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Alternate Earth Pt. 05b

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A GMO Birthday Surprise Pt. 2.
4.5k words

Part 7 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 10/11/2015
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**All characters appearing in this story are at least 18 years old**

Niccole awoke to the feel of hard flesh sliding along her hot wet pussy. Her own morning wood was throbbing between her legs and she arched her back to let her sister know she was awake. She felt Valerie's hand slide up and cup her breast as she positioned herself, groping the breast and tweaking the nipple as she lined up to slide herself into the hot, wet opening.

Groaning quietly, Valerie slid into the tight, wet pussy in a single, smooth stroke. The girth of her cock stretched the other woman's pussy and they both lay there quietly, basking in the pleasure of the experience. After a moment, Niccole clenched and rolled her hips slightly, encouraging her sister to start fucking her in earnest. Playfully tweaking her twin's nipple, Valerie began pumping her eight thick inches into her sister's tight, drenched pussy.

Valerie used rolling motions that she knew would drive her sibling crazy, hitting that one spot that always drove both of them wild. Niccole arched so that her twin's cock hit exactly where she intended and started clenching her pussy tightly on each stroke, bringing them both to higher and higher levels of pleasure.

Niccole's hand strayed to her own aching cock, stroking it in time to her sister's rolling thrusts. With the combination of stimuli, she didn't last long. Niccole came hard just an instant before her quivering, clenching pussy milked her twin's throbbing member. Gobs of cum erupted deep in the warm depths of her pussy while her own climax sent ropes of cum onto the sheets in front of her. The pair whimpered as they came in quiet intensity so their father, just down the hall, wouldn't be able to hear. The pair lay there, Valerie's cock still buried to the hilt in her twin's tight pussy, and basked in the afterglow as they continued to spoon under the covers.

After just a few short minutes, they heard their alarm sound and Valerie, who happened to be on that side of the bed, reluctantly slid out of the warm confines of her twin's pussy and rolled over to turn off the alarm. Sighing, the pair rolled around to face each other and then gazed into each other's eyes before kissing deeply. The duo sighed again after and climbed out of bed, Niccole stripping the cum stained sheets and piling them by the door to take to the laundry room before heading to school.

Sex before bed and then again in the morning had become a ritual for the twins, one which they enthusiastically observed daily. A side effects of the twins' unique anatomy was a significantly heightened sex drive. It didn't help that they were 18 and full to bursting of teenage hormones and sexual curiosity in addition to their abnormally intense libido. If they went more than a day without an orgasm, they would get hard, throbbing erections from any stimulus. These erections were almost painful and nearly impossible to hide, forcing them into the ladies' room for a furious wank two or three times during the day.

Since the pair were so close and couldn't exactly date or experiment with classmates due to their hermaphroditic nature, the pair began experimenting with each other. As a result, they met each other's sexual needs and thoroughly enjoyed each experience. Sometimes, when their father wasn't going to be at home for a while, the pair spent hours fucking in every way they could conceive.

Walking into the bathroom, Niccole moved to stand next to her identical sister and share the sink as they brushed their teeth. Pushing the fiery strands of hair out of her face, she brushed and flossed while her twin, who just finished, turned on the water for the shower and put her hair up in a clip. Niccole followed suit and the pair were quickly in the shower, moving with practiced ease as they shared the space and washed each other's backs.

They climbed out, dried off, and continued their normal morning rituals. They brushed their teeth and hair, dressed and did their makeup while listening to more of the Corrupting Eve playlist that Niccole found on Spotify the day before. Hearing a new friend enthusiastically recommend the band just the day before, Niccole looked them up and listened to a few songs with her sister. By the third song, they had a new favorite band.

When the young ladies were satisfied with their preparations, they stood and looked into the mirror. Two identical images stared back at them and the pair smiled, satisfied. Their flame-red hair fell in waves just past their shoulders. Their makeup was artful and subtle, perfectly accentuating their large, almond shaped emerald eyes and fair, lightly freckled skin. Light peach lip gloss and a similar shade of rouge brought out the natural hues in their skin and highlighted their full lips and dimpled cheeks.

Identical pale sea green sweaters hugged their lush, feminine curves and accentuated their large, full breasts while looking classy and refined. The sweaters were long and full enough on their slender 5'5" frames that the pair could actually wear jeans without worrying about showing a bulge, so they were wearing two of the only pairs of jeans either one of them owns. The pair finished the look with matching, knee-high brown boots with flat heels. Satisfied with their looks, the pair grabbed their backpacks and coats before heading down stairs for breakfast.

"Good morning girls," Albert Roberts said as the pair made their way down to the kitchen to grab a piece of fruit for breakfast.

"Good morning, daddy," the pair chorused, smiling as they each kissed him on the cheek.

"You two look very nice today."

"Thanks, daddy!" Again, the pair chorused their answer and then beamed at the complement.

"Malory and I have a date tonight," Albert explained to his adopted twins as they got ready to leave for school. "There's plenty of food in the house, so you should be able to fend for yourself. If you need anything, I'll be on my cell."

"Okay, daddy," Valerie said, smiling.

"We'll be fine," Niccole told him, echoing her sister's smile exactly.

"Have fun," they chorused as they picked up their bags and headed towards the door.

"I will. Love you."

"Love you too, daddy!"

The twins left the house and headed to school, arriving early enough to get good parking. They sat in the car listening to the song David recommended last night, "A Dance Under the Stars." They looked at each other and smiled knowingly as they realized it was the song playing at the ending of the previous night's carnal activities. It was also hauntingly beautiful with a playful yet loving quality that made them glance around to make sure no one was looking and then share a quick, intimate kiss when the song ended.

The pair attended classes (all of them scheduled together) and then went to the cafeteria for lunch. They sat down at their usual table, joined by Jennifer and a few other close friends. When Amanda walked by, the twins enthusiastically waved her over. Nervous, but excited about sitting with the popular crowd, Amanda walked over excitedly and sat her tray down.

"OhmyGod! Thank you! I can't believe you asked your dad to let me go see Eve with you! You two are the best!"

"Well," Niccole said. "You introduced us."

"And you're the biggest fan we know," Valerie added.

"It wouldn't be right to go without you." The twins smiled at their newest friend and asked her to sit down. Even though she was grinning excitedly, they noticed that she gave them an odd look as she sat down but didn't think anything of it while they made introductions.

"Guys this is Amanda," Valerie began.

"Her dad went to MIT with our dad and now he's working at Helix," Niccole explained.

"She wants to go to Berkeley too so they moved before the deadline so she can attend as a CA resident," Valerie continued.

"Amanda, this is Jennifer, our BFF, Courtney, Michelle, and Sarah."

The group made their introductions and, while Amanda wasn't really used to hanging out with the popular crowd, the twins helped her to fit in easily. They talked about Corrupting Eve and the other girls said they would check them out. The twins knew that Jennifer and her boyfriend Rob would probably like them. Michelle, and Sarah aren't really into anything harder than Panic at the Disco but they would probably not dislike the band. Courtney, the group tomboy and soccer team captain would probably LOVE them.

With the twins' encouragement and a bit of their usual enthusiasm, the group accepted Amanda easily. They talked about everything from boys to the upcoming Soccer game with Live Oak on Friday. Of course, the twins' party on Saturday came up too. Jennifer asked if any of them had any suggestions for Prom, her appointment to Prom Committee the previous week still fresh on her mind. They tossed around a few ideas but nothing seemed to stand out before lunch ended and the group had to get to class.

Amanda stayed behind for a moment to talk with the twins and waited until their friends left to ask them something. They could tell that she had something on her mind but waited patiently for her to bring it up. She seemed uncomfortable about something but, when they had to go their separate ways, she just smiled and waved at them before heading to her next class. Valerie and Niccole shared a look before heading into their advanced placement history class.

An hour later, when the pair walked out of class, Amanda was there waiting for them. It was obvious that she wanted to say something but she didn't seem upset or irritated so the par just waited patiently.

"You two are really close," Amanda began. "I mean it must be amazing to have that kind of connection with someone."

"It is," the twins said in unison, smiling and then sharing a look that spoke volumes.

"So you two do everything together?"

"Pretty much," Valerie said.

"I just don't feel right doing anything without my sister," Niccole explained.

"And I feel the same," Valerie added.

The pair shared another smiling look. Amanda was obviously uncomfortable about something and it brought frowns to the twins' faces.

"Even... sex?"

The sisters froze, a blank look plastered on their faces. Amanda, seeing their discomfort, quickly continued quietly.

"I, um... saw you... this morning in your car. I'm... well, you don't have to tell me anything but I was kinda... well, really curious."

"It's not..."

"We were..."

The twins stammered, not really knowing how to respond. They were nervous and uncomfortable about being discovered and just stood there waiting for Amanda to judge them. The twins worried that their new friend would condemn them just like their adoptive father feared they might.

"Wow," Amanda exclaimed, with smiling wide eyes, surprising them. "That's wild! So have you shared someone else or just played together?"



"Just together," they finished in unison.

"Have you ever been with someone else?"

"No," they replied, again in unison.

"So are you... um... just into girls or...?"

"We like both."

"Really," Amanda asked, intrigued. "I mean; how do you know?"

"Um... its..."

"... kind of hard to explain..."

"... but we like boys because they're boys..."

"... and girls because they're girls."

Amanda thought about their answer for a moment. It was so simple and obvious, yet profound in a way she had never really considered. Amanda wasn't exactly inexperienced with sex and very attracted to the pair of gorgeous redheads standing in front of her, but women just couldn't seem to satisfy her the way a man could.

"But if you've never been with a guy..." Amanda trailed off, her reasoning obvious.

"Oh... um..."


"Kinda complicated."

Again, Amanda was intrigued by the answer. She guessed that they had some kind of toys but was still kind of curious, so she asked.

"Complicated? You mean like toys? It's not the same. I think seeing a cock on a girl is sexy as fuck, but it's just not the same as a real one."

The twins froze. They stared at her for a moment, not daring to hope, before giving each other a significant look. Amanda shifted uncomfortably, looking back and forth between them.


"So... you like girls," Niccole tentatively asked.

"Have you been with one," Valerie followed hopefully.

"Once or twice," Amanda said, softly. "It was... really nice... but just... not enough?"

The twins shared yet another significant look just before the bell rang. When they looked back to Amanda, she took a deep breath and told them she had to get to class, walking away quickly. The pair went to class and, with a nod from her sister, Niccole sent Amanda a text that they should meet after class to talk. Amanda replied with an "okay," and the duo vainly attempted to pay attention to their advanced placement English teacher.

The twins met Amanda by the theater entrance after school. The pair needed to get to soccer practice but they didn't want to miss this chance. Amanda was a bit more confident and smiled as the pair walked up. They smiled back and shared a quick greeting.

"I hope... I didn't upset you earlier," Amanda tried to explain. "I just... I don't know..."

"It's totally fine," Valerie smiled at her new friend, relaxing the other girl.

"Yeah, we don't have many people we can talk to who would understand." Niccole's statement reassured the brunette ever more and the rest of the tension left the conversation.

"Okay. I mean, I've only just met you but you're so easy to talk to."

The twins immediately smiled at Amanda's sentiment and echoed it, telling her that they were glad to be friends but that they had to run to soccer practice. They asked if she planned to come to the game on Friday and she agreed enthusiastically, even though she didn't really enjoy watching sports.

After practice, the twins went straight home and made a quick dinner after a furious makeout session when they were inside and alone. They thoroughly enjoyed evenings when Albert was out so that they could enjoy the casual touching and displays of affection that they just couldn't with anyone else around.

They finished dinner and any chores quickly before heading up to their room to clean up for a very early bedtime. Stripping quickly and then kissing fiercely, the pair made their way to the shower to wash off the stink of practice and play in the shower. They were certain that Albert and Malory would be out until at least 10, so that gave them a good two hours with no one else in the house and then an hour to relax before he got home.

Kissing passionately as soon as they got into the shower, the pair cleaned up thoroughly, even washing and conditioning their long, fiery tresses. Of course, they helped each other by lathering each other up and helping rinse each other off (really just as an excuse to touch each other).

Once they were done rinsing off, Niccole got a mischievous glint in her eyes and smiled wickedly at her sister before quickly dropping to her knees and engulfing Valerie's entire rigid cock with her mouth and throat. The water cascading down onto her head, Niccole reached up with one hand to knead her sister's heavy balls and reach behind her to shove two fingers deep in her twin's sopping pussy.

Valerie had to put a hand out to steady herself as her knees went weak from the incredible pleasure her sister was giving her. She looked down to see her twin, now somewhat sheltered from the cascading water, expertly deepthroating her throbbing eight inches.

Taking a moment to catch her breath, Niccole let her sister's cock slide out until just the head was held tightly between her lush lips and looked up to meet her sister's lust-filled gaze. Rolling her tongue, Niccole stroked the underside of her sister's cock head with it a few times before rolling it around to lick the entire head. Valerie shut her eyes tightly and moaned, her body jerking at the incredible sensations.

After another minute, Niccole slid her sister's cock from her mouth and licked her way down to the heavy balls. Swapping her hands, she slowly jerked her sister's slick cock while she expertly worshiped the swollen balls hanging heavy and cum-filled in front of her sister's soaked pussy.

Valerie groaned audibly and could feel the waves of orgasm building inside her. Hearing a gasped, "oh fuck," Niccole quickly engulfed her sister's cock once again as a hot stream of cum hit the back of her throat. Expecting it and swallowing easily, the kneeling twin enthusiastically milked her sister's cock for every drop of cum she could get, swallowing it all.

Kissing her sister's cock, Niccole winked up at her smiling sibling and then jumped up and hopped out of the shower. Valerie quickly gave chase and soon had her sister tackled on the floor of their bedroom, towels draping off them haphazardly. They kissed furiously, Niccole's turgid cock pressed between them as Valerie's began to harden again.

Valerie quickly hardened as her still-wet body slid against her sister's. Sliding between Niccole's leg's, Valerie pressed her hard cock against her twin's slick opening and slid into the tight space easily. Thoroughly turned on, the pair began writhing together, eagerly fucking each other with uninhibited moaning. Knowing that they were home alone, the pair felt free to lose themselves in wild abandon.

After a few minutes of vigorous thrusting, Valerie's hold on her sister's wrists loosened and Niccole pushed her off with a laugh and flipped her over, pushing her own aching cock into Valerie's soaked pussy with a groan of satisfaction. Niccole wasted no time, thoroughly pounding the identical woman with hard, fast strokes. Moaning loudly, Valerie felt an orgasm welling up.

Niccole was so turned on that her own climax surprised her. She voiced her orgasm with a startled "FUCK!" and came deep in Valerie's clenching pussy while her twin sprayed her own orgasm onto the towel lying under them. The pair collapsed onto the cum stained towel, breathing heavily. Niccole reluctantly slid out of her twin's glorious pussy and rolled her over for a deep, passionate kiss.

The pair lay there, catching their breath and kissing for a few minutes before breaking the kiss and cleaning up. They picked up the towel, cleaned themselves off, wrapped their hair and put on their robes and pajama bottoms before heading downstairs. Valerie put some popcorn into the microwave while her sister went into the living room to pick out a movie.

Knowing that they'd have the house to themselves for another couple of hours, the pair snuggled up on the couch together to watch The Princess Bride, one of their favorite movies. They held each other, sharing a comfortable intimacy and a few kisses during the movie. When the movie ended, they shared a long kiss and smiled at each other, not needing words to express their deep, passionate feelings. After a few minutes of quiet, Valerie spoke.

"So Amanda..."

"You think?" Nicole knew exactly what her sister meant.

"Maybe...?" Valerie's uncertainty came through clearly and Niccole sat back for a moment and thought.

"Let's tell her," Niccole said finally, more confident than she felt.

Valerie searched her eyes for a long moment before smiling and nodding her agreement. The pair kissed and settled back into comfortable companionship, sharing popcorn and snuggling on the couch. They stayed that way for about twenty more minutes when they heard a key in the door and quickly moved into a less intimate position.

Niccole was putting the movie away when Albert and Malory walked in and announced their arrival. The girls greeted them with hugs and a kiss on the cheek each for their adoptive father. They chatted for a little while and then said their goodnights with another kiss on the cheek for their adoptive father before heading upstairs to their room.


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