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She's caught spying on gladiators training in the nude.
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This is the first volume chronicling the adventures of Sierra Waycross. Sierra has a thirst for adventure living in a world that has evolved into sorcery and strange beasts. Being a desirable, young woman in training to be a gladiatrix, she often finds herself in situations that are sexual and erotic. The sexual content can get intense at times so enter at your own risk.


Sierra Waycross looked out the window of her spacious room where the Kingdom of Rahnd lay before her field of vision. Most budding young women would give anything for her life of privilege but she hated it. Being a daughter of one of the king's twelve advisors was a stifling existence full of monotony, protocol and very little freedom.

With it being such a beautiful day, Sierra made her way to the pond that was a mile from the estate in which she lived. She did her usual flirting to get past the guards and soon reached her secluded location. No one ever came out this way so she considered it her own little piece of the world that was untouched by the duties of court life.

When she reached the pond she wasted no time peeling off the layers of her court dress. It was always a liberating feeling as if she were shedding away a life that didn't represent who she really was. Completely nude, she found one of the giant Bandalla leaves and lay on it as she floated to the center of the pond.

The sun's rays touched Sierra's naked body giving her a pleasant sensation. Often, she would envision a man caressing her like the sun did but the protocol of court life had forbidden her to be with a man even though she was now eighteen. Eventually, her parents would select a mate for her. The concept was repulsive to Sierra and was an affront to the core of her being that someone else would decide who she could love. Most likely, it would end up being a marriage of convenience to one of the pompous fools from a neighboring noble family.

Sierra looked down her body, which had started to bronze over the past few weeks. Her parents were always furious when she came home with a golden tint. Ladies of the court were supposed to be fair skinned. In their minds, tan skin was for the working and peasant classes. Sierra smiled and wondered what her parents would think if they knew how complete her tan really was.

After an hour in the sun, she dove into the water and swam the length of the pond. She came up out of the water, which now ran through her hair and down the voluptuous curves of her body. Her blonde hair had natural dark streaks throughout, which gave her an even more striking appearance. When dry, her hair cascaded in waves just past her shoulders. Her eyes were the color of sapphires and added to her allure.

Sierra approached the shore and then her heart stopped. Someone was hiding in the bushes watching her. She carefully grabbed her towel and started drying off making sure that she kept herself covered as best she could. She didn't want to let on that she knew she was being watched, but her heart was pounding. She felt a little violated that her privacy had been invaded. Sierra grabbed her clothes and casually maneuvered herself behind a large rock to dress.

As she was leaving, she tried to see who it was out of the corner of her eye. She realized that it was her father's stable hand, Jarod. She headed home and continued to act like she didn't know she was being watched.

That night, Sierra lay in bed and couldn't sleep. Her mind kept wandering with thoughts of Jarod. He was about her age and she had always thought he was cute but never entertained any thoughts of him beyond that. They had probably only exchanged a few words over the years so why couldn't she get him out of her mind? That afternoon she had felt violated but now her thoughts on the encounter were strangely erotic. She felt a secret thrill about him watching her naked in the sun. When she finally slept, her dreams were tantalizing.

The next day, Sierra made her way back to the pond. She hoped that Jarod would be hiding in the bushes again. She proceeded to strip out of her clothes, as always, but this time she felt a small hint of modesty and left her skimpy panties on. As she sunned herself on a Bandella leaf she kept her senses alert and soon came to the awareness that Jarod had arrived in his same hiding spot. A slight smile arched the corner of her mouth as devilish thoughts entered her mind. She couldn't believe that she was about to act on that wild spirit of hers that had been pent up all these years.

Sierra swam up out of the water and walked up the shore bank. Water dripped off her feminine curves and her flimsy panties were almost transparent as they clung tightly. She walked casually and directly to the hiding spot where Jarod was. She heard him suck in his breath as she approached.

Sierra cocked her head and asked him inquisitively, "Do you mind telling me what you are doing out here?"

Jarod backed up to a tree and looked around nervously. He considered making a run for it, but the most erotic vision he had ever seen was standing just two feet in front of him. Sierra's hands were on her hips and her bountiful breasts thrust towards him with fully erect nipples. He resorted to stammering. "P-p-p-please, don't tell your father. He'll have me executed."

Sierra came closer until her breasts were practically touching his shirt. "Now, we wouldn't want that, would we? Maybe we can make a deal and I'll consider not telling him."

"Anything. Just please don't tell him."

Sierra proceeded to unbutton Jarod's shirt. She still couldn't believe that she was acting out on her deepest and wildest impulses.

"W-what are you doing?" Jarod stammered.

"Well, I've never seen a man before -- not completely. Maybe you can show me what one looks like?" she purred as she slid his shirt off his shoulders.

"I-I don't think this is a good idea. You're a daughter of nobility and I'm just a common stable hand."

Sierra undid his belt buckle. "I won't tell if you won't," she teased. She slowly slid his pants down his legs. She held her breath as his manhood fell out of his pants before her eyes. It was already filled with his passion. She had heard stories from her friends but she had never seen one. It wasn't quite as large as they had described. Jarod's was about six inches in its fullness but she was still enchanted by the fact that she was the reason it was so engorged. She lightly touched it and ran her fingers down the length of it.

"What are you doing? You said you only wanted to look at it."

She ignored him and continued to stroke it softly and fondled the balls that were underneath his organ. His breathing became labored and he grew another inch as it was starting to pulsate. Sierra started to wonder what it tasted like. She remembered those late night, naughty discussions with her friends where things were described in detail so she decided that she wanted to see for herself. She got on her knees and lightly stuck her tongue on the bulging tip and proceeded to swirl it as he moaned. She then placed her mouth around the first inch and looked up at him. He was looking down at her in disbelief with his mouth agape. The very girl he'd always fantasized about had just put her mouth on his penis. A small giggle escaped her lips as she held it lightly between her teeth.

She then put half of his member in her mouth and moved back and forth slowly and rhythmically. Each time she went down, she put a little bit more in her mouth. It wasn't long before he began to moan out loud. Sierra started tasting a strange sweetness in her mouth. She pulled off of him and noticed a white substance oozing from his throbbing member.

"Oh, don't stop. Please finish!" He moaned and pleaded.

Sierra was curious about this creamy, white fluid. It had an interesting taste but she wanted to see what a climax looked like. She grabbed his manhood and gave it a squeeze as he continued to moan and plead with her to finish. A small spurt of fluid shot out and struck her on the shoulder. She stroked her hand back and forth on him. His penis was now fully lubricated from her saliva and his own juices so her hand glided freely along the shaft. The friction caused three huge gushes to spurt forth, which splashed her breasts as Jarod groaned deeply.

Her own body gave an involuntary shudder as she rubbed the head of his throbbing organ into his own juices that glistened on her breasts. She was spellbound by the fluid that slowly dripped off her erect nipple.

Jarod sank to his knees with exhaustion from the encounter. "I should go now."

"No, I want to see what it feels like inside me." Sierra started to play with it some more but it wasn't as stiff as it had been before. In fact, it was starting to get soft. "What's wrong with it? Can't you make it grow again?"

"I'm sorry. It was too intense. It takes time."

Sierra sat on a large stone and started to pout. Then she came up with an idea. "Can you meet me back here tomorrow at the same time?"

"Y-yes. But what if your father catches us?"

"Don't worry about that. I've got the situation under control."

The next day, Sierra suffered through mindless court ceremonies where she was required to play the perfect hostess to boring and stuffy diplomats. She had to keep up the façade from early morning until mid-afternoon with a faux smile plastered on her face the whole time. It seemed like the longest day of her life as she was anxiously looking forward to her encounter at the pond.

When Sierra had finished her duties for the day, she wasted no time making her way to the pond where Jarod was waiting. She looked exquisite in her ceremonial court dress. Her outfit consisted of long flowing skirts over laced, leather boots. A short, velvet vest covered a ruffled blouse, which joined to a white collar. Her golden and dark streaked hair was up in a clip that allowed her wavy locks to cascade to her shoulders. She wore long white gloves that went past her elbows and stopped midway up her arms. The ensemble was completed with a decorative sword and scabbard at her side.

Jarod looked her over in disbelief. He couldn't believe that this elegant beauty would even give him the time of day. "So now that we're here, umm, how should we begin?" He asked awkwardly.

"For starters, why don't you remove your clothes," she replied.

Jarod started unbuttoning his shirt as Sierra watched. "Uh, aren't you going to undress as well, m'lady?"

"You first." Sierra felt a little guilty about ordering him around, but it was amusing to see how quickly he obeyed her since she was of noble birth. She watched as he awkwardly removed his clothes piece by piece until he stood before her completely naked. The fact that she was fully clothed and he was in such a vulnerable state gave her a strange and erotic sense of power.

Jarod patiently waited for Sierra to follow suit. He held his hand out motioning to her outfit. "If you will, m'lady."

"I'm not quite ready yet. Please lay back for me."

Jarod did as he was requested but then his eyes opened wider as Sierra drew her sword from her scabbard and pointed it under his chin. The sun glinted brightly off the highly polished steel.

"W-Wait. What are you doing?" he asked nervously as she twirled the sword in the dark, medium length curls by his neck.

"Don't worry. It's a ceremonial weapon -- nothing more than decoration. See. It doesn't even have a sharp edge." Sierra brushed the sword edge along the stubble on his cheek to show that it didn't cut.

She then stood over Jarod with her boots straddling his legs. Her long skirts brushed lightly against his thighs. He held his breath as she slowly glided the sword down his chest and along his belly. Even though he knew the weapon was dull, it looked incredibly sharp to his eyes. He gasped as she twirled the tip of the sword in the tight, curly hairs that surrounded his member.

"You seem frightened," Sierra observed with a devilish smile on her face. "Don't worry. I won't hurt you. Maybe you would prefer a gentler touch." She set the sword aside and removed one of her long gloves as she knelt beside him. She watched his reactions as her fingers gently explored his body. She was amazed at the power she had over him as if he were putty in her hands to do with as she pleased.

After teasing him until his manhood was pulsating and swollen to capacity, she rose. She slowly started removing each item of her costume, taking her time and observing him in the process. His eyes were drinking in every moment of the process. When she removed the last layer of skirt, she stood in only a short negligee, which left her luscious thighs on full display.

"Are you ready for me?" Sierra asked in her sweet, tantalizing voice. Jarod was speechless. All he could do was nod eagerly. She slowly slid her panties down her legs leaving her negligee on, which gave an element of mystery. Sierra got on her knees and gently straddled him.

Jarod could feel the warmth of her nether-region as she leaned forward and slowly stroked herself against his enlarged penis. The tiny hairs of her closely-trimmed female place were tickling him and making him even more excited. He was afraid that he might accidentally release his passion before entering her.

After several moments of her playful tease, Sierra reached down and took hold of his rod and lifted herself up to insert it. After going in a little way she felt a resistance. She applied firmer pressure and gave a small yelp as she deflowered herself on him.

"Are you okay?" Jarod asked with concern.

"I'm fine. It was just momentary." She gave him a reassuring smile and continued with a slow up and down rhythm. She gradually increased speed as her treasured place was becoming accustomed to his presence. Her breathing became heavier and became paced to the same rhythm as her motion. This was the most incredible sensation she had ever experienced.

Jarod's hands hungrily explored the contours of her feminine shape through the flimsy material she was wearing. Unable to control himself, he savagely ripped the negligee off her body.

Sierra stopped her motion and slapped him, somewhat playfully, as her perfectly rounded breasts bounced before him and beads of sweat trickled down her erotic form. "Did I give you permission to do that?"

She continued her rhythm and soon her speed increased to a frenzy. Her breathing became high pitched, little gasps. Jarod was matching her pace and trying to hold back as long as he could but he was on the verge. Sierra felt his massive explosion inside her. At the same time, something erupted within her. It was a singular moment of ecstasy and her whole body started to convulse involuntarily in response. She could feel him continue to throb in her for a moment until the sensation died down.

After she caught her breath, she dismounted. The warm fluid from their sex ran freely down her leg. She collapsed beside him and he held her in his arms. They lay there for several minutes and Jarod started stroking her hair. Sierra started to wonder if he might be thinking that this would develop into something deeper. She felt a bit guilty because she knew that it was really only the thrill she was seeking and nothing more. She quietly arose and proceeded to dress.

Jarod looked up at her. "Thank you..." He couldn't think of anything else to say.

"Don't." Sierra simply replied with a touch of sympathy. With that, she left and returned to her mundane and uninteresting life.

On her way home she realized that her impulsive actions this day could have ramifications. She went to see Gabe, the healer that was employed on her family's estate, and much to her relief, he confirmed that she was not pregnant. He gently reminded her how her father would react if he discovered she was engaging in extracurricular activity. Using her charms, she managed to obtain a steady supply of potions from him that would prevent her from getting pregnant during future encounters.

Sierra soon realized that there were only two things that she currently enjoyed in life. One, was looking for new and exciting encounters with Jarod. On one dangerous occasion, they engaged each other in the stable loft while her father was greeting some visiting nobles just outside.

Her other passion was the sword. All members of the court, even the ladies, were required to take basic swordsmanship classes. It was mainly for show but Sierra discovered she had a talent for the maneuvers and intricate sword dance. She trained secretly with the captain of the guard who also recognized her talent. Her family wouldn't approve of her newfound passion so she kept it secret from them. They would consider it barbaric. After two years of training, the captain realized that Sierra had better skill than he did. She was at a disadvantage on size, standing only five and a half feet tall, but she greatly made up for it with speed and raw talent.

Sierra continued to live a dual life. On one side of the coin, was her dutiful presence in the family court. The other side was her secret encounters with Jarod and her dreams of becoming a warrior. Whenever she felt an urge in her loins she would seek Jarod out. Otherwise, she was honing her weaponry skills to the best of her ability.

Fate seemed to call Sierra's name one day when she heard that there was a tournament being held for entrance into the Saebra Academy. The academy was the only school in the realms that was exclusively for women where they trained for the popular gladiatorial games. It was considered one of the few ways that a woman could break into the adventuring world as a warrior. Sierra realized the games might be rough, but she saw them as a fast track and stepping stone to pursue her dreams and see the world outside the confining walls of Rahnd Kingdom.

On the day of the tournament, Sierra feigned sickness and pawned her court duties off on one of the servants. She exchanged her royal gowns for a tight pair of leather pants and a snug fitting tunic. She darkened her hair and restyled it so no one would notice who she was as she left the kingdom. The tournament tested her skills in archery, melee and a boxing match. After a bruised jaw, one eye swollen shut and a four inch gash on her thigh, she emerged from the tournament victorious.

Sierra arrived home late that night and immediately stopped by the healer's small house on her family's estate. He opened the door wearing a frumpy night robe. He stared at her weary-eyed from sleep and it took a moment for him to recognize who she was through the cuts, bruises and darkened hair. "Oh, dear child, what have you gotten yourself into now?"

"I'm sorry for this late intrusion, Gabe, but I can't show up in court like this tomorrow."

Gabe sighed and motioned for her to sit on the patient's bed. "Okay, show me the damage."

Sierra wiggled out of her tight leather pants and Gabe hissed at the bloody gash on her thigh. "How in the world!" he exclaimed. He gently placed his hands on her leg and started muttering strange words. Sierra felt a warmth emanate from his hands and a tingling sensation. She was amazed at how the wound slowly closed before her eyes and eventually disappeared as if it had never been. Gabe then started to work on her face. "Do you mind telling me how this all happened? And why do you have such a giddy expression?"

"Gabe, it's incredible. I've been invited to attend the Saebra Academy!"

Gabe cocked an eyebrow at her. "The gladiator school for women? That is quite an honor indeed, but what will your family think of it?"

"I -- I haven't given it much thought," Sierra paused for a moment. "I imagine they would be quite disturbed by it and try to forbid it. But I'm twenty years old now and I've decided that I want to make my own decisions for a change."

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