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A Student Body Protest Ch. 03


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Sally tried to flinch back up, the horse being rougher than any other chair she'd ever sat upon, but she was already uneven in her balance and instead, fell down on top of the device, the wooden seat digging painfully into her crotch.

Sally let out a meek, high-pitched yelp as it dug into her pussy, trying desperately to find a position to sit in that wasn't as lewd but only managing to force the seat even further up her sex.

"Typically, when one was seated upon a chevalet, there would be weights attached to the legs of the person being questioned." Irving grabbed at her foot as if to show the class where the weights would have been attached. "This in turn would have had the seat dig even further up as gravity slowly worked against the person's legs."

Sally struggled against the chair, trying to keep her hands in front of her to both cover her exposure as well as to stop it from digging any further in. But her wrists could only support so much of her body weight and she felt her arms starting to tire out as the lecture dragged on and on.

"While we do not have antique weights for Sally's legs, we can at least go for authenticity in other areas." Irving stepped behind Sally, leaving her even more exposed to the crowd - not that it mattered at this point; Almost all of her energy was focused on keeping the wood out of her crotch. The position was tiring and she felt her breathing growing heavier as the violation got worse.

"Sally, could you please hold your arms behind your back?" Irving asked.

He didn't wait for a response, simply grabbing the girl's wrists and moving them away. Sally let out a whimpering noise that almost sounded like a moan - much to the enjoyment of the entire class. People were literally at the edges of their seats, trying to get as close of a view as possible.

As her center of balance was moved, so too was her sex - even further down as the rounded edges seemed to be splitting her in two. The only things stopping the feeling from getting worse were her thighs, which she'd involuntarily squeezed against the machine. Sally looked down, helpless to prevent the wooden horse from digging into her. Her pubic mound was pressed lewdly against the smooth surface, her clit sticking out as she rocked back and forth, failing to find a position that was even remotely comfortable.

The teacher began talking about the history of the Spanish Inquisition but Sally didn't hear a word of the lecture. She struggled pointlessly against the teacher's grip of her wrists, squirming this way and that as she felt herself getting lower and lower on the seat, her pussy getting spread in a lewder and lewder fashion as her exhausted and heavy breathing started to increase in volume. Pretty soon, she was starting to drown out the lesson with her moaning - involuntary noises that escaped her mouth every time she exhaled.

"Sally, I would ask that you be quieter during the lesson." Irving let go of her wrists, turning about to face the girl.

"I- Oh... I can't... Mmmmm... It hurts - Oh god." Sally's hands shot down to the seat, gripping it with what little strength she had left which was still not enough to completely stop the chair from digging into her sex. She could barely whimper by this point - the sensation running up her body a mixture of pain and pleasure - like scratching at a bug bite.

"Very well, I suppose there's plenty more to do today." Irving rolled his eyes. "You may leave the chevalet."

Sally tried to dismount, but her legs were too far apart. This, combined with her exhausted thighs, meant that she had almost no means of leverage aside from leaning back, letting her pussy be splayed out in the direction of the entire class. She nearly fell off the device and would have collapsed to the ground if Irving hadn't suddenly lifted her beneath the armpits and down to safety.

Sally was placed on the floor of the classroom, the hard tiles feeling like sanctuary against her bare back compared to where she had just been sitting. Her legs were completely spread, but she lacked the energy to move them to a more modest position. Nobody in class seemed to complain aside from the men in the back of the room who had to lean around the heads of their classmates to see Sally's quivering body.

"It seems as though that might have been exhausting for you." Irving deduced from the naked girl laying on his floor. "No matter, this next device will be just the thing you need. Can I get a volunteer to help her up?"

"No!" Sally managed to yell over the sound of the whole class standing up at once. "I... I can do it."

Her legs were shaking violently and she had to lean hard against the chevalet to balance herself, but Sally managed to find her footing again. Clutching the wet seat with both hands, she got fully upright and looked over to see the sight of what Irving had revealed under the second blanket.

"This is a rack." He said, satisfied. "It was used to literally stretch victims out by shackling their arms and legs and then having a series of gears pull the victim apart."

The professor pointed to the device, which Sally noticed had four metal clamps near each corner. She gulped, slowly walking up to it, keeping both hands on the wooden horse for support until she got nearer where she practically fell upon the rack.

"Now, this device was not restored as fully as our chevalet." Irving started speaking as Sally flipped herself around to lay back. She kept her knees bent slightly, as she turned so that her head was facing the crowd of onlookers, her legs pointed away from them so nobody would get a second showing of her vagina.

"The cuffs cannot be used authentically as the key for this device was not rediscovered with the rest of the set." He seemed upset. "This means that the cuffs will not lock, either, so I would ask that our volunteer merely pretend to be strapped down."

Sally held up her arms and spread her legs a bit. It was a bit awkward to be exposed in this way, but she was at least glad that her pussy was being spread towards a wall instead of a few dozen onlookers. At least, for a few moments.

"Now, as this device is best viewed up close, you may all approach the rack to see the intricacies of the gears upon it."

Sally shuddered, trying to twist to look over at the line of students who all rushed over to her at once. No sooner had she sat up than the professor placed a hand on her shoulder, shaking his head as he motioned for her to lay back down.

"Now Sally," He walked around, leading the class on this mini tour of the rack (and her naked body). "I'm aware that you're a bit too short for the restraints, but try to line up your arms and legs with the cuffs on either end of the rack. That means you'll need to spread your legs apart a bit."

By this point, there were students entirely surrounding her, Sally had no respite from the various gazes all looking down at her body. She gulped, and then spread her legs apart very slowly, the crowd seeming to enjoy the slow tease better than if she had moved immediately and decisively. But more embarrassing than the pose was one other fact about her anatomy that she'd been too ashamed to acknowledge until now.

"Holy crap, look at her pussy!"

"It's so red..."

"She's horny as hell!"

Sally meekly peeked over her body, her gaze crossing over her slim breasts, now spread apart by her pose and down her flat stomach until she saw the subject of the entire class' attention. Just as they had said, her mound down there was so red it was practically glowing - the skin swelling up as her clit was at full mast. Unable to close her legs, she could merely tighten her thigh muscles and look away.

But that alone wasn't enough to satisfy the class' curiosity. Irving started to talk a bit more about the reconquista as the class slowly circled around Sally's naked body - and when they realized that the teacher's attention was elsewhere, they would quickly reach out to poke and prod at Sally's bits where ever Irving's eyes weren't.

He would point out something about the area behind Sally's head only for a few finger to reach out, fondling her pussy lips with a quick squeeze as Sally flinched at the sensation, tugging her legs closer until the teacher scolded her for interrupting the lesson - feigning obliviousness at the wandering hands of whoever it was that instigated the cute moans escaping her lips with the bothersome molestation.

This continued on for several more minutes, Sally not getting a single bit of information from the lesson as she continuously failed to brace herself from the various men feeling up her body when they thought the professor wasn't looking.

They were getting bolder and bolder, the professor never so much as stopping the students as they started grabbing her entire leg to move it aside and have a go at her butt - though he did scold Sally for squeaking at their touches, jokingly suggesting that he wished the cuffs worked for real.

The worst part of it all, though, was the fact that Sally was started to feel betrayed by her own body. The hands that groped her were not causing discomfort, but a more complicated feeling. It was the same with the chevalet; The sensation didn't feel good, but it wasn't bad, either. Sally was, perhaps, flinching away from the idea that she might be enjoying herself as much as she was flinching away from the fondling.

His lesson finally over, the professor stepped towards Sally and told her she could finally stand up. Her arms instinctively went to her chest, finally able to cover her erect nipples as she rubbed the soreness out of them that had developed from several minutes of periodic pinching. She squeezed her legs together, barely even noticing when the crowd was shoo'd back to their seats as she tried to catch her breath.

One student pointed at something before leaving the area, the spot where Sally's butt had previously been. When she saw the small, slimy puddle she'd left, she hastily scooted over to try and obscure it beneath her; Her face terrified at the idea that more people had possibly seen it.

"Now, I have one final device I am pleased to show off before the end of the class period!" Irving nodded his head in excitement. "Unlike the others, this one has been fully restored to it's original working condition - so we're blessed to be able to see it in action today."

The teacher uncovered the pillory, a wooden T-shape with three holes along the top plank and a small metal lock on the far side. The base was wide and made of a denser wood than the rest, but the scariest part of the sight was the pattern of stains; It looked as though something had caused discoloration in the wood just below the openings for the victim's head.

"Now!" The professor addressed the class, though his attention was still drawn to Sally. "Can I get somebody to volunteer for this final demonstration?"

All eyes that weren't already on Sally turned to her, the girl's hands clutching her chest even tighter as she tried to curl up into a ball to disappear, her knees pressed together. She knew what everybody was expecting, but this was too far.

"Professor Irving... I... I can't..." Sally whimpered.

"I see..." Irving frowned. "Well, how about somebody else? How about you?"

He looked at Dolly, as did everybody else. The girl's eyes widened as she slunk down in her chair, much in the same way Sally had done earlier. She shook her head in a few quick bursts of movement, much to the disappointment of some of the students.

"That's upsetting." Irving shook his head, as well. "Although now that I look closely, I believe that your outfit is in violation of dress code."

Irving stepped forwards, passing by the naked Sally as he got close to the panicking Dolores. He stopped next to her and pointed down at the girl's ankle-length skirt.

"As I suspected." He laughed. "This is far too flamboyant for a school such as ours. I'm afraid I will have to ask you to go to the dean's office for this offense. This isn't the first time you've violated the rules in this way if my-"

"I'll do it!" Sally interrupted.

"I beg your pardon?" The teacher turned around, as if only noticing the naked girl for the first time.

"I'll volunteer for the... the pillory." Sally pointed to the wooden device.

"Excellent!" Irving stepped away from Dolly, approaching the pillory while beckoning the naked girl over. "if you could just place your neck right here and your wrists to the sides as so."

Sally grabbed either side of the pillory, her legs still trembling a bit from when she was assaulted on the rack. The thought of what she was about to do suddenly became much clearer when she could feel the corners of the wooden beam beneath her palms, but when she looked up at Dolly and remembered the threats that that girl had received, she swallowed her fear and leaned forward.

The professor gently touched her wrists to move them into the correct positions before stepping back. Then, she felt something push her hair into the back of her neck and there was a soft 'click' next to her ear.

And just like that, Sally couldn't move.

Her already exhausted knees didn't help her much, they could barely hold her upright as her legs were spread apart just a bit to keep her low enough to stay inside the device. Sally tried to adjust her position so that she might be able to keep her butt in a less-protruding pose, but only found rough wood pinching her wrists and neck for a while before resigning to the exposed position she was in. Her ass was pointing directly backwards, knees apart as she could feel her heart rate racing - every extremity in her body pounding from her head to her still-red pussy.

Just as bad was the fact that the pillory was holding her head in place, her neck craned forward to face the students who had just earlier been fondling her waiting genitals. She was still flustered from that session, the redness in her face being more than simple embarrassment. Sally desperately wanted to hide her face in her lap or her arms, but trapped like this she was forced to look directly at the taunting eyes of her classmates.

"Now, I would ask that you all remain seated during this next demonstration." Irving held out a hand, seemingly pushing the excitable class back with invisible force. "This is a very valuable antique and I do not want to risk any amount of damage to the device."

The class let out an audible sigh as Sally shut her eyes in relief. The idea of being this exposed to the class as they walked behind her - the naked girl totally powerless to even see where they were looking or what they were doing to her - was far too much to even imagine.

She was able to catch her breath a bit as the teacher walked up and down the aisles of the semi-circle of chairs, Sally's eyes trying to follow his bald head so she didn't accidentally look at one of the lewd expressions of the other students - her humiliation seemingly written on all of their faces. It was still tiring to remain in such an exposed pose like this, but nowhere near as bad as the chevalet had been. She squeezed her thighs together just remembering that.

"Well, I suppose that does it for the lesson." Irving turned back towards Sally, the already short girl struggling to look up at him as her face was at crotch height. "Sally, you're done. Thank you so much for volunteering, this lesson would not have been the same without you."

The class let out some applause, the clapping hands covering various student comments about what they had 'really' enjoyed about the last hour. Sally tried to look away from Irving's crotch as he stood directly in front of her, fiddling with the locks at the side of the pillory.

"That's interesting." The professor said, clicking one of the locks with several sharp motions. "I can't seem to..."

He stepped back, Sally still in her stocks.

"I uh..." Irving looked at his key ring. "I cannot seem to find the correct key to unlock you, Sally."

"You... What?" She gasped.

"Don't worry, now." He smiled. "I recall precisely where I left it. I set the keyring down when I was unloading these from the truck this morning. I would wager they're still on the driver's seat.

"You can just wait right here while I go get them." He turned to face the class. "While I'm gone, the rest of you may read quietly from your textbooks."

The class let out a few stifled laughs and a general word of agreement as Irving walked towards the door. From the looks on their faces, she could already tell that nobody among them intended to stay put while he was gone.

"Professor..." Sally swallowed. "Pro- p- please don't go..."

Her voice was too soft, the latch on the door drowning out the last few words of the sentence. His footsteps hadn't even faded away when several students suddenly jumped from their seats, surrounding Sally before she could do any more but look up at them.

"Wait!" Sally pleaded. "Stop it!"

She tried to twist and struggle against her restraints but only succeeded in making her neck uncomfortable. People started to leave her limited field of view, all gathering around behind her as more students got up to observe the crowd from a greater distance.

Then, she felt the hands.

"Eeep!" Sally shrieked. The only response was laughter.

A rough hand grabbed her ass and began to painfully squeeze the flesh between prodding fingers as more people started to grip other areas of her crotch. Sally squirmed a bit more, but only managed to rub back against the molestations even more. The crowd seemed amused by it more than anything and retaliated by groping harder.

"Please!" She yelled. "Don't do it!"

"I think she wants more!"

"Look how hot she's getting."

"I bet you could get a finger or two in there."

Sally started shaking in her restraints when the groping intensified. She threw her whole weight into the pillory again and again, the wooden device only moving fractions of an inch with each thrust of her whole body. Worse was that after each thrust, she found herself falling back into the chair of hands behind her.

Sally tried to beg them to stop one last time, but the only sound she could make by this point was a frustrated moan.

So many people grabbed at her that she eventually lost all traction, her legs both lifted into the air as the myriad fondling hands all began to go for a piece of her at once. She couldn't kick any more and somebody had even grabbed her face, two fingers digging into her cheeks that forced her mouth open just a bit. Students were shouting suggestions at one another, making obscene gestures and clamoring for a chance to fondle the helpless girl.

And then, there was a noise. A loud noise. The sting came just a few seconds later, the force of the impact only making itself felt after she had had a bit of time to process just how hard she had been spanked. So impactful was the force, in fact, that she could feel herself being lifted further up, her whole body leaning forward as the pillory started to tilt.

Sally worried she was about to land face-first into the floor with no way of stopping the impact, but before it reached that literal tipping point, gravity began to work the other way as she started to fall back down. People had let go of her legs by this point, but she hadn't braced to land upright again, the pillory sliding back further and further until she realized that the world had kept spinning. The sound of breaking wood echoed around her as the last thing holding her up gave way.

There was a loud crashing noise as she could hear several footsteps behind her moving away. And the ceiling was flung across her field of view, too. Had she been able to see the ceiling before? The thought was enough to distract her from the wood yanking at her neck. Her butt thumped against the hard floor as a few more clattering noises echoed around the room, though all Sally could consider at the moment was how nice it felt not to have hands all over her butt.

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