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A Shared Interest

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A small-dicked man gets into an unusual relationship.
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DISCLAIMER: Nothing in this story is real or should be considered as such. This story is very odd and is based on a strange fantasy I concocted that brings together some unusual fetishes, and yes, features hardcore sex between consenting adults. I welcome any feedback and I'm always excited to discuss the story and characters, and chatting/bouncing around ideas for future stories. I hope you enjoy delving into my insane mind.

NOTE: This story features fetishes that not everyone will be into. I came up with it randomly and sort of got into a writing blitz. Because of this, it's not the same style as my other stories, but I hope you enjoy it none-the-less. Also if you've got the time, give those other stories a read, too.


I'd like to tell you that it was hard to say why Tina and I got together, but that part was actually pretty easy. It was because of her best friend Samantha. What's more accurate to say is that it's hard to explain why Tina and I got together. That part was far, far more complicated, and even now would be a difficult piece of luggage to fully unpack.

The truth was that Tina and I didn't really like each other that much. Not specifically in terms of personality. We actually were more alike in that regard than different and shared a lot of the same interests—one in particular but more on that in a minute. Though, we did always seem ready to start a fight with one another. There was this constant tension between us.

But beyond that, there was also the physical part of it. For my part, she wasn't really my type. She was pretty mind you, but not anything crazy. Messy blonde hair, large blue eyes, wide hips, and breasts with dark pink nipples that overflowed past the palms of your hands. But her teeth were too big for her mouth, her legs had a thigh gap (which I know many people are into but wasn't ever really my thing), and I was just never that into blondes.

To be fair, it wasn't like I was anything special myself. In all honesty, Tina and I were in the same league. I was the slightest bit overweight, had a nose too big for my face, and possessed one other rather unfortunate feature. But I carried my weight decently well, had a great smile, and possessed a thick head of hair and soulful eyes.

So why date each other if we weren't that attracted to each other? Like, I said, easy: Samantha.

Tina's best friend was her physical opposite in many ways. Shorter with chocolate brown hair, dark almost black eyes, barely any hips to speak of, and small boobs and a mostly flat butt. However, she had a perfect smile, thick thighs and sexy calves, and exuded a level of sex appeal that made guys want to hook up with her despite only having a moderately attractive body. Something about her made you want to fuck her.

Not that Sam did that of that. That was the other contrast between the two. Tina was very sexually experienced while Samantha had yet to do anything. She loved to flirt, loved to dress and act sexy, but was still a virgin in every way.

As you can probably tell, it was no secret that I was seriously into Sam. Everyone knew, including Tina. She knew this well before we got together. But despite my continued pursual of her, Samantha never really showed that much interest in me. Interest in many other guys mind you, just not me. So, it was very much an unrequited attraction. Again, something Tina was very aware of and enjoyed regularly reminding me of.

For a long time I just assumed Tina was being protective of her bestie, and that she was annoyed with my constant quest for Samantha's attention and affection. However, that theory sort of went out the window the night we first hooked up.

A group of us had been hanging out at my place, drinking and playing board games. Samantha naturally had my attention most of the night, my eyes lingering on her bare legs extending out from her short skirt, and when she and our other friends left, I barely paid attention to Tina asking to chill for a while and sober up before heading out. Having lost count of the number of drinks we had had over the previous few hours, her and I just sat on the couch relaxing. I was slouched into the cushions, scrolling on my phone when she reached over and pulled the device out of my hand. When I turned to follow the path of her hand, she leaned over to kiss me.

"What are you doing?" I asked, jerking back from her advancing face. Tina stared at me with tipsy eyes and a drunken half smile and gave a simple shrug before leaning in again. Maybe it was my own intoxicated state, but Tina actually looked really cute at that moment. She had just gotten her hair cut, still messy and layered but now with a line of bangs that really framed her face well. So, with a shrug of my own, I met her halfway and this time our mouths connected, and we kissed.

What started as simple exploration, lips pressed tight together before breaking and returning, became hungrier and more tense. Soon enough, our lips had parted and we were breathing into each other's mouths. Tina began to climb into my lap when I again jerked away. "Wait, no. Why are you doing this? You know I'm into Samantha."

"She's not into you," Tina said, sitting back into the couch with a huff and a roll of her eyes. "You have someone that is interested in fooling around with you right here."

"Well, she'll definitely never be into me if I fool around with her best friend."

"I won't tell her," Tina countered. I responded back with an extremely skeptical stare. She let out a heavy sigh. "Don't tell her I told you this but... even though she's not into you, she's told me that she loves the attention you give her. She likes that you're into her. It's like you're hers even though she doesn't want you. So, she'd be pissed if she knew we hooked up."

"She likes the attention I give her?" Look, I knew I was concentrating on the wrong part of what Tina just told me, and that I should have focused on the fact that she enjoyed owning my attention without ever intending of reciprocating. But, well, people aren't exactly rational when it comes to some things. "I don't know, Tina. Why are you even—"

"Do you want to know what color her nipples are?" The rest of my sentence fell out of my mouth as my jaw dropped. The thought of Samantha's tits filled my brain and my dick began to swell in my pants. Tina grinned wickedly and placed her hand on my thigh, right near the small tent forming underneath the fabric. "Let me touch your dick, and I'll tell you about Samantha's nipples."

As Tina spoke, her hand was inching further up my leg to the hem of my pants. My mind raced with questions, uncertainties. I asked myself, "What if she's lying or tricking you in some way?" but the other part of my brain fired back, "What if she isn't?" Tina leaned her face closer, her eyes searching mine, and her teeth no longer looked big for her mouth but perfect for a seductive smile.

When I stayed quiet and didn't object to her wandering hand, she closed the distance between us, pressing her lips back onto mine, and unbuckled my belt and unzipped my pants. My breath was coming fast and when Tina broke our kiss, I lifted my hips so she could tug down my pants and underwear enough to expose my hard cock, which stuck up into the air. Unfortunately, it didn't spring very far, because that was the other unfortunate feature about me.

"Hm... you're not that big." Tina said with a strange glint in her eye. She reached over and wrapped her hand around my shaft. The head of my dick barely stuck out the top of her grip, but her fingers only just managed to fully encircle it. "You're actually pretty small, but decently thick."

I wanted to object. Her words stung, but Tina had started beating her hand up and down, slowly jerking me off and causing the words to catch in my throat and instead come out as an extended moan. My small size had been a constant struggle for me, especially in terms of killing my confidence when it came to women. That's why it's hard to say that Tina's words even hurt my ego, because I certainly didn't have one. She was simply stating the truth. But the truth still hurts. At least, it half hurt in this case because her handjob was muddling that emotional pain with pleasure.

"Don't worry, I'm okay with it, but she'd be disappointed if she knew how small your dick was." Tina licked her lips, her blue eyes staring at the drop of precum leaking from my tip. Her words were giving me such mixed feelings. Her insults were demeaning, especially when bringing Samantha into it but then again, I was sort of the one that gave permission to bring Samantha into it. I agreed to the deal of sexual favors for information about her. Although the deal was to talk about Samantha's tits and most certainly not her potential reaction to my penis.

However, despite her disparaging words, Tina's handjob felt incredible. She used my precum to lubricate her fist, twisting her hand as she pumped, and because of my size, she had quick and constant access to my sensitive head. She increased her speed and I was jerked closer and closer to the edge. "She's never had one, but she watches a lot of porn. She'd want a big one."

With her experience, Tina knew exactly when I was about to cum without me even needing to give her adequate warning. Grabbing a napkin off the table just as my dick started pulsing, she covered the tip as I spewed glob after glob of cum into the flimsy tissue, soaking it with my sticky seed. I groaned, reveling in the pleasure that comes from expending your load, before finally sighing and relaxing my tense body. Tina wiped me clean before tossing the napkin into an empty glass.

"Chestnut brown," she said, plopping back into the couch. Her voice returned completely to normal as if we were just having a regular conversation. "She has really fat nipples, too."

And that was the first time Tina and I hooked up. It absolutely wasn't the last. We got together regularly after that night, many times after a group hang or a night out with Sam, but sometimes just the two of us meeting up at either her place or mine. But no matter the set-up beforehand, every single time we got together, Samantha was involved in some way.

At first, Tina would basically bribe me with information about our mutual friend's naked body and then once we got hot and heavy, clothes off and hands roaming all over each other, she'd proceed to include some light insults about my size, but always in context of Samantha. Like when she went down on me for the first time. Tina was sitting on the couch and I was standing in front of her with my pants around my ankles, my tiny soldier at attention.

"Think I can get it in one go?" She asked cheekily before easily fitting the entire thing into her wet, hot orifice. She may have had teeth too big for her mouth but my cock certainly wasn't. Tina bobbed expertly, sucking and slurping, swishing spit around her mouth, pulling back so just the head was inside and she could swirl her tongue around the tip. I nearly fell over multiple times, her skills making my knees weak. Every now and then she'd pull her mouth away to say something while she blew me, but she eventually realized she could just talk around my dick without a problem. "Mmmm... Samantha would never deepthroat you, you know. Mmph mmph... Not just cause she's not interested..." sluurrpp ssllrrrp "but because you're too small to even come close."

It really pains me to admit it, but the insults were worth it. Not only was Tina's blowjob the best one of my life, because holy shit that girl can suck a cock, but after she was finished, swallowing my cum without so much as a hint of hesitation, she looked up at me and said, "Her pussy's trimmed not bare. Landing strip. She's got a thick patch though. She'd have a jungle if she ever let it grow."

Things had continued like that for a while, with Tina's "bribes" giving me more and more information about Samantha. By the time we had reached our "month anniversary," I had a pretty vivid picture in my mind of what Sam looked like naked, pieced together from all the details Tina had given me over the weeks. I could imagine her pale tits, just smaller than my palm and without the slightest bit of sag, topped by chestnut brown areolas and nipples fatter than a penciler eraser. I knew her mound sported a landing strip of dense black hair and that when aroused, her outer lips masked her inner ones and that her clit was bigger than average. I even found out her butt was flatter than I thought but her thick thighs and lower back dimples framed it in such a way that made its lack of curvature still sexy as hell.

Of course, this window into Sam's body did come at a bit of a price, namely that of my dignity. Tina seemed to really enjoy insulting my small size while talking about Samantha. She brought me to multiple climaxes with her hands and mouth, but every time included at least some reference to how small my cock was. It wasn't until after she made me cum, many times getting herself off along the way—whether fingers pumping into her dripping snatch or like when she sat in my lap facing away from me, rubbing her cunt lips on my dick so my tip stimulated her clit until she came—that she'd casually tell me about Samantha's body. To say it was a confusing experience would be an understatement. But we were clearly both getting something out of it.

Things changed the first time we had sex though. Nothing drastic, but another step in the direction of sexualizing Samantha together.

Tina and I were in bed naked, and despite not being that interested in her previously, my feelings regarding that had changed somewhat, especially after experiencing her sexual skill and seeing her naked form on a regular basis. I had to admit, Tina looked pretty damn good nude.

Her tits were bigger than Sam's and while the weight caused them to succumb to gravity's pull just the slightest bit, they gave her an hourglass curve when paired with her thin waist and flared hips. Her nipples were small and a pink color that grew darker when you sucked on them. Her ass was bigger and wider than Samantha's as well and felt amazing to grab onto and squeeze. She also shaved herself completely bare.

Lying there facing each other, we made out for a while, my stiff dick in her hand as she fondled and stroked me. She broke our kiss with a gasp, and her eyes met mine, a familiar wicked twinkle in those sapphire blues. Her other hand joined in manipulating my genitals. One stroked me all over, rubbing and caressing, cupping my short length so the tip pressed into her palm and the fingers and thumb ran down the top and bottom of the shaft all the way to the base. The other held my balls, rolling them between her fingers, juggling them in her hand.

"What do you think she'd look like sucking on a cock?" Tina asked, her head rolling back as my fingers probed her lower folds. "I bet it'd look fucking hot."

"What?" I moaned, Tina's motions on my dick becoming more urgent, her thumb brushing across my tip. "Samantha?"

"Of course, Sa-mah!-antha," she said, breath hitching in her throat when two of my fingers sank into her. "I'm sure you've, ah, jerked off to the thought of it before. Her lips wrapped around a cock. But I'm not talking about yours. That wouldn't be very hot, would it?" I groaned and Tina smiled, her pumping picking up speed. I matched her pace with my pistoning fingers. "Mmm... she's got such a wide mouth. A mouth like that was made for a big, thick cock, not a small one like yours. Her sucking you off would be pathetic. Oh!"

Tina frowned, brow furrowing in concern when I yanked my fingers away from her. I could tell she was thinking maybe she went too far and I was about to lash out at her, kick her out of my place, but her frown turned into a surprised grin as I shoved her legs apart and climbed between them. I lined myself up with her slick hole and shoved all the way into her in one plunge, burying my length inside of her until our hips met. I even thought I might have seen a look of genuine joy cross her face when I entered her.

"Unnghh! Yes! Yes! Yes! Fuck!" she cried out in pleasure while I slammed my hips into her, fucking her with hard aggressive thrusts, trying to make up for my lack of size with sheer passion. "She needs a fat cock for those lips. That would be so fucking hot. She'd look so sexy sinking her face onto a big dick. A big one that'll stretch her lips apart, that'll make her gag when she's only halfway down. Hnnggh!"

Tina reached both arms up to grab the bedhead behind her. She wrapped both legs around me and gritted her teeth, lifting her hips off the bed. She suspended herself into the air, biceps straining, while I fucked her.

"Just fucking picture it. Picture that cute face of hers bobbing on a big cock. Ungh god! Getting it all the way in her throat. Ah ah! Cum for me. Cum while thinking about Samantha sucking a cock three times your fucking size!"

Tina tossed her head back and came at the same time as I did, her cunt spasming and clenching around my pulsing cock as it unloaded inside of her. As much as I was cumming thinking about exactly what she was describing, I was equally enthralled by hot she looked in that moment, pulling on the bedhead while forcing her hips toward mine, stretching her body seductively. I finished before her but stayed with her, supporting her hovering body until she finally relaxed and collapsed onto the mattress.

From that moment on, Tina and I had sex regularly, and always while Tina described Samantha sexually engaged with a big cock. She'd talk about Samantha sucking off a big-dicked guy, spreading her legs for someone just because of their dick size, bending over a table in the middle of dinner for her serving of thick sausage.

Every now and then she'd still throw in an insult, but they started to come less and less, and the focus of our dirty talk instead became almost solely on Samantha and a monster cocked man. The last time Tina really insulted me, we were fucking face-to-face on the couch, with her sitting in my lap. She was panting into my ear, telling me how, "You'd never be able to fuck her in this position. You're barely inside of me, and she needs a cock all the way inside of her. She deserves bigger. She deserves better. She deserves someone that'll stretch her out. Ahhhh fuck!" She had leaned back and spread her legs as wide as they could go, angling herself so as much of my cock was in her as possible, grinding into my pelvis. "Say it. Oooohh. I want to hear you say it," she begged. "Say, 'Samantha deserves a big fat cock not my tiny dick.'"

I had grabbed onto Tina's ass, holding tight to her fleshy globes and lifted my lower body off the couch, sinking as deep into her as I could get. Eyes locked onto each other, we both came as I grunted out what she told me to.

Beyond the sex, Tina also enjoyed playing another game with me, still centered around Samantha but with its own strange, wicked twist. On multiple occasions she had me masturbate to Sam while she watched. But she wanted me to jerk off specifically to the idea of Samantha and another guy, one with a big cock.

Sitting with her legs spread over the arms of a chair or straddling the corner of the bed, Tina's hands were a blur on her cunt while I stood in front of her and rapidly jerked my cock. Sometimes she'd even have me pull up a picture of Samantha that we could both look at. I'd beat myself off myself while she described Sam doing all the dirty and depraved things I used to imagine her doing with me, only now it was with someone else. On a few occasions, Tina had me take charge of the narrative. She would moan and wail in pleasure as I described in detail the size of the guy's cock that Sam would be shoving down her throat or that would be pounding into her stretched out hole.

As crazy as it sounds, my behavior when I was alone started to change as well. It felt like I was betraying Tina if I thought about Samantha and myself together when masturbating at home. So even in those instances, I made sure to jerk off to the idea of Samantha and a well hung stranger, busting my nut over the easily visualized image of a naked Sam getting railed by a big cock, its wide girth stretching out her pussy in a way I never could.

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