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A Young Couple Sexploration Ch. 03

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Is Rachel becoming a Hotwife?
12.7k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/16/2023
Created 04/21/2023
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In late morning we took an Amtrak train. An hour and a half later we arrived to Sacramento. Another short Uber drive and we were at the entrance of Laguna Del Sol.

As luck would have it, our room was ready for us.

We looked through the room spacious window and saw people walking all around - On a trail, near the lake and on a bridge.

Most were naked and behaved like it was the most natural thing in the world!

In retrospect, it was my first experience in a clothing optional facility, so I didn't know what to expect at the time...

In the beginning we had a short orientation of the place.

Slightly apprehended, we walked naked outside. It took us 10 minutes to realize that everybody seemed to be oblivious to our nakedness.

Other people were strolling by and either said hello or ignored us completely.

We decided to start in the indoor pools.

The rule was clear - The pools were only for naked people!

There were several pools, as well as a nice large jacuzzi.

The water in the main pool had perfect temperature. We swam side by side for awhile before resting near the edge.

Then we moved to the nice jacuzzi. Ah, what a life!...

I was leaning on the jacuzzi's wall and Rachel stood in front of me.

I pulled her shoulders and she began to float on the water with her front fully exposed above water. She closed her eyes, leaned her head on me and let her body relax.

Most people around us were chatting or playing around.

But I noticed 2 men, one very young (around 25 years old) and the other in his 50s, staring continuously at Rachel's naked body.

They were in different corners of the place and probably neither one knew about the other one exploring the same woman.

With her eyes shut, Rachel wasn't aware of them.

The notion that 2 guys ogle my beautiful wife was like an aphrodisiac to me.

Why not have some fun and give them a show to remember?!...

I cupped her tits with both my hands and gently massaged them, while every now and then I peeked at the 2 men.

Rachel whispered, "Ben, what are you doing?"

"I play with my favorite toys... Why do you ask?"

"Because I am not sure that it is permitted... More importantly, if you continue, I am certain to become aroused. What then?!..."

I chortled, "In case that it becomes a real problem, I'll have to find a radical solution. The easy one - I may fuck you myself. Another option is looking for a volunteer to do it instead, like one of these 2 men who decided that you are a perfect subject for voyeurism..."

She opened her eyes partially and surveyed the surrounding.

She saw the 2 guys who were far away from each other.

Rachel whispered, "What do you expect me to do now?"

"Nothing. Let them enjoy the view."

"Ben, after the last 3 days in San Francisco, letting strangers look at my naked body does not cause me to cringe like before. In fact, right now your magic hands make me hornier by the moment! You continue manipulating my sensitive boobs and pretty soon I'll be ready for a real fucking... with you, anyone of these 2 guys, or the entire group of people in this pool..."

I didn't let go. My hands stroked her stunning tits more intensely.

I stared at the younger guy and smiled at him...

He lifted his hand to say 'hi'.

I whispered to Rachel, "Look at the younger guy on the right. He seems handsome, smiley and... lonely. Do you mind if I invite him here to chat with us?"

"Ben, you are a big boy. You can invite anybody you want. But take into account that your hands still tweak by boobs..."

"I know dear. I see in the pool 3 couples touch each other as well... Do you mind if I continue playing with your sexy body when he joins us?..."

"Ben honey, I think I know what your intention is. You arouse me and invite another guy to watch you doing it. I have a simple question - What do you want the next move to be?... Is the plan to just let him WATCH us in the pool or more than that?"

"Darling, step one is letting him observe. Based on your impression of his attractiveness and behavior, we can then decide what we want. However, don't forget that at this point we know nothing about him. He may be gay, or married with his wife joining him in a couple of minutes, or just a voyeur who has no intention of being active in sexual games..."

"Look jerk, you talk a lot. In the meantime you make my cunt wetter than the water in this jacuzzi... As I told you before, YOU make our plans on this trip, but be cautious and consider the potential consequences! One thing I definitely want - Before we go to sleep, I need something big and hard to plow me and cure the itch you are causing me now..."

"Rachel, he is staring at you now. Please smile at him and I'll call him over."

She glanced at the young guy and grinned. I signaled to him with my hand to join us.

He was in the main pool, so I was able to see his body above his waist.

He came closer and I noticed that he was tall (around 6'4"), lean, with dark skin (Latin origin? just tan?) and dark hairy chest. He sported a decent package...

Rachel didn't talk, but I was sure that her eyes were only partially closed...

He approached us, "Hi, my name is Bruno."

The guy had mild accent, I guessed Italian.

"My name is Ben and this is my wife Rachel."

"Pleased to meet you two. I apologize if my stare bothered you. However, I couldn't take my eyes of Rachel. There are many women of all ages, races and shapes in this resort, but your wife is by far the most attractive! I do not know if you invited me here to object to my shameful ogling of your beautiful wife... If that is the reason, I am sorry and promise to make every effort to not do it again."

He stopped his speech and looked at me.

I turned to Rachel, "Dear, what do you think? Do we need to reprimand this naughty young man, or let him stay here and chat him?..."

She whispered, "He can stay..."

I asked, "You seem very young. What do you do?"

"I study computer engineering in California state university."

"Sorry to be so blunt, but how can a student afford the price of an expensive resort like this one?..."

"It's a long story. I'll make it as short as possible. I live in America for 10 years now. I was born in Torino. I am the only son of a wealthy industrialist, who is still working there. Money was never an issue for me. My parents wanted me to follow my father's footsteps and one day inherit his large factory, but I wanted to live in California and be an engineer. That is my story in a nutshell..."

I continued to gently massage Rachel's tits.

And as Bruno was talking to both of us, he was glancing nonstop at the subjects of my moving hands...

Rachel closed her eyes and a moan escaped her lips.

Her body was still floating on the surface, but her hands were under water.

All of a sudden I felt her palm enveloping my cock. She squeezed it.

The lady gave me a hint that she was horny!

It was time to decide what to do next.

I had a good feeling about Bruno, but I didn't want to rush things without an open discussion with Rachel.

"Bruno, are you here by yourself?"

"Yes. We have a week vacation and I chose to come here and relax. Actually, tomorrow is my last day in Laguna del Sol"

"I think that we'll get out of the pool and rest a bit. Around 4:30 pm we will come here again, so if you are interested, we'll be happy to see you then."

Bruno's face lighted up, "I'll be here."

We exited the water. My prick was partially erect, as a result of Rachel's uncompleted hand job...

In our room I stared at Rachel, "Honey, what do you think about Bruno?"

With a low voice she said, "We do not know much about him. He is young, polite and... very handsome. I like his accent. What do you REALLY want to ask me?!..."

"In the afternoon we'll meet him again in the pool. Is it OK if he touches your body?"

"Ben, when your hands aroused me, I explained to you already. Being horny, I can't think right and almost everything goes. I do find him attractive and if you decide that you want us to try him, I won't object too much... Though a glass of white wine before meeting him may be helpful to relax me."

"Good girl! Are you up to go for lunch?"

"Are you nuts? I am super horny after your nonstop tweaking my tits. I felt that I couldn't take it anymore and clutched your dick as a hint... And now you discuss with me a threesome with a young stud! You expect me to ignore my cravings for a roll in the hay and think about food? I am ready to jump your bones and rape you..."

I chuckled, "I thought you'd never ask... I'd L O V E to take advantage of your stunning body and fuck the hell out of you! Since you behave like a hungry bitch, I want you on all 4 on the soft carpet and fuck you doggy style..."

She grinned, "Yes sir. I am at your service. Please make it FAST & HARD. I really need it badly!"

"I changed my mind. You see the shelf near the sink in the bathroom? Go sit on it, lean with your back against the wall and spread your legs nice and wide! A friend of mine told me that this is his favorite position, so let's try it."

Rachel pleaded, "But sir, the shelf is cold..."

"Listen slut, if you want to put a towel on it before you sit, that will be OK, but I do not give a damn about the temperature! You are here to open your thighs for your master and make sure that HE cums!!! Is there any other stupid remark?..."

"No sir... You are right master... It was inappropriate of me to make a silly comment... It will never happen again!..."


The shelf was at the right height. When Rachel sat on it, her cunt was exactly at the level of my groin...

I watched her climbing on the shelf, sitting back against the wall and spreading her legs.

Her inner labia were fully exposed to my eyes.

My organ reacted favorably. Slowly but surely it stiffened and it's head moved upward.

Rachel noticed my raging cock and smirked, "Your buddy is very hungry for my pussy. It looks dangerously hard. Is it safe?..."

"Girl, right now I am not sure of anything, except that I want to make my pole rip your vagina and deposit my load into whatever is left after I finish pounding you!"

She whined, "Ben, you are not nice to your loving wife... I'll complain to Bruno..."

My expanded rod penetrated her soaked cunt and I began drilling.

Rachel's heart rate and breathing increased exponentially and moments later she was close to climaxing.

I leaned and whispered in her ear, "So you really want to complain to Bruno?... Don't you understand that he wants to invade your holes just like me?! I am going to let him play with your perfect body this afternoon. And later we'll have a threesome! He is leaving tomorrow, so I'll have to find another good looking guy to sooth your cravings for man's meat after he is gone!..."

I finished the sentence and Rachel's body jumped forward, forcing my cock deeper into her tunnel.

Her loud cries were twice interrupted by hardly comprehended words, "YES... lettt Bruuuu... Bruno fuuuuckkk meeee ttooooo... I waaaaant him also tooooo pouuuu... pound my insssssiddde...!"

Hearing that her horny brain was ready to submit to Bruno took me over the edge.

My hot lava poured deep into Rachel's deep crevices.

When I was done, I held her in my arms, hugged and kissed her.

I helped her get down and carried her to the bathroom.

I filled the tub with hot water and led her in.

She lied with her body in the water and sighed, "I was so hungry for you... You know, being very aroused may plays tricks on my mind - I had a vision of you, me and Bruno intermingled and within seconds I came violently!..."

"Honey, on occasions our subconscious part of the brain hints at what we do not dare to admit to others and to ourselves. Let's grab a sandwich, rest and meet Bruno at 4:30."

At 4 pm Rachel was still sound asleep. Uncovered. Naked.

She was on her side with her legs parted and slightly bent. Her gorgeous tits protruded forward freely without the constraints of a bra.

As usual, seeing her like that was very tempting, but we had to stick to our plan.

I poured 2 glasses of wine and woke her up, "Wifey, wake up. Sip the wine, it will energize you!"

"Thank you darling. By the way, during my short sleep I had an erotic dream... If you are nice to me, I may give you all the juicy details later..."

I grinned, "It's a deal!"

By 4:35 we arrived at the pool. Bruno was already there, lap swimming.

He looked like a fish in the water, swimming cleanly and fast. He was a good swimmer.

Rachel and I went to the jacuzzi.

Bruno reached the pool's edge and noticed us.

He got out and approached us with a broad smile on his face, "It's nice to see you again. In the last 1/2 an hour I was doing laps as part of my routine training. I am on our swimming team and was also chosen to be one of the free style swimmers to represent California in the nationals."

I was impressed, "It is wonderful. I hope you win!".

Rachel stayed silent. Her eyes explored Bruno's body.

I glanced at her, "Rachel, what do you think about Bruno's achievements in the swimming pool?"

Her eyes turned to me and she blushed profusely. She whispered, "It is nice to know somebody, who one day may be an Olympic champion..."

Bruno entered the jacuzzi and chortled, "I do not think that I am THAT good, but who knows, one day... And Rachel, if I didn't emphasized it enough, I think that you look fantastic. In the morning I couldn't take my eyes off you, but I didn't see many details, because I was far away. Being up close now, you look even better than I imagined..."

Rachel blushed again, "Bruno, your Italian heritage is obvious. Latin men are known to flatter and compliment women, even when it's not justified..."

Bruno sounded offended, "Lady, I am VERY serious! If you weren't here with your husband, I'd try to charm you and sweep you off your feet..."

Rachel whispered, "Yes, I am married, but how sure you are that your charms do not work on me now?..."

Now Bruno blushed and he looked at me.

I smiled at him, moved behind Rachel's back, and hugged her waist.

I moved closer to Bruno with Rachel in front of me facing him, "Now that Rachel is closer to you, what do you think is her best feature?..."

He stuttered, "She is extremely pretty..."

I laughed, "You are right. Are there any other parts that you find... attractive?"

He swallowed and was too embarrassed to reply.

He watched Rachel's face. It was crimson red.

His gaze slowly descended to her sumptuous tits. He licked his lips.

I placed both my palms on her boobs, "Did you mean these 'things'?

Bruno whispered, "Yes..."

My hands went back to her waist and I said, "Rachel, this young man is reluctant to say out loud that you have amazing tits! Is there a way to make his lack of confidence disappear?"

She stared straight at his eyes, moved her hand slowly, grabbed Bruno's hand and placed it on her ample breast.

He seemed to be in shock. He looked at me again.

I nodded my head up and down.

His long fingers started trailing on her impressive areola and then touched lightly her nipple.

The nipple immediately hardened.

Rachel moaned and put her palm on his, encouraging him to tweak it harder.

Bruno's eyes dilated. He was stunned, as if not believing his good fortune.

Rachel found my hand and placed it on her other boob.

The contrast between the the two hands massaging her mammaries was fun to watch - His was longer and darker, while mine was wider and somewhat hairier...

Bruno's eyes turned lusty. He was getting aroused!

The erotic scene of the 3 of us woke my prick and it began to harden.

I whispered loudly in Rachel's ear, "Honey, I think that you have 2 horny men at your feet..."

Rachel glanced at Bruno, then me and again at him. She hesitated...

Next I felt her palm wrapped around my shaft.

I saw Bruno's body jolting. It was clear that her other hand found his organ as well!

Both her hands started moving up and down in unison.

Bruno was blushing profusely... but he didn't move.

By now I was happy that my wife had a glass of wine before coming here...

Rachel looked at us and said sweetly, "Guys, I have in my hands two very hard weapons. I am somewhat scared... They are very big and stiff, although both of them just seem to want some attention... So if you promise to be nice to a vulnerable lady, I might be able to help you... What do you think?!..."

I grinned, "Rachel we'll be very considerate."

Then I stared at Bruno.

He didn't talk but his face looked like the that of a cat who just swallowed a canary...

I whispered to both of them, that it was time to go back to our room.

Bruno mumbled that it may be better to wait a couple of minutes before leaving the jacuzzi.

I got his point - Both our cocks were hard as rocks.

Other guests would notice 2 guys with massive erections moving to a private room with an attractive woman and our goal of having a threesome discovered...

But unlike him, I didn't care what the other guests thought.

In my opinion, in this clothing optional resort most people wished to have sexual experiences, so guessing that we were about to accomplish what many of them were fantasizing about... let them be jealous!

However, Bruno was very young and I didn't want to make him uncomfortable, so we waited.

Rachel had different ideas. The wine fogged her brain and her arousal took over.

In the jacuzzi her hands continued being busy playing with her 2 'captives'.

Her ministrations felt amazingly pleasurable, yet a bad idea to calm our dicks down...

Bruno's face showed his struggle between enjoying her hand job and knowing that by doing it, she was delaying the exit from the pool.

I had to help him.

I pulled Rachel to the side, "Honey, if you continue with your hand games, our stiff poles won't go down and Bruno won't leave the jacuzzi. Let his enthusiasm calm down and we'll continue in our room."

She whispered in my ear, "You made me very horny and now you are stopping me. It's not fair!"

"Darling, you are right, but our guy is too shy to come out of the water with his hard prick pointing to the sky! Five minutes of waiting patiently and then we'll go to the room. Then you'll be free to do whatever you wish..."

As Bruno tried to relax and make his expanded cock cool down, Rachel whispered to me, "Remember, you said that I'll get whatever I wish..."

I chortled, " At least in the beginning..."

Moments later I glanced at Bruno. He signaled that he was OK.

He exited the water first. His rod was longer than before he joined us, but pointed down.

Mine was almost completely deflated, still somewhat thicker than in it's normal resting state.

Ten minutes later we were inside our room.

Rachel didn't bother with the lights. Her hand found Bruno's cock and began bobbing it feverishly.

It elongated significantly in no time.

It was interesting to see a penis that extended a lot, but hardly widened.

Rachel knelt in front of the surprised looking stud and her lips latched to his cockhead, licking and kissing it. Bruno stood silently and watched in awe his member gradually disappearing into her skilled mouth.

I sat down on a chair and observed the two.

In the morning I was prepared to try my best and convince Rachel to THINK about a threesome... And now she showed eagerness and decisiveness to give the stranger a head without any arguments!

After several moments Bruno gently retracted his prick from her mouth.

It was about 10" long!...

She stared at his face in confusion.

He apologized, "Rachel, your lips are TOO GOOD! I was afraid that your amazing BJ will make me cum in your mouth..."

She mumbled, "So?..."

"If it's all right with you, I want to... have intercourse with you..."

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