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Almost Like Family Ch. 01


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And Jeremy, God bless him, rammed his slicked-up finger right into my bunghole.

The sound I made was like an entire pack of werewolves howling at the moon. My body lifted off the bed as I shook wildly, my hands tearing at as brand-new sheets. No one had ever touched me there. My wife thought my hairy ass might be cute and all, but it was "dirty" and wanted nothing to do with it. Hell, I never thought of it as anything but a one-way garbage chute. I was floored by the sensation. This was next level. Life-changing. THIS WAS INCREDIBLE.

Oh God, the next few minutes were a blur, as my best friend finger fucked me while sucking my dick so hard he about tore it off. I flailed wildly, trying to grab his head and shoulders, but unable to get a grip from all the sweat. I was out of my mind. Desperate. My body flooded with sensations I couldn't comprehend. Bucking desperately against him as he rammed another, and another finger inside me. Fire. Fire and passion.

But that was nothing compared to what was to come.

I saw Jeremy pull off my dick and stand up. We were both panting like we had run a marathon. He looked at me in naked hunger. Our eyes burrowing, burrowing...

He must have seen what he wanted to.

He violently spat into his hand.

Oh fuck. He wasn't... was he? Oh fuck. My whole body tensed, but fucking shivered. There was no way he was going to... I couldn't let him.... Oh fuck....

Yes. He smeared his phlegm roughly on his dick, and before I could utter a word of protest he leaned forward. Fuck. Fuckfuckfuck. I could feel his hard cock against my hole. Fuck. There was no way. This was the ultimate betrayal of the guy code. He couldn't....

But I was reaching out to him... and I realized it wasn't to push him off, but to pull him in. He had to do it. I fucking needed this, whatever my brain was saying. Trying to push my ass toward him. Trying.

Damn. No movement.

He grabbed my right leg and hauled me up and forward. My butt open and exposed. My foot resting on his hairy chest. He spat again, and tried to slick himself more. He leaned in. I pushed forward. He found my hole and pushed. And pushed. And...


Pain ripped through me. Fucking pain like I had never felt. My back arched and my teeth bit down on my strangled scream. Jeremy pulled back. I relaxed. He tried again. PAIN. But not quite so bad. I was panting. Loud. "Shit!" he snarled in frustration. About to pull back....

"NO!" I heard myself bark at him. "No. Just... give me... a second. You're fucking... HUGE... man..."

He broke out into a half-smile again. He didn't move his hips, but reached down and ran his beefy hand across my abs. Slowly working down to my deflated cock. Jerking me again, getting my juices flowing, taking my mind off....

And then, he got a particularly wicked smirk on his face. To my astonishment, he started rubbing my foot, still braced tightly against his chest. I relaxed. His hand felt good against my toes. Jeremy instinctively knew my body better than any woman I had ever been with. He rubbed, and rubbed, and I let loose an appreciative growl.

Then--Oh! My! God!--he raised my foot to his mouth. I breathed in a shocked breath of astonishment... and he fucking stuck out his tongue and fucking licked my foot, from heel to my big toe. I let loose a shuddering, baying cry.

Holy fuck, the man sucking started sucking on my foot. The west slickness of his tongue. He roughness of his beard on my skin sent arcs of electricity up my spine. I arched my back so hard I about lifted off the bed. His tongue, swirls of hot spit between my toes. Then sucking my big toe like it was my cock.

And then I felt it. My body unclenched, and Jeremy's steel girder of a dick opened my ass up and slid inside me. I gasped. Too overcome with the new sensations to say a word. Shuddering at the feel of it.

Until... he hit something inside me. And all Hell broke loose. Fire, roaring fire filled my body. Fire and light like I had never felt before. It was like getting flipped off a surfboard and being pounded by the surf. Pulled in every direction at once, unable to breathe, and then dragged across the sand into another swirl of water. I roared louder than a battalion of Zulu Warriors on the charge. "THERE! THERE! FUCKING THERE!!!"

My whole body convulsed, and my entire being focused on Jeremy's dick inside me. From my awkward position, I grabbed desperately at him, trying to pull him in deeper. Needing him like I have never needed anything in my life. The fire was filling me. Pain mixing with raw fire. Consuming me from the inside. Fire I had never felt before. I needed it. Jeremy responded, driving his dick deeper, deeper, fucking deeper. Finally, I could feel the wiry scratch of his pubes against my hole. I felt fuller than I ever had before. It was like nothing I had experienced in my entire life. I realized I was screaming words I could barely understand myself, but finally came into focus as "FUCKMEFUCKMEFUCKME!!"

Jeremy pulled out, then rammed me hard, driving himself to the hilt. I roared. He repeated, and I instinctively squeezed down hard on his cock, as hard as I could. His roars nearly drowned out mine. He slammed into me, and again, and again. Jacking me in time with his thrusts. Torquing, twisting as he went, and I could feel every vein in his fat dick as he ripped through me. God... it felt like was like I was cumming. But the feeling just kept building.

Finally, Jeremy had enough and picked up the pace. Slamming into me. Hard and fast. My mind turned inside out. There was only the fire. The ROARING FIRE. FIRE....

And inside my head I could hear what sounded like a tornado. Roaring. Destroying everything. Raw power. As raw as the connection between Jeremey and me. Louder. Louder. My whole body started shuddering. Louder. Fire. LOUDER. FIRE.

And without warning, I shot out the biggest load of my entire life. A firehouse of cum, splashing everywhere. Every muscle in my body flexing at once. I screamed. Louder than I thought possible. My throat raw from the violence of it all.

As I blew, my ass clamped down hard. Jeremy threw his head back and bellowed loud enough to shatter the windows. His thrusts went wild, but still he pounded. Exploding. Seven, eight, ten volleys deep inside me. Filling my guts with his cum.

Oh My God. My mind couldn't comprehend it. Not at that moment... maybe not ever. The entire world I knew as a man had just been completely, utterly shattered, and I was standing there taking my first glimpse of an entirely new one. With Jeremy right there with me. He didn't stop thrusting into me, and I wasn't about to try and stop him. I never wanted him to stop. Never. Pounding me. Still pounding me. Drenched in unmentionable fluids.

I had never felt so alive in my entire life.

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ValricoJackValricoJack6 days ago

Man, I`ve never regretted being an only child, with hardly any family more.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

As a married guy who plays with other men, this story really did it for me. Super hot man. Can't wait to read the rest

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

I really enjoyed this story! The lines " Shit. I mean, I liked my wife's smell, but this was a whole different ballgame. I NEEDED it, needed his manscent. FUCKING NEEDING IT.

I buried my face in his hairy crotch. Scenting myself. Wanting to breathe him in forever. Nuzzling his balls. Rolling them across my face. Mouthing them."

I can really relate to this deep seated lustful desire. I have yet to experience it in reality with a male friend but have taken to sniffing my own sweaty underwear after a long day and thinking about it being one of my many other married friends. Your stories are very passionate and reach deep into my soul making me want to experience what your characters do and bring out what I believe is the true "bi" nature of my own sexuality!

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

OMG! I just read faster and faster and pulled harder and harder - this was one of the hottest stories I've read. Thank You.

ILoveToReadGayStoriesILoveToReadGayStories10 months ago

FUUUUUCCCCCCKKKKKK! Atlantis! This story is soooo damn hot! And you’re married to a woman. Gosh, all the gay men are missing out. Fantastically hot story!

Timeless13579Timeless1357910 months ago

Another inspiring story by my new favorite writer! Thank you!

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

That was such a hot story. Got really hard. Great writing job.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Absolutely outstanding!! Superb character developement. I felt everything and couldnt stop reading. Please share more. Im hooked...in a wonderful wat.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Fantastically HOT beginning. Thank you so much for this story. I cannot wait for the next chapters..note I said chapters.

AtlantisGuyAtlantisGuy10 months agoAuthor

Hey guys and thanks for reading! This is the first of 7 parts, so check back for more on these two!

And —yep, I've posted my stories elsewhere, although I've re-edited and tweaked them for Literotica. They've gotten a lot more attention here, for which I'm profoundly grateful. Cheers!

MarcLuciFerMarcLuciFer10 months ago

Trevor's not the only one feeling very much alive, I am too after reading this extremely well written first chapter, and after the last half some parts of me are more alive than others! I had an uncle like Jeremy's father, he was also a loud opinionated bully, so the first part of this chapter resonated with me. I'm looking forward to finding out how this relationship develops with all of the complications that lay ahead of these two hot men. This was a great beginning!

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