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"Congratulations, Ms. Waycross, you are tougher than you look," Mistress Tameer said with admiration. She presented Sierra with a new collar. "You earned it. It's not often that a student jumps a rank in their first day."

Sierra was tying the string of her underwear back together trying to salvage what little bit of modesty and dignity she had left. She took the collar and muttered an insincere thanks. She was still angry about the situation and that the fight had no honor whatsoever. She made a mental note that she would have to get used to things being that way if she wanted to last at the academy.

The next day consisted of a grueling race of endless laps around the academy. It was announced before the race that the five slowest finishers would be dismissed from the academy immediately. Before the day was done, three girls had collapsed on the rocks past the point of exhaustion. They were picked up by the advanced students and unceremoniously tossed on a boat to be sent back to the mainland.

The brutal training continued over the next several months testing all the girls to their limits. The healers were kept busy when melee combat was added to the curriculum. Sierra got so used to the cuts and bruises that she barely felt them anymore when she received them. She advanced in the academy quickly along with Tessa. They both achieved black collar rank within the first six months, which was rare. Several of the second year students weren't at that level yet. With the higher status came less demands. They would train one day and rest the next. That allowed them to spend their free time sunning themselves on the beach or swimming in the waves.

Being at the academy had kept them completely isolated from men. They hadn't even seen one in over six months. Sierra and Tessa constantly talked about their lustful thoughts with each other and how they wished they could be with a man. Talking about it didn't remedy their situation, but made their desires more intense.

Later that day, Mistress Tameer called the students to the hall for an announcement. "Some of you may be aware that the Rostram Academy on the other side of the island is holding their annual tournament tomorrow evening. Two representatives from our school have been chosen to observe the male games. The tournament will be held in one of the lower arenas on the mainland." She paused as all the girls started whispering to each other in excitement, each hoping that they would be chosen.

"The two representatives will be Sierra Waycross and Tessa Lockheart." The second year students erupted in anger, but Tameer held a hand up to them. "Enough! Most of you have already attended the male games from last year. Ms. Waycross and Ms. Lockheart have earned the right by advancing quicker than anyone this year."

Tameer noticed the excited looks that Sierra and Tessa were giving each other and approached them. "Keep in mind that you are only there to observe. One of the mistresses will be chaperoning you to ensure that there are no improprieties."

The next afternoon, Sierra and Tessa were elated as they got dressed and prepared for their trip to the mainland. They both had their hair curled and up in a clip. Their makeup enhanced their already beautiful features.

"If the mistresses don't want us dallying with the male gladiators then why do they give us these outfits to wear?" Tessa asked Sierra. "Think about it. It really isn't less provocative than the school uniforms they make us wear."

The outfits that they were given to wear were identical except Sierra's was light blue and Tessa's was green. The material was lightweight and if had a transparent quality if someone looked closely enough. The top was nothing more than two strips of cloth that crisscrossed their breasts. The skirt was long enough to reach their ankles, but a slit ran up the length showing a generous view of leg. The slit ended at a thin gold belt that sat on their hips.

"I'm wondering what some of the competitors will think when they see us," Sierra added with a sly smile. "I just wish we could find a way to escape the chaperone tonight."

Before sunset, they were ferried to the mainland and entered Beltran, the famous gladiator city. It was resplendent in its marbled architecture of columned temples and arenas -- much different from the stately appearance of Sierra's homeland of Rahnd.

Upon arrival, they were treated to a luxurious dinner at an outdoor restaurant where they sat and mingled with some of the city's nobility. Tessa felt a little awkward and was unsure how to act but Sierra blended right in with the setting. The nobles treated them with high regard. Successful gladiators were considered heroes in their land and the games were the main source of entertainment. They were enamored with having two potential stars in their presence -- especially ones as beautiful as Sierra and Tessa.

After dinner the two girls were escorted to the games where they had prime seats. Even though this wasn't considered a major event, the stands were crowded with fans who had to pay a fair amount of coin to enter. The chance to see future stars was worth it.

Women had not been allowed to attend the male games until about ten years ago. It was deemed improper at the time but the arena masters soon realized they could rake in much more money by opening the doors to them. Many of the women were wives who bribed their husbands into letting them come. The husbands were smart enough to let them attend. They knew when they returned home it would be a wild night as their wives released their desires and fantasies on their husbands.

Young single women would beg their fathers to let them attend the games. They secretly hoped to land a future husband among the gladiators. The fathers usually didn't mind handing over the admission fee and didn't mind the idea of having a hero or potential star join the family.

The evening events started with an archery contest followed by a sprint race. Sierra and Tessa were pleased with the fact that the gladiators only wore short loincloths for the two events, which showed off their masculine and muscular physiques. Collars signifying their rank were the only other article they wore. Sierra and Tessa spoke in secretive whispers to each other while picking out favorites to pull for -- usually the ones that had the best bodies.

The melee combat was the next event and the most intense. The gladiators were equipped with shields, choice of weapon, various pieces of armor, boots and helm. The men fought ferociously, more so than the women did at Saebra Academy. Sierra made note of that and tried to learn from their fighting style. Frequently a breast plate or other piece of armor would come dislodged bringing an excited and distinctly female cheer from the stands. The women in attendance would also gasp in dismay when one of the heroes was cut and bleeding.

After the melee tournament was over there was an intermission. The mistress chaperoning them turned to Sierra and Tessa and spoke to them for the first time that evening. "Would you like to have a closer look at the gladiators? You'll enjoy the costumes they wear for the wrestling tournament."

The two girls looked at each other with their eyebrows raised. "Sure!" they said in unison.

The mistress escorted them down to one of the arena wings. One of the school instructors from the male academy greeted her. "Greetings, Ladonna," he said bowing to her. "It's been a long time. You are looking radiant as ever."

"Yes, it's been too long," she replied to him with a purr. "This is Sierra Waycross and Tessa Lockhart, two of our promising students at Saebra."

The instructor gave a slight bow and said, "It's a pleasure to have you."

It wasn't long before Mistress Ladonna was lost in conversation with this instructor. Apparently they had a prior history with each other. Tessa gave Sierra a nudge and motioned her away. She gave Sierra a naughty smile as she pulled her closer to the gladiators waiting for their wrestling match.

"Do you want to get us in trouble," Sierra whispered.

"She doesn't even know we exist right now," Tessa replied with a naughty grin.

The two girls walked freely among the gladiators waiting for their wrestling matches. Sierra and Tessa enjoyed the fact that their uniforms were nothing but tiny thongs that were the same color as their collar rank. There were several white ones and a few in green, purple, orange or black. It was an exciting contrast to their oiled bodies. The two girls boldly flirted with several of the gladiators.

One of the young men was several inches taller than the others and Tessa zoomed in on him. He had an amazing body and was muscular in all the right places. His hair came almost to his shoulders, was dark, and had light streaks from the sun. He was the only one in the group who had a silver collar rank.

"What's you're name, big guy?" Tessa flirted.

"Kelvyn," the gladiator replied.

"How long did it take you to get this nice physique, Kel?" she asked as she flirtatiously touched his rounded chest and ran her fingers down his ripped abs.

"This is my second year at the academy," he simply responded.

Sierra smiled knowing what Tessa was up to. She was trying to see if she could get a reaction out of him before he had to go out. That tiny thong would do a poor job of hiding any hint of arousal.

"You aren't much of a talker are you?" Tessa teased. "Check out this suit, Sierra. Look how it shines." The thong had a metallic sheen to it that matched his collar. Tessa boldly touched it. "You should feel it, Sierra." Sierra touched it too. She was impressed with Kelvyn's resolve since they hadn't gotten a reaction out of him yet but she could tell there was much potential underneath. He was focused on his upcoming match and wasn't about to let these vixens tease him into an embarrassing entrance to the field.

"We'd better go, Tessa. I think Mistress Ladonna is on to us," Sierra said. Ladonna was standing in the corner watching them with her arms folded.

Tessa looked up at Kelvyn saying much with her eyes. "Look me up some time when we get out of the academy."

"I'll be sure to do that," he replied. He watched her intently as they returned to their seats.

The wrestling tournament was just as exciting as the girls had hoped. The men were ruthless with each other in their matches doing whatever it took to win. Sierra was aroused by the whole spectacle and imagined what it would be like to be down there grappling with these strapping young studs herself. At times, the combatants would grab each others suits and yank them to gain any kind of leverage they could. Sierra was hoping the tiny thongs would rip off but they stayed together somehow.

When the evening was over, Kelvyn won the tournament. He was presented with a new collar and was greeted with cheers from his adoring, mainly female fans. But he was oblivious to it all as he looked up in the stands and focused on Tessa's delighted applause.

On the ferry ride home, Sierra and Tessa leaned against the rail and talked about the evening events. They made sure they were on the opposite side of the boat from their chaperone.

"Goddess, I'm so horny right now I think I could pop," Sierra said.

"I know the feeling. I could have cheerfully let them all rape me."

Sierra laughed. "Be careful what you wish for. It could easily come true in this profession. I've heard stories. But six months is a long time. I wonder how long it will be before we get another chance like this."

"Actually, I overheard some of the older students talking the other day," Tessa mentioned conspiratorially. "They said that the male gladiators on the other side of the island train naked right on the beach."

Sierra grinned. "Now that would be a sight to see. I wonder if it's true."

"Only one way to find out. We'll have to go and see for ourselves."

"You can't be serious. What about the wall? And what if we got caught? We could get in big trouble."

"I heard there is a small opening at the base of the wall that we might fit under," Tessa replied. "And don't forget, I used to be a thief. I have ways of sneaking around. It's an art. No one will even know we're gone."

The next day, Tessa and Sierra snuck away from the academy and made the trek towards the wall that divided the island.

"I can't believe we're actually doing this," Sierra said while looking back nervously. "If Mistress Tameer finds out she'll have our heads."

"Don't worry," Tessa replied. "I made sure the coast was clear. Just follow me."

They made it to the wall and traveled the length of it. Eventually they found the small opening at the base of the wall and were able to wiggle under it. They stayed close to the wall and entered a wooded area close to the shore line.

They hid among the bushes and saw someone in the ocean. It was a perfect specimen of a man wearing nothing but a collar. It was one of the most erotic visions either girl had ever seen as he emerged from the waves. As the man got closer they could clearly see drops of water covering his perfectly sculpted body. The water beaded like dew on the tight, curly hair that surrounded his manhood. There was no erection but they could tell that he would be quite large if aroused. His balls were taut against his body from the cold water.

Sierra gave Tessa a nudge when he passed by their hiding place. They realized that this bronze god was Kelvyn, the winner of the tournament from the previous evening. He joined a group of six other gladiators who were naked and doing stretches on the beach. A large mat was spread before them and two of the gladiators started wrestling.

"Why do you think they train naked?" Sierra whispered.

"They were required to wrestle naked in the arena years ago," Tessa explained. "They didn't start wearing thongs until women were allowed to attend the games. I'm not sure how covering their man parts with a tiny cloth makes it any less erotic, but that's beside the point. I think they originally got the idea to fight naked from Rostram, the god of war. He's always depicted in statues as going to battle in the nude. Maybe they think they can channel his energy by emulating him. Come on, let's move over there. We can get a better look."

"That's too close. They might hear us."

"Don't worry. We'll be fine." Tessa started moving stealthily to an area of brush just ten feet away from the gladiators. Sierra cautiously followed. They watched for several minutes as some of the men were practicing wrestling moves and the rest lifted weights on another mat.

A large bird landed on a branch near the girls. When it saw them it squawked and fluttered loudly. One of the men turned to see what the commotion was and started walking their direction. Sierra backed up and pressed herself flat behind a tree. She quickly motioned for Tessa to follow but she couldn't. Tessa's boot was stuck under a branch and she couldn't get it loose.

"Hey!" the young man shouted to her. She got loose and tried to make a run for it but he grabbed her by the arm and dragged her out in the open. "Look what we have here," he announced to the rest of the group. All the men stopped what they were doing and gathered around her. None of them seemed embarrassed about being naked in front of her and they made no attempt to cover themselves.

"What brings you to our side of the wall?" one of the men said looking her up and down hungrily. They could tell that she was from the Saebra Academy by her uniform.

Tessa looked around nervously and was at a loss for words. "I-I was sent by the headmistress to...gather information." She winced realizing that it was a horrible and lame lie.

A handsome but rugged looking man was doing the talking. His name was Grath and he wore a black collar signifying a high rank. "A spy? I'm not buying it, but I think we can find ways to accommodate you." He started playing with her loose top that was just long enough to cover her breasts. Tessa knew she would have a hard time getting out of this. These men had been isolated from women for over six months and they planned to take advantage of the situation.

"Okay, I'll leave. Let's just forget you ever saw me here." She turned to leave but a couple of the gladiators grabbed her by the arms. A few of them had been in last night's tournament but they didn't seem to recognize her. Kelvyn was standing off to the side with his arms folded watching the exchange. She was certain he recognized her.

"How could I let a beautiful lass like yourself leave?" Grath replied. He started to lift her top to get a better look. Tessa slapped his hands away and made another attempt to run but three men held her. She struggled wildly to get away but they outnumbered her.

"I've always wanted to see what you girls wore under these uniforms." Grath savagely ripped her top off and the skirt soon followed. Tessa was left squirming in her underwear, boots and leather belt. Grath unbuckled her belt and tossed it aside. The men were all starting to show signs of arousal as they watched Tessa squirm and try to escape.

Sierra stayed in her hiding place watching the whole scene with fascination. She didn't know what to do. She couldn't jump in and rescue her. They were outnumbered and if she tried anything she would be in the same predicament.

Grath grabbed hold of her and the other men stood back and let him take control of her, but they were eagerly waiting to have a turn. Grath ripped her bra off and roughly threw Tessa to the ground. She tried to fight back and got in a few good hits but he had her knees spread apart and was pressing his stiff rod against her panties. Before he could rip them off he was struck hard on the back of the head.

Kelvyn stood over him. Grath immediately got to his feet. "What in the nine hells is your problem, Kelvyn," he growled.

"I didn't like your treatment of her."

"What are you going to do about it?" Grath took a swing at him but Kelvyn ducked under it and tackled him. They rolled on the mat and fought viciously. The other men cheered them on. Tessa got to her feet and two men stood on either side of her to make sure she wouldn't run. All she could do was watch as these men fought each other to see who would claim her.

Kelvyn soon gained the advantage as he planted a knee in Grath's back while holding his arms. He screamed in pain as his back was being arched. His penis was still erect and pointed straight forwards. Sierra could hear a cracking sound from where she was hiding as Grath's back and arms were stretched beyond their limit. Kelvyn dropped him to the mat where he was left to writhe in agony.

"She's all yours now, Kelvyn," one of the other men called out. "Just save some for the rest of us."

Tessa was trembling as Kelvyn approached her. She had a hard time reading his motives but he wasn't being rough with her like Grath had been. He stood behind her and held her against him. She could feel his growing manhood as he touched her hard nipples and ran the back of his hand slowly down her belly. He then snaked his hand down her panties. Tessa whimpered and tried to pull away but he held onto her firmly. Her mind was rejecting what was happening but her body hungered for it. His finger slid with ease into her most private place, which was wet and fully lubricated. His finger motion caused her to shake uncontrollably and sink to her knees.

Sierra continued to watch the encounter intently and was starting to feel guilty about anticipating what was happening to Tessa. She also felt guilty about the hunger she was experiencing in her own loins. She didn't know whether she should envy Tessa or fear for her. Sierra subconsciously slid her fingers under her skirt and started mimicking Kelvyn's motions.

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