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A Tale of Two Paramours Ch. 10


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I went to the foot of the bed, got up between her legs, and crawled forward even as I rained kisses on her thighs, labia, mons, stomach and breasts. Finally, I was on top of her, my penis at the entrance to her warm pussy. Kissing her soft, luscious lips, I slowly pushed into her, feeling the circling walls of her wetness as I slid in inch by inch.

Jessika moaned and stroked my hair until I was all the way in. Then she moved her hands to my back, where she lightly drug her fingernails across my skin. Shuddering slightly from the feel of her touch, I began to move in and out of her with slow, deliberate strokes.

"This is much better than the hard floor," she teased.

Instead of answering, I kissed her, then pushed myself up with my arms, holding myself above her. She was forced to pull her hands from my back, so instead she ran them up and down my arms, then across my chest as I continued my steady pace. I was determined to keep that pace, too. It was something my ex-wife and I had done regularly - when we still liked each other, that was - and I had intended to try it with Jessika before (with Jessi as well, for that matter), but we had always seemed to give way to more energetic actions.

So, when Jessika began to buck her hips up at me, encouraging me to go faster, I suspected, I shook my head and said, "Just relax, Jessika. I am going to take you nice and steady. I think you will like it."

Jessika did not say anything, but I felt her body relax a little beneath me. Moving my head down, I slowly and tenderly licked and sucked her nipples as I continued to my deliberate thrusting. Soon, Jessika was moaning and wiggling beneath me, but she did refrain from humping her pelvis up at me.

After maybe twenty minutes of this, with me alternating between her lips and her nipples with my kisses, Jessika was moaning nearly nonstop and her breathing had grown ragged. Both of us were covered with a light coating of perspiration, and even in the darkened room could see the beginning of a blush on her cheeks.

We had just finished a deep kiss when Jessika pushed her head back against the bed, arching her neck, as her hands grabbed my upper arms and her legs clamped against my bottom. Her moans were now interspersed with soft squeaks as her muscles tensed. I pushed into her as far as I could and held myself there as I felt spasms around my hard member. Several seconds later, as Jessika's breathing began to return to normal, she smiled up at me.

Speaking our first words to each other in that twenty minute plus span, Jessika whispered, "That was incredible. I could feel it building and building, like it was inevitable. Then when it came, it was an incredible release."

My only answer to my sexy lover was to take up my steady, relentless pace again.

"I am not sure I can do that again," she told me even as she was pushing up against my chest. "Why don't you split my legs wide and fuck me fast and hard?"

I took a hold of her wrists and removed her hands from my chest. I then pushed her arms down so that they were on the bed on either side of her head, and I held them there, my grip tightening on her wrists.

Jessika moaned and wiggled and bucked beneath me, but I held on to her wrists, my grip on them and my weight over her keeping her pinned beneath me even as I locked my eyes on hers. As we stared at each other, the brunette quit thrusting and wiggling, and soon she lay docile underneath me. Pushing myself up again, I supported the weight of my torso on her wrists, holding her immobile as I began increasing my pace.

It took only a few moments before Jessika was panting again, as well as wiggling her hips against mine each time I thrust into her. As I established a quicker rhythm, her moans increased with frequency as well.

"Oh god," she groaned after I started pushing into her with more force.

While I did not approach the hard, driving thrusts I had used when I took her on the kitchen floor earlier, I had picked up sufficient speed and force to make her round breasts shake with each impact of our pelvises. Jessika was now turning her head from side to side and moaning, and I felt more resistance to the weight I was putting on her arms. I pushed down on her wrists harder.

"Shit, she is strong," I thought as I fought to keep her arms pinned.

Suddenly, my lover arched her back and bucked her pelvis up hard. I thought for a moment she was trying to throw me off, but then her body shuddered several times, accompanied by those tell-tale squeaks of hers. I was happy to have made my sexy Jessika climax again, but I began to wonder if it would happen for me. The slow, steady rhythm I had first used, coupled with already having climaxed twice that night, had somewhat desensitized me. I knew at that point that reaching my climax would require either taking her fast and hard or changing position to one that gave me more stimulation.

Releasing my grip on her wrists, I rolled off of Jessika's now sweat covered body, my still hard penis slipping from her as I did so. When I was lying on my back beside her, I reached out, stroked her hair, and suggested she climb on and ride me.

Jessika, who I noticed was now rubbing her wrists, said nothing at first. For the first time, it occurred to me that I might have hurt her wrists. I began to wonder what was wrong with me - just that evening alone, I had spanked her; choked her with my penis; used her on a cold, hard tile floor; slapped her breasts hard enough to leave them red; and now gripped her wrists too tightly or too long or both. As I pondered all that, my erection started to soften.

"Are you okay?" I asked her after Jessika had remained silent several more seconds.

"Yes," she finally answered. "I am just waiting to see if I can go again."

"Are you hurting?" I asked, worried now that I could add injuring her genitals to my list of crimes against her that evening.

"My wrists hurt a little," she admitted, "and I my pussy is feeling a bit sore."

"I am sorry," I told her as I stroked her hair; my erection had now gone away completely.

"What for?" she asked. "It is a good sore - a 'well-fucked' sore."

"But your wrists," I argued. "And your breasts earlier, not to mention the spanking and what happened when you were sucking..."

"My wrists do hurt," she agreed. "And my tits hurt when you slapped them. Oh, and my ass always hurts when you smack it, and I did gag pretty bad, but that was all, well, exciting. It always is when you are forceful with me."

"It feels like I went too far tonight," I countered. "And several times at that."

Jessika pushed herself to a sitting position and looked down at me.

"If you ever go too far, I will let you know," she assured me. "So far, you have not. Of course, I always break rules for you, even my own, so I suspect I would let you go a lot farther than I have ever let anyone else."

"Even when you were a dancer," I asked before I realized how the questions sounded.

"Oh Mark, don't tell me you buy into the stereotype that all topless dancers are whores," she chuckled, but there was a bit of an edge behind that chuckle.

"Um, I do not," I said quickly. "I just thought because it is so sexual..."

"Not for many of the dancers," she interrupted. "At least, not after they have done it a while. When I first started, I was horny quite a bit. But just a few weeks in, I did not even want a man to touch me. I almost never had sex the entire time I did it. I even went nearly a year at one point."

"Oh," I replied, not sure what to say.

"But I will forgive you, since I don't believe you have much experience with strippers, or even ex-strippers, for that matter," she told me.

"I thought the preferred term was 'exotic dancer'," I teased her, before admitting, "And no, I do not have much experience in that area."

Jessika leaned over, kissed me, and then lay back down beside me. She snuggled up close and put her head on my chest.

"By the way," my lover said after a few seconds of silence had passed. "I really like that you did not immediately think that being a masseuse meant I was a whore - I have met more than my share of guys who assume that."

"Well, there was that happy ending," I teased her.

"That's what I mean about breaking all the rules for you, Mark," she explained. "Stuff that I would worry about with other guys seems so natural with you. You know, like literally being a whore for you. I didn't even question it until after I had done it."

"I do not think of you that way," I assured her.

"Oh, I know," she sighed. "That is why it is okay that I did it. You don't think of me as a whore, even when what I did makes me one."

"But you did not do it for money," I argued. "And we had already been intimate."

"Yes, we had," she agreed. "But that doesn't change the fact you paid for a massage and I gave you a blowjob as part of that massage. That is how the spa and the law would look at it."

The same guilt I had been feeling over hurting her throughout the evening increased as we discussed the 'happy ending' incident. Even though Jessika was trying on one hand to assure me it was okay, on the other hand she was pointing out why she thought it had made her a whore.

"Maybe it is not a good thing that you break rules for me," I pointed out.

"Oh yes it is," Jessika immediately responded. "I masturbated twice to that memory when I was at my parents' for the holidays. Just thinking about that is guaranteed to get me very wet."

"But it sounds to me like it makes your feel bad sometimes..." I started to object, but I stopped when my sexy brunette lover, who had turned her body so her face was even with my groin, took my flaccid penis into her mouth and started sucking and licking it. As I felt my erection grow in the wet warmth of Jessika's mouth, I tried to let go of my new doubts - doubts about whether we were still just friends with benefits, and doubts about whether what we were doing, and what she was willing to do for me, were really good for her.

Soon, I was able to lose myself in the pleasure of having my lovely brunette fellatrix devote herself to my now fully aroused penis. As she was turned to the side, she rarely looked up at me, but I soon found that lack of visual stimulus was not all that important considering the incredible physical stimulus from Jessika's talented oral ministrations.

At first, she alternated between sucking on my manhood hard and licking up and down it while I rubbed her back with one hand and ran my fingers through her hair with the other. After a few minutes, Jessika sucked me in as far as she could. She held it there for a few heartbeats, her tongue moving against my hard shaft even as she applied intense suction. Then, with a sudden movement, she pulled her head back up until only the tip was inside her luscious lips.

After a thorough tonguing of the head of my penis, which had me considering nudging her head down a little, Jessika started bobbing up and down on me, sucking hard on my shaft as she went faster and faster. Several times, she pushed her lips down as far as she could and held it until she just started to gag. When she reached that point, she would move back up my erect member, catch her breath, and then start again with the rapid sucking.

As the sexy brunette worship my penis with her wondrous mouth, I felt my hips lifting up off the bed each time she dove down my length. It did not take much time for me to reach my edge, given the intensity of Jessika's performance. And unlike the time before with Jessi, when I had tried to prolong the experience, I made no attempt at making this last - I knew I had no hope of doing so.

Jessika was just pushing her lips down as far as she could when I realized I was about explode. Grabbing her hair, I pulled her head up until only a couple of inches or so of my shaft were in her mouth. Jessika seemed to immediately figure out what was about to happen, because she held her lips where I placed them and sucked softly but insistently.

"Fuck, I am cumming," I growled, thrusting my hips up and making her take another inch into her mouth as I exploded.

After the first couple of spurts, Jessika moved her head back a bit and then skillfully drew the rest of my semen from my now spent penis. When she had everything she was going to get, my incredible lover pulled her lips from around my rapidly softening shaft and kissed the head of it several times before repositioning herself so she was again lying beside me.

Grabbing my neck, she pulled me to her for a kiss, and my tongue pushed into her mouth, tasting the aftermath of my climax. Jessika's tongue pushed against mine, and then slipped into my mouth. We kissed like that for some time, or tongues playing with each other. Then, after a few softer kisses, Jessika lay her head back on my chest and sighed.

"Thank you, Jessika," I managed to breathe along with my own contended sigh. "That was incredible."

"You're welcome," she told me as she nuzzled my chest. "We're still not even from before, but, we are even for tonight. Making me get on my back on that hard floor cost you some points, mister."

I laughed and kissed the curvy brunette's forehead. I was not sure what the future might hold with Jessika, but in that moment it felt quite right, and I was relieved I had not followed through on ending the sexual part of our relationship.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
excellence continues

Excellence continues in this chapter of A Tale of Two Paramours. Plot and romantic love are in exactly the right proportion here, setting the stage for what is to follow, and all superbly told by the author.

trent_treschmantrent_treschmanover 9 years ago
Glad She's Back

While I have enjoyed your work featuring Jessi almost as much, it was good to read about Jessika again and Mark cumming inside of her, which I feel he hasn't done much of with her. Thanks for bringing Jessika back and I am almost as relieved as Mark that he didn't end the sexual side of their relationship. This is top shelf work and I continue to look forward to the next chapter, which is something I can't say about many other series that has 10 chapters.

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