Hello, if you enjoy my work, and if you would like to be able to read it before it's published on lit, please use the link on my twitter page. You can find me on Twitter I might move to a new site if it keeps up, I'll let you know if I do. I hope you all enjoy the tales I weave here soon and what's to come.
Please visit my twitter page. Please forgive the roundabout manner of this shit given someone complained about my page. So email me and I'll provide the link for it.
If you're wondering where The bitch that is my step-sister has gone, you can thank 'someone' for it's removal. You can still find it on my patreon.
For those of you that don't know, when I say uploaded it does not mean PUBLISHED! It does not automatically get published to their website. They have to approve it before that does. When I say uploaded it means it's waiting for their approval. That is all.
Coming soon exclusively on Patreon:
Imploding of the Heart
Asian Experience becomes a Isekaied life part 2
Due to Lit's rather stupid moderator you will have to deal it an edited version of Miracle Cream whenever it finally gets pubished. If you want the unedited version of it please visit my patreon page.
Coming soon:
Pharaoh 9
Soul Food 6
spellbound 4
jail bird 5
Sky High part five - Flashpoint
Hello all, for all those that are anonymous, your post will be removed. If you can't put you're own screen name to your words then they mean little to me. Do I know my stories have errors in them? Quite possibly. Do I care? Not so much. When I get paid for these stories then I will worry about dotting the I crossing the T that sort of things. Until then do enjoy the worlds I present to you dear reader.
For those complaining about an editor and whatnot, unless you're willing to offer your services you know how to contact me, if not keep it to yourself.
You can find my books and audiobooks under the name of James Richardson on Amazon.com. You can also find me under the name Damien Sol on Smashwords and Lots Cave.