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A Tight Fit

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Three's a crowd on a camping holiday.
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"Ice cream? Snack?"

"No thanks, I'm good!" said Jodie as she dried her hair and dropped the towel into the beach bag.

"OK babe. You don't mind if I get a milkshake?"

"Of course not."

Aidan smiled at her, then she noticed his eyes drop to her tits, enticingly cupped in her new orange bikini, and then back up to her face again. She could see his brain stall momentarily with desire, then he said "Love you!" and headed up towards the ice cream shack.

Jodie watched him lumber up the beach, six foot two and thirty-four but still just a big kid, to stand in line amongst the kids and dads. He was handsome, she knew, and sometimes funny, and very into her, so really she was lucky. The problem was sometimes he was actualy too into her, and it was verging on the needy. Always needing to be next to her. And when he was next to her always needing to touch her. And when he was touching her always needing to fuck her. Jodie often thought that if it weren't for other needs like work or food or sleep all he would ever want to do is slide his cock into her all day and all night. Aidan's enthusiasm was fine in its way, and it wasn't every woman who had access to a thick eight-inch cock whenever she felt the urge, but sometimes Jodie wanted a bit less convenience and a bit more variety than she got from having to confine herself to the attentions of her devoted fiancé.

She stood up and took a stroll down the beach, away from the crowds clustered on the stretch of sand by the car park. As the chatter of young families was replaced by the rhythm of the waves she relaxed. The light breeze dried the salt water from her swim-suit, and the sunlight on her skin filled her body with a warm glow.

She was pleased with the effect her bikini had on Aidan. That was why she chose it of course - the top just tight enough to not-quite spill out of, the bottoms clinging to the curve of her buttocks and held in place by two ridiculous bows, one on each hip. "I suppose that's for if you needed to take them off in a hurry and you couldn't slide them down your legs because your feet were on fire or something?" Aidan had said.

As she neared the dunes a young man with a smooth chest and a fringe of blond hair got out of the sea and walked up the beach towards her, water dripping from his torso, like he was in an advert for aftershave. She stopped, swaying her body gently, shifting her weight to jut one hip out, which pulled the wet fabric of her swim suit taught across her crotch, to see if the bikini might catch his eye too, and she was pleased to feel his gaze moving up her body, legs to hips to tits to face. He grinned at her and she smiled back, and then.... Well, nothing. After all, what did she think was going to happen? As he trudged back up the beach she wondered what it would be like call him back, then disappear into the dunes and wait for him to follow, kiss him, slip her tongue into his mouth, then kneel in front of him and enjoy his happy astonishment as she sucked him until spurts of sticky cum filled her mouth. A few years ago she might even have tried it. What was stopping her now?

She knew what was stopping her of course. She was thirty with a job and a mortgage and a wedding to plan and that was how her life worked now. She sighed and turned. The young man was already some way off. Oh well. She'd go and find Aidan, and when they got back to the tent she'd make good use of his ever-stiff cock and maybe that feeling of restless horniness in her crotch would recede for a day or two. She certainly hoped it would. She couldn't spend the rest of their camping trip craving other guys' cocks, let alone their future life together. But maybe once you're married you don't feel like that, she thought.

When she got back Aidan was already sat on the beach towel holding a pink cardboard cup with a brightly coloured straw sticking out the top.

"Want a gulp babe?" he asked. "It's vanilla."

Jodie rolled her eyes. Of course she didn't want a gulp of milkshake. She was a grown-up. "Can we go?" she said, "I want to get back to the tent and take off my wet things and have a lie down..."

The suggestion of Jodie naked and lying down spurred Aidan into action immediately, as she knew it would. "Sure, of course. I'll pack up. I can drink this as we go," he said. He got to his feet and began stuffing towels, books and sun cream into the bag. Jodie let her eyes wander off down the beach. The young man with the blond hair was chatting to his friends and towelling himself off. She parted her lips a little and pretended to herself she was opening her mouth to take in the hot smooth head of his cock. "So! Much! Fun!" she thought. She squeezed her thighs together as a warm jolt of anticipation moistened her cunt. A session of early evening fucking was definitely required.

"Right, let's go!" said Aidan, beach bag over his shoulder, milkshake in hand.

The camp site was just a short walk through the woods at the far end of the beach where a path swung away from the sand and up a gentle slope into the trees. Aidan walked close behind Jodie along the winding track and she knew without looking that he was staring at her ass, because that was what he always stared at when he was behind her. He was kind of obsessed with her ass. She liked the thought of him lumbering along weighed down with the bag and his stupid milkshake with the added inconvenience of a hot and bothered cock tangling itself up in his baggy canvas shorts. Jodie swayed her hips a little as she walked, giving a little motivational ass-wriggle to hurry Aidan along.

The gate to the campsite was a quarter of a mile away on the main road, but the quickest route to their tent, hidden away in a quiet corner of the site, was over a low wall between two clumps of bushes. An old tree-stump gave a convenient step up, and then all Jodie had to do was swing her other leg up onto the top of the wall and lift herself over, taking care not to graze her skin on the rough stone.

She clambered onto the stump and fully aware of the excellent view Aidan was about to get of her bikini-clad crotch and ass she raised her leg high and hooked her ankle on to the top of the wall. She paused for a minute, her legs spread wide, her thigh muscles tight, and after giving Aidan a moment to enjoy the view of her splayed thighs and the thin strip of orange fabric barely hiding her pussy she levered herself up. And that was when her foot slipped on a loose rock and she slid back down again, landing awkwardly against the tree stump. Aidan leaped forward and took her arm.

"You OK babe? Do you need a hand?"

"I'm fine."

He let go of her arm, but stayed next to her, just behind her. Now he'd touched her warm skin he needed more. She felt his breath on the back of her neck, and the heat of his body, and she knew his stupid fat cock would be straining against the fabric of his shorts. Yes, she thought, his stupid, fat, thick, hot, big cock. Jodie's cunt gave a little hungry twitch. "Oh!" she said. A little, lustful whimper.

Aidan placed the milkshake carefully on the top of the wall and dropped the beach bag. Birds sang. Trees swayed in the warm breeze. The hard bulge in Aidan's shorts nudged against Jodie's ass.

"You're very..." she murmured.

"I really want to..." he murmured back, and the two of them were suddenly too full of lust to manage to speak in sentences.

"Yup." she said.

And then his mouth was on her neck, kissing her, inhaling her almost, and his body pressed up against her back and his arms wrapped around her, one hand on each breast, the left hand hot, the right weirdly cold from holding the milkshake, then his fingers slid down to her hips and then round to cup her bum, back up to her waist, her tits again, then back down to her hips, caressing, stroking, fondling every inch of her, and all the while Jodie felt his warmth and strength and the urgent bump of his very hard cock against her ass.

She turned her mouth towards him and they kissed over her shoulder, then Jodie leaned forwards to steady herself on the tree stump and nestled her ass back into Aidan's groin where she could feel the rigid bar of flesh behind the fabric of his shorts.

"Oh babe. You are amazing," he gasped. Jodie bent forwards, her bum thrust out invitingly, and looked back over her shoulder at him.

"So what are you going to do about it?" she asked.

Aidan fumbled for the bows on her bikini bottoms. Left side, right side, then the thin strip of orange fabric fell away and Aidan saw his fiancée's perfect ass exposed in the warm summer air. Her light brown skin, the round, yielding curves and the beautiful cleft where her buttocks met, and then beneath them the haven of her gorgeous cunt. "Fuck!" he said.

Jodie couldn't decide if this was an expression of admiration or a plan of action. She closed her eyes and after an agonising few seconds of offering her naked cunt to the open air she felt her lover kneel behind her and his mouth kiss her left buttock then her right, then his gentle but urgent kisses traced a path down until they reached the coral pink of her cunt. Warm, soft, lip to lip Aidan kissed her labia, then French kissed them, his tongue sliding over the moist and sensitive skin, probing in between the yielding lips. Jodie eased backed onto her lover's mouth, surrendering her cunt to the tongue fuck with a happy sigh. Aidan savoured her wetness, her taste of honey, musk, and the fresh salt of the sea. Slippery, golden, incredible. His tongue darted back and forth inside her, a humming bird probing an orchid.

Then his probing tongue snaked down to the pretty pink swelling of her clit. "Aaaaah" she breathed, spreading her legs a little wider and nudging her eager crotch even further back towards the warm wet ministrations of his mouth. Credit where it was due, Aidan was excellent at oral, thought Jodie. She craved his cock now. But first she was going to savour his passionate pussy licking, like an oh-so-sophisticated starter before a hearty main meal. When it came to sex Jodie was enough of a gourmet to know that no matter how much she craved a hot and satisfying entrée there was always something to be said for starting with an amuse bouche...

She rested her head on her arms across the tree-stump and bent forward with her legs parted, her pussy totally available to Aidan's mouth. He slurped away, and she basked in the sensation as her thoughts swirled in a lust filled haze. That was when she became aware of the sound of an argument on the far side of the wall.

"Idiot! Tu n'arrives même pas à monter une tente!" an angry female voice echoed over the wall.

"Mais Claire, c'est toi qui as oublié le maillet!"

Jodie spoke enough French to know some poor couple had arrived without the mallet to hammer in their tent pegs. But she didn't understand the string of insults the woman let fly when her boyfriend suggested it was maybe her fault.

Jodie giggled as she pictured the lad suffering his girlfriend's fury. Probably desperate for the first fuck of their little camping trip, but with nowhere to do it until he'd got the tent up, and now getting a fierce scolding from scary Claire. Clearly not everyone was enjoying getting away from it all. But on the plus side if they were arguing they wouldn't hear the moans when Jodie came hard on her fiancé's big fat cock in about five minutes' time.

Jodie felt a wave of lust for Aidan as she sat back on his mouth and splayed her legs even further. He really was good at this. More tongue on her clit, more of his hot wet lips against the lips of her eager pussy, more of every lewd sensation under the sun. Deep in her crotch Jodie could feel her climax start to build.

"Hang on! Stop for a second!" she panted, because like the sex connoisseur that she was, she did not want to cum with the luxurious probing of his tongue. She wanted the deeper satisfaction that went with the lips of her cunt clamped around Aidan's fat cock, thrusting into her hard while the orgasm thundered through her.

"You OK babe?" Aidan mumbled, barely taking his mouth away from the slippery delights of her quim long enough to utter the words.

"Yup. Yeah. Very!... Only, I need your cock."

"Your wish is my command!" He clambered to his feet, undid his shorts and then struggled to yank the waistband of his briefs down over his huge erection. She laughed at his clumsy absurdity as he stumbled and wrestled while Jodie jutted her bum back towards him, her pussy juice and his saliva glistening on her pouting labia, teasing him with her readiness. This added distraction was no help to Aidan of course as he couldn't turn his eyes away from the beauty of her inviting ass and soaking cunt long but eventually there it was, out in the open, Aidan's long, fat cock. Jodie sighed in warm anticipation.

"Stand behind me" said Jodie, determined to savour every moment of their al fresco fuck-fest. "Just rest it on the cheeks of my bum! I want to feel it before you push it into me."

Aidan got behind Jodie's provocatively jutting ass, and rested the thick length of his cock between her buttocks like a man putting a warm baguette on a couple of honeydew melons. He looked down on his girlfriend. He couldn't believe his luck. Every day he was astonished that this woman was happy for him to fuck her. He loved every inch of her. Her dazzling smile, the shape of her head with her short bob of red hair, the rounded contour of her shoulders, the pert bounce of her pretty tits, her golden skin, the way her waist narrowed slightly then her hips flared out into her finest feature, the amazing, magnificent glory of her bottom.

His fiercely erect cock now lay in the inviting valley between her ass cheeks where the touch of her warm skin made his cock even harder, a rigid bar of lust wedged between the warm yielding hemispheres of her compliant bum. Slowly he edged forwards. The gentle friction of her buttocks held the skin of his cock in place while the shaft pushed forwards and the swollen tip of his dick glistened with precum while his balls nudged softly against Jodie's thoroughly aroused cunt.

He pulled back a little, and the movement of her ass against his shaft felt delicious. Then he rocked his engorged dick forward again, and back and forward, and with each push the voluptuous warm ass cheeks masturbated him with a sweet intensity while his balls slapped gently against Jodie's hot and sopping quim.

"You feel soooo hard, babe" Jodie sighed,

Aidan, staring at the treasure beneath his painfully erect cock, could only manage a lustful grunt.

"So what do you wanna do now?" she asked, eager to hear how much he needed to fuck her.

"Uhhh!" grunted Aidan as once more his dick slid up between her ass cheeks. Now his precum oozed and dripped into the cleft of her ass, and the thick fluid helped the fat bar of dickflesh slide slip back and forth in the valley of her ass. Aidan pulled back further with each thrust, coating Jodie's golden skin with a glistening trail, until a trickle of precum gathered around the tight dimple of her asshole.

Aidan couldn't take his eyes off that pretty asshole. It looked so lewd, so forbidden. "How would it feel?" his cock demanded of him, "How would it feel? How good would it feel to fuck her up the ass?"

"So lover boy, where are you going to put that big fat cock?" she asked, and her cunt already knew what she wanted to hear.

But a plan was forming in Aidan's mind now, or more accurately, a plan was forming in his crotch. He took hold of his aching erection and angled the head down so it nudged against Jodie's asshole and his hot, slippery glans pressed against the tight star of her anus. He could think of nothing more glorious than pushing his rampant erection home through that tight little hole and to lodge deep in Jodie's anal passage. The thought of her perfect ass bumping against his hips while the full length of his cock throbbed deep in her rectum brought him close to cumming on the spot.

Jodie had been loving the feel of hot dick between her buttocks, and even enjoyed the pressure of his swollen slippery glans against her anus. It felt lewd, smutty, fun. But she'd had enough build up now and was impatient to feel the longed-for dick piston in and out of her well-prepared cunt.

"Um... Aidan? Wanna fuck me?"

"Yes babe. Yes! I just... I really really do... I mean, I was really hoping... oh God babe I so much want to fuck... to fuck your ass right now!" There's he'd said it, and his cock gave an involuntary nudge against her sphincter to demonstrate its heart's desire.

This wasn't the first time Aidan had begged for anal, and in a way, it was cute how much he was into her bum. But there was no way she was letting that enormous cock up her ass. It would practically split her. She didn't want to hurt his feelings though. After all if Aidan was sulking he wasn't going to be any use at fucking her now desperately needy cunt. She tried a bit of diplomacy.

"I mean, that would be nice, babe, but you're so big, and we don't even have any lube or anything. Couldn't you just fuck me normally? I'd really like that too... " Jodie leaned forward and jutted her hips out again invitingly, hoping the lure of her warm labia would distract Aidan from her ass, then he could fill her cunt with cum as she orgasmed good and hard like she really needed to.

That was when Aidan had his big idea. He reached forwards to the bright pink cup balanced on the wall and took a swig of the rapidly warming milkshake. Then pausing only to admire the dappled sunlight through the trees as it shimmered on the cheeks of his fiancée's incredible ass, he aimed a trickle of milkshake and saliva from his lips between the splayed cheeks of her ass. The sweet slippery goop splatted onto her golden skin. It trickled down the cleft and oozed over her asshole dripped down into the pink cleft of her cunt. Aidan could tell that the pale viscous fluid was going to be perfect for easing the swollen head of his cock into Jodie's anal passage.

"What the fuck, Aidan! Did you come already?"

"No babe, don't worry, it's milkshake. I thought it could be like lube. See?" And he pushed the bulbous head of his cock against Jodie's cream-spattered asshole.

"Milkshake? Are you kidding? You put milkshake on my bum?" Jodie pulled away. She stood up and tried to inspect the mess of sticky white gunk between the cheeks of her ass and now dripping from her cunt. "What were you thinking?"

Aidan and his cock both bowed their heads in embarrassment. They had badly misjudged this one. What thirty seconds ago had seemed the sexiest thing imaginable, using warm vanilla milkshake as lube to ass-fuck his beautiful Jodie over a tree stump, now in the spotlight of her fury seemed the dumbest thing anyone had ever attempted. A drip of milkshake, saliva and precum fell miserably from the end of his subsiding erection.

"I'm so sorry babe."

"Forget it!" she growled. She picked up her bikini bottoms, and then thought better of putting them back on over her sticky ass and instead put them in the beach bag and wrapped a towel around her waist.

"Help me over the wall. Then I'm going to take a shower. Idiot."

Jodie and Aidan scrambled down into the campsite, and she stomped crossly to their tent. She was going to grab her shampoo and a clean dress and panties and get over to the shower block to wash the milkshake out of her ass crack and the salt and sand out of her hair. Aidan walked behind her, shamefaced and bitterly disappointed in himself, his balls full of sperm with no prospect of release.

His misery was interrupted when a lean, tanned and rather stressed-looking young man called over to him in a language he didn't understand, but reckoned was probably French.

"Sorry!" said Aidan. He expected he'd be saying that word a lot this evening. After a couple of dismal attempts to communicate it became clear the young man spoke no English and as Aidan spoke no French he waved him vaguely towards Jodie who was now emerging from the tent with her washbag in hand and dressed in her bikini top and a beach towel.

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