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A Surprise in the Underwear Drawer

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Was she realy cheating or is there another explanation?
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Surprise in the underwear drawer


It was the extra pair of underwear that first had me thinking that something in our relationship had left the highway and was heading for the soft dirt that would derail our trust in each other. It was not the sexy panties in my wife's drawers but the black briefs in mine. I might not be the most observant of husbands or the most aware of the latest fashions but I tend to always buy the same brand and style. Black with absolutely no brand name, if there is a brand I ignore it, I am not a billboard and I have no-one to impress on a first date. My wife and kids do not buy the usual socks and jocks for Christmas, birthdays or Fathers day either. So when I find a pair of black underpants with 'Calvin Klein' on the elastic it got me thinking.

I sat on it for a few days, I had thrown the offending object in the outside bin. They were the same size as mine so that ruled out they being my 12 year old sons. We had no recent overnight visitors and we do not go to the laundromat so they could not have been accidentally dropped in our washing. It was a mystery to me.

I should take a few minutes to introduce myself: I am Peter Jones from Albury NSW Australia. Married to Margerite Jones (nee Smith). We have 2 kids 12 year old Jimmy and 10 year old Nancy. No issues in the relationship that I know about, at least till now. I work at the Albury Airport as a maintenance manager for the aircraft that are based here, both commercial and private planes are serviced by our company. Albury NSW has a sister city across the Murray river known as Wodonga. The Murray is the border between New South Wales (NSW) and Victoria (Vic) so Wodonga is in Vic. Occasionally we are referred to at the Twin Cities of Albury/Wodonga. Margerite works at the local Kmart department store casually a few days a week. There is no need for her to work but she enjoys getting out of the house.


I am so sick of that manager trying to make a pass at me, I wish I had the confidence to go to HR and file a harassment complaint against him but one of the HR ladies is a close friend of his and I am worried about the fallout. It is a relatively small town and there are not that many jobs for someone with my lack of skills. I have been a housewife and mother most of my life. If I could not get out of the house and meet up with the few girl friends I have at work I would be bored stiff. The kids are school all day and there is little to do for me at home.

The one distraction was the surprise arrival of Roy. One day I was sitting at the Botanic Gardens having lunch by myself when he walked up behind me and sat down. He reminded me a little of my Peter except he had a confidence never shown by my husband. I mean I love Peter and he is a great provider and exceptional husband and father. But Roy, well Roy just exuded confidence and charm. He also wore this aftershave that my husband would never wear. He just sat with me that day and told me that I was so sexy and that he wanted to make love to me all day long. How long had it been since Peter had told me that? Roy touched my leg running up towards my thigh before whispering in my ear that we would meet again soon. I just about came from that and I felt my panties soaking. I needed to buy some new ones at work before I could focus on the afternoon shift. I never evened finished my sandwich.


Anyway three days after my unfortunate find I decided to do a little snooping and I found that one of our travel suitcases was not empty. It contained several sets of clothes I was not familiar with, including more of the 'Calvin Klein' undies. WTF? None of the clothes were my style either they appeared to be flashy nightclub clothes and not at all the conservative clothes I wear. I was at a loss on what was happening. I cannot afford a PI and I am not technical enough to do an investigation myself. I cannot even ask my friends to help me, what would they think? I bet they will think I am some kind of wimp or cuck for not being able to satisfy my own wife. Margerite is always home at night and she does not work nights so how would she have time to have an affair? This is going to kill me.


Margerite is such a sweetheart, I bet her husband does not satisfy her emotional or sexual needs. I need to fix that for her. I am looking forward to watching her orgasm on my enormous cock.


Friday; It has been three days since I last saw Roy. I wondered if I imaged the whole thing? Was it some kind of waking dream or possibly a bored housewife's over active imagination.

I sat in the same seat when I smelled the aftershave, I think it was Hugo Boss. I was afraid to turn around and felt the gentle caress on my cheek, that deep commanding voice left me speechless and full of desire for him. I hoped he would tell me to follow him. Instead he said

"Meet me tonight at the Stagecoach Motel, room 5, and wear this." He handed me a brown packet. He disappeared before I could turn around. Again my panties were most.

"What will I tell my husband?"

"You are a smart lady, you will know what to say."

Later that afternoon Peter called me to say he has to stay late at work because one of the planes needed an emergency repair. I wondered why a manager was needed for that but decided not to argue the point. I started to tell him about the late invitation to a girls night out but he said goodbye and hung up. I organised the next door girl to babysit.

I was nervous when I drove to the motel and made sure to park my car so it could not be seen from the street. I did not have to knock as he opened the door and I slinked inside. He took my coat and hung it on the back of the door. A chilled bottle of Champagne was awaiting for us, I normally do not drink much so this is a special treat I wondered if the rest of the night was as unusual as the beginning.

I sipped the bubbly drink as Roy kissed the back of my neck and started to unzip my dress. He exposed the lingerie he handed me earlier, his gasp made it worthwhile and I felt so wanted desired.


My little angel looked like the dream I have been having for the last month, ever since I saw her at the Kmart. I watched her from afar before I gained the courage to approach her.

There she stood before me in next to nothing and my felt my blood pressure rise. My pants constricted my erection and I wanted to take them off but I did not want to let go of the object of my desire. I kissed her neck again and turned her around to face her so I could kiss her lips. She tasted like honey soaked in red wine, soft lips like marshmallows and I was in heaven.

Margerite started to unbutton my shirt and ran her hands through my chest hair. I trembled all over. Her hands moved down towards my belt and I felt her soft hair as she unbuckled and unzipped me. Her soft gentle hands caressed my manhood and I struggled to contain my excitement.


Roy was so masculine and commanding, I felt so safe even though I never had done anything like this before. I knelt before him and nuzzled his penis I licked the head and took it into my mouth. I had never done this for my husband. Why was I doing it now? I was not embarrassed and it excited me more than I expected. Roy's hands roamed across my body and he tweaked my now rock hard nipples. He lifted me up and placed me on the bed before moving his face between my legs, I felt his tongue in my most intimate place. The thin fabric protected me but only for a short time when he removed the panties. His tongue now encountered my clit directly and I orgasmed like I had never done before with my husband. I called my lovers name in high passion.


She called me Peter, why did she call me Peter? I stopped my attack on her private area. I decided to step up my game by rolling her over and using my phallus to penetrate her. She came again and again, I whispered

"What's my name?"

Her response was immediate

"Roy, Roy, Fuck me Roy, Fuck me hard." I acquiesced, I acquiesced hard.

I came and then we fell down together on the bed.

We repeated the love again.


I watched her leave to go home. I would miss her but I knew we would meet again.


All the technicians had left before I could leave the airport. The paperwork was a nightmare. I needed to justify all the overtime. I when I came home Margerite was already asleep she had a smile on her face. It made me smile when I laid down beside her and held her close.

The next morning I wanted to make love but my loving wife resisted my advances. I must say this increased my suspicion and I resolved to increase my investigations into her behaviour.

I started by looking at her finances. There had been no unusual purchases or withdrawals. I waited for her to put her phone on charge to see if there had been unusual text of calls. I have no technical skills to install any software to trace her.

One of the few skills I did have was to use internet searches so I Googled 'How to track a cheating wife'. One of the results was 8 best GPS apps for tracking your spouse. As before, I would not know how to install an app without her knowing and becoming suspicious. It was then I remembered that Google Maps tracks history. Now I had to wait to get access to her phone again, that was going to be hard as I had no reason to get to it.


I felt bad to deny Peter love this morning. I was still turned on and sore from last night. I both wondered when I would see Roy again and re-dedicating myself to my family. The weekend was as normal as it could be and as my parents wanted to see our kids I dropped them of for a visit while I went home to spend some intimate time with my husband.

Peter was attentive but distracted.


To be honest it felt like a pity fuck.


I cannot wait to see Margerite again. I intent to meet her during her lunch hour again. Monday, I have to wait until Monday.


Monday I was called into my bosses, Jim, office.

"Peter, you appear distracted lately. Is everything OK?"

I realised that my life was in disarray. I could not stop the tear from my right eye. Quavering I responded,

"I think my wife is having an affair."

"Oh, I'm sorry Peter, not sure what I can say to that. If you need time off, "please keep me updated."

"Thank you boss. I appreciate it."

"Oh and Peter. We are here for you mate."

I walked out a broken man. It broke me to have to admit it. It made it more real somehow. I wasn't ready for that.


I hope Peter will be alright. I am not sure if his absences are all due to his family issues, This was obviously not the best time to bring it up.


Roy's Hugo Boss smell wafted over me. His smooth voice said

"Wednesday lunchtime same place." Another gift. He disappeared again.

Anxiety and excitement bubbled up. Because of the time, I would not need babysitters or make an excuse for work.


I would see my little flower soon.


Had I lost my wife? My Family? I woke up in my car crying. I don't remember going to the car. When I calmed down I went back to my office and completed my report, I just went through the motions.


I left work on Wednesday to meet my lover for what I imaged to be the best sex. I deserve this. Roy made me feel so good, so wanted, so desired.


She is so responsive, so passionate. She makes me feel alive.


I was done, I saw my wife my lover abandon me, she was leaving me. It was an emotional divorce. A prequel to being a single dad. I did not want to be a single dad. I screamed at Margerite. I threw the suitcase at her and demanded who he was, why is she doing this to me?

The neighbour came inside to seem what was happening, and shortly followed by the police and the ambulance. I knew my life was over. I just collapsed and cried. The police and ambulance took me to the hospital. I no longer cared, I did not give a fuck.

The next day the doctor wanted to talk about it.

Do I know what happened? Let discuss the timeline.

I explained my initial finding of the underwear and the suitcase.

The doctor listened and took notes. He explained that I would be in hospital for the next 72 hours under a mental health hold.


Why does the doctor want to talk to me? Is my husband going to be OK? Why did he behave like that?

The doctor explained that he thought Peter had a condition known as 'Dissociative Identity Disorder' or multiple personalities. Peter and Roy are two facets of the same person.

"No", I replied, "He was role playing. I enjoyed it, He enjoyed it."

"Sorry Margerite." He seemed supportive.

I needed to think about this. The doctor spent about 30 minutes discussing how it would affect us. He also explained that Peter would need to see a Psychiatrist to get a proper diagnosis. This will take some time but there is no reason you cannot have a normal relationship and family.


"So Doctor, what does this mean to me? Will you erase my personality?"

"So Roy, Is that right? I am now talking to Roy?"

I indicated that it was.

"I cannot answer that. You and Peter will need to discuss this with your psychiatrist. For what it is worth, I don't think you are a danger to your family or society."

I hated being locked up. I had not done anything wrong. I miss seeing Margerite.


I received a call from Peter's wife, Margerite. She tells me that Peter is in hospital. He might be a while. I told her that we would support him. She did not elaborate on the issue but I perceived it was a mental health issue. Peter had shown some issues at work but I don't think he realised it though. Either way I am glad he is getting the opportunity to get better. We will do our best to ensure there will be a job when he returns but in the meantime I need to keep the business running, customers and employees depend on us.


I found strange undies in my house. It led me down a path I was not ready for. It led me to believe my wife was cheating, I guess she was but she did not know, she thought I was Peter acting as Roy. The good news is now we know the truth we can work with that. I am looking forward to the future.


I am not a medical professional, please do not assume that any of the experiences written here are an indication of real life. Just as those medical shows do not reflect accurate CPR or defibrillation this is only a story. If you have any concerns of your or loved ones showing Mental Health please discuss with your Family Doctor or Emergency Medical staff

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orneryonezorneryonez3 months ago

Peter's a Schizophrenic and so is he!!!

PhoenixLore1981PhoenixLore19818 months ago

Hmm a little warning would have been nice and thanks for saying at the end that it wasn't accurate information cause your right lol I wasn't expecting this type of story it's not my cup of tea

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Please leave a warning next time so I wouldn’t have to waste my time with this shit.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I don't think a mental disorder is an appropriate theme for a porn story. Bad idea.

GuyfromShadesGuyfromShadesover 1 year ago

Brilliant idea, needs better development and smoother flow. Thanks for your writing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Yo, you REALLY rushed the fuck out of this story. Brilliant concept but extremely lackluster execution. It's like looking at a Lamborghini, if that Lamborghini had no body, no windows, no wheels. You can kinda see that it's an expensive luxurious car, but in reality it's just an empty steel frame with barely any substance. In short; too many pov, constant switching between pov is jarring, pacing is all over the place, no characterisation, listless dialogue. A first draft, not a finished story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Hiányzik a végkifejlet,nincs vég! Így sokat levon az értékéből,csak 3 csillagot érdemel!

WhoGivesAShitWhoGivesAShitalmost 2 years ago

Great idea. I think it would be better, if the Peter and Roy characters had more depth. I don’t mean revealing the DID any earlier, but enough detail, maybe over more than a few days, to show the contrast.

That said, having Peter’s boss thinking about absences, put me on alert for a plot twist. You could have omitted the boss’ speculation.

Frankfiredawg06Frankfiredawg06almost 2 years ago

This is a brilliant story idea

Amazing telling

We need more!

fritz51fritz51almost 2 years ago

Great story idea. High marks for that.

I'm not a fan of using multiple people telling the story, especially changing back and forth so rapidly. Also, each character seemed to have a different time line. They all spoke about the past, but a varying amount of time past. Confusing. I would have preferred that the story be told only by the husband. Then, possibly, adding the wife’s input AFTER the truth is revealed.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Well, that was different. It was playing out to be the standard cheating wife story, but the twist is the Roy/Peter angle I didn't see coming. It would have been better if it had been a little longer. A very original story, and I hope that either a part 2 is written, or someone else takes over and gives it a proper other words Finish the Damn Story!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Unexpected twist. Originality counts for something with me, so that was good. So, kudos for the story idea. The writing did not seem to flow, seemed jumpy a bit, which is why I couldn't give it a higher rating.

King_MacAulayKing_MacAulayalmost 2 years ago

Maybe not the best written, but having read wayyyyyy too many stories here, big points for originality.

KarnevilKarnevilalmost 2 years ago

Multiple first person narrative rarely works, too stilted and confusing, it often reads like a prepared statement. Much better told from the third person POV, or even the main character in the first person and the rest from the third person. At least in my opinion.

The story itself was refreshingly good. I thought it was heading toward the all too familiar cuckold or BTB but the original twist was completely unexpected. It could benefit from an editor or at least a couple of read throughs. It could also be a little longer, fleshing out the details and working more on the emotions. Otherwise it was well done and different from the usual loving wives offerings. A very good idea but if longer and with better narrative would be excellent. Nevertheless, five stars from me.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

oh i would still divorce the nasty whore,

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Reading it made me feel like i was watching ping pong.... I think it could have been a better story if the reader knew up front about the split personality.

jimjam69jimjam69almost 2 years ago

Was not clever. Was not well written. Was even boring.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Creative! Different! Good job.


eljj546eljj546almost 2 years ago
Can you say

Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs

njlaurennjlaurenalmost 2 years ago

The idea is original, can't say as I ever saw a split personality story like this. I liked that the author did not give away what was going on, we assume this is a typical LW cheating situation (there is a clue, stupid would a guy have to be if screwing some guy's wife, left his underwear in hubby's drawer or clothing in a suitcase like that?). The ending was okay, honestly would have been a better story if we see what happens. I am no psychiatrist, but can Peter and Roy become one person with a bit of both them in it? Can Peter/Roy function with both people in play? It is an interesting story idea, one that is rather unique, in that in a sense the wife has two lovers/husbands.

The downside of it was the physical writing, it was hard for me to read it. The quick back and forth point of view really didn't work, it was dizzying, and the writing itself needed polishing, it was kind of short and lacked depth. It isn't the multiple point of views, that is fine, it is that it just jerks the reader all around like an out of control roller coaster.

26thNC26thNCalmost 2 years ago

That one was difficult to get through. It seemed twice as long as it really was. I’m still not positive that I understand it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Too many flaws in timing and other details. I commend you for trying.

tangledweedtangledweedalmost 2 years ago

While I don't believe this story was completely effective in achieving its goal, it did try to do something slightly different, which is always appreciated in the cliché strewn morass of Loving Wives.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Sorry, too weird for me. 2*s

iammweaseliammweaselalmost 2 years ago

Honestly I liked the premise, should have been more fleshed out in parts.

The structure was horrid though, it was like reading a JimBob story just, thankfully shorter.

Make it a bit smoother to read, that would be a big help.

JustOneMansOpinionJustOneMansOpinionalmost 2 years ago

I was thinking of how the author was getting everyone so confused and I think I stumbled on the reason. The reason was too many voices. The characters all were given their own voice and it was too much. Really the only voices that should have been telling the story, at least for the majority of the story would have been Peter and Roy's. Their mind set; their feelings are the ones that count. Margerite was the subject of Peter and Roy's thoughts, and her voice should have been used as little as possible. Margerite would have certainly known that Peter and Roy were the same person, so she has to stay quiet through most of the story. Peter Jones was first, but did Roy take over? Interesting.

JustOneMansOpinionJustOneMansOpinionalmost 2 years ago

For originality I gave it a 4 out of 5. There was a little too much conversation that gave the absolute impression that Roy and Peter were two people. The impression that Roy was so much bigger than Peter and that was why she was sore from their first get together. I guess what I'm saying is there was too much first-person commentary. I can't tell you how to get around that, but I know others have done it.

FlynnTaggartFlynnTaggartalmost 2 years ago

I think this is an interesting idea, the multiple personalities and the wife thinking it was some sexy play. However I think it didn't work in this case. Leaned to hard into making her seem like she was cheating, the guilt and her attitude screamed "another guy" rather then "husband playing make believe". It was technically another guy but she didn't know that. That said it wasn't bad, though not great as it relied too much on the fake cheating angle, but the abrupt ending knocks it down further.

BrentJWBrentJWalmost 2 years ago

If this was truly only a mental health issue then the writer the readers to much false information.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Lost cause story

Dylan1Dylan1almost 2 years ago

Now that was a weird one. I was not expecting that. Very original story. I liked it 4*.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Confession of a lying bitch that really tricked her husband into believing a load of horseshit.

lukeshortlukeshortalmost 2 years ago

mattenw about 1 hour ago captured my thinking better than I could.

This story feels like a mentally unstable person wrote a mentally chaotic story!

i122i122almost 2 years ago

I was not expecting that turn of events

mattenwmattenwalmost 2 years ago

This story feels like a mentally unstable person wrote a mentally chaotic story!

mattenwmattenwalmost 2 years ago

This story feels like a mentally unstable person wrote a mentally chaotic story!

If you really need help, go to the doc!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Different, I suppose. Interesting implications.

I do perceive it as cheating. I know, others will probably disagree.

Hope Peter can destroy Roy.

As for what to do with the wife...not sure.

FireFox59FireFox59almost 2 years ago

Jumping back and forth between people made the story difficult to follow easily. Whole thing seemed pretty weird to me. The whole Peter/Roy thing just didn't work for me.

lujon2019lujon2019almost 2 years ago

SO how is it peter saw his wife fuck Roy? because before you veered off into mental illness that is what your story suggested

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago


Frank66Frank66almost 2 years ago

Different, very different. I thought it was very amateurish until the twist. There IS a method to the madness. Salvaged a bad story, but it could have been fleshed out a bit more.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Interesting plot line. I didn’t see the twist coming. Some difficulties in the writing and rapid changes in POV were disruptive. Maybe you should ask for a volunteer editor.

GamblnluckGamblnluckalmost 2 years ago

I gave you 4 stars for the plot. The rapid switching was a bit difficult to follow. That part could have been done better. All in all a decent story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Cheated and read the first. I feel like it helped avoid the issues other readers are mentioning.

Pretty fun idea actually. I'd like to see the multiple personalities coordinating to either stop a wife from cheating or getting revenge using the skill sets each personality brings to the table.

lifesbastianlifesbastianalmost 2 years ago

Well that's an interesting take on it

nixroxnixroxalmost 2 years ago

4 stars - I liked the story plot - but the jumping back and forth between characters was annoying.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Too confusing to enjoy.


2 **

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

The idea was good but the style/format was difficult (or at least for me annoying) to follow. But I think I see why you did it that way to avoid giving too much away…

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Interesting idea for a story line, just very confusing and not told very well.

As I understand the story, evaluation in the hospital reveals Peter and 'Roy' are the same person expressed as a mental condition of multiple personalities. One possibility for this story is that Peter, as 'Roy', seduces his wife, Margerite. Margerite enjoys Peter's/Roy's seduction and sex but it's unclear from the story whether what she is doing in her mind is role play by her husband or is a real affair with a man named 'Roy'. Feelings of guilt and refusing sex with Peter in the morning after being with 'Roy' the day before confuses what is real and what is not.

Another possibility for the story is that Roy is real and Margerite is having an affair which Peter finds out about and creates the personality of 'Roy' to fill in the missing facts of his wife's affair. Is Roy and Margerite's affair real or has Peter conjured up a personality to explain Margerite's 'affair' with 'Roy'? The story gives every indication that Roy is a real person to Margerite and is not role playing by Peter.

The unfamiliar underwear could be Peter's multiple personality's attempt to create 'Roy' as a real person. Maybe.

Can someone else give their take on this story?

Impo_64Impo_64almost 2 years ago

He will never leave the psychiatric ward...2*

someoneothersomeoneotheralmost 2 years ago

The constant switching of persons made the story almost unreadable.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

This has me so confused. The fuck

WhackdoodleWhackdoodlealmost 2 years ago

Da’fuq did i just read? I have no idea who is doing what, i don’t even know what is going on and at this point, i’m starting to think the author meeds yo see a ahrink.

Legio_Patria_NostraLegio_Patria_Nostraalmost 2 years ago

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh..... nicely done!! 5/5!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Horrible writing style, horrible story! 1*

Pasqual_ClementePasqual_Clementealmost 2 years ago

A great story idea that had the advantage of it being an original plot. A tale that is far and away different from the usual writings one finds here. There are a plenty of good stories on this site and category, but, often they follow similar story lines. This one is definitely different. This ending I did not see coming. Thank-you for this tale.



AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

always no real ending

other2other1other2other1almost 2 years ago

What in interesting story, the broken perception of the mind.

Really well written!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I think it's a bad choice to use mental illness in a porn story. Just saying. Makes for an uninteresting tale

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