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A Whore and a Thief


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I was walking towards the parking lot one afternoon. We only had a couple of weeks of school left and I always left early to avoid being seen by parents picking up their kids. Woodman would have the entire summer to decide what to do with me. Hopefully by the time the summer ended he's have made a decision.

I was walking to my car when a limo cut me off. A huge man got out of it. At first I thought it was Ambrose, but after looking at him I knew that it wasn't.

"Hello, Claire," he said. "I know the mechanic left you over what happened with my cousin. Have dinner with me tonight?"

"No thanks, Rudy," I said.

"So I can fuck you, for a million dollars, but you won't have dinner with an old friend otherwise huh?" he asked. "Do you want a check? Or do you want cash like the other whores?"

"Rudy, I wouldn't fuck you for a billion dollars," I said. "The money just isn't worth what it cost me. That money that I never spent a dime of, cost me the most important thing in my life."

For a moment I was afraid, and then I heard it. I was so excited that I forget about Rudy and started looking around. The yellowest car I had ever seen turned the corner and tears ran down my cheeks. The car stopped behind Rudy's limo and Ray got out. He took one look at Rudy and frowned.

Rudy was back in his limo and gone before Ray closed the distance between us. The only thing moving faster than Rudy's limo was me. I launched myself at Ray as if there was no tomorrow. If he had moved as I leaped onto him, I would have gone splat on the concrete of the parking lot. But he didn't, he accepted my hug and that made me cry even more.

"Still, attracting rich guys, huh?" he asked.

"Just before you got here, I turned him down for a million dollars," I said.

"I will never make that mistake again. I would rather live with you and be broke than have money and be without you. I know that you don't want to hear this, Honey, but I love you. I have never loved anyone except you. Ray, please come home. I don't care where you've been or what you did. I just want you to come home and give me another chance."

"Maybe," he said.

"What do I have to do to convince you?" I asked desperately.

"A very ... well I can't really call her wise, but a very in tune woman suggested a way for me to punish you..." he began.

"I'll do it," I said. "I'll do whatever you want."

He just looked at me and smiled. Then he squeezed me. And it happened all over again. I felt those same waves of warmth and love that I thought I would never feel again. I got wet between my legs the way that only Ray made me feel.

"Let's go home and we can talk about it," he said. We drove our cars home. He got there much faster and was waiting for me when I pulled up. I ran to him again and hugged him again. I was so glad that he was back that I was tingling. I wanted to be totally honest with him so I told him about my problem.

"Ray, I may have to quit my job, so if you have any of the money left, we should save it," I said.

"We have all of the money left," he said. "I didn't spend a dime of it."

Then he looked at me. "Why are you going to quit your job?" he asked.

"No one wants the whore to teach their kids," I said. "I'm going to miss being around kids." He got the weirdest look on his face.

"You want to be around kids huh?" he asked. Then he screamed at the top of his lungs. He screamed so loud that it scared me for a second. "Hannah, Tommy, get out here," he screamed. Betty's door opened and two of the cutest kids I had ever seen came out and stood by Ray.

"Ray, you were only gone for seven and a half months," I said. "Whose kids are these?"

"Ours," he said. "It's part of your punishment." We went into the house and I made dinner. After we put the kids to bed, Ray told me the entire story of how he had found the money and everything that had happened since. He had seen the video so he knew what had happened to me and he knew that it would never happen again.

I knew that it would take time for him to trust me again, but I also knew that the love between us would make that not only possible, but probable. Ray didn't hold anything back. I was really jealous when he told me about his sex with Danica. I felt less angry about it when he mentioned calling her Claire sometimes when they did it. Finally he asked me if I would accept the punishment.

"Gladly," I gushed. "Ray you said that was part of the punishment. What's the rest?" He left the room and went to check on the kids.

"Take off your clothes," he said while locking the door. My clothes hit the floor so fast it was like they had never been on. He punished me three times that first night, only stopping when neither of us could move. It was the best night of my life and the beginning of the rest of my life.

It took time. Tommy was my little boy almost immediately but Hannah was a tough nut to crack. She loved Ray, but took her time warming up to me. I cried the first time she called me "Mom." Both of our kids grew up healthy and strong and for a long time, lived in fear that Danica would show up someday and want the kids back, but it never happened.

Hannah eventually became a nurse and Tommy followed in Ray's footsteps as an engineer. Ray and I never had any other secrets from each other and we all lived happily ever after. I thank my lucky stars every day that Ray came back to me. Except for putting the kids through college and giving them a little bit of money to start their lives with Ray and I never touched the money. We donated most of it to local charities so it could do some good. Neither of us really wanted anything to do with that money because it almost ruined our lives together. Money has a way of changing things and that money, had temporarily turned me and Ray into a whore and a thief.

Edited by Barney R

The End

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AceAureliaAceAurelia12 days ago

Wonderful story and now one of my all time favorites!

AnonymousAnonymous24 days ago

I really love happy endings!

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Swing and a miss! I like most of your stories but this guy wimped out big time. Would have been 1 * but gave it 3* out of respect for your writing talent...thanx!


AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

My favorite LW story. Well done sir!

YouamiYouami3 months ago

I have to admit Stangstar this one definitely plucked at my heart strings. Why is it that money-power always fucks things up?

Darudester2023Darudester20236 months ago

Loved this one.... great work.

drbenchpress66drbenchpress666 months ago

I totally thought we were going to get some wild crazy and shit when we were introduced to saranica.. we did but then it was calm the rest of the way lol. I got a bit nervous there. But slightly disappointed. But also glad it didn’t happen. Hmm maybe I’m higher than I thought

KahunabobKahunabob6 months ago

Argh. You know that feeling where on the one hand you want full throttle, scorched earth BTB? And on the other you're just as much of a romantic sap as the writer? Yeah. That's me today. Sigh. In the end it's a variant of the College Princess vs the College Commoner / she's a 10, he's a 6 story we've seen before. Still. with long format stories like this, to me it's almost always about the journey, not the finish line. And Sangstar writes pretty entertaining journeys.

RedRachaelRedRachael7 months ago

Thank you for a very good story. On page 10 I was promising myself that I’d never read another of your stories because he wasn’t getting back with Claire! Thanks for turning it around. Sometimes it really is a very stupid mistake.

mfbridgesmfbridges8 months ago

Really great story. I don't say that for many stories.

TrainerOfBimbosTrainerOfBimbos8 months ago

To all the people "picking sides" here - the title of this story says it all. Neither one of them was particularly good, nor particularly bad. I'd say they hurt each other equally - Claire by selling out her marriage vows for money and Ray by removing the only thing Claire ever loved, himself. Also, for people who feel like Ray's reaction was over the top - it's a matter of perspective. We can see Claire's thoughts, we know that she hated what she did, we know that she felt tremendous guilt over it, we know that she strove to try and make it up to Ray every day of the next ten years, but Ray just learned right THEN that his wife cheated on him for money. He didn't have the luxury of ten years to get over his feelings, but he still managed to do it in 7 months. Cut the guy some slack. Personally I thought that this was a good take on an old plot device and for some reason I really enjoyed it more than some other, more creative, stories by this same author. Go figure. 5/5

Harvey8910Harvey89108 months ago

This was a really great story and I loved it. Five stars, for sure. Claire felt that she had a right to decide whether to have sex with Ambrose because it was her body. That is so true but she failed to comprehend that if she did cheat with Ambrose, Ray had the right to decide if he will ever touch Claire’s body once she cheated. She never cheated on Ray again and she hid her cheating from him for decades but eventually he found out when he discovered the bank account that was set up by Ambrose in her name only with a million dollars in it. He knew that there was only one way she could have amassed that sum of money in a bank account in her name only. So he decided to steal the money in such a way that she was never alerted to the theft. Hence the name of the story, Claire is the whore for fucking Ambrose and Ray is the thief for stealing her money. In the end, they donated most of the money and in a twist of fate, Ray ended up with two kids and Claire agreed to help him raise those kids. They reconciled in the end and made a life for themselves and those children. I loved the story.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Mc was a douche!! Yes she betrayed him and hurt him deeply. But he has no rights to steal the money away, and if that's not enough he never even confronted her or talk about it like a civil old 45 years old. Simply leaving her, then went around sleeping with the other women, revenge sex? Maybe. And then adopting two kids and spitting it in her face knowing she'll never have kids. Yes she made a mistake and betrayed him, but he knows she did it for them seeing the video. He never should have made her suffered that way, and if that's not enough, he even uploaded the video to the whole public, if he said he love's her as much as he did, he never would have publicly humiliated her, he could have simply blurred his wife's in the video. The mc didn't deserve Claire. She should have filed to the police take her money and leave in early retirement leaving a good life with the money, seeing how the author say's she was beautiful she wouldn't have problems finding someone.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

: by regular you mean the once every six to 12 months? She never spent it. Pretty clear author shows she felt guilty about. Never touched it. Her long delays between "regular" checking is what allowed him to steal it. Did she press charges? Did she go to the police? Did she castigated her husband about stealing the money. No she didn't give a sh$t, she wanted her husband back. Period. And she didn't tell her husband because she knew he woukd divorce her. Should ahe be a moral martyr? How about the MC, who sold his moral integrity by stealing her money in stealth for multiple months, living a lie that he still loved her, and planning his exit, which led him to the skank who abandoned her kids. Yeah he clearly wins the nobility prize. Lol.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Interesting that while every one is ready to burn the wife, no one talks about the strange, insane actions taken by the husband in revenge. Staying with her while stealing the money and then ending up with thr skank. His wife did something terrible and against his wishes. And sure I can see a divorce. But they had a lot of good years after that. Admittedly he couldn't live with the lie. But regardless staying there for a long time, mixing the money (which she never paid attention to except once in a great while, and him ending up with the narcissistic slut who abandons her kids in WITSEC, yeah that shows strong moral fiber. Then he comes back and they make amends and he sets the condition of her taking him with the kids. Of course she was going to say yes. Not having kids was the one major stress on their lives. Why not adopt? Well one of them wasn't happy with that ides. Guess who? Was a revelation to see what she went through that night. Must have destroyed her. Made her be the best wife she coukd be, knowing that if she confessed, he would leave her. Too bad, so sad, don't cheat. At least her motives while slimy were not a direct danger to their marriage, and what she experienced with the asshole certainly removed even the slimy reasons, causing her to rethink what she did and extreme guilt. His motives were clear: hrt payback by losing his own morals. Was it worth it? Guess so since otherwise he couldn't go back to his wife, whom he straight out ditched. Look she was absolutely wrong. Seriously if you cheat, then beware the consequences. Many people depending on the circumstances coukd forgive a one time fling, especially when the motives do not directly attack the marriage. But, and a bug but, they argued abiut this over and over and she lied to him. Unfortunately she gets zero credit for him for all the good years afterwards. She should know what type of person he is. Guess that is why she never confessed. He would never forgive a one time fling, especially when they argued vehemently about it. So to her: too bad, so sad, don't cheat! To the husband: what was up with your revenge / payback and worse ending up with the skank? Was it worth your integrity? Either suck it up (unlikely) or get a divorce. His weird odyssey was strange. Regardless of him going off the reservation, mentally speaking, I enjoyed the story. 5 stars.

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