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A Stimulating Life Ch. 01

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The sex life of a submissive nude male model.
7.3k words

Part 1 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 01/28/2020
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My name is Scott, and I'm a professional ballet dancer for the Chandler Theatre.

I'm also a nude model. In some ways my nude modeling is more exciting and intense than my ballet dancing.

Initially I tried to keep my nude modeling a secret from my fellow ballet dancers, however, it didn't take very long for that attempt to fail. Most of my fellow dancers know that I pose nude for photographers and videocam people. Some of my fellow dancers have even gone online to purchase videos of me performing naked and in graphic sexual situations. My erotic adventures have become the topic of many post-rehearsal discussions.

One morning I was sitting in a popular diner with two of my fellow dancers and the topic of my side-job came up.

"Take me with you the next time you have a gig," Cassandra suggested.

"What? Why?" I exclaimed.

"I like seeing you naked, that's all," Cassandra explained, "They'll let me tag along and watch if you tell them I'm your girlfriend."

"I don't have a girlfriend," I countered, "I have a boyfriend, and he's sitting right next to you."

Nari was indeed sitting right next to Cassandra. Nari is twenty-two years old with a slender, athletic build and a face that is boyishly cute and kissable. When I first met Nari I was ostensibly straight, however, Nari has a seductive, boyish charm that bewitched me and made me fall in love with him.

"It's true," Nari said, "It's bad etiquette to hit on Scott when his boyfriend is sitting right here."

"I'm not hitting on him," Cassandra insisted, "I just want more excuses to see him naked. Is it a crime to want to see Scott naked?"

Cassandra paused and then added, "I'll tell you what, invite me along on your next gig, and I'll wax your pubes for you."

My face heated up at the thought of Cassandra waxing my pubic area and I replied, "I don't wax. I shave."

"Waxing is better," Cassandra insisted, "and I can reach places that you can't even see."

"She has a point," Nari said, "You have tiny hairs around your anus. If Cassandra were waxing you, you'd never have to worry about those ever again."

"Why are you taking her side?" I demanded, feeling betrayed.

"You look so cute when you're embarrassed," Nari said, "If you could see your face when you blush, you'd understand. You look absolutely adorable right now."

"So, do we have an agreement?" Cassandra inquired.

"Wait," I protested, "I never agreed to anything!"

"It's a deal," Nari said, ignoring my objections, "but I get to be there every time you wax him."

In the end, Nari and Cassandra won, and I agreed that Cassandra would oversee waxing me. I also agreed that she could tag along whenever I did a nude photoshoot or video.

Nari has a mischievous sense of humor and he loves getting me into embarrassing situations just to watch me squirm, but he has admirable qualities as well...for example, he's playful, entertaining, compassionate and a good friend. Also, Nari has an ass that was so beautiful that it is mesmerizing. Seriously, once you see it, you literally have trouble looking away, it's bewitching in its beauty.


Two days later, Nari and I got called into the ballet mistress's office directly after rehearsals. We weren't even given time to shower or change into our street clothes.

Darya got called in as well, she showed up about ten seconds after Nari and I did. The three of us ended up standing in front of Amanda Sharp in sweat-soaked spandex as she sat at her desk and stared at all of us in disapproval.

"Mr. Alexander," she said in an admonishing tone, "earlier today I discovered that you and Mr. Tarasova performed in a pornographic video. This video has been posted on the internet and can be viewed by anyone with internet access and a credit card. Do you understand the position you've put me in?"

Ms. Sharp was upset that we did this behind her backs, but even more upset because of the potential for scandal. She felt that it would hurt the reputation of the Chandler Theatre if it were learned that two of her dancers were starring in porno videos and a third dancer was acting as their agent.

Darya worked damage control by pointing out the fact that Nari and I had worked under stage names. On the website where the video appeared, my name was listed as Sascha, Nari's name was listed as Christophe. Darya insisted that performing in porn under those names would make it difficult to link our porn work to ballet dancers at the Chandler Theatre.

"I sincerely hope these precautions are sufficient to shield this institution from scandal," our ballet mistress said, "If your extracurricular activities do damage to our reputation, all three of you will be terminated."

It was disconcerting to hear, but none of us argued. The three of us were exceptional dancers, but no matter how exquisitely we danced, Amanda Sharp would toss us out in a heartbeat that's what it took to protect the Chandler Theatre.


Amanda Sharp didn't forbid Darya, Nari and I from continuing in our erotic enterprise, however, we were warned of the consequences if we caused a scandal or damaged the Chandler Theatre's reputation.

That night I had a dream where Amanda Sharp took off her belt and demanded that all three of us strip naked right there in her office. She then stood up from her desk and ordered us to face the wall with our hands pressed against it.

"Eyes forward," she demanded. "Feet well back and wide apart."

It was a pose that left all three of us acutely vulnerable. The leather strap of the ballet mistress's belt exploded across my buttocks and the backs of my thighs. Her leather belt stung and caused me to gasp in pain with each blow, however, my cock throbbed excitedly as I was whipped. And when my entire backside was scalding with red hot pain, Ms. Sharp moved down the line to whip Darya and Nari as well.

My dream ended with the sounds of helpless whimpering and the loud cracking of leather against bare skin. And when I awoke my cock was rock hard


My next gig was with a production company called Arballo Video. I had promised Cassandra could tag along, and since I didn't own a car, Cassandra drove me to my appointment in hers.

Arballo was a new company, however, they were flush with cash. They could afford to pay top dollar for IT people, studio sets, video equipment, directors, nude models, actors and whatnot. They did most of their photoshoots and filming out of a building on MacFarlane Drive. Cassandra drove me out there and proceeded to orbit around me like a voyeuristic moon, eager to watch me get out of my clothes.

"My name is Scott Alexander," I told the receptionist, "I have an appointment to meet with Julian Haber."

The receptionist told me that Julian was running late, and she told me I could wait in his office. There were four model in his office already. All of them had the same sort of look, young, boyish, slender and athletic.

The other models were welcoming and sociable. The first one was named Nathan. He was a redhead and looked remarkably like Jason Blossom from that Riverdale TV show. The other three models were named Brian, Joseph and Marc.

"Who's she?" Nathan asked, gesturing towards Cassandra, "Is she in the video?"

"She's my waxing specialist," I replied.

"Dude, you didn't need to hire your own girl for that," Brian informed me, "They've got their own waxing specialists here. They've got everything, hair stylists, makeup artists, wax specialists, wardrobe people and there's even a guy with drugs to help keep your penis hard."

I had to suppress a laugh and then Cassandra spoke up and said, "I'd like to stick around anyway. I won't charge anything for today, but I'd like to monitor the situation. If there was a waxing situation and I wasn't here to record it for your official files, I'd feel like I was being remiss in my duties."

Brian was cute, but kind of an idiot. Everybody else seemed to get the fact that Cassandra had no legitimate reason for being there and was just using "waxing specialist" as an excuse to hang around, but Brian didn't get it.

Eventually Julian showed up and we were all herded into the room where the video was going to be filmed. It was essentially a shower room with some extra lighting added.

"This may sound cliché," Julian explained, "but what we're going for today is a shower rape scene."

All five of us models had to strip naked and then a hairstylist did our hair to get it to look just right. I considered this to be a waste of time and money as the shower scene was going to involve lots of water and all five of us would be soaking wet before the video was over. Pretty much any work they did on our hair would be negated after the showers got finished with us.

Then Julian got out the lubricant and had one of his people lube up my asshole. It was a rape scene and I was the one who was supposed to get raped. Getting raped by four guys without lube would be a traumatic experience, so I suppose I was grateful, although the look of prurient interest on Cassandra's face as my anus got probed was disconcerting

I thought Nathan had looked good with his clothes on, but after he was naked, I became even more impressed. He had exquisite abs and long legs with detailed, sexy muscles visible just underneath the skin. His glues were firm and tight and beautiful, and his cock was an impressive size even before he got hard.

I could see why they hired this guy to do porn.

The woman who had lubed up my anus then proceeded to prepare the cocks of the male actors for the shower rape scene. Nathan, Marc, Joseph and Brian were all expected to be hard and erect before we began. I was just the innocent rape-victim, so I wasn't required to be hard. She didn't work on my cock at all.

I had done this sort of thing before, but I still felt vulnerable and nervous. I was naked and about to be groped and impaled by four strangers. A deep, silent fear had built up in my guts and it grew in intensity the longer the suspense built up.

"Stand over there at showerhead number three," Julian said, "that's where the best lighting is located. Then turn on the water and stand under the spray."

Standing under the water and getting wet gave me something ordinary to focus on. My fears calmed slightly as the water got warmer, but Julian didn't let me stay there very long before ordering the other four models to come in and sexually abuse me.

Julian gave some last-minute instructions to the other models, and even though I knew I was about to get raped, I feigned ignorance and attempted to appear calm. There was a script of sorts to follow, and I was supposed to be an unsuspecting victim, so I tried to act as if I didn't suspect anything.

I got body-wash on my hands, lathered up my chest, my abs, as well as other parts of my body and tried to act as if I didn't know I was about to be sexually assaulted. And while I was doing this the other models closed in upon me. Nathan and Brain grabbed my arms and sought to immobilize me. I squirmed and struggled against them, but I was outnumbered two to one. My skin was wet and slippery and as such I was difficult to hold onto, which made my struggles much more dramatic.

Even though the script didn't call for it, my cock was hard. Being naked, helpless and abused tens to make me sexually aroused and the more vigorously Nathan and the other models worked to make me helpless, the more aroused I became.

My heart pounded wildly in my chest as Nathan tightly gripped one of my wrists and twisted it behind my back, forcing my hand well up between my shoulder blades.

"Aaaahhhh," I screamed mindlessly and while I was helpless in Nathan's grip, the other models took the opportunity to fondle my naked body, they pinched my nipples, fingered my anus, grabbed my cock, squeezed my buttocks and forced their mouth over mine, kissing me fiercely. Nathan worked his fingers into the tight seam between my buttocks and his fingertips gently rubbed across the pink flesh of my anus. I gasped as he touched that delicate part of my anatomy.

When my body became so slippery that Nathan could no longer hold my wrist securely behind my back, his accomplices forced me to assume a submissive position, with my legs far apart, facing the shower wall, my hands far apart and raised high above my head with my palms flat and my butt thrust back towards my assailants. And while I was in this vulnerable position, Nathan grabbed me by the hips and speared my defenseless anus with his massive cock.

"Aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh," I gasped as Nathan thrust himself deep inside of me. Nathan was very well-endowed, and he shoved his cock into me with one violent assault. And then he proceeded to plunge himself deep within me again and again. Nathan forced my tight anus wide open and he thrust himself inside of me repeatedly. He was a lot to take in, but I moaned and gasped and somehow just barely managed.

Nathan's cock widened my anal cleft and left it feeling bruised. I whimpered, pressed my hands against the wall and felt a degree of gratitude for all the oils that woman had used to lubricate my anus. Nathan's cock was massive, and it was a major ordeal to have him thrusting it inside my body.

I whined and gasped as my tight anal opening was violated and then Nathan's cock discharged inside of me. His cock slid back and forth inside of me a few more times as the last drops of liquid were milked from his erect penis, however, the passion had gone out of him.

Nathan's cock was eventually withdrawn from my abused rectum and then he slapped my bare buttocks several times. Brian, Joseph and Marc then proceeded to line up to abuse my ass with hard, stinging spanks, and with my bottom soaking-wet, the swats hurt even more than when my skin was dry. And after everyone had taken a turn slapping my ass, Nathan made his way to the front of the line and proceeded to spank me again.

When my ass was stinging red with handprints, Joseph ordered me to stand up straight and placed his mouth over mine. He kissed me deeply and passionately while Nathan grabbed my wrists and attempted to pin them securely behind my back.

At this point everybody was too wet and slippery, and Nathan complained that he couldn't keep a firm grip on my wrists.

"Cut," Julian yelled and all action on the set halted.

Tina, do we have any rope?" Julian called out, "We need some for bondage!"

It turned out that Tine was the name of the woman who had lubed up my anus. It took her a couple of minutes, but she eventually appeared by Julian's side with several lengths of strong jute rope.

"How much rope do you need?" Tina asked and Julian indicated they only needed enough to bind my wrists behind my back.

"Oh, is that all?" she asked and then she dropped about two-thirds of the ropes on the floor and approached me.

"Is a box tie alright?" Tina asked, and Julian seemed to agree that that would be fine. Tina then asked me to stand with my hands behind my back, crossed at the wrist.

Tina's hands worked quickly and confidently, as if she'd done this thousands of times before, and for all I knew she had. Within minutes my arms were helplessly bound behind my back and held high enough that I had no hope of protecting my abused buttocks.

When everyone was certain of my helplessness, they began to film once again. Joseph eyed me eagerly, placed his mouth over one of my nipples. I moaned and squirmed as Joseph slid his mischievous tongue across my nipple and my cock throbbed. It was insane how sensitive my nipples were to his touch, but my whole body trembled in response when he worked his magic on them. He started with his tongue, tracing around the areola, but gradually moved on to sucking, licking and biting down on my sensitive nipple with his teeth.

"Uuhhhhhh," I gasped, and Nathan then ordered me to stand up straight and stop twisting my torso around.

And when Joseph moved on to kissing, he and I were the same height, so as he pressed his body close, his erect cock rubbed up against mine.

Joseph started off slow, tracing the shape of my lips with his tongue before moving to a slow, wet kiss, then his tongue invaded my mouth and I moaned as his tongue slid over mine. Joseph pressed his naked body against mine as we kissed, and he moaned into my mouth. And as Joseph kissed me passionately, there was a point where he grabbed my cock and his, forcing the two of them together. He squeezed them both in his right hand then rubbed his hand up and down the shafts sensuously. My hands were bound helplessly behind my back and I trembled as he forced my cock against his and masturbated both of us to orgasm.

"Aaaaaaghhhhhhhh," I screamed incoherently, and Joseph made similar sounds as we both reached orgasmic release at almost exactly the same time.

I panted and reveled in post-orgasmic bliss, and then Nathan forced me to get down on my knees. It didn't take a genius to figure out what would happen next. While I was kneeling on the hard tile floor, Brian was pushed forward. Brian was naked and his cock was erect and eager for attention, and when Nathan told me to open my mouth I dutifully obeyed.

"That's a good boy," Nathan said amicably, and Brian fed cock into my mouth. I licked the swollen head and then the entire shaft was shoved into my mouth. I relaxed my jaw as Brian shoved his thick member inside me and then sucked on it vigorously as he began to pull out. It was just basic cock-sucking protocol, but based on the gasping sounds Brian made, he loved it.

Brian made a series of vowel-sounds as I sucked on his cock, he gasped and moaned and I could feel his cock twitch and pulse in my mouth. It was almost like I could feel his heart beating.

"Ohhh," Brian moaned, and I could feel him getting closer to orgasm. He shoved his cock deeper and deeper into my mouth and his moaning became more frantic as he repeatedly shoved the head of his cock into the back of my throat.

"Oh God, Oh God, Oh God, Oh Gaaawwwwd," he cried out and he gasped and panted uncontrollably, as his thighs trembled and spasmed and one of the other models had to grab him from behind to keep him from collapsing onto the floor.

When Brian reached his sexual climax, it was like a pipe had burst. My mouth was flooded with his hot juices and he continued to pant and spasm, long after the actual orgasm was over.

"Oh, God, that was good," Brian proclaimed, his voice soft and reverential, "Do it again."

"No," Marc insisted, "Do me next."

Marc and Brian argued over who should get to use my mouth next. Marc ended up the eventual victor, but even so I ended up sucking Brian's cock a second time before the video was over.

After Julian stopped filming I got up and Tina untied me from my rope bondage. It took a while as the ropes had gotten soaking wet and wet knots are more difficult to untie than dry ones, or at least that's what Tina told me. It took me a while to dry off and get dressed, but when I had finished, I discovered that Cassandra and Tina were chatting like old friends.

"Are you two pals now?" I asked.

"Oh, I was just asking Tina a few questions about rope bondage," Cassandra explained, "Tina is some sort of expert on the subject."

"Seriously?" I asked, "When will you ever need to know about that stuff?"

"If I ever want to tie you up, silly," Cassandra said as if this were the most obvious thing in the world.

I blushed a little at this. For me bondage was a very personal and intimate thing. I found it arousing to be tied and helpless and it was embarrassing for Cassandra to be hinting about tying me up like this.

"Um, we don't have that kind of relationship," I said to both Cassandra and Tina.

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