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Agents of Pleasure Ch. 16

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Chad's screw-up ends explosively!
10k words

Part 16 of the 39 part series

Updated 06/06/2024
Created 08/26/2017
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On the short drive to the Turner house, both Paige and Marie were a little quiet; so much so that Marie asked, "You okay, Luv?"

"More than okay," the redhead replied, "that was so much fun, I'm pretty much worn out!"

"Oh good! I thought it was just me who's ready for bed now!"

The house was dark when they pulled up. Paige said, "Looks like my mom went to bed early; she wanted to have a conversation about something. I hope that will keep til the weekend."

"What about?"

"For when Chad moves in...I don't know exactly." Paige opened the car door and was going to step out, then paused, "But speaking of conversations, you and I need to have a couple."

"We do?"

"Yes, I want to know what you're going to say in your report to Kayla," when Marie giggled Paige continued, "AND, I want to know that thing Patti said about her! But maybe that talk can wait until at least tomorrow; I'm too tired tonight."

"It'll keep, and just so you know, I'm thinking of making it a complete report tonight!"

"You're NOT?"

"I'm thinking about it."

"If she's a good babysitter, you might scare her off, you know!"

Marie laughed, "I would bet $1,000 that won't happen. You'll see what I mean later."

Paige slept soundly. Her alarm went off at 8:00 and the first thing she heard was some banging around at the rear of the house. It took a moment for her to remember, "Oh yeah, Tom Brecher and his crew."

Fifteen minutes later she was all put together for casual Friday. Jimmy and Jamie were playing with toys on the living room floor, and Sophie and Olivia were engrossed in their tablets sitting on the sofa. "Hi kids!" It was as if the two little ones didn't even hear her, and the older girls just waved! When she walked into the kitchen, Tom Brecher was sitting at the table and Trudy was pouring him a second cup of coffee.

"Good Morning, Paige! Coffee?"

"For sure, Mom; Thank you! Good morning, Tom!"

"Hi Paige!" Tom rose quickly and pulled a chair out for her.

"Thank you! Wow, you guys got here early!"

"I hope we didn't wake you; I've got two guys clearing some space in there for our equipment."

Trudy poured a cup and slid the cream and sugar over to her. "Oh it's okay, I have to be in the office in thirty minutes anyway."

"I was just telling your mother here that Monday, we'll be starting at 8:00 every day."

Her mother was giggling, "Yes, he was asking if I would be up by then!"

Paige didn't giggle, she laughed! "There are four kids in this house!"

Tom grinned, "Yeah, my bad! Sometimes the polite thing isn't always logical!"

Trudy sat down at the table, "I'm figuring on making lunch for you all most days. How many men will there be every day?"

"Three, but you don't have to do that!"

"Paige, do I have to do that?"

The redhead looked at Tom and said, "Uh, you don't know my mother. She's going to take care of you whether you want her to or not!"

Tom made an "O.M.G. face at Trudy, but said nothing. So she said, "Yes, the only thing is, you'll have to eat what I put in front of you, and clean your plates!"

He laughed out loud, "The way my guys eat? Pffftt!"

The conversation went five more minutes before he left to join them in the back. The women watched him leave, and Paige said, "I like that guy! What do you think of him, Mom?"

"He's very nice!"

"He's kinda sexy too!"

Paige wasn't positive but she thought she detected a somewhat dreamy look in Trudy's eyes; then her mother said, "We had a fifteen minute conversation before you came in. It was quite interesting, seems we both lost our spouses! His wife died two years ago."

"Yes, I knew that; Chad told me."

"He told me it broke his heart, but six months ago he came to his senses. He has two children and two grandchildren and why would they want to see him wallowing around being sad the rest of his life. I told him that same thought came to me as well; which is why I'm living with you!"

"Okay, and how did he respond to that?"

"He said it was interesting how we were on the same page in that way!"

"Oh my Goodness! He said that, huh?"

And her mother smiled, "I said 'Yes, it is interesting!' Then you came in."

Paige just stared, then said, "Bad timing! Uhh..."

"I'm not worrying; and don't YOU worry either!"

"Well Mom, maybe things will get even more 'interesting' starting Monday!"

"Maybe." Paige's mother blushed...and her daughter's eyes went wide!

Usually when she drove to the office, Paige would turn left on Main Street. Today, she impulsively turned right because Polecki's Bakery was four blocks down. The door made a ding when she walked in, and ten seconds later Jane Polecki came through another door from the back. She wiping what looked to be flour from her hands, seeing Paige she smiled a kind of 'knowing' smile...with one eyebrow raised!

"Paige Turner! Hey, it's been a while! How have you been?"

"Just great, Jane! How are you?"

"Can't complain; we've been busy, busy, BUSY...Especially lately! How can I help you today?"

"Well, I haven't been in that often because I'm watching my waistline a little more closely. Goodness, if I came in here every day it could get dangerous! But it's Friday, my boss and I are gonna do danish with our morning coffee, so let me have two of the apple over here...they look dangerous enough!"

Jane smiled, "Yes, but these can be addicting! Watch out!" She got a small bag and her tongs and picked out two. Then the conversation turned in the direction the agent thought it might. "I heard you helped the Steadmans find their dream home! I was speaking to her just yesterday. Oh my God, I've almost never heard her that excited before!"

"I know! And it's also interesting that this house is only blocks away from Sara and Jason McCullers. They were the ones who referred Ginny to me!"

Jane looked up from the register as she waited for the printed price sticker, "It definitely is interesting, Adam and I have been socializing with them both for over a year now. I can't wait to see what they do with their new houses!"

"It's been a great contact for me! My friend Marie London and I had lunch with the McCullers a couple weeks ago."

Jane Polecki reached the bag over the counter. Paige would have taken it, but Jane did not let go immediately. When the redhead lifted her eyes, Jane very smoothly said, "I also heard that you had an interesting lunch at Sara's condo last Friday!"

They were both holding the bag over the counter; Paige's impulse had been correct. "You heard that, did you?"

"Oh yes, and maybe 'interesting' isn't exactly the right word!"

"No, it was for sure more than interesting!"

Jane let go of the bag, "Anyway, Sara said you and your friend have an invitation to join us some time soon. I hope you can do that!"

"We'll see, as you said, 'life is getting busy;' but hey, keep me in mind if you hear of customers who are looking for a real estate agent."

"You can be sure I will!"

When Paige walked into the office, she went over to the coffee bar for a paper plate and handed one to Jimmy behind his desk. "Hey, thanks! What's this for?"

"I've got danish so we're celebrating; I'm hoping to set up the Steadman and Green closings today."

"Check your voice mail; I think I heard one of our notaries leaving a message."

Jimmy was right; the first message set up Charlie Green's closing in eleven days. When she called back to confirm, their notary also had a slot for the Steadmans. They ended up putting them both back-to-back on the same day; Jack and Virginia at 3:30, Charlie at 4:30.

Paige called Virginia first. She was in the middle of a project and couldn't talk long. But still, Ginny thanked her three times and simply could not hide how excited she was. Then Paige pulled up Charlie's number on her contact list. This would be the first time talking to him since their encounter...and she was nervous.

Taking TWO deep breaths, she punched the number, "Hello Paige!"

"Charlie! How are you?"

"Never better! And you?"

"Doing very well, thank you! I have great news! Your closing is Tuesday, August 26 at 4:30. Will that work for you?"

"Oh yeah, it works for me! But that's a week before your wedding, isn't it?"

"It is, but we're doing a small ceremony at city hall, and there won't be a honeymoon...what with our remodeling the house and all."

"Okay, cool; and now that I have the date, I'll call your fiance Chad and set up a walk-thru for a bid on my own remodel."

"I'll tell him to expect a call."

"Great!" Then Charlie shifted the gears of the call, "Hey Paige, just so I know, did you tell him about our little 'get-together?'"

"I did. No secrets with us! He actually said he was looking forward to meeting you!"

"Also cool! From everything you've told me, he sounds like a guy with his shit together!"

Paige laughed, "Oh, he's definitely has his 'shit' together!" She hesitated, wondering if she should tell him about the threesome last night.

Charlie was like a mind-reader or something, "It's okay, Paige; you can tell me what you're thinking! Know what? Tell me something interesting because I have something interesting to tell YOU!"

"Of course you do; I bet it's about Allie Pruitt!"

"Are you like a mind-reader or something?"

Paige laughed at this coincidence, "Yeah, I am...well, last night Chad and I had my first threesome with another woman."

"FUN! Who with?"

"My best friend, Marie."

"How was it?"

"On a scale of 1-10? 10!"

"Awesome! I bet you slept well! Okay, I'd love to hear more, but I need to get back to work in a minute. Yes, I was over at Allie's last night; she told me about your conversation during lunch. She also said you and Marie were very attractive and a lot of fun to talk to."

"I would say the same about her and add she's also quite smart."

"I agree, I don't have time for bimbos; good sex is one thing, but when the sex is over and you're talking over dinner, intelligent conversation is key!"

Paige couldn't help herself, "So did you and Allie have sex last night?"

"Of course! Allie's a fuckin' freak when she's horny, which is most every day! Maybe you'd like to join us sometime?"

An erotic shudder coursed through Paige in a wave. It was several seconds before she said, "That's very tempting, I'll think about it, Charlie!"

"Did I catch you off-guard," he asked with a chuckle, "Let's just play things by ear for the time being, okay?"

"Sure, that might be best."

"Not really, want to know what I think would be best?"

Paige shivered again, she had a suspicion as to what he might say, "Yes, what?"

"I think you and I should finish what we started on Monday!" The petite little redhead shuddered again, she didn't answer. "Still there, Paige?"

"I...Yes...I think I'd like that!"

"Great, I'll keep in touch!"

For the next ten minutes Paige had trouble focusing. She was trying to push away the visual of Charlie's huge dick fucking her, and failing! Her phone rang; it was the mortgage company calling with some questions about one of her client's pre-qualification information. Thankfully the call broke the spell, and she got back to work.

For the next hour she researched East Rochester, looking for something that might satisfy Ms Icky-Picky first time buyer. Nope-Nada...there was nothing in that school district. She called the husband and gave him the information; in West Rochester, there were several good options, but not in the east! That was not a fun phone call!

Fortunately Marie called next asking if she had plans for lunch. "I don't have any plans the rest of the day!"

"No? Well, come meet me at the Safari Food Court! I've got something fun to tell you!"

"What time?"

"Can you come now?"

She glanced at her watch, 11:15. "I'll be there in fifteen minutes."

"This will be my treat!"

At 11:35 Paige found her sitting in the shade of an acacia tree with two chicken club salads and lemonades. "Thanks for this," she said as she sat down, "I skipped breakfast this morning, but hold on a sec." Before she took the first bite of food, Paige tapped out a text to Marie and hit "send." When Marie's phone pinged the redhead said, "That's the date and time of Charlie Green's closing in my office."

"Ohhh, you talked to him this morning, huh? How did that go?"

"All business at first of course, but then he told me Allie Pruitt filled him in on our conversation with her at Mannino's. Allie thinks we're hot!"

Marie smiled, "That's because we are! Anything else?"

"Uh yes, he invited me to meet him and finish what we started on Monday!"

"THAT'S definitely hot! What did you say?"

"I said I would, but did not know when."

"Oh my God! Is this going to be sooner or later?"

"I don't know...it's too complicated!"

They ate the first few bites of their salad. "So, getting back to Kayla's 'report,' when I walked in she had study materials laying all over the dining room table. I asked her if she was ready for her tests and she said she was 'hopeful.'"

"Not too confident huh?"

"Not at all. Anyway she began packing up her things and I told her that she was welcome to stay and sleep on the couch if that would help. She ended up doing that. I said I was really tired and needed some sleep."

"Knowing YOU, you were teasing her!"

"You can bet on it!" said Marie with a giggle, "Kayla immediately asked, 'Do I get my report?' I told her I could give it to her in the morning; and do you know what she said?"

"No, what?"

"She said she couldn't wait until morning!" Marie smiled and gave Paige an "Isn't-THAT-fucking-interesting" look. "Yeah, I laughed and sat down and told her I'd give her ten minutes to ask anything she wanted, then I needed my sleep!"

Paige grinned, "Wow, I didn't realize you were THAT tired, that you would cut a conversation about sex so short!"

"Yeah, pretty amazing, right?"

"So what was her first question?" Her friend took another bite of salad and chewed it long enough for Paige to realize she was dragging it out to make her squirm. "Okay...you BITCH!"

Marie laughed like it was so hilarious, "I just love your reactions, Luv! So...she asked me if this was a F-M-F threesome or a F-F-M threesome."

"There's a difference?"

"A big difference; FMF is when there is very limited interaction between the two females...they could both be straight women for that matter. FFM is when the women are bi-sexual and they eat pussy and everything else it involves. You should have seen the look on Kayla's face when I said it was FFM!"

"Before I met you, I probably would have had the same look!"

"Oh yeah, for sure! Anyway, the rest of the questions you could guess: did he fuck us both, did we ever suck his cock together; that kind of thing. But the last question was very different."

"Which was what?"

"She asked if you and I had ever been together before."

"Oh my God, and of course, you told her!"

"Sure, why not? I can't see myself telling someone like her to mind their own business; that's just not me!"

"No, that's not you for sure! So how did she react?"

Marie put down her glass, "She smiled and nodded, kind of a 'knowing' smile I'd say. But right then, we cut it short. She had more studying to do and I went to bed! It was fun though; when I said 'goodnight' she said 'To be continued?' THAT was funny!"

"Okay, that was very interesting...can you tell me Patti's story now?"

"I can, but first you can never let this slip to Kayla; Patti never discussed it with her, and probably won't. She's a good babysitter and doesn't want to lose her."

"Gotcha, what happened?"

"Patti said they had Kayla sitting on a Friday night, and she mentioned to her their family was going to Champaign the next day. Well, long story short, the visit was cut short and Patti wanted Kayla to sit again that same night. When she called her she asked, 'Are you busy?' and Kayla said, 'Kinda, I have a friend over, we're hanging out.' Patti asked her if she wanted to sit again that night, and Kayla says yes."

"Nothing unusual there."

Then Marie got all mysterious with the telling, "The weird thing was, when Patti was about to hang up, she heard a clock chime the half-hour...and it sounded like the clock on HER mantle!"

"Oh my GOD! What did she do?"

"Nothing, Kayla asked what time and she showed up that night."

Paige was thoughtful, "So what is the thinking here?"

"Patti thinks that since Kayla has a key to their house, and that the family would be gone all day, she and her friend could come over and hang out there instead of in the dorm."

"I see, so playing detective here, Kayla didn't ask for permission first because she was going to have sex."

"Right, if it was just 'hanging out,' you can do that anywhere. Patti thinks it was with a girlfriend, but she's not sure."

The redhead looked hard at Marie, "I bet at some point you'll be asking her about her sexual preferences!"

Marie grinned, "Of course I will, but not for a while; and maybe she'll just bring it up. I'm pretty sure she'll want to ask a few more questions regarding the report!"

Paige was giggling now, "Talk about life getting complicated!"

"Yeah, Right? Anyway...do you have some idea of where this Charlie Green situation is going?"

"No, and I'm not going to give it too much thought. If I do, it'll drive me crazy! I have enough crazy going on right now!"

That night Paige spent the evening with the family; she and her mother made plans to take them all to the swim beach at Rochester Community Park the next day. School was starting in a week and they hadn't been on a real picnic for over a month. The weatherman was predicting warm enough for swimming, and if they waited too much longer the summer would be gone. Paige and Trudy got everything ready for the outing, put the little kids to bed, and crashed on the front porch!

They spent the next twenty minutes discussing her mother's concerns once Chad moved in. Paige had thought Trudy was troubled by the prospect, but that wasn't it. The problems were minor, easily solved. The biggest one was the financial arrangements. "Mom, you keep doing what you're doing! Keep YOUR money in the bank, look for some good investments, and let Chad and me handle the rest! At some point, everyone needs elderly care. Save your money for that!"

"Thank you, Dear; I feel better just discussing the details."

When mom went to bed, Paige called Chad; he answered right away, "Hey Sexy! How are things going?"

"Good! We're going to Rochester Park tomorrow for most of the day! Wanna come?"

"Aw, sounds like fun but I planned on working late. Maybe I'll stop by for a few minutes after lunch."

"Too bad, I bet you'd be good teaching Jimmy to swim, or at least get him started."

"I'd like that, maybe we can do it again mid-September?"

"That could work, let's see what happens, okay?"

"Hey, speaking of September, I called city hall today and set up our appointment!"

"You did? Awesome!"

"Yep, September 2, 10:30am. Maybe we should have a celebration at Mannino's after the ceremony. Like a mini-reception?"

"Perfect! Thanks for doing that, Sweetheart! Tell you what, I'll go to Mannino's on Monday and set up the party!"

"We have a plan! Oh, and guess what else? I spent ten minutes on the phone today with Jack Steadman, and fifteen minutes with Charlie Green!"

"Oh my God, they're not wasting any time!"

"Apparently not. And Paige? Charlie Green? He seems like a real solid guy!"

"I tried to tell you, there aren't many like him."

"Yes, well we're going to meet soon enough. I'm meeting both of them next week after the closing."

"Do you know when?"

"Not sure, but I'll let you know."

"Okay! Will I be seeing you tomorrow night then?"

There was a hesitation, "Um, it doesn't seem like it. 8:00pm tomorrow night would be early. It could be later. How about you come over Sunday afternoon around 2:00?"

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