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A Slave To Lust Ch. 03

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Possessed by a Lust Demon, Sheila's depravity continues.
4.4k words

Part 3 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 07/06/2022
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The next day, Sheila woke in her own bed, struggling to recall the events of the previous day. Blackouts were no mystery to her. In fact, given how shaken up she had been, a black out sleep had been just what she was aiming for. It was the dreams that unsettled her. Normally, her blackouts were like a light switch. The memories turned off at some point and then she woke up. No messy remnants of the night before. That was not the case this morning. She was alone in her own bed, which was a good sign, but still oh so incredibly horny. She was naked and felt like she was in need of a shower. Persistent visions of herself getting fucked kept playing through her head, a dream that wouldn't stop. She reached down between her legs and found herself wet.

All thought fled as she began to idly finger herself. The blossoming warmth and electricity that her manipulations were sending through her were beyond anything she had felt in the past. She felt as if she could do this forever and began to rub faster, urging herself on toward an explosive orgasm. She rubbed faster and, becoming even more impatient for what felt like it must be an explosive orgasm, she began using her other hand, sticking two fingers as far as she could into her pussy. It wasn't enough, however, and, rubbing faster and pushing harder, she began to wonder if she needed to pull some of her toys out to do the job.

"Oh, that just won't do, my pet." Sheila froze, as she recognized the voice from the plane. The voice of the demon who claimed to own her, coming from right inside her own room. Her fingers stopped their efforts, desire evaporating as her heart began to race and her eyes widened and darted about.

Sitting bolt upright in her bed, Sheila looked frantically around the room. Seeing and sensing none, she scanned the room. "Who's there?" she said voice wavering, shrill with panic.

"Who do you think, my dear one? I'm never far away." The voice was deep and calm, soothing almost, were it not for the terrifying fear of the unknown.

"Where are you?"

"Why I'm inside you. Haven't you figured that out by now." The tone changed to one of slight amusement. "Come to the mirror. That usually makes things easier for your kind."

Hesitantly, she rose out of bed and walked toward her mirror, still naked. It took an effort of will to actually look at it. The reflection looking back at her was her's, sort of, but she looked different. Her image looked back at her, but did not follow her movements. It moved of its own accord, with eyes ablaze, as if on fire.

"Hello, my Pet." her image said to her through the mirror.

She stared, uncomprehending, for a long while. "Oh, shit. I'm insane. Or tripping or something. What the fuck is happening to me?" Her eyes grew wide, whites dominating, as her pupils constricted in panic.

"Calm the fuck down!" the other her demanded. "You are mine now and you will obey!"

Through the fear that seemed to squeeze her heart and make it beat faster at the same time, a different sensation arose. A familiar tingling in her loins, a deep ache to be filled washed over her, burying the fear. The stark terror that had held her was now merely a nagging concern being pushed into the background by a powerful yearning. She felt herself become wet, her nipples hardening, and she had to resist the urge to touch herself. Humiliated that she could be so easily controlled by her sexual hunger, she involuntarily stole a quick glance a the drawer where she kept her vibrator, before tensing all her muscles and forced herself to look back at the mirror.

"Ah, I like a bit of resistance. It tends to make the victory all the sweeter." The image in the mirror smiled and idly played with its large, shapely breasts, alternately kneading and stroking them. Sheila could feel those hands on her breasts, causing her breath to quicken. She felt a trickle of her wetness roll down the inside of one thigh.

"I am going to enjoy using you. Making you debase yourself. You will become my vessel of desire. If you are lucky, you will learn to enjoy it, for you will have a sexual power that will be unmatched. If you continue to resist, you will probably go insane. Either way, it makes no difference to me; my purposes will be served." The image moved one of its hands down between its legs and used one finger to lightly tap on its clit.

To Sheila, it felt as if a powerful vibrator were being pressed against her clitoris. She literally began dripping from between her legs and she grew desperate for release. The scent of her arousal filled the room, but, though she felt that she was on the edge of orgasm, it remained just out of reach, driving her wild with frustration. Her vagina cried out to be filled and she longed for a cock inside her, instinctively knowing that that would be the only way she could come. Her body seemed torn between this devouring need and the shame at submitting to this thing's will. As if reading her mind, it spoke again.

"I've got eternity, Bitch. How long do you want to stay like this. Go over to the drawer and get your favorite toy."

To Sheila's credit, she held out for about 10 seconds, eye locked onto the pair of burning coals that looked back. Then, realizing that her will was failing, she walked to the drawer and withdrew an 8 inch vibrator. It was flesh colored and made of a soft, rubbery material that approximated the feel of skin. Its head was large and bulbous, the shaft curved upwards slightly and there was a clitoral stimulator at the base.

"Sit on the bed facing me. Legs spread to I can see that cunt and slide that dildo over your tits."

Flushing with a mixture of lust and shame, she sat on the bed and opened her legs, displaying her soaking cunt for the image in the mirror. She used the head and shaft of her vibrator to caress her breasts and play lightly over her stiff nubs. The sensation gave her impossible waves of pleasure that caused her to gasp.

"That's my good girl. Now suck on it. Put that thing in your mouth and slobber over it like you did with that Gypsy's cock."

Though she longed to stuff the vibrator deep into her pussy, she was now completely within the thrall of whatever this creature was. Her excitement was now beyond any sort of rational thought, as she put as much of the fake penis into her mouth as she could making herself gag. She drooled over it, feeling further humiliation from the wanton display she was putting on. She imagined it was his cock, the man from the alley, and that his hands held her head and he was forcing her, shoving himself roughly into her mouth. The shame was becoming part of the desire now, the act of submission, the feeling of being controlled honing her lust to an unearthly sharpness. She was so hot, so close to cumming, and she would do anything, submit to any humiliation, for the orgasm that she knew was coming.

"Excellent. You are a born slut. I'll make sure you are used by many, many cocks. Now fuck yourself with that. Keep looking at me while you bring yourself to orgasm."

Eager to obey, she took the shiny, wet vibrator from her mouth and shoved into her hungry pussy. The feeling of fullness inside of her was bliss as she quickly moved the toy in and out of her. Leaning back on the bed to get a better angle, her free hand gripped the bed spread, while her eyes struggled to keep the commanded eye contact, the pleasure forcing them to roll upward as the first wave of orgasm hit. The walls of her vagina contracted around the silicone phallus and spasmed while she continued to violently fuck herself, sending ripples of ecstasy throughout her body.

As the orgasm subsided, the shame moved to the forefront, as well as the fear. She now realized that she was helpless against this desire that was stirring within her. Looking into the mirror, the image was gone and she saw herself on her bed, legs spread and the vibrator still deep inside her. Her wetness had soaked the bed spread beneath her and was already turning cold. With the cold came an emptiness and she hung her head and wept, not knowing whether she longed to be free or if she longed for the thing to come back.

Confused at the conflicting emotions that swirled inside her, she took a long, hot shower and then dressed in the most frumpy clothes she could find. This turned out to be an oversized black sweater over a plain t-shirt and baggy, blue sweatpants. Reluctant to leave her room, but ravenous from going all day without food, she sulked down the stairs and into the kitchen. She piled a small feast on her plate, grabbed a few beers and quickly returned to her room without incident.

She began stuffing food into her face, suddenly ravenous, and opened her laptop, surfing the web and trying to regain some sense of normalcy. The unreality of the situation just wouldn't let her go, however, and the gnawing fear and deep yearning, of those fire-bright eyes upon her, continued to vie for her attention. She clicked through page after page of the internet, her eyes barely registering the web sites that glowed from the screen in front of her. It wasn't until, checking through her emails, that something caught her attention. It was from Benjamin, the head of their house staff. The heading read, "Had a great time last night. You look great on camera."

Confused, she opened the email. All that it said was, "Text me after you watch this." There was a video file attached. She clicked on it and felt a new panic blossoming in her gut as she watched herself performing a lewd striptease. She didn't recognize the room she was in, but that was clearly her taking off her clothing, piece by piece, acting the part of cheap stripper. At first, she was mesmerized, and couldn't help thinking how sexy she looked as she bared herself to some unknown camera man. Then the fact that she had no recollection of doing this and one of their staff had this video of her in his possession struck her in a visceral way. Dread thudded into her stomach, making it clench and threatening to expel all the food she had just eaten. It took her a few moments (and chugging two beers) to calm her breathing and get some control of her anxiety.

Not knowing what else to do, she texted the number in the email. "What is this?"

A few minutes later, her phone pinged and she opened the reply text. "I think you saw what this is and if you don't want it on the internet you'll be at my place for round 2. 9PM. Don't be late."

Sheila stared numbly at her phone for several moments, trying to work out this new twist in her life. "What was happening?" she wondered, "Round two?" She stayed in her room for the entire day, alternately pacing the floor and sitting on her bed staring into space. Her mind raced through possibilities and what-ifs. Twice, she stood in front of her mirror and pleaded with the vision she had seen before, but it never appeared. All she saw was herself, disheveled and drawn from worry, until she found herself looking at her luscious tits and had to turn away to stop the persistent thoughts of sex.

She was able to get one of the staff to bring up a tray of food and leave it outside the door, so she at least had a little food in her. Just before 9, she managed to draw a comb through her hair and threw on some oversized clothes, before heading towards Benjamin's bungalow. The lights were on and she could hear some music playing faintly inside. Scared and ashamed, she swallowed hard and knocked on the door.

"Enter." She heard his voice from inside.

Walking in, she saw him seated in a large leather chair, holding a glass containing an amber liquid and a large ice cube. He must have not changed out of his normal attire, since he was still wearing dark slacks, shiny, black shoes and an immaculate white shirt. The top few buttons were undone and she could see a jacket and tie slung over a nearby chair. He was facing a large screen television. On the screen, her performance was playing on all its high definition glory, the sound turned off. The music playing, some heavy metal band that Sheila couldn't recognize, was low, coming through a different system. She watched herself bend over, taking her panties off, wetness obvious from the glistening of her sex. Her cheeks burned from embarrassment, while, at the same time, a heat flared deep in her loins and her nipples stiffened.

"Quite a performance you gave last night. I always knew you were a fine piece of ass, but I didn't realize you were such a slut to boot." His eyes were on the screen and a noticeable bulge had developed at his crotch

"What do you want?" she asked meekly.

"Want? Do you really need to ask? I want another taste of that fine ass of yours. And pussy and mouth; I'm going to be putting you to work, Princess." He glanced over at her. "Whoa, not looking as playful as you did, huh? Well, that's okay. I figured that last night never would have happened if you weren't fucked up on something. That's why I needed the video to assure a repeat performance. Thank you for starting that, by the way. Gave me lots of ideas."

"I...I can pay you. I can give you money for this video. Lots of money." She looked down at the floor, again finding herself torn between her humiliation and sticking her hand down her pants and relieving the throbbing need between her legs. She bit her lower lip and looked up at him.

He was smiling lecherously at her. "Oh, Darlin', I don't need any money. Look around you. I live a pretty good life on your daddy's dime. Matter o fact, one of the biggest annoyances of my job has been dealing with you. And that just ended. I own your ass right now and there ain't no amount of money that could be sweeter than that."

A wave of hopelessness swept over Sheila and she began to cry. She stood unmoving just inside the room and whimpered softly. Looking again at the screen she watched herself perform like a complete whore, with a devilish grin on her face the whole time. If this video ever got out, her life would be ruined. Her friends would turn their backs on her and she couldn't even imagine how her father would react.

"There, there, Darlin', now don't go cryin' on me." He set his drink down and came over to her, putting this arm around her. He led her into his bedroom and sat her down on the bed. She had completely surrendered at this point and offered no resistance, occasionally letting out a quiet sob.

He knelt down in front of her and placed his hands on her shoulders. "It's not so bad. It's certainly not the end of the world. I've seen how you dress, how you act with your friends. Let's face it girl, you're a born slut if I ever saw one. None of that is going to change; you're just going to be giving your friend, Benji, here a little piece of the action."

He got up and walked over to the dresser. It had bottle of bourbon and a few glasses. He poured a healthy amount into one of the glasses and brought it over to her. "Here you go, Darlin'. Just the thing for you. She took it without question and he also produced a small, round, blue pill in her other hand. Still numb from all that had happened, she swallowed the pill and washed it down with a large swallow from the glass.

"There you go. Just the thing. Just a little something to take the edge off." He sat down next to her on the bed and put one of his arms around her, hugging her gently. "This doesn't need to be so bad. If last night was any indication, you may even like it, but the fact of the matter is that if you don't want everyone know just what a little slut you are, you're going to do exactly what I say. And you may think you know a few things about me, but I assure you, darlin', that you care a hell of a lot more about about your daddy findin' out about you than I care about him finding out about me."

Sheila had drained the glass in two more swallows and dropped it at her feet. Her tears had stopped and she could feel the warmth and wooziness expand out from her stomach to wrap the rest of her in a familiar cloak of unreality. All she had to do was to keep thinking that none of this was happening and she used the swell of intoxication to push the fear and despair to the back of her mind. Benjamin stood up to stand in front of her.

Reaching down, he tilted her head up to face him. He gently brushed her hair out of her face and wiped the tears away. "Now, we're going to start off easy tonight, but we're going to get something straight right now. I fucking own you."

Holding her chin to keep her focused on him, he looked her in the eyes and said, "Now you say it with me. You own me."

She almost couldn't say it. She just wanted to get away and hide, but she knew that wasn't an option. Finally, burning with shame, she tried to look away and mumbled, "You own me."

He gave her chin a small, but forceful, shake. "Uh uh, that's not going to cut it, Princess. Look me in the eye and tell me. Who owns you?"

His hard grip on her injected some fear into her emotional turmoil and she locked her wide eyes onto his. "You own me."

"Let's put a sir in there, shall we."

"You own me, Sir."

"I want you to tell me that all your holes are mine, to do with as I please, anytime I want."

She tried to look away again, but his hand now had slipped down to her throat and he squeezed her wind pipe, forcing her to look up. The humiliation he was inflicting upon her was disheartening but also powerfully arousing, moistening her panties. He did own her and she knew she would do anything he asked to keep that video from being seen, and that thought caused her to become uncontrollably aroused. "All my ... my holes belong to you, uh, Sir, to do anything you please, anytime you want."

His smile beamed down upon her, but she couldn't help noticing the bulge that had regrown at the front of his pants, just inches from her face. "Now tell me how badly you want this dick, Princess, and make it good. If you don't have me convinced, I'm going to share this video with one of my friends and who knows who he might share it with." He released her throat and stared down at her with his hands of his hips.

"Ah, please, Sir, let, uh, ... let this slut, uh, let me suck your cock." She felt her face burning red, as her mouth watered at the thought of being forced to suck this man's cock. "Let me, ah, play with your balls while I, um, while you fuck my mouth. And, ah, you can cum in my mouth and, ah, I'll swallow your ...load." She looked up at him as servilely as she could. The words were unfamiliar to her and they were difficult to say, but each one sent a wave of pleasure through her. She shivered just a bit when she said load.

"It looks like I'm going to have to work on your dirty talk a little, but that's a good start I guess." He unzipped himself, freeing his dick, which sprung out like a flagpole. "Now be a good girl and get to sucking." Not waiting for her, he reached behind her head and pulled her face to his crotch.

She opened her mouth wide and took as much of him as she could. She bobbed her head up and down on his shaft, filling her mouth with his meat and using her tongue to caress the head and underside. The demon within her made himself be known to her, causing a buzzing pleasure in her groin and speaking inside her head.

The voice was smooth, like honey, and yet commanding. "This is what you are from now on. You will always be a cock-sucking slut. You will open your holes to any man that wants them and you will thank him after he has blown his seed into you. You will enjoy being used as a sex toy and you will never be anything more."

Accompanying this litany of profanity that echoed within her own head came a swirling, pleasurable heat from deep in her womb. She felt a need to be fucked and, even as she was being coerced into sucking this man's cock, she couldn't help but snake one hand inside her pants to relieve her desire.

"I knew you'd get into it, you fuckin' whore." Benjamin laughed derisively, adding to her shame, but also deepening her need with his degrading remarks. "Yeah, that's it my little blow job princess, work that dick."


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