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Angel the Genie Pt. 02

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Planning a road trip.
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Story does not have any rosa-blanca.ru

Part 2 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/07/2024
Created 04/23/2024
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The next morning he woke first, peed and rinsed with mouthwash. As he headed back to bed she took his place and also peed and rinsed. Rejoining him in the bed she tossed back the covers. "Teach me about your stuff, please," she directed.

"Sure. We should probably start with agreeing on terminology. I have a cock, dick, penis, or member. I don't like the term prick, because it is often used to refer to an unpleasant person. You have a pussy or a vagina. I also don't like or use the word cunt which some people call a pussy, and it's for a similar reason - many use it as a derogatory term for a woman."


"Personally, penis and vagina are too medical for me, so you'll hear me say cock and pussy pretty much all the time. My cock has several parts to it. This is the head, ending at this ridge," he told her, showing it on his cock. "This is the frenulum. The head and the frenulum are the most sensitive parts although the shaft, this part, has to be stroked to make me cum. When I do cum, the head will be extremely sensitive for a short time afterwards, so you have to be careful not to overdo it.

"This is my sac, clinical name scrotum. It contains my balls. It's designed to be flexible to keep the balls, or testicles, at the right temperature. When it's cold, it will shrink to pull the balls closer to the warmth of my body. It also shrinks when I get hard. When it's hot, it sags. The balls are fragile. You can seriously hurt a man if you kick or punch his balls. Good self-defense technique for a woman."

"I'll remember that," she said.

"Shifting over to you, this is your clit, your most sensitive spot. Just like me, it will likely be very sensitive after you cum, so unless I leave it alone for a few moments it will actually hurt."

"I remember, I had to make you stop," she told him.

"Your clit is hidden in this hood and gets erect, just like me, when stimulated. These are your outer labia and the smaller ones within are your inner labia. The opening is your vaginal tunnel. If you weren't sterile and got pregnant the baby would come out through it."

"Jeepers! That's gotta hurt! Babies are bigger than cocks by a long shot!" she cried out, incredulous.

"Okay, now down here is your perineum. Some call it a taint, because it ain't part of your pussy or your ass, but the place in between. Next up is your anus, asshole, or rosebud. Some people engage in anal sex as well as vaginal. We'll see about that much further down the road."

"Do you do anal? Do you like it?"

"I have done anal with a few women and yes, I like it as long as she's okay with it and enjoys it as well. While I could probably never enjoy having something the size of a cock in my ass, I do enjoy finger play back there.

"That about covers the anatomy lesson, I think," he said.

"Tell me about doing oral sex on you, what do I do?"

"Well, when we make love or fuck, your pussy completely encases my cock, stimulating every part of it. But about the only other thing it can do is squeeze by clenching it with your muscles. Just imagine trying not to pee - those are the muscles you can clench and release to give me more pleasure.

"Your mouth has much different capabilities. You can't fully encase me like your pussy, although if you take as much of me in as you can and then suck in your cheeks it comes close. Remember i said you have to stroke me to get me off, so the basics of a blowjob is to do just that - push me into your mouth then pull me out until only the head stays in. At that point you can use your tongue on my head and frenulum, and even try to stick the tip into my urethra - the pee and cum hole. Just be careful all the time to keep your teeth from scraping me."

"Got it, I think."

"You can also fondle my balls and take one or both in your mouth instead of my cock. Just remember that they're very fragile," he cautioned. "And by the way, anal sex is different from both oral and vaginal, just so you know."

"Seems like an awful lot to learn!" she complained.

"I promise you it will all come naturally once we get to know each other's bodies, and likes and dislikes. Speaking of which, if I do something and you don't like it, just say so. I want to please you not force you."

"I want to try everything to see what I do and don't like. This is all new to me, as genies don't have sex at all. Now fairies, they fuck like, well, fairies! And of course leprechauns are horny little guys. Hell, they fuck animals, each other, anything with a hole. But all genies are female in form, sterile, and forbidden to have sex. I believe I am the first genie in over 1000 years to break the taboo. So I want to make the best of it!"

"I understand your interest and desires, hon. I hope you understand that human sexuality is complex, varied, and in some cases dark. I suggest we take things slow. There is much we can explore safely with just the two of us. Beyond that, things can become more risky."

"Tristan, I love you and trust you. You are my guide in this journey, just as I was once your guide in learning about the mystical world beyond your human experience."

"I loved when you fixed my Morris and Mini back when we first met, but I would rather have you as my partner than as my magical mechanic," he told her.

"I have a secret to tell you. Once I had decided to make love with you and give up my genie powers, I first imbued you with expert car restoration abilities. Wiring will no longer be a challenge for you and in the garage you'll find both TIG and oxyacetylene welding equipment, as you are now expert in both," she said.

"Are you serious?" he said, "and is that possible?"

"Yes, and yes. I know those were two areas you wished you were more skilled at, so I wanted to help you achieve that since I would no longer be able to do them. Besides, you'll have much more satisfaction knowing you did things yourself instead of relying on me."

"Angel, you never cease to amaze me with your incredible support of me. No one has ever been so considerate and focused on helping me succeed in whatever. I only hope I can return the sentiment at least in part."

"Darling, you have already repaid me a million times over with your love. In hundreds of years and a couple dozen masters I was only used for what I could give them. Every one of them, male and female, tried their best to bed me. Every one made me arrange their sexual conquests.

"You are the only one who respected that I could not be your sexual partner. You are the only one who told me to stop fixing you up with sure thing dates. You are the only one who stopped asking me to snap my fingers to make your life easier or provide you with material things. You helped me far more than I ever helped you, and I fell in love with you long ago."

"God, I love you!" he said as he wrapped his arms around her and they kissed.

"And I love you. And so I want to try every sexual thing you know, and maybe some you don't, to see what we can do to please each other beyond anything you've ever felt," Angel said.

"Just me? What about you?" he asked.

"Sweetheart, my only experience has been with you! Anything else we do goes beyond!," she giggled.

"Good point. Would you like to learn about giving blowjobs?" he asked.

"Yes! You like those, don't you?"

Tristan laughed. "Every guy in the world likes bjs. Back when I was dating...BA or Before Angel...when a woman and I got to the appropriate stage, I would always ask is she did them and, if so, did she stop, spit, or swallow," he told her.

"What does that mean?" she asked.

"Well, a blowjob is like vaginal sex to a guy. He wants her to finish and let him cum, but some women don't like that. They stop, not letting him cum in their mouth. Others let him cum, but then spit it out into a tissue. And others let him cum and swallow it. Most guys hate stop, are okay with spit, and love swallow," he explained.

"Does a man's cum taste really bad?" she asked.

"I suppose that depends on the one tasting. Personally, I don't think so. I like when a woman lets me cum in her mouth, but believe I shouldn't ask a partner to do something I wouldn't, so I taste myself a couple times a year, when I masturbate."

"Okay. So I'll make you cum in my mouth and then decide if I want to spit or swallow."

"Fair enough although I have to say this. If I cum in your mouth you've already tasted me, since the taste buds are in your tongue. Swallowing doesn't add anything, and simplifies clean up. But it's entirely up to you."

"Hmmmm. That makes sense. Plus you went down on me and I darn near drowned you with my juices. Least I can do is reciprocate," she said, smiling.

"Thank you, but if you don't like it, let me know and we'll adapt."

Over the next several days Angel and Tristan experimented with all the things she had learned about their bodies. Tristan showed her every position he knew and even downloaded a copy of the Kama Sutra so they could learn new poses.

Angel became extremely proficient at giving Tristan oral sex. And they discovered she was in the minority of women who could climax without clitoral stimulation. Although her clit was very sensitive and when Tristan applied his oral talents to her she always came in a huge manner.

"Angel, do you ever regret giving up your genie abilities?" Tristan asked.

"Only when I have to clean the toilets," she replied sarcastically. "Love, I told you at the time that I would give up everything in order to be with you and that will never change. Please banish that thought."

"Okay, is there anything you want to do?"

"Like what?" she asked.

"I don't know. Learn to water ski, ride a motorcycle, visit Paris. Anything."

"I had a Master who lived in Paris. Not all it's cracked up to be," she told him. "If we were to travel, I would much rather see the USA."

"In a Chevrolet?" he asked, grinning.

"What do you mean?" she replied.

"Sorry, guess you weren't around in those days. That used to be the advertising slogan for Chevrolet - 'See the USA in a Chevrolet'."

"Oh, I see. Clever rhyme. But yes, road trips around the country would be fun, I think. Would you like that?"

"Before you came into my life I used to watch a lot of the tv show Triple D. We've watched it together a few times." She nodded when he said this. "Well, when I saw a place or meal I was interested in I made a list of the name of restaurant and the city it was in. I was hoping to find a classic station wagon to fix up and drive around the country visiting all those places," Tristan explained.

"That sounds like fun. Why a station wagon?" she asked him.

"I figured if I ended up near a national park or campground and wanted to save a few dollars I could sleep in the back of the wagon," he told her.

"Very sensible, although I know you aren't struggling to make ends meet."

"True, and you probably wouldn't want to sleep in the back of a car and use communal bathrooms," he said.

"You forget how many years I've lived. I used outhouses and just the woods lots of times and slept in worse places than a car."

"Yeah, I guess you would have although I would have thought you always slept in your bottle. Sorry to have assumed. Here, let me show you something," he said while scrolling on his phone. Finding what he wanted, he turned the display towards Angel and asked, "What do you think?"

"I don't know. What is it?" She had a bewildered look on her face, staring at a car she didn't recognize.

"It's a 1967 Chevy Nova II station wagon. It's for sale on a car auction site. This one only has a six-cylinder engine and a three-speed manual transmission, shifter on the column. Those aren't desirable features which is why the high bid is only $4000. But on the plus side, there is virtually no rust anywhere, and it has all the little pieces like trim, window cranks, etc. And it's only a couple hours away."

"Do you want to buy it?" she asked.

"No, I want to see if we can go see it in person and then decide," he told her. "I've sent him a message so we'll see soon I hope."

An hour later he got a response to his message and arranged to see the car the next day.

They left at nine the next morning, even though their appointment wasn't until two. In an ironic coincidence their route would take them through a town where a Triple D restaurant from Tristan's list was located. They planned to stop there for lunch before going on to see the car.

The restaurant turned out to be just as good as the host had declared, although rather crowded due to the tv show. Tristan and Angel ate healthy most all the time but when he splurged he always went for either a hamburger or a pizza. They settled on pizza this time.

The car turned out to be just a good as it was presented on the website. The seller was a very nice older gentleman who had originally planned to swap in a V8 and 4-speed and do some other upgrades but had too many other projects already in the works. This one never seemed to make the top of the list, so he was reluctantly selling it.

Two days later Tristan reserved a U-Haul car hauler and they drove back to pick up the car he'd won in the auction. On both legs of the trip Tristan and Angel discussed ideas for resto-modding the Nova. They debated the pros and cons of a manual v. automatic transmission without reaching a conclusion. They decided on an older V8 engine even though the current trend was a very modern LS engine, which has multiple ECUs (Electronic Control Units, essentially computers) and requires numerous sensors.

While more reliable, these engines are also much more complex, and in the event of breakdown roadside repairs would be unlikely.

Angel steered the conversation to creature comforts. "Air conditioning is a requirement," she stated firmly. "And we need satellite radio because we'll probably run into many areas like the cabin - no over the air radio stations in range."

Tristan agreed and added "I'd like to swap in a column with tilt steering wheel and add power steering. It already has power brakes but we'll want to upgrade those as well since they're currently drums. We'll definitely want upgraded seating, at least up front, and power seats would be great."

"Are we going to have it repainted? There are several areas where the paint is worn through," Angel said.

"Not yet. That's called 'patina' and lots of people really like it. Since we plan to put lots of miles on this car, I say we leave it so we don't have to worry about stone dings and chips."

"Makes sense," Angel agreed.

Back at the cabin they unloaded the Nova and backed it into the third bay of the garage. He had sold the Morris on the same auction site he found the Nova on and he'd already moved the Squareback into the bay the truck usually occupied. It would have to live outside for now. Then he drove into town to drop off the hauler while Angel rustled up a late lunch.

Over the next few months Tristan and Angel upgraded the Nova as they had planned. Finding and buying all the parts needed had them traveling all over parts of at least three states, a scavenger hunt of sorts that they both enjoyed nearly as much as actually working on the car.

Once the car was finished they agreed they needed to put at least a thousand miles on it locally before chancing their Triple D trip. Tristan ordered a large road map of the US from an internet site he finally found. These days everyone's phone made paper maps nearly obsolete.

With the map spread out on the dining table Tristan opened his list app and exported the list to his spreadsheet program. With only a few keystrokes he sorted the list alphabetically by state. As he read each state off, Angel highlighted the names on the map. Then the two spent a few hours discussing different possible routes.

It took several weeks, working evenings when they could, to nail down a route that would take them to each of the restaurants on the list. Then they added in side trips for Angel to visit the states where they had no restaurants on the list.

Throughout the long process of modifying the car and planning their trip they had sex or made love every night, without fail. Now that all the preparations were finished, Angel decided they needed something special to celebrate with.

"Trist, I want to try something different tonight," she told him.

"Is there anything we haven't already done?" he asked.

"Yes, we haven't made love in the back of the Nova," she said. "The resto-mod is finished, but the car hasn't been christened."

"Ok, we can do that. I just have to drop the rear seatback and inflate the camping mattress."

"One more thing. I want to sleep in the Nova after we make love," she added.

"Yes ma'am, anything you like," he grinned.

Once the mattress was in place and inflated they each availed themselves of the cabin's bathroom to brush their teeth and pee. Back in the garage Tristan opened the windows for air circulation, since they'd sleep here tonight.

Angel brought a set of sheets, pillows, and a light blanket to the garage and they made up the air mattress just like a normal bed. Tristan shut the tailgate and they climbed into the car through the rear passenger door. Slipping under the sheet, they held each other, both enjoying the feel of their partner's naked skin.

"Not much headroom, so cowgirl and doggy are out," Tristan said. "But there are still plenty of positions that will work."

With that, he rolled her onto her side and spooned behind her, as he usually did when they slept. But before sleeping he reached around and played with her breasts and nipples. Once she began to softly purr he moved his hand down and rubbed her clit between his fingertips. Going further down he ran them down her slit all the way to her rosebud. Pulling back up, he found her opening and slid his fingers inside her, bringing forth a deep moan.

He grabbed his cock and pulled it to her opening, then pushed it inside her. "I love the feel of your pussy, Angel," he told her.

"And I love feeling your cock inside me, Trist," she replied.

He slowly rocked his hips back and forth, and she assisted by matching his movements. They were in no hurry and, as each neared climax, slowed intentionally to avoid cumming yet. Then Angel pulled herself off him, pushed him onto his back, and laid atop him.

She reached down between them and put his cock back into her opening and then began stroking herself up and down his shaft. Unable to resist any longer, she moved faster and faster until, grabbing her ass cheeks and pulling himself deep into her, Tristan came. As he hot cum painted her cervix and pussy, her orgasm was triggered. Her pussy clenched and released his cock over and over again until, fully spent, she stopped moving and collapsed exhausted on top of him.

They lay together like that until his cock softened and shrank and her pussy pushed it out. She climbed off him, kissed him deeply, then turned her back to him. He moved back into the spoon position but with no intent of resuming their lovemaking, at least not for the night. Minutes later they were both sleeping easily.

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muskyboymuskyboyabout 1 month ago

Nice idea, but no romance in this story.

naughtyandy4unaughtyandy4uabout 1 month ago

Very interesting concept, really like how they are doing everything together, from sex to car restomod. A road trip with camping sounds great, hope there are more adventures cumming.

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