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A Tempting Vacation Ch. 13


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"Now, it should take just a few strokes more I think...." Sue said, her breath becoming more labored despite her best efforts to conceal her excitement. She pulled the razor up from the base of Ron's neck while likewise extending her shapely legs so that her pussy was forced to allow the immense penis its temporary escape from her vice-like grip.

She attempted to concentrate on the path of the razor, but the day's worth of teasing and tempting was making it difficult to concentrate on anything other than the way Ron's slippery cock felt sliding against her engorged labia. As she began the descent of the razor, along with her lower body, Sue could feel her own now oil coated clit being pulled inward by the fat prick until it actually slid along its length, causing her entire body to shiver in response to the direct stimulation.

Ron had been doing his best to maintain his silence and play along with Sue's warped cock-teasing, but, still staring upward, he blurted out to the ceiling "Ahh God yes, please fuck me .......please please fuck me!"

Sue was close to simply dropping the silly pretense of ignorance as to their situation, but the self inflicted restraint was actually turning her on immensely; to literally fuck this bound teenager while acting like they were remaining totally,... well, relatively innocent given the dynamics of the shower. So, committed to play this out, she froze in place, just a few inches from having once again completely impaled herself on Ron's lovely erection.

"Ron!" she exclaimed, while pulling his head forward just enough so he could look her in the eye. "You have been so well behaved up till now, but for you to give in to your base desires and ask me to, well, know...well, I am very disappointed." She spoke in as an authoritarian tone as possible. Sue could read the confusion on his face, but before he could respond, she continued, "I realize this is a very, ah, a very tempting situation we find ourselves in, but I promised your mother I'd treat this as a professional nurse. I hardly think a nurse would do as you just asked, do you?"

"Don't answer that." Sue directed. "Don't say another word. Can you imagine how shocked your mom, or Amy for that matter, would be to hear what you just said to me? I will just finish shaving you as quickly as I can, and you spend that time thinking about how you need to behave."

Amy?........for the first time since taking his first tequila shot of the day, Ron's mind managed to focus on his girl friend and the extent to which he had betrayed her this afternoon. He highly doubted, even after the emergence of her inner nympho on this trip, that she'd be okay with the day's events...but then again, he had been bound for most of the day, and practically raped. What could he have done? Of course, he knew he could have raised enough of a racket, especially during this shower, to have ended the delightful teasing and torture, and more importantly, the betrayal of his commitment to Amy. At least now, he had actually been so brazen that Sue was going to call a halt to this charade, and he'd be set free..........but just as this thought formed in his still drunk and scattered mind, Sue began to move her exquisite body once again.

Sue, pleased with her ability to hopefully shock Ron back on his heels, so to speak, kept his hair steadily griped in her left hand, not allowing him to look down to where his cock was still so snugly encased in her pussy.

She began to lift her body once again, quickly slipping up Ron's cock until only the head remained trapped by her needy cunt. Sue's speech betrayed her degree of excitement, "Let's..... just .....ah.....finish.....this...task....right.....away," With each stroke of the razor along his neck, Sue slowly slid up then down over Ron's swollen cock, its oil coated thickness providing little friction, even as she was stretched wide to accommodate him. She watched his face and knew he couldn't hold out much longer, and quite honestly, neither could she, yet in an effort to extend this once in a lifetime opportunity, Sue forced herself to move even slower.

Beth had been watching intently, her hand a blur as she strummed her clit, stopping only to occasionally slip two fingers down to simulate the fucking Sue was getting as she bobbed on Ron's fat dick. The live seduction/sex show Ron and Sue had unknowingly presented her over the past 30 minutes had been ratcheting Beth's libido higher and higher, until her sole goal was to silently bring herself to the impending powerful orgasm she so desperately needed and deserved. Beth knew she needed to stop them as had been her plan all along, but she also was at the point of needing her own relief from the day's nonstop focus on sex. As she watched Ron's shimmering oil coated cock steadily engulfed yet again by Sue's overstretched cunt, Beth's body began to quiver as the intense orgasm emanated from her core. Her eyes shut tightly as the feelings overtook her, breaking the sight line she'd kept of Ron and Sue since first entering the small closet. She did her best to remain still and quiet as her body seemingly vibrated around her own two fingers as they pistoned within her wanton pussy. Within only a matter of seconds, as her orgasm began to subside, Beth's mind refocused on the situation at hand. Taking a quick peek through the peephole, she realized there was still time to stop them before Ron could cum, and she hurriedly, yet silently slipped from her hiding place.

Ron's body tensed and he clamped down on his tongue to keep from shouting out his approval of Sue's actions, his recent revelation of restraint in honor of his love for Amy once again pushed from his brain by the alcohol, Cialis and the exotic Asian woman that was now basically fucking him, albeit slower than called for by his swollen cock. Although still pretending to be shaving his neck, with each downward stroke, Sue's body would descend agonizingly slowly, then she would squeeze her already overstuffed pussy and slowly rock side to side as she would pull both the razor and her hips upward to their original starting point. Her tortuously slow actions were prolonging Ron's staying ability, but if she would only keep this up for a few more seconds, he would finally be able to cum.

Suddenly, their perverted thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the sliding patio door slamming shut. "Oh shit!" Sue said, somewhat under her breath, and freed herself of Ron's still raging erection, immediately thankful for Beth's return, as she had allowed herself to get lost in the hedonistic pleasure, losing sight of her self-pledge to only sample the drunk teen's cock. She grabbed her bikini and immediately turned the water back on. In a moment of pure demented fun, she moved the handle directly over the 'C', and directed the icy shower precisely at Ron's glistening crotch. "Sorry" she whispered to the tormented young man, "but the cold water will best wash off all the baby oil, and might help with your, um, problem."

Ron felt as if he could scream, both from the denial of yet another much needed orgasm, and from the sheer torture of having the icy water battering across his pulsing prick.

"Hey, sorry I was gone so long." Beth exclaimed as she entered the bathroom. "I guess I walked further this morning than I realized." She noticed the shower water was once again turned on. "Everything go okay while I was gone?"

Sue was just tying the final knot in her bikini as she looked to Ron and turned off the frigid shower. The poor boy looked as if he could cry, his shiny cock, perhaps a little less erect, still wavering before him. She wanted to apologize for his condition, but she'd kept up her role this far, so she certainly didn't want to start confessing anything at this point.

"Yeah, except I couldn't find the key, you know, to un-cuff Ron. But, we made due okay. I even gave him a nice thorough shave."

"Oh, I am sorry, I thought I left them here on the counter..........oh, here it is, I guess it slid behind the hair dryer." Beth answered as she thrust her hand around the curtain to hand over the key. "Wow, a shave. I guess you enjoyed that, huh Ron?"

As he prepared to answer, Sue knelt down to free his wrists. She was tempted to once again press unnecessarily into his tormented cock, but decided the risk was too great with Beth standing only a few feet away, besides she'd already pushed things much farther than she should have, yet with her pussy still pulsing and longing for his enormous prick, her predictable regret would have to come later.

Ron realized that Sue was not going to offer him any relief, and managed to croak out a one word answer to Beth's question, "Yeah".

Both women took note of the frustration in his voice and each, independently, wanted desperately to keep on with the devious teasing Sue had begun. Beth had been truly impressed, for it was not often she ran across another woman with the combination of such a sexy body and more importantly the demented mind, to be an unyielding cock-tease. However, she knew their time was short, plus she didn't think a still inebriated Ron would be able to keep up the whole mother -- son dynamic given what he'd just endured and the resulting condition of his cock.

Ron couldn't believe this had happened to him again. He was left with a raging hard-on for the umpteenth time on this trip. He didn't know how Beth had done it, but he just knew it was no mere accident. His initial reaction, after agreeing that he could handle getting out of the shower and dried off by himself, was to join the women in the other room, wearing only a towel, and see if they might continue, however, after standing for the first time in the past ½ hour, his head began to spin and his stomach felt a little queasy. To his amazement, his aching cock was actually forgotten as getting horizontal on the bed became his primary goal.

Sue and Beth stepped from the bathroom and into the kitchen area, each doing their best to behave as if the past 30 minutes never happened. Within 5 minutes Ron managed to dry himself off before emerging to drop onto the bed, wearing only a bath towel that did very little to conceal the still substantial bulge between his legs. Almost at once, he fell into a deep, alcohol induced slumber.

After minimal discussion, none of which acknowledged Ron's nearly nude form, just barely covered by the still misshapen white towel, both women agreed he was in no condition to go back with them to the ship for dinner. They agreed he was probably going to sleep till morning and would be fine until Beth and Pam returned in a few hours.

Beth took a super quick shower, primarily to make sure Sue didn't have time to wake Ron for another session, draped a sleek, yet relatively modest, for her at least, evening gown over her nude body, and gave way to Sue so she could use the bathroom mirror for her makeup. Passing the bed, she noticed Ron's erection had finally seemed to at least partially subside, yet still presented a noticeably thick lump beneath his towel. Just as Beth stepped onto the patio to get some air and reflect the day's events, she noticed her new acquaintance from the boutique, Lil, sitting by the pool, reading a magazine. At that moment, she came up with a idea to both ease her mind about leaving Ron, and perhaps have a little fun at the same time.

"Hi, Lil." Beth said warmly.

"Oh, hi Beth. Enjoying your day?" Lil asked, while taking note of her incredible figure; no wonder her husband was so smitten back at the boutique. "Don't you look nice, heading out somewhere good for dinner?"

"As a matter of fact, we are going back to the port to dine on one of the cruise ships, at the Captain's table actually, and you?"

"Wow, sounds like fun, we are just going to eat here at the bar, so Mike can watch the Tar Heels play, you know, March Madness and all." Lil said, obviously less than enthused with their plans to hang out in a bar half the night. If the deacons back at the church ever knew, well, she just didn't want to even think about that.

"So, you will be here, on the property this evening?" Beth asked.

"That appears to be the plan, why do you ask?"

"Well, this is a little embarrassing, but, you remember my son, Ron?" Beth paused, looking for any tell tale response from Lil.

"Ah, sure, seemed like a nice boy." Lil answered, even as she felt her face grow flush as the image of Ron masturbating in the changing room flashed through her brain.

"Well, he is a good kid, but you know teenagers, sometimes they just make bad decisions. He made some friends on the beach today, and it seems they got a hold of some alcohol, and next thing I know, I've got a drunk kid on my hands."

"Oh my," Lil replied, her Baptist view on such debauchery plainly evident.

"I know.......but well, I am sure he is going to be fine. He is already out cold, but I have been struggling with whether or not to leave him here sleeping and go meet my friends at the Captain's table for dinner. But now I run into you, and you are going to be around for the next few hours, so I, .....oh never mind, I couldn't impose."

Lil's southern hospitality took over her mouth even before her brain really processed the situation. "Don't be silly. What do you need me to do? Do you want me to check in on him in a bit, make sure everything is okay?"

"Would you mind? Really? I would be so thankful, and it would give me such ease of mind to know another mom was looking in on Ron. We should be back around 11, so if you could just check on him a couple of times while we're that asking too much?"

"Not at all, just give me your key card and I'll drop by to make sure he is doing okay." Lil answered.

"Perfect, thank you so much. That is our room right there. Here is my key to the front door, and I am sorry, but I really have to get going. I'll catch up with you tomorrow to get my key back. Thanks again." Beth said before returning to the room.

Back in the room, Beth grabbed her camcorder, put a new 8MM tape in that would run for 4 hours. She hid it beneath some clothes on the dresser, confirmed the entire bed was in the frame, pressed play then went to hurry Sue along so they could get to dinner on time.

After checking on Ron's breathing, and being satisfied that he remained in a deep sleep, Sue and Beth left his towel clad body sprawled across the bed and went to the condo office to catch a cab.


Courtney was staring at the vending machine, trying to decide between pretzels, less likely to end up on her hips, or the Heath Bar, which is what she was really craving. Just as she was about to cave to her more sinful craving, she heard voices approaching down the sidewalk. When she heard Ron's name, she stepped closer to the doorway, kept out of sight, and listened more intently.

".....sure Ron will be fine. Besides, you'll only be gone 3 hours or so, he is so drunk, I doubt he'll even wake up before you and Pam get back to the room."

"I know, you're right, I just can't believe I let him get so smashed. Ron has always been a good kid, but I guess vacations just provide too many temptations sometimes, know what I mean?" Beth said, not even noticing Sue's flushed, somewhat regretful expression in reaction to her 'tempting vacation' reference, for she was preoccupied with the thought of how Lil might handle her own temptation of being alone with the near naked Ron, and the video that would capture it all.

As soon as the women passed, Courtney hurried back to her room, the decadent Heath Bar long forgotten. She couldn't wait to let Shannon know that Ron was going to be alone in his room for the next few hours. All they had to do was find a way to get to him.

To be continued...

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EasterbilbyEasterbilbyover 1 year ago

This is by far my favourite series on Literotica. I love every chapter and re-read it on a regular basis. You should release it as a book somewhere for sale!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

You really need to bring Sue back. She was your hottest character

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Where is chapter 12?

Goes from Chapter 11 to 13, but no 12. They only thing you get is a preview in 11

Is good but missing 12 spoils it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Bring back sue

You need to bring back sue. This is the only chapter that I read over and over again. You're a great writer, but some of us are not into the incestuous genre - but love the gorgeous aspect. Just my thoughts..

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Just... Just class.

On Cialis vs a ridiculously sexy woman:

Of course, given the nonstop stimulation he'd endured throughout their vacation, Beth's observation would not have passed as a scientific confirmation of the pill's impact.

No shit. Really. No shit.

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