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Click hereFelicia placed the tip of the feeldoe directly on the center of Aaron's asshole.
"So I hope you really, really enjoy this, baby," she said, smiling at him sweetly as she held his gaze in the mirror. "And if this is going to feel as good for me as I think it is, then-" Felicia stopped her sexy commentary and parted her lips in anticipation as she pressed the end of her strapon cock gently but firmly into the center of Aaron's asshole, pausing in that position to both tease him and move her hands to his hips. "-then I cannot wait to-" She again teased him, this time gripping his hips firmly, sending the message that she was readying herself to plunge inside. "-to feel what it's like when I slide this lovely toy inside you and fuck you hard until I come."
Aaron felt the pressure, felt the width of her shaft at the opening of his starfish, and thought, Oh god, oh, shit! Relax! Relax! I want this to be perfect for you, for us!
He noticed Felicia's eyelids flutter momentarily as he forced himself to watch her reflection, trying at the same time to accommodate the new, invading size of the shaft he was desperate to allow to open him, penetrate him, and take him in any way his beautiful wife wanted to use it to give herself a massive orgasm.
The other end of the feeldoe must be moving inside her pussy, he thought as he felt his asshole opening, surrendering to Felicia's firm pressure.
That thought triggered the release of the final resistance, and he gasped with the shock of having the entire girth of the toy now an inch deep. The shaft was through the entrance of his anus, the outer and inner rings of muscle at his portal now opened, now surrendering everything to his bride's penetration.
Felicia dropped her eyes to the juncture between her crotch and his ass. "Oh, my god, Aaron! This looks so sexy sliding inside you!"
He groaned, the fullness of the feeldoe shaft now hammering insistent messages through every nerve ending in his asshole. Open! he thought, desperate to make everything perfect for him and for Felicia as she took his ass for the first time.
Aaron dropped his forehead to the counter and rocked back slightly, purposefully driving another inch of the shaft inside, forcing himself to accept its size.
"Oh, dammit, Aaron! That is so hot!" panted Felicia, watching the shaft disappear into his asshole. "God, it feels fantastic, but seeing you do that — what you just did, baby, taking it like that — oh, damn, I love this! I love giving it to you like this!"
That did it for Aaron. Felicia was triggering every aspect of his perfect fantasy. She was even taking him to places he hadn't dreamed with her erotic dialogue and her expressions of lust for what she was doing to herself and to him.
As if she were reading his mind, Felicia straightened her legs to create the perfect angle for what Aaron needed desperately at this instant and for what she was desperate to give him. She reinforced the message of what was imminent with the strength of her grip on his hips.
She plunged the entire length of her fake cock deep inside him.
He gasped at the sudden intrusion, the forceful push into the depths of his sexual soul sending a shockwave up the pathway that connected to his sexual brain and back down to his cock and his balls as they jiggled and bounced between his spread legs. When the toy brushed against his prostate, his orgasm was inevitable and immediate.
Squirming uncontrollably as his wife buried her strapon cock as deep as it would go, Aaron shot jets of cum from the end of his own steel-hard and pulsing cock.
Felicia uttered an indescribable sound, emanating from her chest and her throat, her head thrown back, eyes closed as she focused completely on the sensation of the feeldoe bulb dancing inside her pussy. She had a death-grip on his hips, sealing herself against him tightly.
"Oh, god, oh, god — shit!" she yelled, squirming desperately against him, forcing the shaft of the dildo through a series of movements that caused repeated nudges against Aaron's prostate while at the same time working magic on her G-spot. Backing out halfway, she drove the shaft deep a second time and came hard, her pussy clenching and unclenching in waves as pure, erotic pleasure washed over her, causing shivers. Her fingernails dug into his hips.
Felicia was completely unconscious to anything but the sensations of overwhelming sexual pleasure.
Aaron stiff-armed the countertop, raising himself upright in a reaction to the insanely intense feelings of such a powerful sexual release. The action created even more sensations in his asshole and inside his surrendered anal canal. He dropped again to his elbows, panting through a series of stomach-clenching spasms as Felicia simultaneously dropped over his back, the shaft of the feeldoe slipping a few inches out of his asshole in the process.
"Slide it out, please!" he managed to grit out through some opening in the fog of lust and release that was racking his consciousness. "Slow, baby, slow – I cannot stand any more or you'll kill me with pleasure!"
Felicia was breathing hard into his ear, her sweat-slickened breasts pressed tight into his back, her arms now around his chest, hugging him tightly.
She did as he asked, easing backward slowly as she raised herself from her position draped over her panting husband. She looked downward to see the last two inches of the shaft slip from his ravaged opening, seeing it close as the end of the feeldoe quietly exited.
She released ownership of his asshole back to her husband — the man who had surrendered it to her pleasure.
Aaron dropped to his knees in front of the vanity. "God! Oh, shit, Felicia, you made me come so hard I thought I was going to pass out," he managed between pants. Recovering enough to turn toward her, he rose on shaky legs.
Felicia was pushing her hair back from her forehead, her hands then immediately moving in front of her face to fan some little bit of breeze toward her as she, too, tried to recover from the intensity of what had just happened.
She embraced him, hugging him tightly, the slippery phallus pressing into his thigh before sliding to the side as they entwined.
"That felt so good," she said, turning her head to kiss his neck.
"Better than good," he responding, squeezing her in his grasp.
"My god, Aaron! Whatever made you think about such a thing?"
"Making you feel good is what made me think about it," he answered, not wanting to spoil the moment with any admission that some other woman, years in his past and before he'd even met Felicia, had introduced him to this wildly erotic pleasure.
Besides, his answer was 100% truthful.
"But," she pressed, "what made you think this would feel good for me? And, jeez, baby — you must have been crazy worried about taking this toy up your ass after having only my fingers inside you."
Aaron uncoupled from her, turned her to the side to begin unbuckling one of the straps on the harness, and said, "Well, since you've been so sexy for me by not freaking out about finger fucking me in the ass," he began, now holding the harness for her as she stepped out of it, the feeldoe shaft slipping through the ring at the crotch, "maybe you won't freak out to hear that sometimes I masturbate with a butt plug inside me as I stroke my cock and think about you doing me with a strapon."
He tossed the harness aside and looked her in the eyes, yet another confession about to spill out, more worries running through his head about his wife's reaction.
"I mean," he continued hopefully, "it just feels good. Your fingers prove that every time you drive me crazy when you do it to me. So, uh, well . . . well-"
"Shhh," Felicia hushed, looking into her stammering husband's eyes. "So you jerk off to thoughts about me fucking you while the butt plug causes some of the same kind of sensations as what I just did to you." She smiled. "That's okay with me. I love the thought of you so horny to make love to me that you have to masturbate, and now that I've just found out for myself what it feels like to do to you what you fantasize about when you're jerking your cock with a butt plug up your ass, I kinda like the idea that you're hot to have me fuck you."
He didn't see it, focused as he was on Felicia's face, but the contraction of her pussy around the bulb of the feeldoe when she said she liked him hot to be fucked at the end of her strapon caused the shaft to bounce slightly. The feeldoe, however, was quickly slipping out due to the gush of liquid caused by her crashing orgasm of moments before. She dropped one hand to her crotch, gripped the shaft and eased the dildo out of her pussy.
"That is pretty arousing, baby," she said, "you being so turned on by what we just did that you have to masturbate as you think about it." Felicia dropped the feeldoe into the basin. "Maybe I'd like to watch sometime."
Aaron's stunned expression caught her off guard.
"Yeah, I'd like to watch how you do it, see the butt slide inside you," she said, grabbing his hand in hers to begin pulling him through the bathroom doorway and toward the bed. "And I admit that I've never masturbated while thinking about screwing your cute little asshole with a strapon cock, but I can guarantee that I will in the future!"
She giggled, now at the bed and pushing him onto the mattress.
"But promise me, Aaron," Felicia said as she snuggled against him, "that you will regularly make love to me with your big, hard cock pounding my pussy until you make me come hard because I just love that."
"Baby," he answered quietly, "there's no way I would ever stop doing that. It feels great, and I love holding you and being inside you and loving you like that."
"Ummm," was Felicia's contented reply, entwining one leg between his thighs.
"So, yeah, occasionally doing what we just did," he mused, "god, yes, I want us to do it, but only every now and then, I think. My poor butt can't take this very often."
And then, in the final punctuation to the incredibly wonderful way the whole experience had played out, Felicia wrote the perfect ending to Aaron's careful plans for realizing his fantasy with her when she said softly, "But it will have to be often enough to satisfy me."
What a beautiful flat story, without action. This is truly Esciterra's specialty. Very pleasant to read for an insomniac: a third of page every evening, a month of guaranteed sleep. A THOUSAND THANKS.
Ah yes, to be taken and filled. Could use a little more detail perhaps? Wife gets carried away while plowing husband into submission. Flips him over, places his legs on her shoulders and repeatedly buries it to the hilt!
I would love to find some woman who is thoughtful and caring and sexually open to trying things like that and kinky enough to enjoy it. All I have ever come across are women who get off on punishing and torturing a man, any man as some fucked up revenge to something that happened by a family member or family friend when they were 6 years old. I was shot in the head by my father when I was in my early teen years but I don’t go around to shooting ranges and randomly pick some shooter to blast them in the head.
Get some help you whack jobs!
This is such an excellent story and it spoke some serious truths but in the end, I was glad to see Aaron and and his new bride Felicia find the love and happiness they deserved.
Thank you so much for this. It’s incredibly hot. Finding pegging without some of the other kinks that I’m not into is so hard to find and this fits my need perfectly!
This was the best pegging srory by far I've ever read
And ive read some hot ones !
My cock was dripping as I was reading this and boy did I cum as you pushed that dildo all the way in !
The sexy dialog was fantastic too !