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Alexander Ch. 06

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Alexander's date with Jenny.
3.4k words

Part 6 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 05/21/2022
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Author's Note: The following is a work of fiction. All characters are over the age of 18. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is pure coincidence.

Recap: Alexander has inherited a ring with a stone that is called an "Eye" -- one of 8 (or possibly 12). This ring gives him a power of command over the actions and sensations (but not actual thoughts) of others. Part of this inheritance is a 'probationary period' during which Alexander has been stripped of everything -- his wallet, id, phone, apartment, belongings. He had already lost his job. He needs to make his way in the world for a month, starting from scratch. He has obtained someone else's id and card, and has a date with his crush, a barista named Jenny...


Alexander ran his fingertips lightly up Jenny's side, drawing a soft, happy sigh. The dim, quiet light of early morning had begun to lighten the hotel room. The room smelled pleasantly of sex. She moved to press her back and butt more firmly against him. The press of her soft, smooth butt cheeks resulted in Alexander's cock swelling again. He felt a delicious ache in his balls.

He had used Tom's id and credit card to secure the hotel room for a couple of nights. There was some risk in that; he wasn't sure how solid his instructions had been to Tom. If Tom found some way to report the credit card missing while staying within the literal instructions of Alexander's control, things could get complicated. A hotel room was one of the more traceable purchases he could have made. But he decided to trust in his ability to deal with complications, and in any case he needed some time to get on his feet.

He really hadn't expected Jenny to show up for their date. Without his phone, he had no way to confirm or clarify, so he had just gone ahead with his plan, anticipating a nice meal on his own and a quiet evening in the hotel room to contemplate his next moves.

But his heart lifted when he saw her threading her way through the crowded rooftop restaurant. Her smile was the most uncomplicated thing he could possibly imagine.

For an hour or so, Alexander was a normal guy. He was sitting in the shallow sunlight of early evening, golden rays bringing out the splendor of the city skyline. Even the least inspired of buildings took on a magical warmth. The cheerful sounds of a couple dozen conversations surrounded them. Flowers in a vase, water poured into glasses, menus consulted (real paper! No QR code!).

"You must get hit on all the time at the coffee shop," Alexander said. "Why did you agree to meet me?"

Jenny: short black hair, tufty and uneven, yet somehow intentional. She wore layers that were too colorful for goth but not patterned enough for hippie. Was it retro 80s? Or just thoughtfully orchestrated flea market finds. She had caribbean-blue eyes, especially luminous in contrast to her black hair.

"Well," she said. "I don't really get hit on all the time. Uncle Bob's is just neighborhood you know? So, it's mostly regulars. It's more like, I see a lot of wishful thinking, but it's not really about me, is it? It's the bang-the-barista fantasy, right? Or it's just old guys mourning their squandered youth."

"Wow," Alexander replied. "You've given that some thought."

"At a coffee shop, one has time."

"Here's my confession. I've been wanting to ask you out for a long time."

"Well, now you have. You didn't seem too shy about it either."

Alexander wanted to blurt everything out. With Ellie, everything was a scheme, a plan, an opportunity. He wanted to just let it all go. But he held himself back. This was his chance to be ordinary. He didn't want to ruin it.

"To be honest, when you told me you had a boyfriend, I thought my chances were nil."

Jenny explained that they had met as undergraduates at NYU, but he had gone back to the UK, while she had stayed to pursue her masters. They were a good match, but the long distance thing wasn't working well. They hadn't formally broken up, but he was already making sounds about seeing other people. As far as Jenny was concerned, the writing was on the wall.

"We all got pretty good at LDR during the pandemic," she said. "But that's no way to live."

Jenny's degree was in history, although she was still on the fence about whether she was going to go for the full academic life or cut things short and teach high school. They spent a blissful hour talking about early America in the age of enlightenment, and the relationship of American pragmatism to its poetry.

Alexander found himself rethinking his own exit from academia.

When the meal came to an end, the table scattered with empty dishes, their bottle of wine gone, a creme brulee shared, it felt utterly natural for their evening to continue.

"Listen," Alexander said. "They are doing some work in my building, no power or water for a couple days and they are putting us up in a hotel. It's not far from here. Want to join me?"

He was extremely careful not to phrase anything as a command or even a suggestion. He left the question as open-ended as possible.

He loved the way she blushed.

She held his gaze the way they had in the coffee shop the day before.

Finally: "I'd like that."

They both knew what was going to happen.

* * *

But it almost didn't happen.

Alexander key-carded the door, and they stepped into the hushed darkness of the room. The lights came up, gracefully undimming themselves.

"Holy shit," Jenny said. "This is swank."

And then she turned to him. "You said your landlord is paying for this?"

The skepticism in her voice was warranted. Alexander's landlord would never have paid a dime for any inconvenience caused by repair work. Of course Alexander couldn't remember any occasion when repair work had involved anything more substantive than duct tape.

He shrugged. "They're not paying for this, exactly. They gave me a discount on my rent for next month due to the problems, and I am using that discount... and some savings... for this."

"Are you a trust fund kid then?" she asked. She didn't seem impressed.

"Oh god no. I just happened to get a small inheritance from my great uncle -- my grandfather's brother -- recently, and I'm using that."

Alexander was very proud of this deception.

Jenny seemed to relax a little.

"Probably not what I would have done. I would have crashed with some friends and used the money for something more useful, but it's a cool room."

"With a view," Alexander said, opening the curtains to a sweeping view across the East River. All Manhattan was stretched out, the Empire State Building pulsing through a red, blue, and white sequence. Independence Day was just around the corner, after all.


And suddenly Alexander felt out of his depth. He didn't want to use the Eye on Jenny. He didn't want to control or coerce. But he had never been in such a position before. Alone? In a hotel room? With a woman he was interested in? But whom he hardly knew? He simply didn't know how to make his next move.

He sat on the bed.

She leaned awkwardly against the desk chair.

They looked at each other. Awkwardly.

"Come sit by me," he said. He didn't mean it as a command. But he felt a tiny stirring somewhere inside. That coiled power.

Jenny came and sat beside him. They looked out the window at the glittering diamond-dust city.

Alexander reached out and held her hand.

Her skin was cool to his touch.

"I just want to tell you, Jenny, I've really enjoyed this evening. I loved sharing dinner with you. I think you're an amazing woman."

She pursed her lips but met his gaze. "But?"

"Oh no! I wasn't leading up to a 'but' -- well, actually I was, I guess. The 'but' is: I don't want to mess up your relationship with this guy in London. This all looks good, maybe too good, but to be honest, I'm a little bit of a mess right now. I actually lost my job the other day. My poetry is, to be brutally honest, completely useless. I am a little lost right now. I feel like maybe you think I was trying to wow you -- roofdeck dinner and fancy hotel -- but I think I'm mostly trying to wow myself."

She softened.

"Let's enjoy the room," she said. She kissed him.

The touch of her lips was soft, sensual, exciting.

Alexander leaned back, holding the kiss, pulling her on top of him. She tightened for a moment, but relaxed into him. He wrapped her up in his embrace and drank at her lips, sipping her tongue. They kissed for a long time, playing and exploring. He felt himself thicken, but he did nothing about it, keeping all his attention on the dance of their mouths together.

He felt her shift, pressing her breasts more firmly to his chest. She wasn't flat chested but she was nothing like Monica or Ellie. Still, he felt that soft connection and it stirred him.

Alexander let Jenny set the pace, following the suggestions of her body, keeping his attention on everything about her action. He noted the way she kissed, the way she moved her lips, the way she explored and flicked with her tongue. He would turn that back on her later.

For now, he let her drive.

They moved to shift more fully onto the bed.

"It's really nice," Jenny said.

"What's that?"

"To be with someone who's not in a rush."

You should have seen me earlier, he thought wryly.

He pulled her back into their kiss, and they lay together, side by side. He explored the shape of her, caressing the nape of her neck, finding her shoulder blades, holding her close at the small of her back, wrapping his hands around the flare of her hips, pulling her closer, holding her closer. At one point, she offered a sweet and tender moan of desire. Alexander felt himself grow harder. With nothing but this kiss, he thought he had never been more aroused.

Even with her moan, Alexander kept his growing desire in check. He felt that urge, that urge to push her, to tell her what to do, but he said nothing. He just breathed through it, and kept his attention on the sensation of her skin, the scent of her, the sound of their breath, the contact of their bellies.

At her second little moan, and a press of her hips against him, Alexander shifted gears, and pulled away from the kiss.

She looked at him, a dreamy look in her eyes.

"Stand," he said. Again he didn't intend that to be a command of power, and he didn't think any such command was needed, but he felt that shifting inside his belly, that restrained and tightly-wound power.

Jenny stood. Alexander held her hands, looked deeply into her eyes.

"I want to undress you," he said.

She gave him that shy smile that sent heat through his body. She nodded.

Slowly, as teasingly as he could, he gently eased her out of her clothes. Amazingly, he even managed her bra clasp without excessive fumbling. He left her in her black-lace panties, but -- sitting on the edge of the bed directly before her -- he could smell her arousal, which turned up the dial on his own arousal even higher. He felt that straining urgency building in his thick, twitching cock.

But he tenderly caressed her with his fingertips, delighting in all the shallow, graceful, gentle curves of her body. Her nipples were small, hard beads, and he brought his lips to one, kissing gently, pressing in rather than suckling, and holding her closer to him.

She gasped and leaned into him.

He swirled his tongue around that delightful berry of flesh, pressing, licking, flicking and eventually pulling. She quivered and shuddered in his arms. She made mewling sounds.

He shifted her a step further away and stood.

He began to unbutton his shirt but she held up her hands.

A momentary surge of anger flooded Alexander. Was she going to stop things here?

"Let me," she said. He relaxed.

She stepped in and unbuttoned his shirt and his pants. Her fingertips grazed the cloth over his erection. Her eyes widened and her nostrils flared.

She helped him shrug out of the shirt, and drew the pants down over his hips. She ran her fingers around the elastic of his boxers, and gently lifted them, carefully over the pillar of his cock.

She whispered something.

"What was that?" Alexander asked, not catching it.

"Glorious," she said. "You are glorious." She pulled his boxers off. He stepped out of all of it.

He knelt, pulling her panties down and placing a long, lingering kiss on her belly, below her navel. He held his arms up the backs of her thighs, holding her tight butt, pressing her close. She leaned into it, breathing hard.

He stood again, and as he stood, he lifted her up into the air. She was just light enough he could do so without straining. She wrapped her legs around his waist. He pressed his kiss back to her breasts.

"Oh my god," she gasped.

His cock twitched up toward her. He felt the brush of her fur across the head of his aching, reaching member, but didn't try for more. Not yet. He let her enjoy that closeness, and he felt her moving her hips, reaching for him. But he held her up and away, keeping his lips on her breast, swirling and driving her desire higher.

Again he kept it as slow as he could, even though it seemed he could feel every whisper of air around his shaft, his balls heavy and tight, the sensitive tip of his cock twitching and brushing near her.

Eventually he laid her down on the bed.

And brought his kiss down her belly.

"Oh my god," she said again, with even more intensity.

He looked up at her. "Jenny," he said, to draw her attention to his gaze. "I am going to enjoy you now. You are going to feel the pleasure more intensely than you ever have before. But no matter how close you get, you won't cum. Not until I let you."

She laughed, "I'm pretty darn close now, to be honest. I'm not making any promises."

He smiled to himself, and bright his tongue down through her close-trimmed fur.

He parted her labia with his own lips, and with exquisite slowness, dipped his tongue into contact. She was dripping with slippery excitement. Her small clit was even harder than her nipples had been, and he brought only the very lightest touch to it, slowly, slowly circling.

"Christ!" Jenny said. "Fuck!"

But he teased her mercilessly, driving up her pleasure through dozens upon dozens of slow circling motions of the pointed tip of his tongue. She pressed her hips at him. But she did not cum.

He drew her nub between his lips, licking and swirling and suckling at her. She heaved for breath, arched her back. Her moans rose and fell.

Alexander backed off a bit from time to time, giving her a chance to recover her breath, giving her a chance to come down out of the stratosphere.

"What are you doing to me?" she asked at one point.

"I want you to feel how hard I am for you," he said. He shifted so she could touch his throbbing shaft.

"Oh, Jesus!" she said, her fingers wrapping around him. "I want that."

"When you feel that on your pussy, that's when you are going to cum. And you're not going to stop. It's going to be wave upon wave."

She laughed as if he was boasting, but she was already half mindless with pleasure in any case.

He return his kiss to her, working to build her up again with exquisite slowness.

He loved to look up her body, to see her belly clenching, to watch the way she twisted and feel the press of her hips up against him, to see her breasts moving with her body's urgency.

When he had her back at that edge, the place where her cries became desperate grunts, he climbed her body and positioned his cock at her entrance. She was slippery, dripping with juices. He rested the broad head between her lips and felt the resistance of her contractions kissing around the rim of his head.

Her eyes were closed, her head tilted back, her mouth open, her breath coming in quick, fast gasps.

He eased himself in and felt that electrical connection himself. Jenny, however, arched sharply, pressing everything up against his body. Her eyes open, but revealed pure white, her pupils rolled back. No sound came from her open mouth. Her breath stopped. She quivered and twitched beneath him.

Alexander began to move within her, sliding himself to full depth with long, slow strokes. At the end of each stroke, when he filled her completely, feeling the stretch of her, and the pressure of her cervix, she would quiver and gasp for breath again, shuddering with a new wave.

Sometimes she would catch her breath enough to cry out, to moan, to groan, to grunt, to beg him for more.

He had imagined that his experience in the afternoon would give him more stamina, but the intensity of Jenny's experience was too much. He felt that rising flood of energy. There was a moment where he could have pulled out and tried to quiet it, but he was in a rhythmic harmony with her, and together they rode to the very peak of their pleasure. He came with a roar, a victory cry. He felt himself release into her, and it felt like it was more than an ejaculation of fluid, but a transmission of glorious power.

For a moment, he thought he had killed her.

She lay unmoving, seemingly not breathing, her face slack.

For this moment there was an eerie stillness, a sudden quiet in the hotel room that seemed deeper than mere silence.

Jenny turned her head. She seemed to be surrounded by a golden aura, like a crown of light. She opened her eyes, and for a moment they were brilliant moss-green.

But the moment passed. She was just Jenny.

Alexander blinked back into his own body. He was still inside her.

"I don't know what to say," Jenny said. "I don't know what that even was."

Realizing he was still hard, he began to very slowly and gently move his hips against hers.

"Feel this pleasure with me," he commanded.

She closed her eyes, and together they continued to make love.

* * *

Alexander woke Jenny with his soft caresses.

She rolled out from under his touch, padded into the bathroom.

There was a flash of light as she turned on the lights, which faded back to darkness as she closed the door. She ran the shower.

She took a long shower.

Alexander felt the absence of his phone. He would have to take care of that.

When Jenny finally came out of the bathroom, she was wrapped in a towel. Not meeting his gaze, she moved through the room, picking up her clothes.

"Hey," Alexander said. "Is everything ok?"

"I... need to go."

He almost commanded her to come back to bed. But he held himself in check. Even with the conscious intention to avoid any use of the ring's power, he almost said the words anyway. It was as if they just wanted to slip out on their own.

But he didn't.

Instead, he asked: "What's wrong?"

She didn't answer. She took her clothes into the bathroom and closed the door again.

When she did come out, fully dressed, grabbed her purse.

"I don't know what last night was," she said. "But... that's not me. I know it sounds crazy, but it was like... too good. I just need some time to process this, Alexander, ok? I'll text you. I'm sorry."

She turned to leave, but before she did, she paused and turned again. "Like, I'm really sorry, Alexander. You're a truly incredible lover. Just give me some time, ok?"

"Yeah," Alexander said. "Take all the time you need."

As those words left his lips, he regretted them. That was a command. It could well be the last command he would give Jenny.

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AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Any chance you’ll add more to this storyline? You have many hooked.

DiagonalmanDiagonalmanabout 1 year ago

The fact Alexander is so flawed makes the story better.

Aussie1951Aussie1951about 1 year ago
Great story

But why did you stop? There’s soooo much more to this story. Get your arse into gear and finish it. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Ffranco999Ffranco999over 1 year ago

That Alexander is tempted and sometimes fails is realistic. We don't want stories about perfect people. I hope you are able to return to this wonderful story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Perhaps not likable, but redeemable. Love your stories.

Lostknight25Lostknight25almost 2 years ago

I know you're doing other stories, but I really want to know where this goes. Hope you come back to it. Good luck

RowanWritesRowanWritesalmost 2 years agoAuthor

Hi friends! If you've read this far, please note: I've taken up another story line, and have some other stories planned for this world. I may or may not return to Alexander as a primary character, depending on interest. I realize he's not terribly likeable.

WhackdoodleWhackdoodleabout 2 years ago

An MC with a conscience. Refreshing!

Usually it’s just straight up orgy and haruns and rape. Not this time and it was good to see.

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Alexander Ch. 05 Previous Part
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