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Anna Ch. 02

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My lust for my friend's mother.
4.5k words

Part 2 of the 11 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 06/30/2008
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This is the second part of the story of Anna. Thanks for all those who encouraged me to keep writing. I hope people enjoy this second part and thanks for the feedback and encouragement. I do not pretend to be any sort of writer, just someone who likes this site and wants to contribute.

"Hello John," said Anna. The voice stopped me in my tracks. I recognised it but still had to look round. The local post office was the last place I expected to see her for the first time since our brief encounter. Just before I could answer the post office clerk asked if she could help me and I turned round and sorted out my recorded delivery letter. When served, I moved out of the way to let Anna approach the counter.

I looked her up and down. Considering I had spent more time thinking about this women's body than anything else over the last three days, the reality of seeing her for real was all a little disappointing. I had continued to build her up in my imagination but this chance meeting was a sharp dose of reality. Even so, my cock stirred in my pants. Anna had that effect on me. It wasn't that I found her drop dead stunningly gorgeous, there was just something inside me that I couldn't help. She knew I was waiting and smiled uncomfortably as she walked away from the counter towards me.

"I'll walk back with you," I said, referring to the half mile it was to our street where we lived. We started walking but I realised this was a bad idea as I had nothing to say other than expressing my desire to fuck her brains out. I think she knew this.

"Button holding up is it?" she asked with a chuckle.

"Yes thanks" I said, glad of the opportunity to speak. There was more silence. I was just about to ask, "Can...."

"Look!" she said, "You're my son's best friend. What I did was wrong and I'm sorry it happened. I'd be really grateful if we can both just forget about it. No one needs to know anything. I'm a wife and mother and nothing can happen."

Silence. 100 yards later and we are still walking in silence. I'm trying to pluck up the courage to tell her that I want to fuck her in every room in her house but in the space of one sentence she had erased our brief encounter from the record and gone back to being an untouchable fantasy. As we passed my house I stopped at the end of the path.

"Are we cool?" she asked. I smiled at her and nodded. She smiled back but stared as if she needed convincing.

"We're cool," I said and she walked on. I stood their watching her walk away. Without thinking I said, "If I ever pop another button, I know where to come." She kept walking but then turned round and smiled back.

The next few occasions when our paths crossed were annoyingly ordinary. I helped move some furniture once and quite enjoyed getting the forth corner of a table with her husband Ken and son James at the other end. It was close enough physical proximity to give me a hard on that required urgent relief later that day. Looking back I probably saw less of Anna in the following months despite the fact I was constantly fantasizing about her. Then a couple of things happened. First I got a new girlfriend, and about that time Anna split with James' dad.

My new girlfriend was called Jane. A boring name for an amazing girl. 19 years old and stunningly attractive. A blonde, she had a fantastic body and a calm maturity about her. The story about how we met and everything deserves its own separate story so I won't go into too much detail here but Jane was everything an 18-year-old lad could want for in a girlfriend. Jane didn't talk, she purrrrrrred. The sound of her voice was like a drug to me. She was even quite possessive which I took as a complement that meant she really liked me. For me it was love at first sight. After about a couple of minutes I was crazy about her and within a month or two of starting to see her she was the only girl for me. I stopped thinking about Anna.

Anna's marriage ended when her husband, Ken, left. I never found out the reason. There were three versions of the truth floating around and I wasn't that interested. James got a job and withdrew a bit so I saw less of him and less of his mother. I saw Anna a couple of times when I was out with Jane, so she knew I had a girlfriend. I also bumped into Anna a few times when she was out with Rachel who was another friends mother and the best looking by a mile.

Some time later, Rachel and her husband split. So Anna and Rachel start seeing even more of each other. There were a few stories about how they upset the other mothers in the village flirting with various husbands. These stories grew into all sorts of fantasies but even though most of what was said was untrue, I think Anna and Rachel were undoubtedly more "up for it" than they had been during the course of their marriages.

Fast forward about another 4 months. Keep reading as this is where it gets interesting. Jane and I booked a badminton court. We tried tennis but she hated it. Tennis needed too much running around. So then she needed another excuse to show off her perfect figure in white shorts and t-shirt so badminton was next on the list. We booked at the local sports club. It was attached to a really smart hotel that had gone bust so the club had limited but really nice facilities. Non-members could just book and play so a lot of locals had taken to using the indoor courts. There were two courts for badminton.

Before I go any further, I have to say that when we got ready to go, Jane looked amazing. She was 19 and had perfect tanned legs and a lovely slim figure. Her arse was really nicely shaped and looked great in her white shorts. Her tits were also a lovely size, very round in shape, and I was looking forward to seeing them bounce when she jumped about on court.

When Jane and I arrived, guess who was on the other court... Rachel and Anna. The sexiest mother on the planet was playing badminton with the mother I had fantasized about since the day she sucked my cock dry.

"Hi Guys!" shouted Rachel being really friendly.

"Hi" interrupted Jane before I had a chance to speak. After a few more pleasantries we just got on with our games side by side on the two courts. I was on the same side of the net as Anna was. I think Jane made sure of it so I couldn't get too close to Rachel who was a little too attractive for Jane's liking. This gave me plenty of opportunity to eye up Anna.

Anna had a short white skirt on and a white sleeveless t-shirt. Even though she wasn't fat, her middle-aged legs looked much bigger than my girlfriends. Not as tanned and the skin was not as smooth. I still found my eyes drawn to her. I'm not sure if Anna did it on purpose but she bent over a couple of times giving me a full view of her rear. She was wearing nice tight white knickers and I couldn't help staring between her legs as she bent over. I don't know whether the right description is a bulge or a mound but there was a lovely mass of pussy shape in her knickers as she bent over. I tore my eyes away and kept stealing glances. My cock was at maximum floppy size without getting hard. It felt really nice.

Jane had noticed me staring and started really hitting the shuttlecock hard. I just parried her hardest strokes back. I think Anna and Rachel knew something was up as they stopped and watched. Jane lost the final point and was a little out of breath.

"Lets play doubles," shouted Rachel. Before anyone could answer she marched onto the court next to Jane and said, "I'll be on your team and Anna will play with John". Anna just looked at me and shrugged. Jane didn't make a fuss and we all started playing. We had a lot of fun. Jane seemed to relax and stop worrying about who I was watching. Anna was cool and as my playing partner, we exchanged a few knowing looks, offered encouragement and even shared a couple of high fives. We won on the very last point and Anna squealed with delight and gave me a friendly hug. I enjoyed the feel of her body and her smell hit me. I had forgotten it but it reminded me of the last time we hugged when she sucked me off. My cock responded this time and twitched in my shorts. I think Anna felt it against her leg because she suddenly broke away and stepped back blushing just a little.

"One more game, this time I'll play with Anna and you play with John," said Rachel instinctively knowing it was Jane she had to persuade. Jane agreed and we started another game. "Lets make it interesting," said Rachel, "The losers have to cook dinner tomorrow night!" Jane looked at me. I shrugged so she turned back and agreed. That was it and the bet was set.

We played our game and won. Rachel said that she would cook us dinner and we were invited round to her house the following evening. With that, Rachel and Anna took off leaving Jane and I to play on our own. We discussed the invitation and decided it wouldn't be so bad. Jane and me played for another 20 minutes and left the court. As we were leaving to go to the changing room, Jane spotted the sauna from the days when it was a hotel and nodded at the door.

"Go and get stripped off and meet me in there in 2 minutes" she suggested. This wasn't such a bad idea. Spending a little time steaming with my beautiful girlfriend was just about the best thing I could think of. I went back to the men's changing room and returned in just a white towel wrapped round my waist. Jane was true to her word and she was wearing a towel tucked in around the tits to stop it falling. It only just covered her arse and she looked a real knockout with her blond hair tied up. She smiled and pushed me towards the door clearly wanting me to go in first.

We both walked in but quickly realised we were not alone. Rachel was lying face down on her towel but completely naked and Anna was on a higher up bench lying face up, also completely naked.

"Oh" said Anna, lifting her nearest leg up to hide her bush. She was shocked.

"Come on in guys" said Rachel without looking round.

Shit. This was too much. Jane reacted quickest and asked if they minded, she wasn't going to be seen to chicken out and strolled straight past me into the middle of the sauna. She slowly unhooked her towel and looked round for somewhere to place it giving all of us a full view of her magnificent body.

"Great ass" complimented Rachel who scanned Jane's tanned figure. "You're a lucky man John"

"Hell!" said Anna, "what I wouldn't give to look that good"

I quickly found somewhere to sit down. I sat with my back to a wall facing Jane and not facing Anna and Rachel who were over to my left. I could easily see both of them if I turned and I was dying to check them both out. My cock was swollen without being hard. I knew what was coming next before it happened.

"Come on John, towel off!" Rachel was the boldest.

"No fucking way" I said, "It stays on"

"It's nothing we haven't seen before," said Anna. I couldn't believe this confession thinking she was referring to the blowjob she had given me, but she soon qualified the statement. "You used to spend many a summers day as a young boy running round my garden in the paddling pool with James"

"Yeah come on," said Jane. "Give us all a view of that lovely body." That was it. Three against one! I stood on the bench that I had been sitting on and turned my back to the two older women and removed my towel. Jane was laughing as the others wolf whistled. They only got to see my butt. I placed my towel on the higher bench and lay on it, face down. I'm sure Anna and Rachel got a flash of cock as I positioned myself. We all proceeded to bullshit a little and relax.

I lay on my front with my head turned to the side facing the two older mothers but with my eyes closed. Jane was below me and couldn't see my face. The others could. As they talked between themselves they suggested I was asleep. I wiggled my eyebrows to indicate I wasn't but kept my eyes shut, as I was content to just listen. I could peep a little though when I squinted and could see Anna. She still had her leg bent up so it hid her pussy. Her tits looked ok though. Rachel moved from resting on her front and turned to face my side of the room leaning on her side. I could see her full on. Tits were great for a woman around the 40 mark and her lovely trimmed bush was giving me a hard on just looking at it. She was really beautiful but her face betrayed unease or some sort of troubled thought pattern.

Rachel started talking to Jane about how nice Jane's body was again. "John must really get turned on seeing that body," she said. I wiggled my eyebrows but kept my eyes shut. "Do you two get a lot of privacy?" asked Rachel. Jane purred a cool as you like answer about getting everything she wanted from me and she couldn't be happier. Jane then returned the complement saying Rachel was also very attractive.

Rachel went quiet for a moment and then she started to speak. She spoke with such emotion and honesty that in the next few minutes she would reveal herself completely to us. Not just her body but also the torment in her mind.

"Its not enough just to be attractive. You have to connect with a man and make it last. Look at me. God gave me a face that draws men to me. I'm physically blessed but its all bullshit. All my life men have been giving me attention. Friends of my husband would flirt and hit on me, friends of my son have always been tongue tied around me. I know they probably go home and jerk off. I'm just an object. When do I count as a person? When do my feelings mean anything? I bet John jerked off thinking about me a few times." Rachel was pouring her heart out now with emotion in her voice. Jane was silent and so was Anna. I raised my eyebrows without opening my eyes.

"You are beautiful Rachel," interrupted Anna.

"So are you Anna, I bet he jerked off to you as well. In fact I bet he thinks you are more attractive than me. Hey John, who's more attractive, me or Anna?" Rachel threw the question at me with a tone demanding an answer.

This was a tricky one. Rachel was more beautiful physically but there was something about Anna that got me. Everyone would admit to fancying Rachel but I still had never confessed my totally irrational attraction to Anna. There was just something about her. When I was close to her, she aroused me. Over the last few months, I kept finding myself daydreaming about her. Back there in the sauna, I opened my eyes and she was staring at me. Both women had split with their husbands in the last few months. Both needed to feel attractive. Could I give an honest answer and say Anna. Could I finally open up about my secret desire for her and confess I preferred her to the physically perfect specimen that was Rachel. I looked at Anna and looked into her eyes. Rachel was far more attractive but I was far more attracted to Anna. It made no sense at all.

"Well" I said, being diplomatic and buying a little time. There was no point bullshitting so I went for it, "Rachel is right, there have been times in the past when I have jerked off thinking about both of you. But I'm with Jane now. I'm crazy about her and although seeing you both today with nothing on would have been a huge fantasy not long ago, I can honestly say I'm all Jane's." I waited for Anna's response. She let out the breath she had been holding and relaxed her body. I had bottled it. I still couldn't confess my secret attraction to her.

Jane reached her hand up to touch me and thanked me for my answer. All I could think about was Anna's reaction. Anna just changed the subject. Within a few minutes we were talking about something else and had all moved on. It relaxed the mood a little and my hard cock softened slightly. I also had chance to think this whole situation over. There I was, naked with my girlfriend and two of my friend's mothers discussing jerking off and who I found the most attractive. It was all a bit unreal but I was also making mental notes of their mature naked bodies that would probably last me a lifetime.

Jane seemed to understand Rachel's little outburst and over the next few minutes the conversation became more just those two with Anna and me only listening. I was looking at Anna the whole time but the other two couldn't see this. Rachel had turned away from me now and was just lying face down with her eyes closed. The conversation turned to sex again and Jane started to open up a little. Rachel was probing her about our sex life and Jane was just talking in her beautiful voice with a relaxing calmness. It seemed ok to be open about these things and Jane started to give more details.

She then started to talk about our first time and as she did, Rachel quietly slipped her hand down her side and under her own body. I didn't realise it at first but Rachel was touching herself. Facing away from Jane and me, lying face down, the beautiful blonde sex object was gently stroking herself in an almost invisible way that was just causing ever so slight twitches in her body. Jane just kept talking about our first time and how we had undressed slowly and climbed into bed. She went into detail about how slowly we built up to the moment of penetration and how wet she felt before she took my cock and slipped it into her.

Anna had noticed and was looking back and forth between Rachel and me. We both smiled at each other to indicate we knew what was going on. After a couple of minutes Rachel's body was becoming even more animated and her legs opened slightly to allow herself better access. Her butt was moving slightly in a rhythmic way starting slowly but getting faster. Trying not to show it she brought herself to a seemingly gently climax, letting out a soft moan and breathing heavily a few times. Anna just stared. I was hard again. Jane finished her story. The site of Rachel's body twitching through an orgasm had pre-cum oozing from my swollen cock.

Anna also was affected by this show. She sat up and lifted both knees to rest her arms on them. In this position I could see between her legs and finally had a view of her pussy. She looked at me and could see me staring. I didn't care and she didn't either. I think Anna needed to cum too but didn't have Jane's carefree attitude enough to bring herself off in front of us all. As I kept my eyes locked between Anna's legs, she made no effort to move or cover herself and just looked back at me seeking eye contact. I smiled and she smiled back.

"Feel better now?" asked Jane in a friendly voice. Jane had known all along that she was talking Rachel to an orgasm. What a day! I had just witnessed Jane talking about our sex life in graphic detail with Rachel fingering herself not 15 feet from where I was sitting.

Rachel turned again to face us, her face flushed but content. She smiled at Jane and closed her eyes. I reached down to Jane to touch her. Just a gentle stoke to say I approved of what she had just done. Silence fell upon us with me staring at Anna but reaching out to Jane and just stroking the skin on her arm.

Jane asked Rachel how she ever found the confidence to do that. Rachel tried to explain it was more about a lack of confidence and the need for reassurance that drove her to it. She started to get upset a little as she again began to pour her heart out. Blonde, beautiful but clearly hitting some stage in her life where she was feeling less attractive and the impact of her marriage breaking up was coming to the surface. Within a few moments she just got up, grabbed a towel and ran out.

Jane was startled. "What did I say? She asked me.

"Dunno," I said. "You better go an check on her". I realised as I made this suggestion, that if Jane did leave it would be just me an Anna in the sauna. My cock twitched again. I sat up on the bench. Jane agreed and stood up to leave. She wrapped a towel around herself then looked at Anna and me in turn. I don't think she suspected in anyway what I was thinking even though I had earlier confessed to jerking off thinking about Anna in the past.


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