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A Wife's Fall Pt. 03


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I arrived home a little after four. Grabbing the grocery bags from the back of my car. If Betty could make my favorite meal, I could return the favor. As always, Betty was there to greet me.

"Hello, Betty." I watched how the light in her eyes burned when those words left my lips. Knowing that was the first time I've greeted her vocally since that day that wasn't some glare of sorts.

"Welcome home, honey," Betty said, in a chipper tone. Her eyes dipped down to the bags in my hands. "What did you get?"

"Thought since you made dinner last night I'd make it tonight." Noticing how she was biting her lip fighting herself from asking the question I saw in her eyes. "Say it, Betty," I said, in a calm tone.

"Did... did you see that woman?" I heard her worry and fear in her voice.

"No, I did not," I answered, hearing her gasp when I placed a kiss on her cheek as I passed.

"Then where did you go?" Her question raced after me as did her legs as I walked into the kitchen. I noted how Maggie was watching us intently from the living room. I so wasn't going to give my sister any ammo she could use against me. So I pulled out my phone, opening my memo app and typed out 'Moses'. I knew she knew who that was. "Are you okay? Do you need to talk?" Her left hand ran along my back as she stepped forward.

"Okay, is subjective," I stated. Pulling out the items I would need to make the chili that Betty so loved to have. Knowing it would be ready by six o'clock. I saw her glee in her eyes as the items lined the counter. "Will I be okay with what you did, I can't say. Or if I ever will be," I said, seeing that glee fading and fear of what's to come next filling her eyes.

"But?" Betty's voice was waiting for the other shoe to drop.

"Get the postnuptial and we'll talk." My body rocked as she threw her arms around my neck. While I wasn't ready to kiss her yet, it seemed Betty didn't get that memo.

"Sorry, its just... this is the first time you've given any indication that there might be a chance for us," Betty said, I noted how she was trying not to tear up. "Can I help any?" she asked, I saw how eager she was just to be around me. Oddly, I did feel some comfort by her presence wondering if what Dr. Moses had said was right. Setting the cornbread mix in front of her while I set out to chop the onion for the chili. I glanced up as I was dicing the onion, I just couldn't look away as her breasts jiggled as she stirred the ingredients together.

"Does this look right to you?" Betty asked, leaning the bowl towards me once she was done mixing seeing how she's never made cornbread before, given how I always was the one that did it.

"Yeah, set the temp to 425," I nodded to the oven, "and get out the cast iron skillet."

"Wane? Are you making Mom's recipe?" I turned my head when Maggie stood at the entrance to the kitchen.

"Yeah, why? Don't want any?" I asked, grinning wickedly. She could either eat what I made or starve.

"What?! Are you ins... wait, scratch that, you might just be." I noted how Betty was fighting not to laugh as I handed her a stick of butter to grease the skillet. "No, I was asking because I haven't had it since the last time I went to see them that wasn't a holiday. Griffin doesn't like chili and its impractical to make it just for myself."

"Knew there was something wrong with that man." I glanced over at Betty as she released a soft snort.

"Ha, ha, I'll have you know Griffin is a very good man, he just doesn't like chili," Maggie stated rolling her eyes at me.

"Why?" I asked, if she was going to pry into my married life, I saw no reason not to do the same. Hearing the sizzling in the bottom of the pot as I sweated the onions. Letting them cook for a moment before adding the green and red bell pepper. Allowing that to soften and cook a bit before I add the spices to so I could bloom the aromatics of the spices. Then added the tomato paste like my mother had shown me years ago. In another skillet I cooked the half pound of pork and beef hamburger mixture to cook off the grease from it. All that just didn't taste good in the chili. Betty was in a whirlwind as she opened up the cans of tomato sauce before I added the meat to the pot.

"He doesn't like beans." I heard her say from behind me.

"He does know that chili doesn't have beans in it, right? If it does it's a stew not chili," I said, from over my shoulder.

"I know! But he won't take my word for it." I chuckled, which Betty lightly hit my arm when Maggie didn't find my humor all that humorous.

"Maybe you should work on that instead of being here," I said, getting my kicks in. "I mean what kind of husband doesn't trust his wife enough on something as simple as... chili." I knew I was being an ass, yet I didn't care. After all, she came here stuck her nose into my business I saw no reason not to repay her. Glancing out of the corner of my eye watching Betty carefully pouring the warm grease into the now empty tomato cans as I waited for the chili to come to a boil before I set it to simmer.

"Watch it, Wane," Maggie uttered darkly.

"What?! Have I said something to upset you?" I asked, enjoying my sister's discomfort. It was about time Maggie was on the defensive. I smirked at my sister's back as she turned on her heel and marched back to the living room. When the oven went off I slid the skillet into it and set the eye to low when the chili was bubbling away.

"Baby, that wasn't very nice," Betty whispered to me as we cleaned up the kitchen. I simply shrugged my shoulders, I didn't care. "Wane," my eyes glanced down when her hand covered mine, "why did you need to see Moses today?"

"Needed to talk to him," I answered vaguely.

"But why?" Betty asked again, I saw the worry in her eyes.

"Personal," I muttered not ready to tell her about what happened last night as I set the lid on the pot and walked out of the kitchen to our bedroom.

"Wane," I sighed as she quickly followed after me and shut the door behind her, "baby, you know you can talk to me. I know I'm not the best person in your eyes right now, but that doesn't mean I've stopped caring about you."

I looked away. I really didn't want Betty to know about my little problem. It just seemed like... wait, I know she would get great enjoyment out of it. Yet that kind of all changed when Betty pressed those breasts into my chest. I felt myself responding to the softness of her body. Why the hell does she have this effect on me?

"Wane, you know you can tell me anything. You know I have never judged you; I might ask questions for clarification but I have never judged you. Please just tell me what is the matter. You're not going dark are you?" If she only knew. Yet the moment she looked down in-between us I knew I had to come clean, either way she would hear about it. I'd rather it come from me than someone else, then I would never hear the end of it.

"That's the problem," I stated in a matter-of-fact tone.

"What does you getting hard have to do with anything? I love that I can make you hard," Betty said, with a wide grin.

"It's the fact that only you can do it is the problem," I admitted.

"What?!" Betty stammered her eyes glancing down once again. "Wane are you telling me, that only I can get you hard?" I groaned in my head as she held this mirthful glee in her eyes at the news.

"I did just say that, Betty."

"Then... then that woman, she couldn't..." I saw how she bit her lip to contain her spreading smile as I nodded.


"Oh. My. God!" I screamed out in my mind as I noted Wane's nod. "Wane, what does that mean, that I'm the only one that can make you hard?"

"I don't know." It wasn't every day my husband gets blushing cheeks. So when I saw them and how he looked away I knew it had to be something very big.

"It's okay baby, I already know," I cooed up at him. Of course, I knew my husband loved me in his own way. I haven't been with him for this long not to be able to pick up on it. "Want me to tell you why?" I asked, rubbing my breasts into his chest. "It's because you love me, and only me. I love you too, Wane. I always will. I know you won't say it, you don't have to. It's in your actions that shows me that you do." Sucking on my lip as my hand rubbed up and down that thick pole of his. "Why don't I take care of this for you? You know how much I love having it in my mouth," I purred while nibbling on his jaw. Wane offered me no resistance when I lowered the zipper of his pants. I knew we couldn't fuck. Celine and Bill were due to arrive soon and I wasn't about to let them hear me riding my husband hard. How I lavished that cock as I knelt before him. I kept the joy from my face when Wane told me that this cock belonged to me and only me.

"Take that you fucking cunt," I seethed in my mind at the other woman. "You'll never have my husband; I'm not giving him to you. Ever!" How I love having that cock erupt for me like it was doing at that moment. I knew my eyes held a sultry light in them when I peered up at Wane as his crown left my lips. I just hoped that this fact that he has stumbled upon, given his stunted emotions, wouldn't lead him to divorcing me for my foolishness. Just because he loves me doesn't mean he will be able to get over what I had done. I know some people who have gone through this, they say while they do love them just the fact that they couldn't overlook what their spouses had done. Kissing that crown before I put it back into its home. Where I hope I'll have many, many more years to show it that I love it and its owner.


"Alright, seeing we're all here and had a very good dinner prepared by Wane." I smirked at my husband when he had that smug look on his face at the fact that Maggie had three bowls of his chili and ate a quarter of the cornbread at dinner. I noted how Maggie wouldn't look at Wane as he sat beside me. I always enjoyed watching how the two of them interacted.

"You have to teach me how you make that," Bill said, looking around me at Wane. "Best chili I've had in years." I saw how Wane nodded. I knew he and Bill got along great. "Thanks for taking Jan to the Planetarium again."

"Not a problem," Wane spoke, my hand squeezed his thigh as I smiled at him. While he and I had a long way to go to get back to the point before my fuck up, it was very pleasant to see my husband letting go of his pain just a little bit.

"Now, the two of you," I noted how Maggie looked at Bill and Wane when she said that, "I want you to remain quiet as we talk. I promise you there will be time for you to ask questions later, right now I want you to listen, really listen." Maggie looked right at Wane when she said that. I saw Bill nod, and Wane grumbled: 'Fine.'

"Celine, when was the first time you remember catching your mother or father having an affair?"

"Seven... that's the earliest I can remember," Celine stated after a few moments of silence.

"I know you were four when you saw your mother's threesome." I nodded when Maggie said that.

"Betty why didn't you tell me?!" Celine asked, looking around Bill at me.

"I didn't remember it until she put me under," I said, taking my sister's offered hand feeling her squeezing it.

"After some thought, I've come to the conclusion that you two have what's called a 'Lovemap'."

"A what?!" I asked, in confusion.

"It's a concept originated by sexologist, John Money," Maggie stated factually. "In it he states: a developmental representation or template in the mind and in the brain depicting the idealized lover and the idealized program of sexual and erotic activity projected in imagery or actually engaged in with that lover. Given how young the two of you were in seeing your parents blatant infidelities. Your minds imprinted that what they were doing was a normal, rational way to love your partner." I watched how she gestured to Wane and Bill. "Now, I'm not condoning what either of you have done." I felt my face heating, I noted how Celine's was as well. "Yet, given this, I can see where you, Celine, would think cheating on Bill as long as you have would be fine. Your parents have been doing this for how many years?"

"Too long." I heard Celine mutter.

"Agreed. But your adolescent minds wouldn't know the difference between love and lust. So, as you two grew older your minds equated what they were doing as love and not what it really was. A betrayal of the vows they took."

I noted how Wane was actually paying attention as the hour passed. I also noted how upset Bill was getting as Maggie had Celine disclose every affair she had. Telling her that the only way for her and Bill to stay together is to be a hundred percent truthful with him. That meant telling him about every man she's been with. Then it was my turn. How I felt the coldness coming off of Wane when I went over everything with Maggie and how Sean and Dean had hoodwinked me into thinking that having a threesome with them would be good for our marriage. I'm not saying it was all their fault, no, that would just be silly of me. I was the one who brought them home with me, I was the one with their cocks in my mouth and my pussy. I was the one who defiled our marriage bed for an obsession. I had to run to the bathroom a few times because the thought of it made me sick to my stomach. Every time I returned I'd start again at where I had left off. Then Celine exploded.

"What do you mean Jan knows about Mom?!" I watched how my sister cursed as she paced the living room. "Can she not keep her damn legs closed when her granddaughter is around!"

"But didn't..."

"Don't even say it, Bill!" Celine snapped. "I might have slept around but I never, ever defiled our home like that. Ever! You hear me! I would never let Jan see that!"

"So you never fucked another man in my bed?" I started to speak until Wane placed his hand on my arm.

"She made her bed; she needs to lie in it." Were his only words to me.

"No, never, Bill, I can't tell you how sorry I am for ever treating you and Jan like that." I noted how Celine dropped to her knees in a pleading posture. "As much as the men wanted to I refused. I might be a slut, but I love you far too much to dishonor you like that."

"At least you know what you are," Bill grumbled, I saw how that hurt my sister. Yet, it was warranted.

"Please, honey, there has to be something I can do to prove to you I still love you," Celine begged.

"A chastity belt would be nice." I didn't know if Wane said that to be supportive or vindictive, I was leaning towards vindictiveness given Celine's involvement in my downfall.

"He has a point, the only way I'm going to be able to trust you again is if I know you aren't out spreading your legs for whatever man catches your fancy. I'll hold onto the key for when I or you leave, at home it comes off. But I want a battery of test done on you before you even think of returning to my bed." I saw how Celine hung her head in defeat. "It's either that or we divorce."

"Okay, Bill, I'll wear it."

"Good. Now let's go save our daughter from the fucking mess that your parents are," Bill said, surging from his seat. "Maggie, I thank you; this was enlightening."

"I'm happy to help. If you two ever need someone to talk to," handing him her card, "I do video therapy. I'm not saying it will be easy for the two of you. But I can see that she still loves you and you her." With that I watched my sister and brother-in-law walking out of my house.

To Be Continued...

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Just another b*******, toxic feminist.Opus where the wife can fuck off and get away with it and the husband is just supposed to take it in the shorts and put up put it. In my first marriage when I found out that my wife at the time had a 4 month-long affair with one of the younger members of her design team, I threw through her a** out of the house. What I've been thinking twice and to this day. I never regret that decision. I did lose relationship with my mother and my oldest sister who badgered me for months. I get back together with a cheating c*** And when I did it, they shut me out. So I returned the favor. My mama since passed on and I refused even go to her funeral because she was a controlling c*** and is for my older sister.Don't know, don't know what she's doing.Don't give a f***I moved to a different part of the country.America's second wife as she full.Well know what the cost will be if she ever spreads her legs for anybody but me.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

4 Stars on a nice story . I think that Jan is the only person that can get through to Wane . His wife is their for him sexuality but Jan gives him love.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

The wives psychosis DO NOT excuse their cheating, nothing does., they are to be punisheand made to make amends to their husband's, especially in the case of Celine, endless amends, the chastity belt is a good start.

francemanfrancemanover 1 year ago

Very strange story or the theme of psycho is widely raised to justify the actions.

Question to those who know?

- if wives are justified by their "little parental trauma" causing them to confuse lust and love, why do they react so negatively to the idea that their husbands also have affairs or infidelities?

It's so convenient:

- in one case, you confuse the 2 and you allow yourself to have adventures,

- in the other case, the notions are well separated and they do not accept this for their husbands.

Having a distorted point of view, it can be more or less understood, but having the 2 points of view depending on the person, it just seems like a scam???

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

This chapter in the story is a prime example of using unethical rationalization to try and excuse cheating. This chapter also makes use of trivialization and minimization as well as blame shifting and victim-hood.

"Wane, I know how life is difficult for you to understand. Yet people stumble and fall, has she ever done something like this before? Has she ever once stepped outside your marriage? Don't let this one flaw be the downfall of your marriage," Maggie pleaded."

This unethical rationalization excuse is known as the - "“Just one mistake!” Fantasy". The excuse being that a particular unethical act should be ignored, forgiven or excused as an aberration because “it was just one mistake.” This argument intentionally glosses over the fact that one mistake can be so blatantly unethical and harmful that an ethical person literally never does such a thing, and thus the “one mistake” is a reliable indicator that the actor does not deserve to be trusted.

Maggie's statement also make use of The Perfection Diversion: “Nobody’s Perfect!” or “Everybody makes mistakes!” rationalization for unethical behavior. This is a legitimate defense if, in fact, an individual has been accused of not being perfect. Usually, however, it is an attempt to minimize the significance of genuine misconduct. When an act suggests that more than an honest mistake or single instance of bad judgment was involved, and that an individual’s conduct indicates a broader lack of character or ethical sensitivity, “Nobody’s perfect!” and “Everybody makes mistakes!” are not only inappropriate and irrelevant, but are presumptive efforts to change the subject. The fact that nobody is perfect does not mean that it isn’t necessary and appropriate to point out unethical conduct when it occurs. It also does not argue for failing to make reasonable assumptions about the ethical instincts of the actor if and when the unethical nature of conduct strongly suggests that it is not an aberration, but a symptom.

“"I hope you know I'm staying with you." Maggie's voice stilled my advance to my office. I saw the sheer delight in her eyes when I gazed back at her. "Don't think this is over between us, Wane. This is only act one, I'm not leaving until I'm sure the two of you are on the right track, and no amount of your honey words will sway me to leave." With that my sister strolled to the elevator, her hair swaying in triumph thinking she had gotten the better of me in this.”

Maggie has no business as a professional psychiatrist trying to play martial councilor for her brother and sister-in-law. Her behavior is Inserting herself into their household and lives and martial issues without the consent of both parties is unprofessional, reprehensible and unethical to say the least.

The fact that Wane may still love Betty does not mean he owes her forgiveness or reconciliation for her blatant betrayal and cheating. Remorseful cheaters like to natter on about unconditional love. Don’t judge them, they’re still good people who did “bad” (see Caveats A through Z) things. What’s important here is that you recognize their inherent goodness. Unconditionally! It’s all good because… well, they have some FINE QUALITIES other than other than their cheating on you. They are more than the sum of their fucking around. They’re people deserving of love and respect dammit, because they said so. Remorseful cheaters who assume reconciliation is their right and due fail to understand the gravity of the offense.

Just because you may still feelings and a shared history with the person who cheated on you, doesn't mean that they're still suitable as a life partner any more.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Sounds like a weekend at the Bidens

Rancher46Rancher46almost 2 years ago

Well written story, will curious to see where it ends. 5/5

NonSequitourNonSequitourover 2 years ago

Warning! This part of the story was hijacked by the heinous literary villain Gobble D. Goop, AKA Psycho Babble. If I was wack enough to have my own shrink, I would not hesitate to make my sister shrink disappear to get her out of my damn business.

Are we to believe the discussions when she brought up the notion of a threesome were anything we would recognize as normal?

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

The definition of lovemap in this story is word for word what it says on Wikipedia. Hmm.

MaximusTheMadMaximusTheMadover 2 years ago

I didn't go through all the comments so I don't know if this was already said. I think the thing that bother me most about this chapter was the fact that they left Jan with the Grandmother. I mean, she's obviously being abused by her and yet all you do is yell at her and then trust her with a child and leave? Also the very end was kind of jumbled and confusing. Other than that its an interesting story, look forward to part 4.

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