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A Special Night with Mom

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A mother and son take an unexpected turn to intimacy.
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I felt complete. Here I am sitting at my desk in my room, getting ready to start a gaming session that would probably consume most of my Friday night. This has been my routine for the last 2 months. I was more than okay with this. Normally my weekends would consist of going out with friends doing god knows what, with hopes at the back of my mind of meeting a nice girl that I could eventually fall in love with. Sounds simple right? If only it were so. At 24 years of age, I found myself worn down from my Monday-Friday job of repairing/maintaining medical equipment. By the time Friday rolled around, I looked forward to spending my evening in my room.

It was as if I settled down and entered a new stage of my life. I managed to keep my lean figure from highschool. I was by no means "jacked", but at the very least I stayed in shape by running a few times a week. Unlike my 26 year old brother Pete who was so consumed by weightlifting. It was as if it was the end of the world for him if he missed an evening of working out. Standing 2 inches taller than me at a height of 5'11" he felt that he was god's gift to the ladies.

It wasn't 20 minutes into my gaming session when I heard a faint knock at my bedroom door. "Hey Mike, what are you doing tonight?" my mother asked through the small opening she created by opening the door.

"The same as usual," I responded, insinuating to her that I would be spending most of my night on the computer.

"I have tickets to see a play they're putting on at the local theater at 8:00 pm. One of my friends canceled on me. I was wondering if you wanted to go with me?" My mother had inquired.

I looked down at my phone to check the time. It was 6:04 pm. In my head I had already decided that I did not want to go with my mom on a Friday night to see a play that I probably have never heard of. I paused my game and turned my chair towards my door to face my mother. There she stood at the doorway. At the age of 52 years old, my mother Tracy still managed to look as beautiful as she always had. She has wonderful brown hair that drops just past her shoulders in length, though she often keeps her hair in a bun just as she has done tonight. Beautiful C-cup breasts, and an ass that would firmly hug most pairs of pants. My mother is wearing a t-shirt that dropped just below her waistline and a pair of black jeans that did little to hide her wonderfully shaped legs. She stands at a height of 5'5" and has maintained a great shape over the years.

Just as I was about to tell my mother that I'll have to pass on seeing the play, I felt a surge of guilt surge over me. She had a look of desperation. "How about Peter?" I asked in response.

"You know where he is," she retorted, implying that he was at the gym. Seconds later, against my better judgment, I gave in.

"Alright, we can go," I responded. My mother as a result produced a grin that traveled ear to ear.

"Great," she responded with excitement. "It is a more formal venue Mike, so make sure you put on a collared shirt and a nice pair of dress pants," my mother added.

"Alright," I responded, with an audible sigh. With that, my mother went to her room presumably to get ready.

We live in a three bedroom apartment that we moved into 4 years ago since my parents divorce. The divorce was a longtime coming. My parents often fought throughout my childhood and fell out of love early in my teenage years. My relationship with my father John is practically non-existent. Growing up my father showed no affection or care to me. I was not to his athletic standards, unlike my brother Pete. When our parents split, it was a very easy decision for me to live with my mother full time. Pete often goes to stay with my father a few nights a week at his two bedroom apartment in the city. Whereas I have not visited once.

Approximately one hour has passed by until I heard my mother call out "Mike, are you ready?" she asked from the hallway just outside my room.

"Yes," I answered, and with that I took that as a cue to power down my computer and exit my room. When I exited my room my jaw dropped. I was greeted at my door by my mother. She looked absolutely stunning. She was wearing a black dress that rested just above her knees. Her hair was once again in a bun. The top of the dress revealed a small portion of cleavage that you could easily get lost in. Even her perfume was pleasantly intoxicating. All I could think was, my dad was a moron for letting her go.

I think my mom could sense that I let my stare linger too long. "Is everything okay? Do I look okay?" my mom asked.

"You look beautiful mom," I quickly responded.

"You're not too bad yourself handsome," she responded with a smile on her face. In addition, she raised her arm towards me signaling to lock arms. We did just that and left the apartment.

"It's a nice night, we should walk to the theater, it would only take about 15 minutes," she said just as we approached the ground floor.

"No problem," I replied. There would be no resistance from me. I was still mesmerized by my mothers appearance. This paired with the locking of arms began to cause a little bit of a stir up in my pants. I tried my best to shake that thought by reminding myself that this was my mother. Our walk to the theater consisted of talks about each other's work weeks. At the same time, my mother took it upon herself to inform me of the type of play that we would be seeing.

In a nutshell, the play was about a traveling doctor in the early 1800's that fell in love with the daughter of a patient that he treated. However, they had to keep the relationship a secret from her father, as she was promised to wed another in a powerful family for a union that would invoke an insurmountable amount of wealth. This did not sound like a play that I was particularly keen on seeing. However the thought of doing this to make my mom happy brought me happiness. It was a bonus that I was with the best looking girl in the theater.

Before I knew it, we arrived at the theater. We were greeted by the ticketing usher that promptly collected our tickets as we walked in. The theater was filled with mostly an older crowd ranging from 50-70 years old. It was safe to say that I was probably the youngest person in the theater. With the exception of the staff member that was working to assist people to find their seats. She looked as if she was in her younger 20's. She looked quite attractive. Had I been more brave, I perhaps would have tried to flirt with her. We approached her.

'"We're looking to sit at seats G27-28. What entrance should we take?" I asked.

"It is down the hallway ahead, from there you'll need to take the second entrance on the right," she responded with a smile while motioning the directions with her hands.

"Thank you," I responded, and with that we were on our way. I looked back once to get one last look at the only other person in the theater close to my age. I found her looking back at me. My mother could sense that I was checking her out, and with that she gave me a nudge. "What?" I laughingly asked. Could my mom be jealous? Yeah right.

"You're my date tonight mister," my mother shocked me with that response.

"Don't worry mom, you're still the most beautiful lady here," I added. Did I just say that to my mom? Never did I imagine I would be flirting with my mom on a Friday night. But a part of me found this very arousing. With that my mother blushed and grabbed my hand to hold. We held hands for the rest of the walk to the seats. To some it may have looked as if we were a couple walking in. We found our seats quickly, and shortly after, the play started.

To my surprise, the play was mildly entertaining. The acting was very well done, and the romance element had me feeling all soft and mushy. I could tell my mom felt the same. I put my arm around my mother and she cuddled up into my chest. Her perfume filled my nose as I held her tight. This caused me to have quite the erection. I was sexually aroused by my mother and at this point I couldn't fight back the feeling. My mother looked up at me and whispered "Thank you for going with me to this honey, I love you," and with that she planted a light motherly kiss on my cheek. I held her tighter to me.

Although I wish it didn't end, the play concluded with claps that filled the auditorium. I felt sad because I would have liked to sit there all night with my mom in my arms. As we left the auditorium and walked back down the hall towards the exit there was a small physical gap between me and my mom. Near the exit was the girl "my age" saying goodnight and thanking the people that came. As we approached, my mother closed the distance between us and grabbed my hand to hold it. I am confident that my mother did this to send the message that I was with her. My mother thanked her on the way out, and just like that we were out of the theater. On the walk back we chatted about the play hand in hand. My mother laughed as we talked about certain funny moments.

Before we knew it, it was 11:00 pm and we were back at our apartment. Just like that, I was under the assumption that our wonderful evening was over. My erection however managed to stick around the whole time. I was thankful that my dress pants did a good job to hide this.

"Okay I guess I'll be going to bed now, it's getting late," I said in a calm tone.

"Going to bed so soon?" my mother chuckled in response. "It's still so early, it's like you're an old man now," she gave me a playful jab. "Why don't you stay up with your date a little while longer."

There my mom was flirting right back with me. Surely this is all a playful joke. "I guess I can spare a little more time for my hot date," I responded trying to elevate the level of flirting while simultaneously dumbfounded that I just called my mom hot right to her face. With that my mother sat me on the couch and went to the kitchen to grab a bottle of white wine with two wine glasses. She came back to the living room and poured us each a glass. She handed me my glass and sat on the same couch facing me.

We continued our evening of chatting, exchanging more stories of the things going on in our lives, and memories. Before we knew it, it was 1:00 am and we had polished two bottles of wine. At this point, both of us were exceptionally buzzed. My mother was resting her bare feet on my lap near my groin. Her dress had rode up her body quite a bit. I could ever so faintly see her black panties. I didn't want to stare too long and risk her catching me.

"Your feet are so soft," I said lustfully. I began to lightly rub her feet. In a normal circumstance I would never do this, but at this point the wine and sexual arousal seem to have taken over any of my inhibitions.

"Mmmmm, that feels nice Mike," my mom let out a soft moan. I took that as approval to continue with rubbing her feet. For a few minutes silence filled the area. Only the sounds of soft moans of comfort existed. These sounds came from my mother as I continued to rub her feet. I found the courage to work my way up to her lower legs. My mother had her eyes closed and continued to let me massage away. Her skin felt so smooth under my hands, I could feel my shaft pressing hard into my pants. At this point all I could do is stare at her panties.

I was so lost in the moment, I worked my hands all the way up to her inner thighs where I reached the bottom of her dress. I looked up back at my mom and found her looking back at me. Surely I was busted for staring at her panties. With that she stood up. I thought it was all over for me. She walked towards me and turned her back to me. "Mike, can you unzip me?" she asked softly. Without hesitation, I stood up behind her and reached my hand to the zipper that rested in between her shoulder blades. I proceeded to unzip my mother. When the zipper reached the bottom, my mom pushed the dress down her thighs and let it fall to the floor. She stepped out of the dress. There she stood before me wearing only her black panties and black bra. She laid back down on the couch to the spot she was just in. "Proceed mister," she said. With that I dropped back down to the couch on my knees and began massaging her thighs where my hands previously were.

"Your body is beautiful mom," I said as I continued to massage the inside of her thighs. I worked my hands even further up her legs to the point where my hands were met with the lacing of her panties. I anticipated that this would be the furthest that I can safely go. We were already crossing a very large line. But I still felt like it wasn't enough for me. I was stuck. I needed more. With that came a large risk. I began to rub my hand over her panties. I thought for sure my mom would push my hand away or stop me there. Rather I was greeted with a soft moan. I began to rub her pussy over the top of her panties. I could feel a wet spot on the surface of her panties. I spent at least 5 minutes rubbing her pussy through her panties. My mothers moans became more audible and were filled with pleasure. The rubbing was now paired with soft kisses to the inside of my moms thighs.

"Keep going Mike I need this," my mother pleaded, and with that I could not take it anymore. I reached my hand towards the waistband of my mothers panties, and began to remove them. She responded by lifting her legs and butt off the couch in order to assist me in removing them. Off they came, I threw them to the floor beside her dress. There, on full display was my mothers beautiful wet pussy. There was only a small portion of hair neatly trimmed short in the center. I lowered my head to her pussy and extended my tongue to meet her clit. My mother in response widened her legs to allow me clear access and held my head tightly to her pussy with her right hand. "Oh fuck Mike eat mommies pussy," she moaned loudly.

I was in heaven by the sweet taste of my mothers pussy. Within a few moments my two fingers teased the entrance to my mothers pussy. My mothers body trembled with each touch. We started to find a rhythm. My tongue would circle her clit while my fingers were pumping in and out of her pussy at a steady pace. I couldn't take anymore of the pressure my erection had pressed against my dress pants. I decided it was time to remove my belt and drop my pants too. Just as I postured up and began undoing my belt, there were the sounds of a key unlocking the front door.

"Shit, Pete is home," I whispered in a panic.

My mothers hands went straight to cover her mouth out of panic. It was as if she was now frozen out of fear. I knew that in a matter of minutes we would be on full display for Pete when he walks in.

I stood up, and kicked my mother's dress and panties under the couch in an instant. "Pretend you're not feeling well," I whispered to my mom while putting a blanket over top of her to cover her up. Just like that, the lights came on as Pete walked through the door. There we were, standing in plain sight.

"You guys are still up? Why are you guys in the living room at this time?" Pete asked.

"We got back from dinner and a movie not too long ago and I think mom ate something bad," I lied in response hoping that my lie would stick. Pete walked towards us and looked at my mom. There my mom was laying right in front of the both of us on the couch with nothing but a blanket concealing the line sight to her mouth watering pussy that I was eating moments ago.

"Mom we should get you to bed, the couch is not comfortable," Pete suggested while simultaneously motioning downwards to help her up.

"No honey," my mother responded with her hands extended out to resist Pete's assistance. "I feel noxious when I walk around, give me a little while longer and I'll bring myself to bed. You two should get some rest now, don't worry about me," our mother insisted. I think this lie was really working.

"Okay, goodnight." Pete replied with acceptance. Just like that Pete was walking towards his room. I trailed right behind him. Just as Pete got to his room and closed the door, I circled back to the couch. My mother looked at me with confusion. I reached under the couch and handed her her panties and dress.

"Goodnight mom," I said with a soft kiss planted on her forehead. From there I was off to bed. I got into my bed, but sleeping felt like the last thing I could do. I still felt the need for a release that was halted by Pete's return. Was this it for me? Did Pete's return ruin any chance I would have with our mother? I needed more. I thought about sending her a text but quickly dismissed the idea as fear got the better of me. After a couple hours of tossing and turning I was able to drift off into a sleep.

I woke up Saturday and saw that the time was a little past 11:00 am. I never sleep in this late. My first instinct was to find my mother and talk to her. However, to my bad luck, she wasn't home. Pete must have been out as well. I found myself alone in the apartment. I needed to talk to my Mom about last night. "Hey mom, can we talk?" I nervously texted. Approximately 15 minutes passed by until I heard the notification on my phone.

"Yes, I should be home in an hour. We can talk then," my mother responded. I tried to keep myself occupied for an hour. It felt like the longest hour of my life. Finally, I heard the sound of my mom walking in through the front door from my bedroom. "Mike I'm home," my mom called out. I exited my room and went to meet her in the kitchen area. She must have just gotten back from the gym. I was greeted by the pleasant sight of my mother in leggings that highlight her gorgeous ass, and a tank top. After last night I was beginning to see my mother in a new light. She went from just my good looking mom, to this sexual goddess I wanted to make love to so badly.

"About last night," I started, but was quickly interrupted by my mother.

"Mike honey I love you, but last night was a mistake. We should have never done what we did. Pete almost saw us," my mother said with some level of concern. I felt sad to hear this, but she was right. Pete did almost catch us in the act. I just couldn't get the thought of me eating my moms pussy out on the couch out of my head.

"You're right," I responded calmly. "I'm sorry," I added.

"There is nothing to be sorry about," my mother had reassured. "Can we act as if what we did did not happen and move forward?" My mom asked.

"Yeah that's no problem," I assured her. Although this was not the outcome that I was hoping for. I began to feel a wave of depression wash over me.

"Well I'm going to go wash up now, what are your plans for today?" My mother asked, as a half hearted attempt to turn our conversation into a regular mother son exchange.

"I'm meeting Josh around 1:00 so I actually have to get going," I said to my mother knowing that it was in fact a lie. I had no plans whatsoever with my friend Josh. I just knew I couldn't stay there. I needed to get out to take my mind off of things. Also the thought of my mother exiting the shower in her robe was intoxicating. "I'll see you in a little while," I said while giving her a quick kiss on the cheek, and with that I was out the door. It wasn't until 4 hours had passed by and the time was just past 5:00 pm that I received a notification on my phone from my mother.

"Hi honey, what time will you be home? Should I expect you home for dinner?" My mother had texted this to me. I was unsure if it was the right decision to go home just yet. I let a little more time pass by, I needed this decision to simmer for just a little while longer. "Pete is staying with your fathers tonight," my mother added a little while after she sent the first text. What did she mean by this? Why did she share this information with me? Normally this would not be discussed amongst ourselves. I would only often find out whether or not he would be home if I myself inquired. The lust in me felt as if my mother was signaling to me that we would be alone. My mind began to wonder, I quickly found myself fantasizing about making love to her alone in the apartment. This created quite the stir up in my pants. I needed to be strong.


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