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A Tempting Vacation Ch. 13


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Ron actually managed to focus on Sue's words, noting how they seemed to validate his passive actions to this point, even as he watched his cock turn a darker shade of purple as her hand began to maneuver upward at a snail's pace while easing its grip until she was barely making contact with his tortured manhood. The last thing he wanted was for her to stop 'bathing' him, so rather than even risk saying a word, Ron simply nodded his head in agreement.

"Good, I really appreciate your mature behavior with all this. I do have one trick that might make this less, ah, trying for you. I've learned over the years is that sometimes it is best to carry on a conversation during the bath, as sort of a distraction from, well, you know. Do you have anything you want to talk about?" Sue asked, her hand stopping about half way up his shaft to begin it same slow decent back to his pubic hair. She was having to stifle a laugh at the utterly baffled look on Ron's face.

"Um..., n-n-not r-really." was the best he could muster, his arousal evident even in his halting, two word response.

"Okay, no problem. Well I guess I could finish telling you about some of the other times I've had to give a sponge bath. You wouldn't even believe how crude and graphic some grown men have been to me over the years. There was this one time, that this construction worker had broken both arms and one leg in a fall. I was assigned to give him a sponge bath, and well, by the time I got up the good leg, to his penis, it was starting to grow pretty fat and stand up from his body." Sue gripped the fully erect cock tighter, pulling it to a 90 degree angle, as if to demonstrate her point.

"He had this great body, totally buff and tan from working outdoors. His abs were rock hard and cut, and I did find him really really sexy." Sue's other hand had found its way to Ron's taut stomach, where she seemingly absentmindedly began to draw little circles around his navel. She pulled both hands free from his body, paused briefly, then looked up to Ron and said, "This was before I met Dave.......obviously." as if that would somehow matter to Ron. His silence spurred her onward with the teasing little story and the nervy idea quickly coming together in her brain.

"So like I said, I think this guy is quite the hottie, and he can't move his arms.....kind of like you right now." The finger twirling on his stomach resumed and her right hand returned to hold his rod steady, tightly squeezing and ever so slightly rotating it in her slippery fist. "But I was still fairly new at my job, and I wasn't about to behave unprofessionally with him. And then, he says something like, 'come on baby, me love you long time if I get a happy ending with this bath.'

"I took a step back, my brain needing a few seconds to comprehend what that racist jerk had just said to me." She continued, releasing Ron's cock and taking her hand from his stomach, as dictated by her tale. "I was so upset, I just left him there, and went out to tell my supervisor. Now, Lisa was my boss, and she had been a nurse for almost 20 years, so nothing really surprised her, but even she got pissed by what this guy had done, so she tells me she knows just how to deal with this creep."

"Is this story helping to keep your mind occupied? Do you want me to continue?" Sue asked, her hands resting on Ron's lap, each no more than a couple of inches from his still pulsing prick.

Ron only nodded, anxious for her to continue with her story and her resumption of the 'washing' of his cock.

"Okay, so Lisa goes into the medical supply room and comes back with a tube of ointment and tells me to go with her back to the construction guy's room, and that we are going to torment the guy for being such a sexist, racist pig, and that I should follow her lead. Back in his room, he was still lying there, completely nude. His penis was still kind of, you know excited, but not really erect, certainly not like yours." She continued, scooting in even closer to Ron's cock, but still not touching it, " I thought Lisa was really going to tell this guy what for, but she starts out all nice and professional, saying 'Sue has asked me to supervise tonight's sponge bath.....she hasn't performed many of these, so I am going to instruct her'.

Sue stretched back to grab the liquid soap, the shower water momentarily shooting past her shoulder and pinging across Ron's crotch. The movement also resulted in her right breast slipping even further past the bottom hem of the purple bikini top until just a sliver of the dark areola came into view. She squirted a dollop of soap onto her fingertips and turned back to resume her position. "Now Lisa was pretty attractive, and we are standing on opposite sides of the bed with the patient laying there between us completely naked. She leans down with her face so near his penis," Sue explained, even as she herself leaned forward, her lips and both hands all poised within inches of Ron's cock, "he could probably feel her breath, and immediately we can see his penis begin to grow longer and thicker. I guess the pervert was thinking he was in a real life story straight from Penthouse Letters. Lisa ignored his obvious physical response, and says 'I see the tiny bumps you noted Sue, but I think this should fix him right up, and she handed me the tube of ointment. I looked at it and realized it was a topical anesthetic."

"Get it Ron? She was going to have me rub it on his penis, all over the top of his member, but especially on this spot right here." Sue explained while tenderly cupping his shaft with her left hand and very lightly rubbing the soap onto the top of his cock, her fingers eventually stroking just at that most sensitive area beneath his blood engorged, mushroom shaped head. The anesthetic was essentially a numbing cream. Pretty devious, huh?"

Ron's breath seemed to catch in his lungs as he watched Sue caress him in her hands, and he momentarily forgot his vow of silence with an answer that conveyed his naivety, "Why did she want him numb?"

Sue smiled at the innocence of the question, "Well, she thought he was a jerk that wanted me to satisfy him, you know, sexually, and if this part of his penis was numb," she said, again running her finger tips across the highly sensitive piece of skin being discussed, "well, he wouldn't be able to, ahem, to achieve the result he wanted during the bath.........kind of a punishment for him being such a jerk. Lisa had been around and knew that with him not being able to use his hands, leaving him, shall we say, all hot and bothered would be the perfect punishment for his earlier comments."

Ron, his arousal now leading his brain to push the conversation along, said, "Oh, I see.......well, uh, what kinds of things did you do to, you know, punish him?"

Sue looked to Ron's eyes, confirming his hopeful desire for her to play along with his obviously leading question. She quickly decided this was the perfect set up for her to further her teasing fun, and still maintain a degree of detachment from Ron and his still rock hard cock.

"Well, first, I am glad recounting some of my early nursing trials and tribulations has seemed to redirect your thoughts to our conversation, and away from the mechanics of your bath.......see, I am smarter than I look, huh? You didn't even realize that I had so thoroughly washed the most likely spot for infection, right here, while I was telling you that story, did you?" Sue said, carrying on with her lies about infection as she once again rubbed the soap and precum slickened concentration of nerves just below his slit.

Before Ron was forced to respond, Sue continued, "I remember Lisa was totally professional, no matter what this guy said or what noises he made, she just kept instructing me in a very clinical manner. That alone probably was frustrating for him. So, she tells me to make sure the 'ointment' is fully covering the top 1/3 or so of his penis. I squirted some more into my gloved hands and rubbed it very softly all over him, like this." Sue demonstrated as her right hand roamed up and over and back again, all around the top of Ron's cock. This time she avoided over stimulating him, concentrating most of her efforts on the top and sides of his penis.

I remember very distinctly how he began to whimper almost immediately, and I could tell...." Sue's tale was interrupted by Ron's own barely stifled moan in response to her ever roaming hand. She grinned to herself and said, "Very good Ron, that is almost exactly how he sounded. I am glad you are helping me with the story, this will help me remember how it went."

"So anyway, he is moaning, kind of like you just pretended to moan, but Lisa ignores him completely, telling me that I must apply a little more pressure, to make sure the medication is fully absorbed on the portion of skin exhibiting the tiny bumps. Of course, there are not really any tiny bumps, but all that means is that we can pretend to treat any part of his penis we want. Before long, Lisa has me running both hands up and down his manhood, squeezing nice and firm, but moving excruciatingly slowly." Sue then stacked her left hand on top of her right, both now wrapped firmly around Ron's shaft. As she begins to mimic the snail like ascent up his girth, Ron utters another, near pitiful groan.

"Very good, did you know he was still making those noises? So he keeps moaning and begging, and I just keep moving up and down, with my hands moving higher and higher with each pass. Of course, the higher I get, the less he feels, cause that is where I put the most topical anesthetic." Her hands had moved up and down Ron's cock 4 or 5 times during the course of her tale, but were only now getting close to his money spot.

As Sue's hands finally slid firmly up and over his head, she could see the steady stream of pre-cum frothing from his swollen member. She also took note of how his balls were now pulled snugly to the base of his cock. She was pretty sure one more stroke might push him over the edge. Not wanting to shatter their shared pretense of this being no more than an unintended consequence of their 'professional' sponge bath, accompanied by a 'distracting' conversation, Sue made the decision to back off.

Abruptly releasing him, Sue dropped her hands back to rest on his thighs, took in the sight of his visibly tortured penis. The deep purple color of his cock head, topped of the twitching, blood engorged shaft, still playing peek-a-boo beneath the slowly descending soap suds, all together creating as sexy a sight as Sue had ever seen. She longed to finish him off, knowing that watching him succumb to a mind blowing orgasm as he squirmed against his confines would likely get her off as well. However, she also knew the right thing to do was adhere to her self-imposed, albeit tested boundaries, and move away to let them both ease back from the brink.

"Okay, well, I think, ah... we are finished now.........ah, that wasn't so bad, now, um, was it?" Sue attempted to speak in a normal tone, but the sexual tension was impossible to conceal as her brain did its best to shift away from the lust driven conversation and thoughts still swirling in her head.

As Sue began to rise from her kneeling position between Ron's legs, he realized she really was going to quit. "Ah, but what about the construction didn't finish your story." He prompted, eager to have her resume the tale, and more importantly the first hand demonstration that had been accompanying the story.

Sue stood there in her tiny disheveled bikini, well aware of the image she presented to Ron. Her own body felt ready to burst from the desire to rape Amy's boyfriend. That was so wrong, she knew she mustn't, but the heat and wetness emanating from her pussy was practically demanding some relief. She took another step back toward the shower head, the water now mostly shooting past her head and shoulder, to cascade down Ron's lean body and wash away the suds from his crotch.

"Oh, well, the bath didn't last much longer that night. He did stay 4 days on our floor, and Lisa assigned me to be responsible for bathing him at the beginning and end of my shift, but now that your bath is finished, there is really no need to distract you with the explicit details." Sue said, unable to refrain from painting one last sexy picture for Ron to remember, and finding his crestfallen expression both amusing and pitiful at the same time.

"Let me find the keys and I'll help you get out and resting for a few minutes on the bed until your mom gets back." Sue said as she pulled the shower curtain aside to scan the counter top for a key. Not spying it, she stepped from the shower and looked more closely before giving a quick search in the other room.

Beth watched Ron through the tiny peep hole as his cock bobbed beneath the warm shower. She looked at her watch. It had only been about 10 minutes or so since she had 'left' on her errand to retrieve the very watch she'd just consulted for the time. She could reasonably wait another 15 or 20, if Sue didn't decide to end things now. Beth shifted from one leg to the other, then looked up from Ron's ever present erection to note how the expression on his face seemed to convey the wheels turning in his alcohol hindered brain.

Ron was struggling to come up with a plan B for enticing Sue into a sexual encounter. As he lost himself in the pros and cons of various options, Sue stepped back into the tub, and soon presented him the perfect opportunity to press ahead.

"I can't find the key to the handcuffs. I hate that you have to stay cuffed to the chair like that any longer than necessary, plus I really wanted to get a shower before your mom got back so we could stay on schedule, but...."

Before Sue could continue, Ron interrupted her with his spontaneous Plan B, "Why don't you just go ahead and take your shower anyway?" He decided impulsively to push her to get naked, but still not say anything overtly sexual. She seemed to like tormenting him so far, and what better way to torture him than to keep him bound while she showered naked right in front of him.

Sue paused to consider the nude, bound teenager's suggestion, before answering, "I don't want to get soap on my suit........especially since it is brand n....."

Ron broke in again, "So......, just take your bikini off." He was pretty certain she was as captivated by their unacknowledged teasing game as he was, so he decided to just keep pushing her. If she decided to end things here, then at least he would know he tried to prolong the delicious temptation he was growing to enjoy in some sort of twisted way.

His aggressiveness was a little surprising, but Sue was feeling too horny not to play along, at least a little, "Ha, yeah right, you expect me to basically stand here between your outstretched legs, get naked and take a shower......dream on young man, that would definitely be crossing the nurse-patient boundary line." Sue responded, even as the image of such a shower sent a shiver through her body.

"Well, it only seems fair.......I mean I have been naked and on full display with you. Plus, that bikini isn't really leaving much to the imagination right now anyway." Ron said as his eyes dropped to Sue's amazing body.

Sue joined his gaze, seeing the unmistakable camel toe and the way each breast was escaping to various degrees from the clingy purple material. She adjusted the top, grasping and repositioning each heavy orb a little more than actually necessary. "I guess I see what you mean about the bikini, but it still seems highly inappropriate."

"But, nothing inappropriate will happen, I mean, I can't even move my hands, plus you have already given me a nurse-patient 'sponge bath', and it was completely innocent." Ron decided it was time to really throw the bullcrap around and see if it would stick. He knew this was his last, best chance with Sue. "Besides, we already agreed not to tell Amy, Pam or Dave about you helping me with my bath, just in case they might misinterpret it, and I certainly wouldn't tell them if you decided you needed to take a shower while I was here, you know, given the circumstances that are leaving you, really, no choice."

Sue paused, weighing the consequences to such a bold action. Part of her really wanted to do as Ron suggested, but she was afraid she couldn't' trust herself if they were both nude. She began to shake her head in the negative, but before she could speak, Ron, empowered by his intoxication and motivated by the day's unending teasing, pressed on. "I really don't see the big deal about have been completely professional with me ..........I have been an ideal patient. I am just trying to find a way to help you through this situation and still get back to the ship on time. It would really be just like you said when we started, 'all God's children got skin', right?"

Sue could feel the inferno between her legs ratchet up another level. The thought of stripping off her bikini and lathering her body while Ron stared helplessly was quite a turn on. Still, this was really pushing what sliver of plausible deniability she'd been operating under to the very edge. But really, as long as she didn't have sex with the kid, would taking off her tiny swimsuit be any more twisted than the way she had already allowed herself the perversion of running her soapy hands all over his lanky body and enormous prick.

Beth could vaguely make out the conversation, and was silently urging Sue to do as Ron was suggesting. God, how exciting it would be to be in Sue's position, with a bound prick like Ron's completely at her mercy, to tease and bring to the brink over and over. Beth's fingers were continued to steadily strum her wet pussy, as she silently yearned for the vicarious thrill Sue could unknowingly provide.

"Well......I don't know......I guess it really is kind of unfair that you were subjected to a potentially humiliating experience, yet didn't complain or misbehave in anyway, yet I would refuse to put myself in a far less embarrassing situation. I mean, you certainly won't be bathing me the way I did you, I mean in a clinical, nursely manner." Sue rambled out a justification for doing what she knew was wrong. But God was she horny as she could ever remember being. This day had been one long fantasy-come-to-life, and now she was seriously convincing herself to shower nude while standing between this teenager's outstretched legs.

Ron did his best to conceal the smile threatening to engulf his face. She was really going to do it. Man-o-man, the guys on the team would never believe him when he told them about this trip.

Sue could see the jubilance peeking through Ron's inadequate attempt to remain stoic. She expected nothing less. What man, especially an inexperienced teen, could feel anything but elated at the prospect of her stripping down in front of him.

"Okay, since we both know this is just an innocent as me having to help with your shower, I will take this opportunity to get my shower as well. It is just the necessity of having to stay on schedule for dinner tonight with the captain. I think we both agree that there is really little other alternative here, given the bizarre circumstances we are in, right? "

Ron nodded in agreement even as Sue began to untie the knotted strings between her shoulder blades. Her resulting pose, shoulders back, chest thrust forward, only served to accentuate her disproportionately large breasts and ever erect nipples. She deftly pulled the bow undone, as first one, then the other purple string fell down to her sides. Next, rather than simply pull the freed bikini over her head, she reached up behind her neck to untie that bow as well. She knew the devilish game of peek-a-boo her nipples were playing behind the dangling purple triangles as she moved her arms more than necessary to accomplish her task. Just as she freed the knot, she quickly dropped her right hand to clutch the bikini to her bossom.

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