down and slid every bolt home that I could. The house secure, I went back to my mother.

She was still stood at the side of the bed, I held her tight, "Well," I whispered, I was shaking myself too. "That's settled it then Mom," I said.

"What's settled?" she said softly.

"We two mom, are now officially, one!" And I tried a giggle. "Yes Jamie, I think you might right, I hope this really is what you want now baby, because you've got it. I just hope he keeps shut about it though, for all our sakes."

I had to hope that too, but after what I'd said to him, I was halfway confidant he would, especially if mom was right about him playing away, he wouldn't want his lady friend knowing he'd been tipped out of his own bed by his own son, would he. We went back to bed, mom was uptight and worried all the rest of the night, I wanted to play after a while but mom was too upset, so I let her be.

The next day I did what had to be done, I went and bought three good quality dead bolt locks, and several sliding bolts, and saw to all the windows too. This made mom happier and more secure.

"Are you sure he can't get in honey?" she whispered, sliding sexily into my arms.

"Not unless he knocks a wall down with a bulldozer, no chance mom," I said, and felt for a little nub and found one.

"Hmmmm, someone feeling frisky baby?" she said into my mouth as hers closed on mine. "By the way Sire, two holes have come and gone," she said, and walked off.

Two holes? What does that mean I thought, then I got it, I raced after her, shouting, "Watch it you. I'm coming, and there's no escape." I heard her giggling and squealing as I chased her into the bedroom. I was in time to see her dive on to the bed to land on her knees, put her head down and grab the sheets.

"Come on Jamie darling be quick, you want me, you got me. Don't waste a second please." I didn't, I was in behind her before she stopped still. Junior was already up and ready. Without thinking I drove into her pussy, "Sorry," I mumbled. Pulled back and out and shoved it wickedly up her ass. Mom moaned so loud, then bit the sheets and screamed.

I was between her knees, but she hooked her feet over my heels, this sort of stopped me from getting away. I needed no further telling, I set about fucking my wonderful, beautiful mother's ass. Hands on hips I settled into a real good rhythm, one that had mom moaning and groaning, and saying, "Oh, Oh, Oh Oooooh Oh Jamie, Hmmmm Oh Jamie, Oh yes darling yes, Oooooh, Oh God that's so painful, don't stop baby, just don't stop."

I didn't, until the knot formed in my stomach again, my grip must have told her I was about to cum. Because she told me over her shoulder, "Go Jamie, give it to me, all of it honey, every bit!" As I shot my load I kind of fell over her, so I crushed her nipples between my fingers, and mom howled, Fuck did she howl, and then she came too, massively.

We ended up laying flat, me on top, hands still full of beautiful tit. Cock still up her ass, and her grunting below me, I don't think I have ever felt better, unless you're talking about the last two days with the most beautiful sexiest woman on earth, my mother. My dad popped into my mind, "If only you could see what we are up to you fuck pig," I said to him in my head. And suddenly I didn't care what he were to say, or do. He was out, gone. I was in, his wife, my mother, was mine, of that there was no doubt now at all.

"You can get off now Lord and Master," she said, "you're crushing me," and she laughed, or tried to. I heard me grunt as I did, junior's head was caught by her ass hole. I tugged it and I swear I heard a pop!

"Mom," I mumbled, "how many times have you done that mom?" A thought of her and dad doing it sullied my mind.

"Nowhere near enough times baby," she answered, "your dad thought it was unethical, demeaning, not to mention downright dirty. We did it a couple of times just after we married, but since then, nothing. You have just had your virgin mother's ass honey. And you can have it all the times you want. I love it darling, and I love you Mr."

That put me in a real good mood, "All three now mom," I bragged. She turned to me, held me tight, "And all three if you want everyday Sire," she told me, "that's if you wish to, your serving wench will serve you in every way, my young King." We fought all day long, I won every round, but it was consensual.

Later I asked her, because I had to know, "Now I know about you and dad proper mom. Are you really telling me you didn't cross the line?"

"I did not!" she replied indignantly, then smiled wickedly, "but Travis might have got a shot!" she laughed. That put me on the back foot I can tell you.

"If he even smiles at you in the wrong way mom, I'll dump him so hard, I'm telling you!" She laughed at that delightedly.

"Travis wouldn't even get a look in Jamie," she paused, "now Pete Smales, he's a looker," she giggled. I was outraged, then I stopped myself, and that's when the penny dropped. She was having me on, and I suppose, keeping me on my toes, now, and in the future.

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