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Adventures in Babysitting Ch. 04: Faith

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baby sitting threesome.
2.4k words

Part 4 of the 5 part series

Updated 11/26/2023
Created 05/02/2023
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Best friends do everything together. That's what we believe. My name is Faith and my best friend's name is Casey. We are 18 year old Seniors who cheer together on the Edgewood High Cheerleader squad. We go on double dates together with football players, we are in the same classes, do well grade wise and earn extra money babysitting when needed.

I stand about 6'0" tall. I am African American with dark skin, full lips, long legs, bubble butt and a 44DD chest. Casey is 5'2" even, blonde with her hair in pigtails 99% of the time, a matching 44DD chest and an hour glass baby doll looks. She has great book smarts but can be a real ditz otherwise with no commonsense.

Both of us take turns watching Ms. Kenny's three daughters across town. When one of us is working the other will usually be there hanging out. Robin as Ms. Kenny likes to be called, doesn't care either way. Robin, when not at work or in court, is a partner in a major law firm in Baltimore. She's 45 years old and 5'4" tall. She is spicy hispanic girl boss woman. Robin's figure is stunning with a nice 42DD chest and is curvy in all the right places with round gold framed glasses that soften the freckles on her face.

Robin works very hard. When she comes home at night we can both tell she is beyond exhausted. This one night was no different. Robin came in her townhouse a little after 10 pm and left her briefcase and keys at the door. As she moved toward us in the large living room of her first floor. As she came towards us she kicked her heels off by the door, her suit jacket was hung up on a coat rack, and her panty hose came off as she gradually made her way towards us. A path of her work uniform from the firm leaving a vast trail behind her.

Grabbing a beer from the fridge she planted herself between us on the couch. She cocked her head back and drank half of the local brewed beverage and finally let out an exasperated curse as she attempted to unwind between us.

We both looked up to Robin so much! And hated that she never saw her three girls enough and always looked tired. That even her girls were away with their dad. Casey and I knew we had to do something for her. No plans were on place but what happened kind of just came about on its own. Here is what happened.

Robin sat between us. She had her bare feet resting on the coffee table as she sighed after another sip of beer and asked us how our day and school was going? "Seeing any boys recently?," she asked. "Not at the moment, Robin," Casey said for the both of us. "Do me a favor and don't!" Robin said then told a little about her current client and what this soon to be single mother of two boys was dealing with in her divorce from her husband.

I am not sure who winked to who or who made the first move but Casey moved to sit on the coffee table and rub Robin's sore feet. I stood up and got behind Robin to massaged her very tense shoulders and neck. Robin wiggled a bit and sighed as we each tried to help her out. She leaned her head back against the couch and she wound up nestling right up between my breasts. As she moved her head side to side her hair bun would tickle my cleavage and nipples. Casey rubbed one foot all around and then worked her was up Robin's bare calf. As she turned her right leg outwards to get at a knot of hardness on her calf, Casey looked up her leg under her skirt and saw no panties, just the hint of Robin's bare pubes under the shadow of clothing.

Looking down as I massaged Robin's shoulders I could see her ample cleavage through the collar of her white blouse and her prominent nipples trying to break out because all the sudden they became very erect. Robin thanked Casey for rubbing her sore leg and feet and then said sweetly, "would you mind rubbing up further between my legs? I feel so sore up there." Casey wanting to help in any way possible scooted closer on her knees now and reached between Robin's parted legs and laid her open hand on Robin's bare pussy, which was very hot and very wet.

Casey said with some deep concern, "Robin, I'm afraid you really hurt yourself. Your leaking between your legs!" Robin replied nonplussed, "just take two fingers and press into me there until I tell you to stop. That usually helps." Casey pressed her index and middle digits forward and they sunk into Robin's sex up to Casey's knuckles. As instructed Casey moved them in and out slowly.

Mean while Robin had me let her hair loose and she unbuttoned her blouse and leaned forward and asked me so kindly to remove her bra. Once I did this she moved my hands downwards and said her breasts were awful sore, "Would I massage them for her too?"

Of course I would do anything for Robin. Robin started to sigh more and moan. Casey grew more concerned and almost frantic in her worry. "Robin my fingers are not working! What should I do?" Robin opened her eyes from her obvious pain and said breathlessly, "You're going to have to lick it to make me feel better." Casey looked at her aghast. "Use your whole mouth and lick and suck on me down there. Make sure to flick the swollen nub in the middle!"

"Ok, Robin, anything for you!," Casey said with pride of duty.

Casey spread Robin's ample thighs apart so that she had full access to what she had to do. Casey could smell the sweet musk of her sex and it drew her to it like a bug to a zapper. Nose to nose with Robin's clit Casey stuck out her small flat tongue and began to lap at the clit slowly. Robin moaned softly. At this time Robin had me pulling on her nipples. As I leaned further over to rub the bottom of her breasts, Robin leaned back and kissed me on the open mouth. I returned her kiss as she obviously was still not doing well.

Casey was not thinking she was doing a good enough job so she put two fingers back inside Robin and started sucking on her clit after every 15 licks. Because that's just like the CPR treatment she learned about the two summers ago when she was a lifeguard. This act pushed Robin over the top. Robin sucked my tongue into her mouth and reached up and grabbed hold of my breasts above her head. Robin started bucking into Casey's face as Casey was doing all she could to make her better.

Then all of the sudden Robin leaked even move fluid all over Casey's face and dropped her hands and closed her legs as she rocked back and forth and yelled, "Oh mercy!"

Robin brought Casey to her and kissed her. She then held my hand and said, "who wants to go next?"

Both of us looked at her confused. We thought we had saved her from severe pain and she wanted to help us in return? Casey and I looked at each other in shock not knowing what to say. Robin looked at the two of us and made up her own mind.

Robin stood up and dropped the remainder of the clothes she had on. She turned and stood up Casey, who was wearing at the time a small tight t shirt, gym shorts and flip flops. Casey said nothing when Robin grabbed the bottom of her shirt and pulled it off of her, followed by her bra, and with a quick swishing motion Robin had Casey naked as the day she was born. Casey didn't know what to do? She looked to me for help. As I was the only one dressed. It didn't take me long to step out of my clothes and stand with Robin and Casey in an embrace.

Robin pulled Casey and I towards her and joined us in a three way open mouth kiss, our breasts rubbed against each other in our embrace. Robin became the organizer where we could see her intelligent mind at work. Robin had Casey lay down on the couch up against on end. Robin laid between her legs and gave her womanhood mouth to mouth like Casey did to her. I know Casey was perfectly healthy before helping Robin when all of the sudden Casey started whimpering and sighing. I knew then she caught what Ms. Robin had!

I was really worried about Casey! And then I thought, "What if Robin's sickness returned? I had to do something!"

As Robin was on her hands and knees, between Casey's legs giving her the treatment, I knew it was my turn to give back. Robin's legs were spread apart exposing her inflamed womanhood. I came up behind her and started doing what I saw Casey do before. I leaned in and began to lick her up and down between the top of her butt crack on down to her inflamed womanhood. Robin wiggled her butt in pain and moaned into Casey's legs.

Casey's breathing started to get faster and more labored. I trusted Robin or I would have pushed her aside to save my friend. So I continued to lick and suck on Robin's backside. I wet two fingers with my mouth and inserted them inside Robin and vigorously thrusted into her. Robin pulled away from Casey and moaned loudly.

Her mouth covered in the juices of Casey's sickness. Robin had Casey sit up as she opened a locked box and pulled out a long double sided cylinder like object made of rubber with ridges on it.

Casey and I had no idea what it was but Robin seemed to have more experience in this kind of thing then us novices. Robin had Casey get on her hands and knees on the floor facing away from her. Robin the got on her hands and knees facing away from her and backed herself up between her legs. Robin then put the life saving tool in Casey and then in herself. As I watched entranced, Robin and Casey rocked back and forth into each other backward, their butts slapping together. Later that night Casey and I laid entwined together with Robin in her king sized bed. Robin stayed in the middle with Casey and I on either side. I was snuggled up to her from behind as Casey and Robin faced each other. My small arms could just touch Casey's arm around Robin.

Robin told us we had to stay with her for an intubation period of two full days before we were completely cured.

As my pale tan brown 44DD chest pushed against Robin's bare back, that simple closeness made my thumb sized nipples hard again and my womanhood get wet too. Not knowing what to do because, "obviously I wasn't cured the first time," I needed to find a way to self medicate before I re-infected the others. But,"what was I to do?"

Robins butt was right up against my womanhood. So I just scooted closer to her and humped against her butt. Not getting the healing I needed I reached between her legs and felt her warm womanhood with my hand. I became really scared because she was really wet too like I was. Robin sighed in her sleep as I rubbed her womanhood and rubbed her button that had risen up again.

Robin began to stir and push back against my womanhood with her butt. When to my surprise I felt Robin's hand come back and rub me so I could start to feel better. I looked up over Robin to see Casey moving down to kiss Robin's bare breasts. As I slid my fingers in and out of her from behind, I felt another hand rubbing her button too.

I leaned in and kissed and licked Robin's neck. I moved her hair out of the way by pulling on it caused Robin to arch her back and moan. Robin opened her eyes and had each of us lay between the others legs. Robin was between mine, I was staring at Casey's womanhood and got the idea and we each began sucking and licking each other's womanhood.

All three of us were cuing and moaning, which meant we were all starting to feel better. All of us let out more wetness but Robin said there was more we had to do! Of course Casey and I said we would do anything!

Next thing we know Robin pulls out a 6" cone with a harness on it. She has me put it on. The cone covers my womanhood. Robin lays down on her back. She spreads her legs and tells me to put the cone in her deeply. I come up to her and hold on to one of her full thighs with one hand as I guide the cone between her lips and inside her. I begin to move my hips back and forth into her. Mean while Casey is told to kneel over Robin's face as Robin licks her. Casey not have anything to do starts kneeding and massaging my breasts, which bounce up and down with each of my thrusts.

After ten minutes of this Robin has us switch places. Casey lays down for me to feed her the cone and Robin kneels over her mouth. Eventually its my turn. I give the harness to Casey and she pounds into me as all of us moan and scream in release as we feel the sickness leave our bodies once again. We collapse in a heap on the bed at the wee hours of the morning and awake some time afternoon.

We all take showers to wash away the germs and eat a brunch while we watch romance movies most of the day. Surprisingly we all got sick again the next night but that is a whole other story.

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