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A Student Body Protest Ch. 03


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Irving slammed the door open, yelling at the other students to move out of the way - a command that they all followed immediately. The students parted to let the professor get up close to the delirious Sally, who was currently sitting cross-legged on the ground, her neck and wrists still inside the broken pillory.

"What in God's name have you done, Sally!" He yelled. "You've broken a priceless artifact!"

Sally tried to defend herself, but her neck still hadn't recovered from when the pillory fell. All she could do was a short choking noise.

"Get out of there, now!" Irving ordered before remembering the locks and hastily fumbling away with the closer one.

He tore open the pillory, Sally falling over backwards until her back collided with the base of the chevalet as her body lounged against the device. Irving stood over the shattered wood as though he were cradling a fallen soldier on a battlefield, looking up and down as he inspected the damage. And then his eyes rested on the naked, tired Sally.

"You!" He pointed at her. "How dare you do this! Do you have any idea how I'm supposed to explain this incident to the historical society this was borrowed from? Why... I have half a mind to get you expelled for this!"

"You're damn right you've got half a mind!" A loud voice echoed out from the corner of the room, nearly knocking Irving onto the floor completely.

Dolly, the meek girl from earlier that class period, was rapidly walking towards Irving - her pace implying that she had no intentions to stop when she got close.

"Dolores?" He pointed at her accusingly. "Did you have something to-"

"Shut your mouth and open your damn eyes!" She slapped his finger away, not caring if it was a violation of any rule. "You're either the stupidest man on the entire planet, or one of the most blatantly evil! You ignore the whole class fondling Sally all day only to suddenly pay attention the moment you hear her break some arbitrary rule? You leave her bound and naked surrounded by these guys, who have ZERO self-control, and expect nothing to go wrong?"

"Well, I don't see why I should be at fault for what the class decides to-"

"SHE'S NAKED!" Dolly screamed. "She's naked because men like you are actively trying to make her life miserable! You ignore when people assault her and hyper-fixate on even the slightest thing she does whether it's wrong or not! Have you even stopped to think why she's going to such extreme measures?"

"Now Dolores," Irving stood up, leaving the shattered wood on the ground. "I don't think-"

"No!" She interrupted him again. "You really don't think! You tortured this girl, Tor-tured! For the entire class period and you have the audacity to wonder why she might try to flinch away from a class full of horndogs! I just- you're all... GAH!"

Dolly threw her hands in the air, kicking at nothing for a bit before spinning around and looking at the now incredulous classroom. Then, she grabbed herself by the shoulders and began to pull her dress down.

It was almost funny to watch a woman so full of rage trying to undress. Her shoulder or elbow or knee would get caught on the fabric and she would kick and shake at it until the dress was no longer caught before beginning to pull it further down.

The dress caught on her shoes, Dolly kicking at it a couple of times until the wrinkled and in-side-out garment was in a pile on the floor, then she grabbed her bra and yanked at it haphazardly until it, too was thrown aside. The whole class watched in terrified silence as Dolly bent over, stepping out of her panties before she spiked them onto the floor, her breasts flopping about aimlessly.

She had a chubby body, a bit of stomach hanging out with no gap between her thighs at all. But the extra weight did great things for her chest, giving it a volume against gravity that drew the attention of all the men in the classroom. Attention Sally was no longer getting until she stood up.

"You!" Dolly pointed to a random man in the front of the mob. "What's your name?"

A few other men stepped back, singling out one of their own as the man meekly pointed at himself. He swallowed and then let out a quiet "Bob."

"Bob!" Dolly stepped towards him. "Grab my breasts!"

Bob held out his hands in two cup shapes in front of his chest, looking around as if the moment were a trap of some sort. After getting ambiguous looks from some of the other men, he deduced that it was and stepped back.

"You!" Dolly pointed at another stranger, repeating the process a few more times until eventually the horny mob had died down almost entirely, the men being too afraid to be called out for their behavior.

"Dolores!" Irving clenched his fists and walked forward. "Get dressed this instant or I'll-"

"Or you'll what?" She challenged him. "Call the office? Expel me? You were planning to do all that no matter what!

"I could have been the most well-behaved, meek, submissive woman in the world and I still would have been treated like garbage! Just look at Sally! She's been nothing but obedient all week and you still hate her!"

Dolly walked over to the door of the classroom, turning around just in front of the frame.

"As of this moment, consider this protest one person larger!" She backed out of the room and into the hallway, shouting more phrases about 'having had enough' and 'no longer standing by'.

The whole ordeal was so absurd, Sally had briefly forgotten she was naked, as did the rest of the class. But once their attention started to drift back to her, she dashed for the door to follow her naked classmate - no - her naked friend.

Class let out not too long afterwards, the hallways filling up behind the two girls as they made their way across the campus, people flooding out of rooms just in time to catch a quick glimpse of Sally's butt before she stepped out into the light, Dolly still a few paces ahead of her. It was still awkward to walk after having spent a few minutes on the wooden horse. With each step she took Sally could still feel the device's presence between her thighs, forcing her to take awkward, uneven paces to not accidentally relive the sensation.

They had found a clearing a bit out of the way of the main pathways to stop, with Sally stopping a few seconds after the other girl. A few bushes here and there provided the only cover for them, just enough that any passing student would have to know to look for them in order to notice the naked duo nearby.

"Oh my God!" Dolly screamed, suddenly feeling self-conscious. "I did not just do that!"

She crouched low to the ground, her knees to her chest as she wrapped her arms around her body for all the good that did her. Sally crouched down next to her friend, wincing a bit as the motion woke up the soreness from before. She thought to place a comforting hand on the other girl's back, but hesitated at the prospect of reminding her of her nudity.

"Are you okay?" Sally asked.

"I- I'm... yeah, but no." Dolly stuttered, trying to catch her voice. "I didn't have a plan at all. I just got naked in front of all of them and walked away!

"My purse and my clothes and everything are still in there! I don't even have a key to get back home!"

"Hey, it's okay." Sally tried her best to be comforting. "The front office should have spares, and also some clothing you can change into."

"The front office?" Dolly looked up, mentally mapping the school's layout in her head. "That's kind of far from here..."

"Don't worry, we don't need to make it all the way there." Sally stood up, looking out at a few people walking by, totally unaware she was there. "I've got plans to meet up with the others in the central courtyard, first."

With Sally's help, Dolly got up to her feet. The slim girl led the way to the edge of the bushes before noticing that the other girl was hesitating.

"I think we should wait." Dolly pulled away. "At least until the crowds are thinner."

"Dolly, we're about to walk naked across campus. I think the difference of a few extra people seeing you is pretty small."

Mustering a bit of extra strength, the two naked women emerged from the bushes and into a thin crowd of shocked onlookers. By this point, their surprise was less about the fact that the women were naked (after all, the rumors of the nude protestors had reached every corner of the campus by now) but the fact that they were alone together in the shrubs.

Sally and Dolly walked against the crowds, most of the men going to the dorms further from campus as the women made their way towards the center of the complex. Some of the guys tried to walk a bit closer, no doubt to try to cop a quick feel, but Sally and Dolly were able to evade some of the less subtle hands and gave angry enough stares that the more reserved of the student body didn't dare to try.

For a short moment, Sally had almost forgotten she was naked. The concrete sidewalks were paved with a much smoother grain here and she was so focused on the 'what' of her attention that she no longer considered the 'why'. But once she saw the other naked bodies coming closer into view, she suddenly remembered that she, too, was naked.

And yet, instead of being terrified, the sight made her feel emboldened. Because there was one body too many among those naked girls. A black-haired girl with a bob-cut and a slim figure currently obscured by nothing more than a black case. In spite of the amount of hair spray holding her cut in place, the mess of pubic hair sticking out from behind her left hand made it clear she was not planning on being seen naked this morning.

"Sally!" Leah was the first to turn around. "You made a friend!"

"Heaaaheuh..." Dolly mumbled, still not used to being casually naked. Leah shook her hand anyway.

"This is Dolores." Sally gestured to the nervous naked girl beside her. "She joined the protest a few minutes ago. And you are?"

"Tiffany." The girl spoke in a flat but quick voice, as though she were hiding her nerves behind an aloof demeanor. Sally stepped forward to shake hands but the other girl only looked at her extended arm with wide eyes, not quite working up the nerve to uncover herself.

The five of them walked the last few minutes across campus, the size of the group enough to deter any men from trying to get close - though the comments they shouted as the protestors walked by were just as frequent as always. Each time Tiffany or Dolores flinched away from a suggestive gesture or lewd word, Sally was reminded of just how used to it she'd become.

As they walked, Dolores was asked to explain how she'd decided to join in on the protest, though Sally was the one who told the story when it was clear Dolly was still too nervous about what she was doing to walk and talk at the same time. Tiffany was more together, quickly speaking a few platitudes about being inspired and angry as she clutched her bag to her chest - apparently what she had inside was too valuable to simply leave behind.

The front office was mostly empty by this time of the evening - most of the students had gone to their homes by now as very few people would ever want to put up with the staff after their obligation to do so was over with. There were only a few boys sitting around when the naked women entered, but Sally noticed they were considerably less bold when the number of women was higher than the number of men.

Leah took the lead to approach the front desk, but before she had the chance to speak, a head poked out of the Dean's office - Eve's.

"You're here." She said, her voice giving a small amount of indication she hadn't expected anybody to show up. "Before you retrieve your belongings, the Dean, er, Mr. Moody wanted to speak with you all."

The girls mumbled amongst themselves for a bit, questions thrown around about what the head of the entire academy might want from them. But these reservations were dismissed when Leah confidently strolled into the adjacent room, Claire following her as the rest of the girls followed afterwards, not wanting to be left alone and naked in the cold waiting room.

They all filed into the spacious office, currently occupied by a majority of the senior staff of Westridge. Sally recognized the head of finances, admissions, housing, and Moody himself, as well as one other man whose name she couldn't recognize, though she was sure his face was familiar. The dean of housing - a rather stocky man - shut the door behind the girls, standing in front of it after doing so.

Sally noticed that that was the only exit.

Four chairs were set up in front of his desk with small towels placed on top of each one, clearly meant for the four women who had started the protest this morning as Moody seemed to be a bit confused when he counted out five naked women in front of him. Leah stepped between two of the chairs and placed her hands on the back of one, sliding it away wordlessly.

She and Moody stared one another down for a few moments as Sally tried to focus more on the silent conversation instead of the men surrounding them. In spite of her best efforts to do so, she found her posture matching that of Dolly and Tiffany's - her arms covering what little they could. The office may have been large, but it felt cramped.

Finally, Moody broke the silence.

"I think this has gone on long enough." His voice was authoritative, words armored in a dismissive scowl. "This 'protest' of yours reflects as poorly on the school as it ought to reflect on you."

"It's not meant to make anybody look good." Leah responded, her tone mirroring the dean's.

"Well it's certainly achieving that goal, then." He inhaled. "Though I cannot help but think that it's not accomplishing much more than that. Whatever you're trying to raise awareness of, I cannot help but theorize it's not garnering the type of attention you had hoped it would."

"We got your attention." Leah said, matter-of-factly. That she could stay so calm while staring down the most powerful man on campus would have been an impressive accomplishment even fully clothed.

"Let's see how long that attitude remains." Moody placed his the tips of his fingers together. "There is still a long way to go and I have no intention of making the road any easier to travel."

"We don't listen to threats." Claire stepped forward, her arms on her hips.

"Perhaps you ought to." He raised an eyebrow. "Perhaps later tonight Mr. Dunham can do a surprise inspection of the women's dormitory. If he were to find mold there, the entire area would need to be evacuated. Don't worry, we could arrange to have your beds moved outdoors.

"Or maybe, the entire campus could have a wonderful educational opportunity arranged, and everybody will be brought on a mandatory field trip across the city?

"Hell, while we're downtown, why not throw a parade for appreciation for our student body. We could even have you young ladies leading the entire event - for the entire winding route. I could call news vans over to have them film you; To place your naked bodies on every television screen in the nation."

"Excellent." Leah smiled. "Call them right now. We want the publicity."

"I could have you all expelled within the hour!" He stood up.

"And if you do that, you'll have to say why." Leah didn't move. "And when you write 'Came to class naked', people will ask why that was, and then we'll get even more attention - from people who may agree with our reasons."

"Your reasons are lurid lies!" He raised his voice. "Attention-seeking degeneracy!"

"That's not for you to decide." Sally stepped forward. As she did so, she felt every eye in the room on her, the men surrounding the group looking down - literally - at her naked body. She swallowed, then let her arms go to her side. "All we're doing is attending classes normally - it's all we can do at this point.

"So you have nobody to blame but yourself!"

Yelling at the dean felt like it was a bad thing to do. But it felt good. Pointing at him felt good, too. Watching him flinch away from her words felt better than all of that combined.

"She's quite right." Claire nodded. "It's up to the public to determine if we are on the side of justice or not."

"Fine then." Moody sat back down. "I'll just have to see to it that no word of this absurdity ever leaves campus. The public won't find out about this, and all your efforts will be completely wasted.

"Now get out of my office." He pointed at the door. "I expect I will see you all again tomorrow; When you come begging for this all to stop."

The stocky man stepped away from the door, staring in disgust at the women as they made their ways outside. Sally tried to leave the room as normally as possible even though her brain was screaming at her to sprint out the door as fast as possible; Her butt muscles contracted against her will. Those final words weighed heavily on her head.

Leah led the way to a row of chairs in the waiting room outside the offices, the last few stragglers waiting around blushing at the sight of four naked women entering and sitting down in a few empty chairs near the office window. Leah stayed standing, waiting next to the office window as Eve wrapped up something she was doing on a typewriter before turning to the leader of the protest.

Before Leah even got the chance to speak, Eve answered the question on everybody's mind.

"I'm sorry," She began. "But the administration told me not to return any of your belongings until the last class of the day has finished. That's not for a few hours, so you'll have to wait here."

"Did they give you a reason as to why?" Leah asked.

"Well, sort of." Eve admitted. "It was something about safety, but, well, not even Moody seemed to believe his own words."

"And you do?" Leah leaned over a bit, her butt sticking out to face the rest of the room as Sally looked on, feeling a bit of secondhand-embarrassment for the girl who clearly seemed to lack such modesty.

"I mean, no..." Eve looked away. "But it doesn't matter, right? If they tell me not to, then I ought to listen, and-"

"Eve!" Claire stood up, walking to the window and pressing her shoulder against Leah's. "Are you truly so afraid of your boss that you would join in on our harassment? Correct me if I'm wrong, but earlier today you mentioned that you yourself understood our cause."

"I do, but-"

"So stand up for yourself!" Leah urged. "All you have to do is give us our keys back a few hours earlier; You know the rules are arbitrary, so why are you tolerating them?"

"I- I don't..." Eve looked over her shoulder, checking to see if she was being listened to. "I don't want to end up like the four of you! Getting singled out and humiliated; I know full well what the administration is capable of doing, hell, I spend every day putting up with their harassment, and that's assuming I'm not called in at night to be their waitress so a bunch of rich drunk guys can pinch my butt and tell me I ought to be grateful for the chance to be ogled!"

"The four of us?" Sally stood up, interrupting her friends before they could say something else. "Oh my god, Amy!"

"Amy?" There was a look of realization on the faces of Leah and Claire.

"Did a red-haired girl come by earlier today looking for the dorm key?" Leah smacked her palms on the desk urgently.

"Yes?" Eve shrank back. "It's hard to remember the sight of a naked girl walking into a crowded room and asking for a room key."

"Am I to assume you did not return it to her on the same grounds you are denying us our possessions?" Claire raised an eyebrow.

"I mean..." Eve swallowed. "I was just following - er - I was only doing what I was told to..."

The realization sank in yet again. Amy couldn't have made it home without her key, and having left so much earlier than the rest of them likely hadn't been able to find another girl to let her into her dorm room. In addition, she hadn't met up with the rest of the group all day, so her whereabouts were unknown.

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