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A Tempting Vacation Ch. 13


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Beth deliberately stroked her fingers beneath her bikini, watching intently as Sue maneuvered between Ron's legs. God, she wished she could be right there with them, using her manipulative talents to tease them both. She knew, however, there was just no way to plausibly insert herself into this little scenario.......but, she could at least take some solace in the fact that she would eventually be a participant in bringing her twisted fantasies for Pam and Ron to fruition........she just had to be patient and bide her time.

Sue ran her soap covered hands from Ron's foot to just above his knee, then back again, in a deliberately snail like fashion. As she ascended back up his leg once again, she pushed the ever increasing soapy foam to within a few inches of his balls, still sagging heavily and nestled against his muscular thigh. Rather than give any attention to his crotch, Sue rotated her body and carefully squeezed the liquid soap in a line along her other extended leg, over his nearly hairless upper leg, over his knee and down across his shin. The warm water beating down against the back of Sue's head and shoulders splattered randomly onto Ron's body, but only served to disperse the slimy liquid across his skin, rather than wash it away completely. She repeated the tortuously slow washing of his leg, until her hands were once again resting a mere inch from Ron's cum filled scrotum.

Ron, even though highly intoxicated, did his best to focus on Sue, her incredible boobs now seemingly escaping from all sides of her bikini, and her soft hands as she stroked his upper thighs. Having twisted back to face him, her pouty lips were only a few inches from his tortured dick. He wanted to thrust it into her face, hoping she'd give him the blow job he so badly needed, but even his drunken brain could comprehend how badly things might go if he did so. He knew the thing to do was stick to his plan, beat back his lust, play things as innocently as he could manage, and see if Sue might eventually succumb to his cock, like Beth had. Ron found it almost impossible to believe he was really contemplating how his "cock" might be able to seduce the exotic Asian kneeling between his legs. Of course, to think he'd be in the shower, handcuffed to a chair, while someone as sexy as Sue was bathing him was equally hard to fathom. If Beth had not already placed him in two similarly erotic situations, teased him mercilessly, then eventually fucked him silly, he would never have envisioned the possibility of Sue actually behaving in a similar manner. She had obviously been into the whole teasing/exhibitionism thing back at the boutique, so if he just kept up the charade, maybe she just might give in to what he hoped would be her desire for him, or perhaps better said, his cock.

Sue next took the soap dispenser and squirted it liberally from one side of his flat stomach to the other, 'accidentally' trailing a bead of soap across his purplish head as it easily jutted up well past his navel.

She looked to Ron's face for any response, and seeing none, reached both hands around behind his erection to massage the pearl white soap over his taut abs. She slowly slid them ever closer to his lovely cock, now noticeably pulsing and wavering before her face. She was soon unable to wash any closer to his crotch without making contact with the thick shaft.

Pausing to reassess her next move, Sue spoke, "Uh, Ron, I know we decided to treat your, ah, well your response to this situation, as normally as possible, and I will certainly do so, but I did want to warn you that I need to sort of maneuver you a little so I can finish with your stomach. Is that okay with you?"

Ron was doing his best to control himself, and was in the middle of his mantra as Sue spoke.......' ..what...' and failed to comprehend the question.

"Ron? Are you with me? I said I need to, ah, to sort of move you out of the way, is that okay with you?"

"Sure, you're the nurse so you just do whatever you need to do. I'll sit here and be as good a patient as I can."

Sue was glad to see Ron responding once again in such a compliant manner, and responded with a little smile across her lips, "Okay then, let me just get a little more soap and I'll get back to your stomach."

She put a big dollop of soap in her right much in fact that it was beginning to seep between her fingers, which she deliberately caught by cradling her left hand beneath the right. Parting the fingers on her right hand even more, the left was soon coated in the slimy goo.

Ron watched intently as Sue scooched in even closer to his crotch; her lovely breasts occasionally grazing his inner thighs, and her nipples as hard and noticeable as ever. She brought her soap covered right hand back to his upper stomach, resting it there, poised to begin its task. Her left hand was also poised and ready for action, hovering a mere inch or so from his thick shaft.

"Okay now Ron, just remember that what I have to do now is no different than most any nurse would do when bathing a patient in your current state. Are you ready for me to wash the rest of your belly?" Sue spoke as evenly as she could, doing her best to hide the excitement threatening to consume her body. The heat emanating from her pussy was enough to be distracting, but the lustful urges fighting for control of her brain required all her focus. She was resolved that she was about to grasp the cock that had been tempting her all day, but she was also resolved to maintain her actions as non-sexual as possible, so that she could plausibly act offended if Ron said and did anything suggestive. Of course, if he didn't she be quite surprised. Hell, the poor kid had been tormented and teased all day long. Sue chuckled to herself as she suddenly realized she might actually be offended if he didn't make another play to have sex with her.

Her rambling thoughts were interrupted as Ron replied, "Ah, yea, you can go ahead whenever......I guess if every other patient that ever had a sponge bath could deal with it, I can get through this too."

Sue didn't hesitate any longer, and deftly wrapped her left hand around the base of Ron's dick. She immediately took note of her fingers inability to reach completely around the girth, as she stated in a calm tone, "I am just going to move your penis back some so I can reach down to your lower abs and pubic area. You certainly don't want any lingering sand down there now do you?" As she spoke, Sue pulled his shaft back away from his body and toward her suddenly salivating mouth. She slid her right hand down to begin sudsing up Ron's pubic hair, even as her left, soap covered palm, 'accidently' slipped a few inches upward.

"You know," Sue continued, "properly washing a patients genital area is rather important for good hygiene," her right hand gliding back and forth around the perimeter of the shaft, creating a foamy collar of soap. She firmly clutched the granite like rod, yet her slick hand still slid a few inches up and back as she maneuvered it like a joy stick, keeping it away from the cleansing effort of her other hand. After several seconds of working his cock like the stick shift in her old Mustang, Sue ceased the scrubbing of Ron's crotch and let his cock flop back to smack against her stomach. "Oops, sorry about that." Sue said while watching his bouncing dick slowly reach equilibrium and hover above his belly button.

For the first time since she had grasped his cock, Sue looked away from her hands and into Ron's face. He still looked quite drunk, but there was no mistaking the pure lust and desire in his eyes. Smiling inwardly to herself, she decided that if Ron didn't plead with her to fuck or at least suck him at this point, he was primed for just a little more fun.

"You okay? Ready to finish up real quick?"

Ron looked from his throbbing, blood engorged penis, up past Sue's smoking hot boobs, and into her face. God he wanted her to slid his cock up between those perfect tits, but he reminded himself of his plan, answered that he was fine, and began his silent chant.......'One Two Three Four, Show Her...'

Beth watched in equal parts desire, amazement and jealousy. Sue was damn near as devious as she was, and as her fingers brought her closer to her own orgasm, Beth was aching to join her in the tiny shower. Knowing deep down that was not an option, Beth kept her eye to the tiny viewpoint and waited to see what might happen next.

"Well, we're just about all done. I guess you could say I've saved the hard part for last." Sue spoke to Ron, yet barely broke eye contact with his penis. As she finished her last sentence, she glanced up to Ron's face, not really surprised to see that her little play on words had apparently failed to register with the intoxicated teen.

Encouraged, Sue continued on, "I always explain to patients that while they are not used to having someone else wash their genitals, nurses do this sort of thing so much that we don't give it a second thought. 'All God's children got skin' as my first clinical instructor used to say, so what you need to do is realize this is really not a big deal." She finished, her eyes now locked once again on the 'very big deal' object of her intentions.

Ron was doing his best to hide his emotions as Sue evidently prepared to wash his cock and balls. The fact that her efforts so far, which included her soapy manhandling of his penis, didn't count as 'washing his genitals' was an unexpected and exciting revelation to young Ron. He kept telling himself not to say or do anything to screw this up now, and maybe she'd give in and have sex with him the way Beth had. Beth!? Just as Ron began to wonder about Beth's whereabouts, Sue once again called for his attention.

"Ron, are you with me.......focus Ron, I want you to understand what comes next."

His own thoughts now interrupted, he nodded his agreement, again keeping to his plan to keep his mouth shut and not say the wrong thing.

Sue had decided to push the matter some, and justify her behavior as a clinical part of her nursely duties. "Okay, well then, normally I would use a wash cloth and be wearing surgical gloves, but this is a slightly different set of circumstances, so we'll just have to improvise. Since I don't have any gloves, I'll need to use an excessive amount of soap, to insure against infection." Sue was pleased to find the drunken and naïve teenager not questioning her obvious, and even silly, justification for squirting an excessive pool of liquid soap into the palm of her hand. "Again, with a wash cloth, you are assured of properly washing the entire area, but since I'll have to use only my relatively tiny hands, I'll have to take great care to methodically cleanse every square inch, as I wouldn't want any sand or other ocean salt to remain lodged in your genital area. I've seen too many cases of infection due to a young man not knowing the importance of proper genital hygiene, especially after a trip to the beach." Again, total bullshit, but Ron's face conveyed no suspicion of her fabricated reasons to prolong the best part of this 'sponge bath'.

"Any questions?" Sue offered him one last chance to call her out. With no response, she continued, "Then let's begin."

"I'll begin with your scrotum." Sue said in a steady tone, managing to conceal the excitement buzzing throughout her body. She took her soap filled left hand and gently cupped Ron's heavy sac; their size and weight causing the excess soap to squish out from under the egg shaped balls, even as they would roll and slide, dictating that one was always slipping from Sue's undersized palm. She scooted in closer, kneeling as close to Ron and his cock as possible, her ass resting on her own heels. Sue brought her right hand to join the left, now fully able to contain the slippery ball sac, to Sue's surprise, still hanging loosely away from Ron's still fully engaged erection. She held them for a few seconds, then began to very tenderly and purposely run her thumbs back and forth over the smooth skin of the slowly tightening scrotum.

Sue looked up to Ron's face, curious to see his reaction to her gentle 'washing' of his balls. He was staring intently at his crotch and her hands, the tormented and lustful look on his face unmistakable. "You doing okay? I'll be as gentle as possible, and I'll try to be quick, but like I said, thoroughness is essential when it comes to properly bathing a patient's genitalia. So, are you? Doing okay I mean?"

Ron, now fully engaged with his 'innocent patient' demeanor, with somewhat labored breathing, replied , "Ah, sure, I trust you to, ah, I mean, you know more about this than I do."

"My my, aren't you just about the perfect patient," Sue answered, her words conveying the absolute truth as far as she was concerned. A cute, well built, pliable young man with a beautifully luscious penis......and the fact that he was forbidden fruit, due to his connection to Amy and Dave, well that, in a twisted sort of way, made it all a little more naughty and fun.

Her fingers began to work in concert with her ongoing actions, tugging and scraping the underside of his sac as her thumbs explored even closer to the base of his shaft. "Can you scoot out a little bit, so that I can wash your back side?"

Ron did as instructed, and Sue's hands immediately transitioned from his balls to cup the portion of his ass cheeks now exposed beyond the edge of the tiny chair. "Can you lift up just a little so I can reach a little easier?"

Ron managed to brace his bound hands on the edge of the chair and lift his body. Sue leaned in still closer as she extended her arms beneath Ron's body and allowed her hands to fully roam over his muscular ass. The combination of leaning forward, coupled with Ron thrusting his pelvis upward, brought Sue's face within a inch of his thick shaft and purplish head. Her hands were moving with no conscious direction from her brain, caressing and massaging the soap across Ron's sculpted buns, slowly nudging him ever closer to her face. God this was getting incredibly hard to resist, and Sue for a split second envisioned herself licking the water droplets from the impressive penis hovering before her. She knew she had to get a little distance or she would surely succumb to her lustful desires.

Ron was holding his position as best he could, his muscular arms keeping him elevated and ever nearer to the Asian beauty kneeling before him. He watched the way she seemed mesmerized by his dick, and felt her hands seeming to tug him toward her. Ron was growing more confident that his plan of tempting Sue, as he had, albeit unintentionally, done to Beth, was about to, at the least, get him a blowjob. Just when he was certain Sue was going to lean forward that last inch and allow her full lips to make contact with his tormented cock, she abruptly slid her hands free of his ass, and sat back on her heels, pressing her hands against his knees to direct him back down onto the chair.

"Okay, well, we are almost done." Sue said, as much to herself as to Ron. Part of her wanted to enjoy this little game, run her hands over his towering cock for a few minutes, then quit while she could still plausibly deny having behaved in an overtly sexual manner with the drunken teen. But she knew the smoldering lust burning closer and closer to the surface was in danger of pushing her to do more than she should, and she needed to take a break, or risk jeopardizing her future with Dave.

Still, when would she ever be in such a deliciously enticing situation again? Sue kept telling herself that she was a grown woman; a nurse used to dealing with male nudity, and certainly should be able to control her physical urges. Her eyes focused on Ron's cock, the purplish head seeming to throb with every beat of his heart, and her better judgment quickly lost out to the decision to complete the bath she'd promised his mother.

Reaching for the soap, Sue looked back to Ron's face. The combination of lust, anticipation, and nervousness, all somewhat stunted by his drunken condition, was almost funny. She noticed the focus of his attention was at her chest, and looked down to confirm the image she was presenting him. She'd been so consumed with Ron and administering his bath, Sue had forgotten her efforts to intentionally display her boobs to him in the thin, disheveled bikini top. Glancing down, she was pleased to see both nipples remained rock hard and unmistakable as they jutted against the thin cotton suit. In addition, just a hint of areola was peeking from the purple material, now mostly failing to conceal her left breast. Further, her right breast was threatening to slip below the bottom hem, as almost 1/3 of the fleshy globe was presented for Ron's viewing pleasure. Pleased to be able to tease him both visually and physically, Sue did nothing to reposition the bikini, squirted a fistful of soap into her palm, and scooted in closer to Ron's crotch.

Beth watched, her fingers now working at a steady pace across her very wet pussy. This bitch was really good. At first Beth had been ready to quickly slip from the closet and "return" from her trip down the beach to end this shower before Sue raped the boy. But the longer she watched, the more confidence she had with Sue's own self control. Not to mention the pleasure she was getting from seeing Ron once again be taken nearer and nearer to the orgasm for which he must so desperately yearn.

Ron kept willing himself to keep silent. Even in his still drunken condition, he had the presence of mind to keep quiet and let Sue continue, trying as best he could to conceal the fact he was ready to explode from the teasing and tempting to which she was subjecting him.

"Okay then, I just need to finish up by washing your penis. Remember now Ron, I have done this my entire career, so while I realize it might be a little embarrassing, or awkward for you, I want you to understand that you have no reason to be embarrassed......believe me." Sue began, unable to forgo giving Ron, and his lovely penis, a thinly veiled compliment, even as her attention shifted from his face to his cock and back again, practically with each word that crossed her lips. She squeezed her thighs together, relishing in the added stimulation provided to her tingling pussy.

Sue rested her forearms on Ron's thighs, and slowly dropped both hands to the base of Ron's cock, gently wrapping her soap filled fist around the base. As the soapy liquid oozed between her fingers she squeezed more firmly, trying once again to see if her fingertips would touch while encircling the thick shaft. The visual of her red fingernails contrasting with his pinkish skin and still white soap-sudsy balls and pubic hair, was quite en erotic sight for Sue, and the fact that her petite fingers failed to touch by almost an inch sent a jolt directly to her increasingly smoldering cunt.

Sue loosened her grip and began to very lightly rotate her hand around his steel like rod, even as she began to speak, "Now then, I am not so naïve to your situation as to not recognize how, ahem, well, potentially stimulating this might be for you. You have behaved as a perfect patient, and believe me, not all of my patients over the years have refrained from saying some very suggestive things to me." She looked up to gage Ron's response, and was pleased to see his gaze far less lust crazed than she would have expected given the situation. "I mean, given the dynamics here of me being involved with your girlfriend's dad, and the fact that your mother trusted me as a professional nurse to take proper care of you, and not to even mention your age.......I mean all those things make it vital that you have not acted like some of my other, more aggressive patients. Cause if you had, well, I'd have had to bring this shower to an end right away, as I am sure you understand and agree, right?"

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