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A Wrestling Prelude to Pleasure

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Nude wrestling match leads to an unexpected tryst.
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"What? You never seen a thong before?"

The voice, deep and threatening, came from behind me, and my grip on the pint glass of Fosters I was holding involuntarily tightened.

My highly focused gaze had been interpreted as a lustful stare. Which, of course, it was.

It was my first time in Melbourne down under, my conference over, with one more day in town, here in a pub down the street from my hotel, and it appeared that trouble had found me.

I turned to see a burly guy, maybe early thirties, giving me a hard look. Dark hair, close cropped, clean shaven, narrow eyes, strong jaw. He could see right where I had been looking.

Taken aback, I weighed the possible reply options.

"Well, you gotta admit it is a fine sight," I said, trying to stay as close to the truth as I could, not mentioning that my prick was straining against my undershorts. I was acutely conscious of sounding like an out-of-place American.

The fair-haired woman with the short skirt at the table across the pub had had her legs crossed, ankle on knee, and it didn't take great vision to note that while she had some sort of underwear on, it wasn't the kind to limit a view of what looked like a handsome, full ass, visible under the table to me. Her inner thighs were creamy white, a luscious view.

Of course it was indeed a thong, and a red one at that. It was only after I made my response that I remembered that the guy had been sitting next to the woman not ten minutes before and had probably just come back with another pint from the tap or had just returned from the men's room. Naturally I had not paid much attention to him.

"She's mine," he said, not quite so belligerently I thought, and I figured my next words would determine my short-term fate.

"Well, you are one lucky fellow then," I said, my expression sincere. "A right handsome woman."

We both looked over at the woman in question, who smiled back. I wasn't sure whether she had heard the exchange, but it didn't seem to matter. Her blue eyes had a lively, amused look.

Streaky, darkish blonde, shoulder-length hair in a pony tail, short light blue skirt, simple white front-buttoned blouse (I never could resist these - why didn't more women wear them?) with braless breasts pushing against the fabric, strong thighs, a cheerful face with a dimple on her right side. Her wedding ring was obvious now that I looked for it.

He clapped me on the shoulder, a little harder than necessary I thought, but it appeared I had said the right thing.

"Yeah, she's a good one," he went.

"No hard feelings, okay? Rick Oakleaf," he said, extending a big paw.

"John Lorraine," I replied and we shook, his grip firm and almost overpowering.

"Haven't seen you at the Crown here before," he went on. "Visiting town? I can tell by your speech you aren't from around here."

I replied that I was indeed an American, at the tail end of a conference, and as it was a Sunday, had figured on taking an extra day to poke around the city before heading back to the states. I mentioned I had an early morning flight out the next day.

He invited me over to their table and we chatted a bit and he introduced me to his wife Lisa, who greeted me with a intriguing smile. Like most of my experiences in Australia in this first visit of mine, within half an hour they had turned into old friends.

I couldn't tell how long they had been married, but they clearly were still in love. Rick's eyes gleamed when he looked at her, and in a different era Lisa's general demeanor would have been labeled as "saucy." She would look animatedly at him while he spoke, then turn her eyes to me when I responded, her mouth in a half open smile throughout. The little gap between her two upper front teeth was somehow appealing. She had a quick wit and didn't shy from a lively discussion.

It was just after midday, and Rick talked me into calling short my time at my hotel, and coming back to stay at their place on the north side of the city. He promised to deliver me to the airport the next morning, "right on the way to work for me."

Since the conference week was on my work tab but tonight was my own expense, I didn't mind the offer, which would save me some change. My vague plans for entertainment today had mostly consisted of walking about the city, so there was no huge loss there either, and they seemed like interesting people. I'd get to see part of the city I wouldn't have ordinarily, and it is always nice to have a local guide. He was mid-level management at a nautical parts warehouse, while she worked in a downtown accounting firm.

After dealing with my hotel and gathering my travel gear, we drove north in their Holden sedan to one of the outer areas of the city, nice enough if a bit bland. Rick pointed out the various parks and sites of interest. Lisa just smiled. The back view of their tidy house looked out onto fairly open space.

Once inside, he passed me a beer and showed me about their modest place. He was six feet something tall, big chest, short thick legs, with an easy confident manner.

We chatted a bit in a room off their kitchen. He determined I wasn't married, and I got the feeling that he was asking more and more about my past and present girlfriends (none at the moment) and verging into territory that often wasn't even the province of friends. I didn't know the customs down here, but everyone had been so friendly all along, and he seemed genuinely interested and made the conversation we were having seem completely normal.

Lisa had returned with some peanuts that she passed around to go with our beers. She sat down across from me as we talked, and while I tried not to look at her crotch, it registered that even the thong was gone now.

She kept smiling and giving me intent looks, and I was starting to wonder what was happening. I think my groin knew, since my cock was beginning to stir in that preliminary stage of uncertain expectation.

She had a short but narrow waist, and her breasts, now that I paid more attention to them, were meaty and moved around nicely inside her blouse. She wasn't even troubling to keep her legs together at all anymore, and I noted that her pubic hair was quite a bit darker than her head hair. Wow.

Rick noticed my gaze again, too, and let out a soft smile.

The silence that followed wasn't exactly uncomfortable but went on for a long time.

"Ever done a threesome?" he finally asked quietly, which startled me with its abruptness.

I was about to say no, and then I thought of that one strange adventure back during university.

"Not technically," I replied, "it was a five-some."

Lisa arched her eyebrows. "A full house? Somebody had to be an extra anyway. Guy or a girl?"

"Actually, it involved four penises."

"Ah," she smiled broadly, "that would have been nice." Her eyes shone.

She and Rick exchanged a quick look.

"Speaking of which," she paused.

Rick apparently didn't require a further response from me, but stood up and pulled his pants and drawers off. He had a short cock compared to the rest of his body, but it was a thick one, its prickhead pushing out past his partially retracted foreskin. It was remarkably like his legs, thick and powerful looking. It stood out while he pulled his shirt off.

He looked at me evenly, and I couldn't help but notice that his cock was stiffening all by its own, his cockhead emerging bit by bit from its sheath.

"Would you like to be able to fuck Lisa?" he asked softly. "You have certainly looked at her with enough interest."

This answer did not require a lot of thought, my own prick now straining in my shorts and I just nodded yes, swallowing hard.

"Good chap," he said, a bit over-enthusiastically.

"We like a little variation to our love life from time to time. Not sure why, but both of us have been unusually horny lately. Sometimes Lisa likes more than one cock," he said simply.

I looked over at Lisa, who shot me an thoroughly wanton smile.

"We have a little routine I hope you will indulge us with, beforehand. Follow me," said Rick.

Now what the hell was this?

He led me into another back room, overlooking their small but private rear yard-space. I was hoping to follow Lisa and watch her ass sway in her short skirt, but she held back and I had to go behind Rick. He had big, firm rumpcheeks that moved with authority as he walked.

The white-walled space looked like a workout room, and a padded mat covered most of the floor. Some free weights and other exercise paraphernalia were in the corner. There was a couch or bench of some sort against one wall. Some glassed-in French doors looked out over a terraced back yard.

"I'll wager you've wrestled before?" he ventured.

I had indeed, and actually had been fairly decent in high school, although a good fifteen years separated me from my last competition.

"Lisa and I both are fond of it. Very elemental. Not brutal like boxing, but one-on-one, primal, strength and quickness. A chess match for the body. It is fantastic foreplay, really." My thoughts whirled trying to make sense of his words.

He cracked his knuckles while he looked at me. His chest was well furred and hefty with muscle, his belly round but hard. He probably had twenty or thirty pounds on me.

I nodded.

He tossed me a set of ear guards, and put another on himself, kicking his shoes off and gesturing for me to disrobe.

My drawers, as often is the case with an erection, needed to be removed with some care, and my prick stood out a little too far for comfort when I was done.

A wrestler's singlet doesn't leave much to the imagination but still was a covering. I had never wrestled nude before.

We stood there a moment, sizing each other up. It occurred to me that a photo of this scene, two guys sans clothes, with pricks poking out farther than usual, but with silly wrestling ear protection on, would be a hoot posted online somewhere or another. I was a bit anxious.

Rick and I looked intensely at each other, and then he laughed.

"Let's take a couple minutes for stretching and warmup?" he said, which we did, each of us checking out each other's limberness and the way we moved our bodies. Lisa's sharp gaze followed us each in turn while we moved. Did I see her eyes linger on my cock?

I was aware of my entire body, feeling my shoulders loosen up, stretching my thighs, while my cock did not grow any less stiff with the preliminaries. He had said I would be able to "fuck" his wife, hadn't he? Had I imagined those words? Or had he just wanted to ascertain that I wanted to?

Lisa, seated on the couch or really more a bench, had unbuttoned her shirt which was now parted, with a glimpse of breast here and there, very inviting. She stared intensely at the two of us.

"One five-minute period, standard Olympic freestyle rules otherwise. If there's a tie, a sudden death period afterward. You can submit anytime with a double hand slap to the mat. Lisa calls the match, and then decides what happens next."

This wasn't quite what I was expecting, but I swallowed hard and nodded.

"Shake hands gentlemen, and begin," went Lisa, quietly, smiling, but said firmly.

We crouched and circled each other for awhile, each of us watching intently how the other moved, looking for an opening. We tied up a couple times, hands gripping each other's neck and head, testing each other, but I managed to break off and in general tried to keep my distance, not wanting those heavy forearms of his to be pulling my head about.

My main chance was going to be surprise and speed, not strength, and I wanted some gap between us in which to operate. He tended to keep his right leg in front after advancing, and I waited for my chance.

After breaking off a tie, and retreating, I lunged for his knee, and he bit on the fake, lowering his right hand to ward off the attack. I pivoted and swooped in the other direction, swiping his left ankle in a circular movement and pulling it up quickly with my hand. I caught him off balance and tripped his other foot, driving him hard to the mat.

I had one arm around his waist, the other holding his right wrist. My chin was between his shoulder blades, pressing him down. I could feel the heat from his naked body beneath me. His ass was rubbery, firm underneath its smooth skin.

He was strong, and tried a standup escape almost immediately, but I had a good hold around his midsection and used my other hand to pick him up by the crotch and drive him roughly back to the mat.

I was keenly aware that we had no clothing on. Normally you didn't pay much attention to how you held your wrestling opponent, but just now I had hoisted a guy nearly by his jewels. It changed things.

I forced my right leg in under his, to keep him off balance, while I tried to look for a way to turn him. My pelvis was on top of his firm ass, and I could feel its movements as he strained against me, tightening and releasing his muscles, up through my hips. My prick was pushing into corners and crevices of him it had no business going. His legs were bunching for a chance to leverage his torso up.

Rick tried a sudden darting move to the left but I had him again. My speed was still there, amazingly enough, but his legs were so strong I was going to have to keep them tied up or he would be up and out just by bull-work.

If I could ride him out, or at worst have him just escape and avoid having him take me down, my advantage would hold up. Maybe four minutes more? Three? But I knew I had my hands full.

We grappled for probably what was not much more than another minute, which felt like an eternity, and my timing and anticipation kept thwarting his escape moves. I tried a few different ways to leverage him over, but he was going to be too strong, too heavy, to pin.

He was grunting and his brow was furrowed. We were both sweating to beat the band, and his back and ass had gotten damp and slippery underneath me. He clearly had expected to be on top straight away.

His armpits gave off a strong, not unappealing odor. Lisa's shirt was completely open now, her meaty breasts exposed, but I couldn't afford myself more than a glimpse.

And then a quick move to his left caught me by surprise and he elevated his hips, gaining some separation from mine. Simultaneously he freed his right arm and swiveled about on top of me, reversing our position. His weight drove me into the mat, his chin stubble pressing into my shoulder, while he grappled for control of my wrist.

I felt a forearm on the back of my head, pushing my face into the mat, so I had to turn my head to the side while trying to get my knees up. But my pelvis was pressed to the floor with the force of his hips, my cock rubbing roughly across the mat. I could feel his own cock, hard, pushing into my ass furrow.

What's this, did I see Lisa's hand at her crotch?

No sooner than this sighting registered in my frantic brain then Rick swung to my side, and drove his head into my midsection while pulling my right knee and head together to secure a cradle. One of the oldest moves in the book and I hadn't seen fit to prevent it.

His hands locked and he flipped me expertly onto my back, while I flailed away, my cock and balls up and exposed to the ceiling, my free leg waving frantically while trying to swing our balance over, my hands struggling to release his hold.

Then there was Lisa next to us on the floor, eying the gap between my shoulders and the mat, her breasts free and grazing the mat's surface. I couldn't keep my shoulder blades from contact with the ground. Slap went her hand and the game was up.

I lay on the mat for a few moments, defeated and thoroughly embarrassed. Rick stood up, and I saw his cock from the floor, very handsome, poking out from his pelvis. It looked funny from this angle. His balls were big hangers, fairly heavily covered in dark fur. He reached down and gave me a hand, pulling me up.

"Nice match," he said, shaking my hand. "You were faster than I expected. Fair points on a clean take-down from you."

Lisa stood between us, holding each of us by a hand, and raised Rick's in the ritual winner's signal.

"And to the victor goes a kiss," she went, her blouse completely open, her breasts, pointy and with some heft, sloping off to each side.

But instead of tilting her head up to Rick's mouth, she dropped to her knees and gave his prickhead a delicate little kiss, which apparently wasn't sufficient reward, since she then slipped her lips around his cock and applied a gentle, teasing, deliberate suction.

A couple minutes of some soft, slow action and his cock had grown completely hard, standing out proud when she released him. The sight of Lisa lovingly run her lips and tongue over his penis was intensely arousing. My own cock twitched involuntarily.

Something got into me and I spoke impulsively, "Well, the winner sure deserves attention, but consider the poor loser's feelings? A loser should require even more encouragement after the indignity of defeat, wouldn't you think?"

They both looked at me a moment and Rick laughed.

Lisa responded, "You know, he's right" and turned her head to my own crotch. Just about identically as to Rick, she gave my cock a handsome kiss on its head, then took it into her mouth for a delightful little journey.

Soft, wet, gentle, her mouth was heaven at that moment. When she pulled off, I gasped in pleasure, and all eyes were on my now totally erect, and thoroughly tingling, cock, pointing ceilingward, my balls all drawn up together in their pouch.

"Let's take a rest on the bench," ventured Lisa, "and talk things over?"

She took us each by hand and guided us over to the bench, sitting between us. Her breasts moved sweetly under her loosely draped shirt, and she did the scene one better by taking it off completely before sitting down, Rick and I on each side of her.

Each boob was a solid handful, it looked like her left one was a bit heavier, and a bit higher than the other, and each drifted off enticingly to their separate sides of her chest. A few dark moles were scattered over her otherwise quite fair skin.

She gave Rick a look, and rubbed his cock with one hand. His prick was dark and ardent looking, his balls resting on the padded bench while the shaft poked up, looking imminently ready for action. She turned to me, a hand still on Rick's prick, and rubbed my own penis with her other hand.

I waited, not sure what was going to be next, her fingers playing with each of us, moving smoothly up and down our shafts, fingers tickling our prickheads and coaxing little spasms of pleasure out of them.

Her smile suggested that she was enjoying herself immensely. I wondered what it was like to be a handsome, aroused woman and have a cock in each hand, knowing that each one of them wanted desperately to have a go at her.

Rick addressed me. "Lisa's the ref, she gets to decide how the rest of the tournament goes."

He paused, "Okay with that?"

What was I going to say?

"Sure," I went.

Rick again, "You clear?" and by this I understood him to mean a query as to my sexual health.

"Clean bill of health" I replied, accurate enough.

"Great," went Rick, "no need for a condom then," which I took as an encouraging sign.

Lisa looked at Rick and then me.

"I think I would like to have you suck Rick" she said, looking me straight in the eye. "If he has already come once, he's apt to ride me a little longer, which I like. And," she went on, "I think it would be nice to see his cock get some pleasure from you. Then maybe you and I can do something together," her eyes smiling.

This wasn't quite what I had in mind.

"You ever played with a stiffy before? Besides your own, of course?" Rick asked.

"Well, more than a couple during my overheated teenage years," I replied, truth enough, but leaving out some of my other occasional but more recent experiences.

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