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A Simple Act of Charity


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"There's no one else I'd want to start that future with than you."

"Then kiss me. And don't stop until the sun rises," said Jenna coyly.

Austin eagerly pressed his lips to hers. It was a request he was only too happy to fulfill.


"Dad, why are we doing this again?"

Austin laughed and looked at his son, Ben. "Because it's the neighborly thing to do."

"But can't other people help out with this kind of thing? Just because we can do it doesn't mean we have to, right?"

Austin grabbed two shovels and handed one off to his son. "Wrong. Just because we can do it is all the more reason we need to. Old Mrs. Hess would surely appreciate us doing this for her. Besides, it's not like I don't know you have a thing for her granddaughter."

Ben went red in the face. "No, I don't," he said quickly with not nearly enough subtlety.

"Mm-hmm," muttered Austin with a knowing look. It wasn't too often that he wasn't able to see through most of his son's words. Now being one of them. "Come on, get your boots on."

Father and son finished getting ready and then stepped out the front door into the neighborhood. It was a cold February afternoon and a heavy layer of snow had just fallen. Their own driveway had already been cleared, but across the street, their neighbor Mrs. Hess still looked completely untouched.

Austin and his son quickly crossed the street and began to get to work. Luckily, the driveway wasn't big enough for it to be too much work for two men, and they were able to clear it in just a short amount of time. Austin grabbed a handful of salt from the bag Mrs. Hess left outside and scattered it around the driveway. That's when they heard the knock on the glass.

Turning around, they saw a teenage girl with blonde hair peering out the window. She waved to them, or rather, waved more so to Ben than anyone else. Austin watched his son turn red once again before he gave his own awkward wave back.

Once the girl had turned away from the window, Austin put his hand on his son's shoulder. "See what I mean? Now you have an in. You have a reason to talk with her now."

"That's what you think," said Ben sullenly. "All we did was clear off her driveway. There's no way she'd agree to go to the spring formal with me."

"You'll never know if you don't ask. And it looked to me like she was pretty happy to see you. I know the type of smile she gave you," said Austin as he nudged his son. "I think she likes you."

Ben looked up at his father. "Do you really think so? No jokes, right?"

He playfully rustled Ben's hair. "I do. Girls like the type of guy that can be handy. I'd say you should give it a shot."

"Maybe," grumbled Ben as they turned to go back to their house. "I'll think about it."

"Maybe you should ask Grandpa Robert about it. He'll have some stories to tell you for sure. Or maybe even your mother," said Austin as he nodded to their house. Ben looked up to find his mother on the front porch, waiting for them to get back.

"What do you think, mom? Should I ask out Beth Hess from across the street?"

Jenna smiled at her son. "You're off to a good start by doing this. That reminds me of a story by the way." She hugged her son before turning her affections to his father. Taking her husband in her arms, Jenna gave him a long, deep kiss.

Austin started to laugh. "You're not going to tell the whole story, right?"

It was Jenna's turn to blush. "Not thewhole story," she confirmed before giving him a wink. "Besides, you never know what can start from a simple act of charity."

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J6480J64805 months ago

Good one mate

gofakyusefgofakyusef5 months ago

Took way too long -- pretty much almost to the end -- before I started giving a shit about the main characters. Just finished it to see how you wrapped it up, really, and I'm glad I did. You did wrap it up nicely and well... but at the risk of losing readers like me with meh characters for a "romance." Sure, both Austin and Jenna had superb character in taking on responsibilities and doing their duty, but I was presold a romance here, and a totally weak character (no fight in him, not even a goddamn spark) for most of the story matched up with a woman who seemed to just trade sexual favors in a FWB arrangement with zero useful clues or hints in the narrative as to her motivations... not exactly a palatable pair for a tingly love story. Too realistic maybe? lol (I do have ideas on how that could be fixed with a few additions early on without really doing rewrites, but hey, the fun for authors is figuring all this out yourself, eh? So I'm not bugging you with any of them.)

Would've liked to see how that bitch MacKenzie turned out (in a neg way), but that's just me being vindictive. Totally not needed for the way you packaged the tale.

BadcellBadcell6 months ago

Good story,

Had trouble believing he would just go no contact instead of telling her why he had to let her go. Didn't fit with the character you had created.

Was expecting Austin to look up as (Ben was finishing the drive) to see Mrs Hess(who Knew how Austin and Jen met)holding a plate of cookies. Austin signals 10 minutes and Mrs Hess gives a nod. Walking back home Austin suggests hot chocolate planning to leave the teens to cookies chocolate and a little privacy.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Austin City Limits? (Pregnant Pause?) Best comment ever..... Great story telling and just loved the ending to death.

Old_LionOld_Lion8 months ago

Wonderful Story, well told. Kudo's CJ Mac

5* and put in my Romantic tales folder to reread again and again.

Thanks for the hours of entertainment.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Admirable. Selfless love, without expecting any gratuities in return. Where is it written, "cast a bread upon the waters and it will return tenfold"?

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Austin City Limits? (Pregnant Pause?)

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

OK, now that I’ve read the whole story, Austin has been redeemed, even if he was a bit of an idiot (x2) along the way.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

I haven’t finished the story, but I was really enjoying it up until Austin’s “I think you know why” the first time Jenna is in his room. He went from a great guy to a high school level horn dog — it seemed very out of character for him and really cheapens him and calls into question what you’ve been trying to build for him. ( Jenna’s decision to give him sexual favors is kinda weird, imo, but the case can be made.)

I’ll read at least a bit more, but the story is now working from a deficit. :/

tinfoilhattinfoilhatabout 1 year ago

To me blowjobs and licking pussy is sex. Sex is not just intercourse. When did these views happen? I'm an old fart and will be 65 in April.

myassisdraginmyassisdraginabout 1 year ago

Loved it. I know all to well the depression of finding out you can't be a dad,my first wife was just like Austen's, except she started cheating on me. I have since remarried and we adopted a set of twins....

kaotic2kaotic2about 1 year ago

I loved this story so much. Thank you for writing it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

This is a five star story despite some awkward wording.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago


AutistAdventurerAutistAdventurerover 1 year ago

I think many commenters, like the Austin, are confusing low fertility with infertile. Austin wasn't infertile, it didn't magically go away, he just had low fertility.

Good story. Thank you

MoustacheSmugglerMoustacheSmugglerover 1 year ago

This was lovely, but I think it would've been nicer if they overcame his infertility together rather than it just magically going away. And what was up with Robert talking about grandkids if he knew Austin was infertile and wanted them together?

I offer that as constructive criticism. It was a lovely story and I thank you for it. Beautifully written.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

A hallmark romantic special?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Thank you for a lovely story. And special thanks for letting Robert have a long life after his bone and lung cancer!

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